List of Illustrations


Here. The Théâtre Italien, engraving after a drawing by Eugène Lami, c. 1840. (New York Public Library)

Here. Alfred de Musset, satire on Louis Viardot’s courtship of Pauline, cartoon, c. 1840. Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France, Paris. (Copyright © RMN-Grand Palais (Institut de France)/Gérard Blot)

Here. Giacomo Meyerbeer, photograph, 1847. (Wikimedia Commons)

Here. Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova, Turgenev’s mother, daguerreotype, c. 1845. (I. S. Turgenev State Memorial Museum, Orel)

Here. Clara and Robert Schumann, daguerreotype, c. 1850. (adoc-photos/Getty Images)

Here. The Leipzig Gewandhaus, engraving, c. 1880. (akg-images)

Here. Pauline Viardot, drawing of the château at Courtavenel, in a letter to Julius Rietz, 5 July 1858. (New York Public Library (JOE 82-1, 40))

Here. Musical score for Frédéric Chopin, Six Mazurkas, arr. Pauline Viardot, E. Gérard & Cie, 1866. Private collection.

Here. The ‘skating ballet’ from Le Prophète by Meyerbeer, stereoscopic photograph of hand-painted clay models, 1860s. (Lebrecht/Alamy)

Here. Charlet & Jacobin, portrait of Charles Gounod, photograph, c. 1850. (Bridgeman Images)

Here. Charles Thurston Thompson, Fireman’s Station and Division Wall between the Picture Gallery and Sugar Refinery, from R. J. Bingham and C. T. Thompson, Paris Exhibition, 1855, Vol. I, No. XXXVIII. (Copyright © Victoria & Albert Museum, London)

Here. Goupil’s printing factory outside Paris, engraving from L’Illustration, No. 1572, 12 April 1873. (Getty Images/De Agostini)

Here. Nadar (Gaspard-Félix Tournachon), portrait of Hector Berlioz, photograph, 1857. (Archive Farms/Getty Images)

Here. André-Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, portrait of Pauline Viardot in Orphée, photograph, 1859. (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris)

Here. Pauline Viardot, drawing of a pentagram in Turgenev’s notebook, 1862. (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (Slave 88. Tourguéniev. Manuscrits parisiens XV, fol. 91v))

Here. Turgenev’s villa in Baden, photograph, 1986, by Nicholas Žekulin. (Reproduced by permission of Nicholas Žekulin)

Here. Rudolf Krziwanek, portrait of Johann Strauss and Johannes Brahms in Bad Ischl, photograph, 1894. (De Agostini/Getty Images)

Here. Ludwig Pietsch, The First Performance of Le Dernier Sorcier in Turgenev’s villa in Baden, engraving, 1867. (Heritage Image Partnership/Alamy)

Here. Anon., portrait of Jacques Offenbach, photograph, c. 1870s. (Lebrecht/Alamy)

Here. Étienne Carjat, portrait of Gustave Flaubert, photograph, c. 1870. (Collections de la Bibliothèque municipale de Rouen)

Here. 30 Devonshire Place, London, photograph, 2019. (Author’s photograph)

Here. Ivan Turgenev, extract from a letter to Pauline Viardot with a sketch of the figures described from a painting at Grosvenor House. (Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits. Papiers de Pauline Viardot. NAF 16273)

Here. Charles Maurand after Honoré Daumier, Exhibition Room at the Hôtel Drouot, engraving, 1862. (Open Access Image from the Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT)

Here. Cham (Amédée Charles Henri, Comte de Noé), Impressionist painters can double the effect of their exhibition on the public by having Wagner’s music played at it, cartoon in Le Charivari, 22 April 1877. (Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg)

Here. Anon., The Obsequies of Victor Hugo at the Arc de Triomphe, Paris, 31 May 1885, photograph, 1885. (Wikimedia Commons)

Here. Anon., portrait of Auguste Rodin standing next to his sculpture of Victor Hugo, photograph, 1902. (ullstein bild/Getty Images)

Here. Guigoni and Bossi, Funeral procession of Giuseppe Verdi in Foro Bonaparte, Milan, 30 January 1901, from L’illustrazione Italiana, Year XXVIII, No, 9, 3 March 1901. (Getty Images)

Here. Anon., the Ricordi shop in London, photograph, c. 1900. (Copyright © Ricordi Archives)

Here. Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Faust, front cover of the first volume of Reclam’s Universal Library, 1867. Private collection. (Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images)

Here. Anon., a stock-room of the Reclam Universal-Bibliothek, photograph, c. 1930. (Imagno/Getty Images)

Here. Anon., Pauline Viardot on her balcony in boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris, photograph c. 1900. (Lebrecht/Alamy)

Here. Anon., Entrance to the Exposition Universelle, Paris, photograph, 1900. (Bibliothèque de Genève, Centre d’iconographie genevoise)


1. Ary Scheffer, portrait of Pauline García, oil on canvas, 1840. Musée de la Vie romantique, Paris. (Roger-Viollet/TopFoto)

2. Anon., portrait of Manuel García as Otello, engraving, c. 1821. (Wikimedia Commons)

3. Louis Viardot, engraving, c. 1839. (Heritage Image Partnership/Alamy)

4. Henri Decaisne, Maria Malibran as Desdemona in Otello, oil on canvas, 1830. Musée Carnavalet, Paris. (Granger Historical Collection/Alamy)

5. Josef Weninger, portrait of Ivan Turgenev, daguerreotype, 1844. (Copyright © State Historical Museum, Moscow)

6. Musical score for ‘Armida dispietata’ and ‘Lascia chio Pianga’, from Rinaldo by George Frideric Handel, arr. H. R. Bishop, London, 1840. (Collection of the author)

7. Josef Danhauser, Franz Liszt Fantasizing at the Piano, oil on canvas, 1840. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Alte Nationalgalerie. (Heritage Image Partnership/Alamy)

8. Gustave Courbet, A Burial at Ornans, oil on canvas, 1849–50. Musée d’Orsay, Paris. (Ian Dagnall/Alamy)

9. Paul Cézanne, Girl at the Piano, oil on canvas, 1868. Hermitage, St Petersburg. (Classic Paintings/Alamy)

10. Jean-Léon Gérôme, The Duel After a Masked Ball, oil on canvas, 1857. (Painters/Alamy)

11. Charles-François Daubigny, Clair de lune à Valmondois (Moonlight at Valmondois), etching, 1877. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of Dr. David T. and Anne Wikler Mininberg (Acc. No. 2012.236.3))

12. S. L. Levitskii, portrait of Pauline Viardot, daguerrotype, 1853. (Copyright © State Historical Museum, Moscow)

13. Louis Viardot, photograph, 1868. (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris)

14. Pauline Viardot’s musical salon in Paris, hand-coloured engraving, 1858. (Stefano Bianchetti/Getty Images)

15. Pauline with her daughters Claudie and Marianne and Jeanne Pomey in Baden Baden, 1870. Musée Tourguéniev, Bougival. (Author’s photograph)

16. Rouargue Frères, Baden Baden, hand-coloured engraving, 1858. (Collection of the author)

17. Edgar Degas, La Chanson du chien (The Song of the Dog), gouache, pastel and monotype on paper, 1875–77. Private collection. (Art Heritage/Alamy)

18. James Tissot, London Visitors, oil on canvas, 1874. (Layton Art Collection Inc., Gift of Frederick Layton, at the Milwaukee Art Museum, WI. (L1888.14.))

19. Ilya Repin, portrait of Ivan Turgenev, oil on canvas, 1874. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. (Sputnik/Alamy)

20. Alexei Khalarmov, portrait of Ivan Turgenev, oil on canvas, 1875. State Russian Museum, St Petersburg. (Heritage Image Partnership/TopFoto)

21. Alexei Khalarmov, portrait of Louis Viardot, oil on canvas, 1875. (Bibliothèque Municipale de Dijon)

22. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Peasant Woman Collecting Wood, Italy, oil on canvas, c. 1870–72. Private collection. (Christie’s/Bridgeman Images)

23. Théodore Rousseau, Le Givre (Hoar frost), oil on canvas, 1845. (Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD. Acquired by William T. Walters, 1882 (37.25))

24. Pierre-Auguste Renoir, La Grenouillère, oil on canvas, 1869. Oskar Reinhart Collection, Winterthur. (Art Collection/Alamy)

25. Édouard Manet, portrait of Émile Zola, oil on canvas, 1868. Musée d’Orsay, Paris. (Peter Horree/Alamy)

26. Edgar Degas, The Orchestra at the Opéra, oil on canvas, 1870. Musée d’Orsay, Paris. (Art Heritage/Alamy)

27. Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Madame Georges Charpentier et ses enfants, oil on canvas, 1878. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Wolfe Fund, 1907 (Acc. No. 07.122.))

28. Claude Monet, The Gare St.-Lazare, oil on canvas, 1877. Musée d’Orsay, Paris. (Peter Barrett/Alamy)

29. Joseph Ferdinand Keppler, ‘The Pirate Publisher’, coloured engraving, illustration in Puck, 24 February 1886. (Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, DC)

30. Villa Viardot, Bougival, photograph, c. 1900. Musée Tourguéniev, Bougival. (Author’s photograph)

31. Les Frênes, Turgenev’s dacha at Bougival, photograph, 2018. (Office de Tourisme de Bougival)

32. Stained glass, with scenes depicting Turgenev, at Les Frênes, Bougival, photograph, 2018. (Author’s photograph)

33. Portrait medallion of Pauline Viardot, worn by Turgenev. Musée Ivan Tourguéniev, Bougival. Author’s photograph.

34. Death-bed of Turgenev, photograph, 2018. Musée Ivan Tourguéniev, Bougival. (Author’s photograph)

35. Claudie Viardot, portrait of Turgenev on his death-bed, pencil, 1883. (Pauline Viardot-García additional papers, MS Mus 264. Houghton Library, Harvard College Library)

36. André Taponier, portrait of Pauline Viardot, photograph, c. 1900. Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand, Paris. (Roger-Viollet/TopFoto)
