Football coach Ara Parseghian said: “A good coach will make his players see what they can be rather than what they are.” I would be remiss if I did not first thank my editor, Charlotte Herscher, who not only showed me the potential of this story but let me find my own path to The End.

Kevin Brennan, associate wildlife biologist for the California Department of Fish and Game, provided me with a wealth of information about and practical experience with peregrine falcons and the responsibilities of wildlife biologists. And he called his birds by their radio frequency, not by a nickname.

Once again, Wally Lind at Crime Scene Writers was instrumental in providing facts about forensic investigations, particularly firearms and how biological evidence becomes corrupted. If I got anything wrong, it is certainly not because of him.

In addition to being understanding about my bizarre working hours, my husband, Dan, also explained (multiple times) just how a car engine works and how to clog the fuel filter. If I misunderstood the process, it’s due to my own mental block regarding anything mechanical.

A former student at MSU-Bozeman, Dan also helped bring Gallatin County alive for me, through his memories and pictures.

Thanks also to my first readers, Kathia, Michele, Jan, Amy, and Sharon; my speed readers, Karin and Edie, who went above and beyond to help me whip this book into shape; and of course my children, who are beginning to not like pizza as much as they used to.

