I had said all.

My Duchess sprang up like a whirlwind. She threw herself on the edge of the bed.

“Thy stories have set me on fire. I cannot tell thee what I am thinking. I burn, come!”

As she threw up her clothes herself, her noble and dainty jewel appeared under its blonde wig between her widely spread thighs. It was not a long matter, but you may well imagine that it was warm. With three thrusts of the loins the ejaculation came.

The Duchess reseated herself in front of the fire, thoughtful, and with her head resting on her hands.

An instant after, I heard her sigh, “How I should like to see a dildo!”

I did not reply, but went straight to my coat, and drew thence the required article.

“That is one, then!” she cried.

She placed it on the mantelshelf in front of the clock; the mirror reflected the image of this marvellous instrument, which was of an enormous size; in this manner she saw double.

However, she undressed herself.

When she was perfectly naked, she took in her right hand the dildo, with her left she seized my member, which had regained its most glorious stiffness.

“Duchess of my heart,” I said to her, “the artificial one for the front, the natural one for the behind!”

“That is what I wish,” she replied.

The Duchess knelt on the sofa; the temple of Gomorrha opened itself before my eyes. My tongue first threaded this mysterious avenue, then I presented my member. I introduced at the same time the dildo in front.

“Ah!” she said, “you rend me in every part! These are cruel delights-the delights of hell!”

She enjoyed as one damned.

A plentiful ablution of cold water quenched the fire which devoured her after this terrible exercise. We entered the bed; she slept exhausted in my arms. The rays of the sun, which penetrated into the room in spite of the curtains and well-closed shutters, soon troubled the tranquillity of this reinvigorating slumber. Dreams enveloped my Duchess, and such dreams! “Blanche did it to the Marquise,” she said quite loudly, for her dreams recalled to her the remembrance of one of the stories which I had related to her. “Oh! the pigs! Blanche, you do it well-only a woman can lick another woman.”

Visions of Lesbos troubled the Duchess. She visibly desired to have experience of this unknown pleasure. I congratulated her on her awakening, and repeated to her what she had said in her dreams.

“You wish to be tribadised!” I said to her.

She defended herself but feebly.

“And besides, who would tribadise me?” she replied. “I do not know any friends who have these tastes.”

“We will seek!” said I, embracing her. “Let us seek and we shall find. Duchess of my soul, hast thou not first thy waiting-women?”

She struck her forehead. “I have Fanny!” she cried.

Fanny was one of her chambermaids, a mettlesome wanton, fresh as a wild cherry, who, having the sole charge of her mistress's toilet, did no menial work.

I cried, “Let us call Fanny!”

The Duchess rang.

“You will arrange the matter,” she said to me. Fanny entered.

“Good morning, saucy one,” I said to her. “How much a month do you earn by dressing your mistress?”

“One hundred francs, sir.”

“Should you like three hundred? Lift this covering, and kiss the golden-haired mount of the Duchess which is waiting for you!”

“Ah!” said Fanny. “I did that for much less to the Baroness de Mentroshdorff, whom I did not love, and I love Madame la Duchesse!”

She came forward, and was already at the side of the bed, when the Duchess spoke.

“Undress yourself, my little Fanny,” she said in a feeble voice.

And Fanny obeyed. She was a brunette, robust and firm as a country beauty, although as lascivious as a town slut. When she let fall her chemise, a black hillock appeared to our sight, covering a rosy coynte.

Meanwhile the Duchess was preparing herself. She opened her thighs and closed her eyes. Fanny flung herself on her like a vulture on its prey, and I heard the sound of two learned lips kissing and sucking, then a rippling of the tongue, sighs, and broken words. The Duchess was repeating her dream.

“How well she does it,” she said. “It is only a woman who can find the right place! Go on, my dear child, go on! It is not three hundred francs a month which I will give thee-it is five hundred! — five hundred! — five hundred! — ah! Little pig! Ah!”

This dainty Duchess had, on my word, discharged like a man. A pearly liquid shone in the curls of her bush. She draw Fanny to lie by her side; she fondled her breasts, and commenced to clitorise her silently.

“How appetising this Fanny is,” she said. “See, Richard, what firm titties and plump backside! If you wished to kiss her while she, with the dildo, would kiss me in her turn-”

No sooner said than done. Armed with the dildo, fastened round her flanks by a firm belt, Fanny threaded my Duchess. The wanton presented to me her two plump backsides which her mistress had just been praising. I passed under this beautiful bridge, I intended to futter Fanny in the greyhound fashion. I entered, I thrust. Aie! Heaven! what pleasure! The coynte of this chambermaid was like a rasp! This waiting-maid had that which Duchesses had not, that which I had vainly sought in Marquises-the casse-noisette. It tightened on me, it pinched me. And these pinches and this vice, acting as a furious suction pump on my surprised member, astonished me. I enjoyed, I discharged, I sank with all my weight on Fanny, who pressed herself on her mistress. With this movement the dildo was thrust forward and our Duchess pierced almost to the heart. She cried out, we cried out; furious yells filled the room. The Duchess wished to kiss Fanny with the dildo in her turn. She went, she thrust, she trotted, she galloped. Fanny asked for a little grace.

“No grace!” cried the Duchess.

And there were new cries, inarticulate plaints, supreme hiccoughs. Fanny fainted clean away.

Then the Duchess, one hand placed on the inert body which she had vanquished, the other arm flung round my neck, said to me, “Richard, I have found the means of reconciling the love which I have for thee with my curiosity for pleasure. Thanks to this dildo and to Fanny, I shall enjoy as much as I choose, and shall remain faithful. Thou shouldst be content with me!”

“Ravished, charmed, Duchess of my heart; but what has procured for thee all these means of enjoyment? Is it not the complaisance of a lover? He asks now for his recompense.”

“Speak,” said she.

Fanny revived. I commanded the Duchess to stretch herself on her. Their enflamed coyntes were thus joined together and embraced each other. As for myself, placed behind the Duchess, I penetrated alternately into one and the other. I quitted the needlecase of the servant to thread that of her mistress, and I polished thus for more than an hour, whilst they kissed one another furiously.

After which I asked my two enjoyers to finish the service with their mouths. They both knelt down in front of me, licking turn by turn the God Priapus! They pumped me alternately.

When the supreme moment came, they disputed between themselves for the last drops of the sacred liquor, and then mingled their lips, besmeared with my sperm!
