A young man lately in our town,
He went to bed one night,
He had no sooner laid him down,
But was troubled with a sprite;
So vigorously the spirit stood,
Let him do what he can,
Sure then, he said,
It must be laid,
By woman, not by man.
A handsome maid did undertake,
And into the bed she leap'd;
And to allay the spirit's power,
Full close to him she crept;
She having such a guardian care
Her office to discharge,
She open'd wide her conjuring book,
And laid her leaves at large.
Her office she did well perform,
Within a little space;
Then up she rose, and down he lay,
And durst not show his face.
She took her leave, and away she went,
When she had done the deed;
Saying, "If it chance to come again,
Then send for me with speed."