When Miranda was eight, her mother died of ovarian cancer. Devastated by the sudden diagnosis, short illness, and death, Bill Moore quit his high-level marketing job in Spokane and relocated with Miranda to Montana’s Gallatin Valley. He purchased a run-down lodge thirty minutes outside Bozeman on the road to West Yellowstone, near Big Sky, and lovingly, painstakingly renovated it. By the time Miranda was ten, she knew everything about stripping, sanding, and varnishing. Almost single-handedly, she had refinished the floors on the main level of the inn.
The deep canyons, breathtaking vistas, and endless sky eased the pain of a grieving family twenty-five years ago. The same environment saved Miranda after the Butcher, and again after Quantico. And now, with Rebecca’s recent murder and Sharon’s ghost weighing heavily on her mind, taking a quick detour to the Gallatin Lodge seemed necessary. She told herself she needed to stock up on provisions, but the truth was she just wanted to see her dad.
Bill Moore sat behind the registration desk filling out the ubiquitous paperwork he loathed. The enormous moose head-which Miranda named Bruce when she first saw it twenty-five years ago-was the Lodge’s mascot. It stood sentry over the desk and her father, the sight of which rarely failed to bring a smile to her lips.
Except on days like this.
Glancing up when Miranda walked in, Bill’s face fell. He looked every one of his fifty-seven years. His hair, though still abundant, was now salt-and-pepper. Wrinkles lined his ruddy complexion, and his once strong body was almost imperceptibly sunken. Miranda’s gut twisted. She was the cause of the pain she saw every day in his pale eyes. His love for her was killing him, day by day. Knowing that-and not being able to stop the direction her life took her-heaped even more guilt onto her heart.
“Daddy.” She didn’t need to say anything else.
“Randy,” he said, his voice gruff, “come here.”
He left the desk and she walked into his arms, welcoming the embrace. Her father had never been stingy with hugs. “It was him,” she whispered.
Her father’s arms held her close. She breathed in the unique combination of spicy aftershave, rich coffee beans, and pipe tobacco. He smelled like home and love and everything good in her life.
“You’re going out again.”
“I have to.” She stepped back, took a deep breath, and gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile.
“I’ll pack some sandwiches. How many will be searching?”
“Maybe twenty, twenty-five. Nick’s calling in volunteers to pair off with his people. Training them now. I don’t have much time.”
“Go get your things. I’ll put together something for you all to eat.”
“I love you, Daddy.”
He touched her cheek, then turned toward the kitchen.
She would have given anything to turn back the clock and protect her father from what he’d endured since she came home twelve years ago broken and hollow. Sometimes, she thought her father still saw her half-drowned and naked on the riverbank. Beaten, damaged, past exhausted.
But alive.
Which was more than she could say for Rebecca. Or Sharon. Or Penny, Susan, Karen, Ellen, and Elaine. Or the nine other girls who’d disappeared without a trace during spring over the last fifteen years.
Under normal circumstances, Miranda enjoyed the peaceful walk down the winding gravel path to her private cabin. Her father had it built for her when she returned from the FBI Academy at Quantico ten years ago, announcing, “Randy, you need your own place. But I’d be mighty lonely if you moved to town.”
Bill Moore would never be alone. He was well liked and admired by everyone in Gallatin County, and his lodge did well with both the summer tourist trade and winter skiers, as well as locals coming in for dinner or Sunday brunch throughout the year. The lodge had eight suites upstairs for guests; twice as many cabins dotted the eighty-some acres Bill owned. Longtime friends visited often; strangers were like family. That was Bill’s way.
Miranda longed to sink into her private hot tub and watch the day go by through the picture window. Soak until she was red and raw from water almost too hot to tolerate. Cry until there were no tears left.
Instead she grabbed extra ammunition for the.45 auto she carried and retrieved her shotgun. Her dad would provide food, but she packed her survival kit. Three days of dry food and water pouches, knife, flare gun, and matches stacked into the bottom half of a backpack. She added the ammo, as well as a lined Gore-Tex jacket, change of clothes, and thermal blanket.
She would never be caught unprepared.
Fifteen minutes later she walked into the commercial-sized kitchen and watched as her father and Ben “Gray” Grayhawk-cook, general handyman, and friend-loaded an ice chest with water bottles and individually wrapped sandwiches. There were at least forty meals. Six thermoses were packed into a box, along with Styrofoam cups and a green garbage bag for trash.
She put her backpack down by the door and wrapped her arms around her father. “Thank you, Daddy.” She smiled her appreciation at Gray.
“Your father won’t say it but I will,” Gray said. “You watch yourself, young lady. Don’t be going traipsing off into the woods without backup. Don’t be the hero. Be smart.”
“I’ll be careful.” Miranda loved Gray, even though he worried constantly about her. A few years older than her father, his long, braided silver hair, high cheekbones, and flat face bespoke his Indian heritage, but his green eyes favored his European mother. Born in Bozeman, he’d moved away as a teenager, returning after serving three tours of duty in Vietnam.
It was Gray who had taught her about guns.
The three of them took the food and beverages to Miranda’s Jeep. As she was about to get in, her father grabbed her arm. His blue eyes, a pale reflection of her own, shone with worry and concern. “Randy, be careful.”
She nodded, unable to say anything for fear the tears she’d held at bay since her moment of weakness at the university would break free. She hopped in, waved, and drove away.
Bill watched the Jeep until it disappeared around the bend, just past the sign that announced: You’re always welcome at Gallatin Lodge. He took out his bandanna, blew his nose.
Gray clamped his large hand on his friend’s shoulder. “She’ll be okay, Billy. She has a strong spirit.”
“I know. I know.” He breathed in deeply, eased the fresh mountain air from his lungs. “She deserves to be happy. I just love her so much, I hate seeing her go through this over and over again.”
“It’s what she’s meant to do. You can’t force her down your path, just like Nick couldn’t force her down his.”
Bill glanced at his friend. “Quinn Peterson called for a room.”
“You give him one?”
“Miranda ain’t gonna be too happy with that.”
“Don’t I know it.” But he had amends to make. He only hoped that Miranda would forgive him when she learned the truth.
Elijah Banks thanked the God he no longer believed in that his luck was finally changing.
He tore out the back door of Gazette headquarters in Missoula and jumped into his rusting pickup truck. A quick glance at his watch told him he had just enough time to swing by his apartment and grab an overnight bag.
The Butcher had struck again. Rebecca Douglas’s body had been discovered an hour ago, and while the sheriff was being all hush-hush about it, Eli’s sixth sense told him it was the Butcher.
Co-ed missing about a week. Found dead. Butcher. Damn, he wished he’d been there from the beginning, but his editor wouldn’t give him the time. Instead, he’d spent Monday and Tuesday in Helena writing about yet another political bribery trial, and the last three days interviewing old people who’d had their identity stolen.
Boring boring boring.
But now that he had a dead body to follow up, his editor had given him the assignment. His police contact had provided few details, only that the woman’s body had been found and Sheriff Thomas ordered radio silence, called in the coroner, and was currently out at the ridge off Cherry Creek Road, south of the interstate.
If he played his cards right, he could catapult himself off of this mountain hellhole and land himself a real reporter slot in a real newspaper in a real city.
His apartment was only half a mile from the paper. He kept the truck running, and ran upstairs to throw clothes and his shaving kit into a backpack. He grabbed his tape recorder, extra pencils and pads, and his journal.
Twelve years ago Eli had started the journal to document everything about the Butcher investigation. Even when he moved up to Missoula, he’d kept informed every time another college girl was abducted, another body found.
The Bozeman Butcher. He’d named the killer in the first article after Moore’s story got out. It wasn’t his first choice. He wanted to name the killer The Woman Hunter, but his editor at the Chronicle, the stupid jerk Brian Collie, didn’t want to piss off the hunting community and told him to come up with something else. “Butcher” didn’t really fit because the guy didn’t really butcher his victims. He hunted them, then either shot them or sliced their throat. But the moniker stuck.
Collie was still around, never having amounted to much of anything because he’d never aspired to be more than the editor of the two-bit paper in Bozeman. Unlike Eli. He’d beaten the town and gotten as far as Missoula. At the time, it seemed like the perfect step. First Missoula, next Seattle. Then New York.
The plan had stalled in Missoula. But now-now there was hope he wouldn’t be stuck here for the rest of his miserable life.
Five minutes later, he was pulling onto the interstate headed south, toward the cow town of Bozeman. Normally he dreaded the drive, but today he fidgeted with excitement.
A hot story was just what he needed to land him a choice job at a major paper. Good-bye Missoula. Hello New York City.