T he Captain of the direct service from Atlanta, Georgia to Reagan Airport beside the Potomac River in Washington DC, listened as the direction from the Control Tower crackled in his headset.
‘Delta Flight 1874 you are cleared to descend to 10,000 feet. On leaving level 190, switch to primary approach on 119 decimal 85.’
‘Descending to 10,000 feet. Thank you and have a good day.’ It was a fine, clear morning and the dome of the Capitol building was faintly visible in the distance. A great day for flying, the Captain thought, as he prepared to ease back the twin throttles on the Boeing 737-800 and his co-pilot reached for the radio console to change frequencies.
In the cabin behind them the purser took the intercom. ‘As we’ve now begun our descent into Washington, would you please ensure that your seatbelt is fastened, your tray table secured and your seat is in the upright position.’ The most powerful Christian televangelist in America, the Reverend Jerry Buffet, seated in row 1A, reluctantly obeyed the purser’s directions and pushed the armrest button that controlled his comfortable leather seat. The powerful turbofan engines quietened and the nose of the 737 dipped towards the ground.
Jerry Buffett smiled politely as he accepted the warm face towel from the young flight attendant. Of just average height, the Southern Baptist televangelist was in his early sixties but he looked ten years younger; his tanned, square-jawed face was one of the most recognisable in America. He wiped his hands and face and then turned to look at the countryside below. He had seen the broadcast by Dr Khalid Kadeer and when the President had asked him for his advice he had caught the first available plane that had a first-class seat. Jerry Buffett had no doubt that the threats from Kadeer were real, but as he would explain to the President, the real threats facing America had very little to do with Kadeer’s explanations from a false religion and the Qu’ran. The warnings were in the Bible and the Lord continued to bring these to America’s attention. When Ariel Sharon, supported by the President, withdrew Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip, the land that had been promised to Israel, the Lord had felled Sharon with a mighty stroke for daring to divide the Promised Land. The Bible warnings were crystal clear but God’s chosen people in Israel and the United States continued to ignore them.
As the 737 banked away from a distant Chesapeake Bay, Jerry Buffett reflected on the two greatest threats he saw facing the United States, both predicted in the Bible. The coming threat from China was made clear in Revelations 9:15-16. ‘So the four angels were released, who had been held ready for the hour… to kill a third of humankind. The number of troops was 200 million.’ There was only one country in the world capable of raising such an army and Jerry Buffett knew that the CIA fact book on China indicated that the number of men of military service age in China had passed the 200 million mark in 2001.
The other threat, the one from Islam, had already appeared on September 11, and the rise of Osama bin Laden had also been predicted in the Bible over 2000 years ago, when Daniel said that a great Islamic leader would appear. A ‘Mahdi’ who would galvanise Islam against the West. ‘And there shall be a time of trouble as there never was before,’ Daniel had said.
The Reverend Jerry Buffett had warned his massive congregation more than once about the threat from the evil religion of Islam and his mind turned to Matthew’s description of Christ’s time on the Mount of Olives and Christ’s prophecy to his disciples of the world’s coming destruction. ‘What will be the sign of your coming again, and the end of the age?’ the disciples had asked, and Jesus had answered, ‘You will hear of wars and nation will rise against nation.’ Since the end of the Second World War, the number of wars around the globe had increased dramatically, Jerry Buffett mused. Christ had also said there would be famines, storms and earthquakes just before His coming. Those too had increased dramatically. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean had killed tens of thousands, as had the devastating earthquake in Kashmir. And now, like the Jews of ancient Jerusalem, the people of the United States had been warned again. The Apostle Paul had forecast as much in his second letter to Timothy. ‘But know this,’ he had said, ‘that in the last days, perilous times will come: for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money. Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.’ Buffet reflected that more than most cities in the United States, New Orleans epitomised man’s increasing lust for drugs, sex and alcohol, and other pleasures of the flesh. God had sent Hurricane Katrina as another warning against loose living.
As the 737 settled on its final approach into Washington’s Ronald Reagan Airport, Reverend Buffett knew that God was using him to deliver a message to the President. God was calling on the President to act now and act fast to save the chosen people of America. The end times were frighteningly close.