T he suburb was one of the wealthiest and oldest in the city, its big colonial homes overlooking a meandering river from the sides of a substantial hill. As night fell, another of Kadeer’s cells was at work in a quiet backstreet, gaining access to the ageing hydrant outlet that was connected to the fresh water mains. Their uniforms had been tailored to look like those of the local fire brigade. The specially adapted stand-pipe had been bought through one of the many companies that sold fire-fighting equipment on the internet and the 64-milimetre screw fitting would have fitted perfectly were it not for the appalling condition of the hydrant base and the complete lack of maintenance by the City Council. At least there had been a blue marker in the middle of the road to indicate where the hydrant was, otherwise Kadeer’s men might never have found it. The team leader, Muhammad, used a shovel to clear away the matted grass from the top of the rusted iron plate that was marked FH. As he prised it open, a frog leapt to safety; he reached in to clean the mass of debris from the clogged well.
‘I wonder what they do when there is a real fire, Abdullah,’ Muhammad said, as Abdullah, one of his cell members, wrestled the stand-pipe into the well and locked it onto the two lugs at the bottom.
‘I don’t know but it’s just as you predicted, up here the pressure is poor,’ Abdullah said as the stand-pipe spindle depressed the concave pressure disc in the base of the hydrant and the water flooded up and into the specially fitted pressure gauge. ‘Only 200 Kpa. The compressor will overcome that easily,’ he said, connecting the other side of the T to the pressure vessel containing the caesium chloride. ‘ Allahu Akbar! God is Great!’ Abdullah muttered fiercely as he started the purpose-built compressor and opened the valve. A hundred litres of dissolved caesium chloride was forced into the city’s fresh water mains. Abdullah bent over and vomited in the gutter. The deadly gamma radiation he’d absorbed when he’d dissolved the blue pellets was beginning to have a devastating effect on his body, but both he and Muhammad knew the radiation would not end their lives before they were able to carry out their final mission. Tomorrow, Allah be praised, they would still be able to explode their backpacks of blue powder in the centre of the city. Muhammad would take the lift to Level 9, 79 Adelaide Street and explode his pack in the reception area of the Chinese Consulate. Abdullah and a third cell member would head for the top of a building that overlooked the flame of remembrance in the CBD, an area that was dedicated to those who had fought for their country. Both men knew that the winds would take the fine, deadly powder and distribute it for thousands of metres. The city would become a gravesite.
Nearly 12,000 kilometres away, one of al-Falid’s most important recruits had clocked on shift at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission water treatment plant in Millbrae. Two years before, the cell member from the Muslim community in the Bay Area of San Francisco had secured a job at the plant. In April 2006, he had reported back to the cell leader that the Commission had installed a tank containing nine bluegill fish. Sophisticated banks of computers had also been installed to monitor the fishes’ breathing. Just as humans coughed to get rid of food or liquid that might have ‘gone down the wrong way’, fish flexed their gills to clear particles of sand and other matter from their breathing passages. This system was designed to monitor the way fish coughed; if any of the bluegills were upset by foreign or toxic matter in the water, the computers could sense which fish was breathing abnormally and trigger a pager and email alarm to those on duty and to senior management. The team leader of Kadeer’s San Francisco cell was not in the least perturbed. By the time the fish sounded the alarm it would be too late.
The ‘Peace Rocks’ concert was a sell-out. 15,000 people had packed around the stage beneath Nelson’s column and for nearly four hours, as rock stars strutted their stuff on the temporary stage, dissolved caesium chloride cascaded from the famous fountains. A strong breeze whipped a fine spray into the air but the frenzied crowd were oblivious to the lethal mist drifting over them. Red, green and yellow strobe lights played over the stage as the bands sent the crowd wild. The water and mists from the cascading fountains glowed a deep and beautiful blue.
The President of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Hank Arkell, was enjoying a round of golf when his beeper warned him that all was not well with one of the bluegills. Passive electrodes in the tank, amplified 10,000 times had picked up the distressed breathing of one of the ‘fish police’. The Vice President and three other Commissioners were also paged but none of them had been unduly alarmed. If one of the fish was breathing erratically, the system was designed to automatically sample and analyse the water for chemical impurities. By the time the analysis had revealed the presence of caesium chloride and gamma radiation, all of the fish were dead.
Mahmood al-Masri’s backpack was faded, matching his jeans and white T-shirt. No one took the slightest notice as he exited the Tube at Hyde Park Corner at the start of another working week. The morning after the Sunday concert the underground was crowded with early-morning commuters. The sky over London was unusually clear and blue as Mahmood walked through the Queen Elizabeth Gate. He headed past the bandstand and on to The Lookout, the former police observation point. As the last seconds of his life ticked away, he said a silent prayer, thanking Allah for the success of the operation and the moderate breeze that was coming from the west. Raising his fist in the air, he turned away from the Serpentine towards Mecca and shouted ‘ Allahu Akbar! God is great! Allahu Akbar! God is Great!!’ The blast sent shockwaves around the park as the wind picked up the cloud of deadly caesium chloride and whisked it towards the crowded city.
Ten minutes earlier, Mahmood’s companion, Abu Zayyat had walked out of Blackfriars Station and headed for an access to the roof of the building where he worked as a sales consultant, not far from St Paul’s Cathedral and overlooking the great city’s financial district. For one last time Zayyat stared out across the city he had lived in all his life, turned towards Mecca and as he raised his fist and shouted ‘ Allahu Akbar! God is Great!’ a second blast rocked the city. A cloud of superfine radioactive dust drifted out across Threadneedle Street, the Bank of England and the Stock Exchange. A short distance away, a third explosion destroyed the front of the Chinese Embassy in Portland Place. Apart from the death of the suicide bomber and some minor injuries to the staff in reception, there appeared to be little damage.
A little earlier, and over 16,000 kilometres away, the evening peak hour was beginning. Just before close of business, Muhammad, buoyed by early reports of an outbreak of sickness in the wealthy Brisbane suburb of Hamilton, took the lift to Level 9 at 79 Adelaide Street and detonated his deadly bomb. Seconds later, Abdullah and the other cell member gained access to the roof of the hotel overlooking Brisbane’s Central Railway Station. As the sound of sirens filled the streets of Brisbane, Abdullah paused to vomit again, and both men moved to the edge of the roof. They stared down on the clocktower of the station and the sandstone dome surrounding the Flame of Remembrance. Turning north-west to face Mecca and a fiery sun that was setting over the city’s rush hour, they raised their fists in unison and shouted ‘ Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! God is Great! God is Great!’. As they’d practised many times before, they pressed their detonators together.
Monika Spalding, the attractive CNN anchor, swivelled towards the camera with the red blinking light. Not yet aware of the explosions in Brisbane, she interrupted the coverage of the London bombings to cover a growing disaster closer to home. ‘In news just to hand,’ she said, ‘several more explosions have been reported in San Francisco and we cross live to our reporter Wayne Diaz at Fisherman’s Wharf. What can you tell us, Wayne?’
The CNN reporter was standing on Fisherman’s Wharf in front of the big wooden boatwheel where tens of thousands of tourists had their photo taken each year. Behind him people were running from their stores and restaurants, some crying hysterically.
‘Three explosions have been reported just minutes ago, Monika, and as you can see behind me, given what’s happened in London, panic has taken over.’ The camera panned towards the centre of the CBD where the streets were gridlocked as people tried to flee the stricken city.
‘Two of the explosions occurred on the tops of buildings quite close to where I’m standing and a third when a security guard stopped a young man of Middle Eastern appearance outside the Chinese Embassy, also very close to here in Laguna Street. There are fears that this might be part of a well-coordinated worldwide warning that was foreshadowed by the terrorist, Dr Khalid Kadeer. Back to you, Monika.’ The images of the chaos in San Francisco faded as the CNN newsroom crossed to their London bureau.
At first the London authorities had reported that the only casualty from the blasts in Hyde Park and the city’s financial district had been the suicide bombers themselves, and there had been speculation that both bombs had gone off prematurely before the bombers had had a chance to enter one of the teahouses in the Park or the office block crowded with workers. The great city hardly missed a beat. The tourists had been inconvenienced when the park had been sealed off but the authorities were quick to re-open it, restoring as much normality to city life as possible so the terrorists were not seen to be winning. The bombers had detonated their bombs just ten seconds apart, the first at 7.50 a.m., but at the same time Hyde Park was being re-opened, Dr Paul Templeton, the Head of Porton Down telephoned the Prime Minister with the unwelcome news. These were no ordinary bombs. Clouds of radiation were being detected in busy Oxford Street and Park Lane in Mayfair, Shaftesbury Avenue in Soho and as far east as Fenchurch Street Station and the Tower of London.
The CNN anchors, Monika Spalding and Efram Brooks, were used to covering world catastrophes, and this looked like a routine terrorist attack that had failed. They crossed to CNN’s London correspondent Michael Duffy.
‘What can you tell us, Michael?’ Monika asked. The image of CNN’s news desk faded to that of a tall man in a woollen overcoat and black scarf standing in Hyde Park with a double line of London plane trees devoid of leaves in the background.
‘This attack still has authorities puzzled, Monika. Apart from the suicide bombers themselves and some minor injuries in the Chinese Embassy, no other casualties have been reported. Although, as you can hear, there are a large number of sirens sounding and the police presence in the city is increasing.’
‘A fear of more attacks?’
‘Perhaps, but we’ve had no word on that yet, Monika.’
‘And these bombs went off prematurely?’
‘That was the authorities’ first impression but that theory is coming under increasing pressure from several experts, particularly as the bombs went off within seconds of one another. We’re also getting some unconfirmed reports of large numbers of people turning up at doctors’ surgeries and hospitals with extreme vomiting, nausea and diarrhoea. It would seem that most, if not all of these people either attended the ‘Peace Rocks’ concert in Trafalgar Square on Sunday night or they’re from the Hampton area.’
‘Michael,’ Monika said, breaking in. ‘We’re going to have to leave it there, we’re getting a feed from the Prime Minister’s Office in Downing Street.’ The pictures of Hyde Park faded to figures in biowarfare suits outside Number 10 – suits that were entirely useless against gamma radiation. Those images were replaced with a stony-faced Prime Minister, flanked by the Home Secretary and the Mayor of London.
‘Until we know the extent of this situation the authorities have advised that it would be prudent to evacuate the city. The Home Office will coordinate the evacuation and we’re appealing for calm. I can confirm that a radioactive substance, caesium chloride, has been detected in the bomb blasts and we’re now monitoring the extent of the plume. I’m also advised that caesium chloride has been found in both of the fountains in Trafalgar Square, and in the water supply around Hampton. We’re confident that the radioactive water is confined to the Hampton area and is unlikely to affect any areas beyond that. The Home Secretary will confirm this as soon as possible.’
The Prime Minister’s words fell on deaf ears. With every television and radio station in the country broadcasting the disaster live, the news of the dirty bombs had spread through the city at the speed of light. There was a silent and unseen killer in the air and the stoic citizens of London were unnerved. The terror was palpable. People rushed onto the city’s streets, jamming the tube stations and fighting to get on the buses. Supermarket shelves were emptied of bottled water as panic overtook the entire country. Stocks on the London Stock Exchange plummeted.
Monika Spalding was obviously shaken as she turned to her co-host. ‘And we have some early reports of what looks like a similar situation in Australia, Efram?’
‘This is increasingly looking like a coordinated worldwide attack, Monika,’ Efram said, turning towards the camera. ‘We cross now to Brisbane, Australia, where more explosions have been reported in that city. What can you tell us, Kimberly?’
Efram’s swarthy face was replaced by a young CNN reporter standing beside the Brisbane River.
‘That’s right, Efram. We’ve had a total of three explosions here. Two on the top of a building in the centre of the city and the third in the Chinese Consulate on the ninth floor of a building in Adelaide Street.’ The reporter’s face faded to images of people running towards Roma Street Station, a sea of blue and red flashing lights of ambulances, police cars and fire engines in the background. In another image, a crowd of people, some of them crying, some vomiting, some nearly hysterical, were queued at the entrance to the city’s largest hospital. These images faded to Parliament House in Canberra and a Prime Minister who was clearly flustered.
‘The evacuation of Brisbane is purely a precaution,’ the Prime Minister insisted in answer to one journalist’s question from the packed media conference.
‘Do we know how they got into the city’s water supply?’ asked another.
‘Look, I don’t want to speculate on that right now, Michelle. The important thing is that we take immediate steps to ensure the people of Brisbane are safe and then investigate this thoroughly before we draw any conclusions.’
‘Can you accept that as a result of Iraq we’re a bigger target now, Prime Minister? Khalid Kadeer wants to negotiate. Shouldn’t we at least meet with him?’ shouted another journalist.
‘We don’t negotiate with terrorists and now is not the time to cut and run from places like Iraq,’ the Prime Minister replied angrily, closing his folder and finishing the conference. The vision moved back to the CNN reporter beside the Brisbane River.
‘With what looks like radioactive bomb attacks on the cities of London, San Francisco and Brisbane in the countries that first invaded Iraq, as well as poisoning their water supplies, this has all the hallmarks of Khalid Kadeer’s final warning, Efram, and the attacks on all three Chinese Embassies and Consulates contain a terrifying warning for a country staging its first ever Olympic Games.’
‘Thanks, Kimberley,’ Efram responded and the camera switched to Monika Spalding.
‘We have with us in the studio, Professor Edward Barton, Professor of Nuclear Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. Professor Barton, thank you for joining us.’
‘Pleasure, Monika.’
‘Professor, we’ve seen the earlier reports from San Francisco and the death of the bluegill fish at the Millbrae water treatment plant. What’s the risk of nuclear radiation from the water supply in the Bay City?’
‘It depends on the strength of that radiation, Monika. While there appears to be no doubt that caesium chloride has been introduced into the San Francisco water supply as well as London and Brisbane, and we know that caesium chloride is one of the most water soluble radioactive substances on earth, it would take a substantial amount of this powder to affect other than the area immediately around the treatment plant itself.’
‘Some of the staff at that treatment plant have been hospitalised, Professor, and given that London and Brisbane have also been blanketed in a radioactive cloud, it will be a huge issue in those countries. What are the actual dangers of exposure?’
‘Again it depends on the dose that people receive but gamma radiation from 137-caesium chloride causes the cells of the body, or at least the atoms that make up those cells, to become electrically charged. Our white cells that fight infection and the crypt cells of the intestine are especially vulnerable. People will experience the nausea, vomiting, headaches and dehydration symptoms that have been reported in all of the affected cities. We can expect the more serious cases – and unfortunately there may be thousands or perhaps tens of thousands in this category – to develop further symptoms, including rapid heartbeat, internal haemorrhaging, a darkening of the skin, hair loss and shortness of breath. If the radiation is severe, and by that I mean greater than ten sieverts or joules per kilogram, death can follow in a matter of days.’
‘For those who have perhaps suffered a lesser dose, are there any long-term effects, Professor?’
‘Unfortunately, yes. I’m sure most of us are familiar with the meltdown of the Russian nuclear reactor in Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986. Already there’s been a significant increase in cancer cases in the Ukraine, and in the surrounding countries of Belarus and Russia. The long-term effects are still being felt as cancers from exposure to radiation tend to show up about ten years after the event.’
‘Professor, thank you for joining us at such a difficult hour.’ al-Falid flicked off the coverage he’d been watching on the computer in his office. ‘Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful be praised,’ he whispered. Compared with what he had organised for Beijing the dirty bombs were insignificant, and with the reckless President Bolton in the White House al-Falid was convinced there would be no negotiations. At last Islam would rise to its rightful place in the world. He turned his mind to the final solution and the vaccines al-Qaeda would need to protect the organisation. It was time to meet with Eduard Dolinksy to check on his progress.