I saw Madame de Rochemure for the first time in a third person's house. This expression, “third person's house,” indicates a place in which we can do none of those things which should be without a witness-and these things are ordinarily the most delectable. My eyes at first sight took in the whole of Madame de Rochemure's adorable daintiness, and devoured her shoulders, which showed bare under a lace neckerchief.
Fine shoulders, plump and satiny. I said to myself, “Is this appetising flesh firm?” Perhaps not. But it had a look of tempting youthfulness.
Although about thirty years of age, Madame de Rochemure had something infantile in her face, a little round nose giving her an innocent air, rosy cheeks, chestnut hair, and a moist mouth. In addition, she was tall, and had a plumpness full of promise. I overheard her say to her neighbour, who was complimenting her on her good health, “I have been much stouter.”
“What remains of this stoutness would satisfy me well enough,” I thought.
She divined my thought and blushed.
I took the first opportunity of presenting myself at her house, and applied myself to obtain her better acquaintance. I found her a great preacher of morals and a severe parader of virtue, pitiless with respect to the faults of other women. One day she said to me, “Do you know, I have never had a lover!”
“Morbleu! I shall then be the first!” I cried. She drew herself up haughtily, and with an angry air. I threw myself at her knees to implore pardon, and did not rise until I had obtained it from her mouth.
“What!” she said to me, with a winning smile, “you have embraced me. Is it really I who have suffered myself to do this? I, who-” She stopped short. Her voice suddenly failed her like that of a person who is gagged by surprise. However, I can assure you that it was not on her mouth that I had put my hand.
As she always wore this happily designed lace neckerchief-a veil so commodious, and which opened so easily-her two breasts found themselves beneath my lips. They were such as I had imagined, less solid than fresh; but the flesh was delicate, and the buds melted under my kiss. One bit into her shoulders as into a ripe peach. I seated myself on a stool, and drew her on me. To be brief, I threaded her. She was not narrow, but neither was she large. It was a lovely retreat into which I entered without obstacle; a moisture reigned there comparable to summer rain, sweet and warm. I tucked up her clothes even to her waist, and as we were in front of a mirror my eyes gathered in the reverse of her beauties. Above the calf and the finely curved thigh were two cheeks which undulated like two white waves, two ample buttocks, abundant and velvety.
“Oh!” she murmured, “what an adventure! Who would have thought it? It is horrible!”
She bore the stroke of my sword without making a movement, and contented herself with pressing the weight of her flesh against me. I was compelled to penetrate her by my own movements, and to manage the matter according to my fancy, drawing her to me and pushing her away with both hands. The mirror reflected this voluptuous exercise.
“Oh!” she said to me, “don't look!”
She did not enjoy, she seemed solely and entirely taken up with an infinite tenderness, which had its source in her heart and which spread itself through all her veins. As she prayed me not to give her a child, I withdrew at the supreme instant; she advanced her hand with much graciousness and finished me quite cleverly between her fingers.
Ran-plan! Ran-plan-plan! What was that? The tread of the Colonel, which resembled the regular tap of a drum. I had forgotten to say that M. de Rochemure was the Colonel of the heroic 232d Regiment. Madame de Rochemure had scarcely time to wipe her fingers with her handkerchief, I to readjust my dress. The Colonel entered the vestibule of the house, and passing his head through the half-open door of the boudoir, saw us both honestly seated in the corner of the hearth.
“Good evening, Count,” he cried to me. “The sun is about to retire. I am going to do like the sun. Good evening, dearest.”
“Good evening, Gustave.”
Upon which the Colonel went up to his room.
The Colonel's wife came like a great white fowl to perch herself on my knees. The time passed sweetly between us, you may rest assured. She asked me if I despised her for having yielded so easily. I replied that I hoped very speedily to again give her a new proof of esteem.
All of a sudden the Colonel opened his window.
“Marie!” he cried from the upstairs landing.
She sprang at a bound from my knees to the window of the boudoir. I followed her.
“Is the Count still there?” asked the Colonel.
“Yes, my dear.”
“Yes, Colonel.”
“Sacre bleu! Do you know, we are having very fine weather!”
“Superb weather, my dear.”
“Angelic weather, Colonel.”
“Do not-do not fatigue yourself, my dear.”
Why had she interrupted herself at the commencement of her speech? It was because, standing behind her, and seeing her leaning on her elbows on the edge of the window sill and presenting to me her behind, I had dared-
“You are right,” said the Colonel. “After all, there is nothing so refreshing as a good night passed in bed.”
I had dared to lift up her clothes. I sought to pass under this beautiful half-moon of white flesh to accomplish the purpose of my reanimated desires.
But what! Was I dreaming?
Madame de Rochemure, reaching her hand behind her and grasping the enemy, directed it by another route.
“Good night, Marie,” said the Colonel. “Good night, Count.”
“Good night, my dear.”
“Good night, Colonel.”
He reclosed his window.
“Really,” whispered I to my fair Queen of Sodomy, “do you wish-”
She did not answer, but all the while was guiding me. The road was open enough, for I entered this temple without any more trouble than the other. The hand of Madame de Rochemure, teacher of morals, preacher of virtue- this hand, so able to express the will of the astonishing creature without having recourse to speech, seized mine and made it pass in front. I obeyed this mute order with all the agility which my fingers were capable of. Then her dainty backside put itself in motion, first with little strokes, then with great rapidity. And I, perforating the fair one to the very entrails, clitorised her in all conscience. This time she fairly writhed under the pleasure; she seized my other hand and placed it over her mouth to stifle the cries which escaped her. As this kind of pleasure is sterile in its nature, I did not take the pains to spill my semen on the ground.
“Parbleu!” said I. “I had forgotten that your husband had served in Africa. It is he who has taught you this.”
“Yes,” she whispered, “it is very wrong, but I do not care a bit about it any other way.”