22 Wiles and Whims

Nina’s voicemail message knocked the wind out of her. She stood in the darkness of Purdue’s office, playing the message a few times over before she could believe it. Then, it dawned on her that she had no time to tarry. Breathing rapidly in panic she flew downstairs, back to the dining hall.

“Purdue, it has been a wonderful evening, but I am afraid I have to leave,” she excused herself. It was unlike Nina to exhibit such stress. Sam immediately rose from his seat and emptied his glass of whiskey.

“I will come with you, whatever it is,” he offered.

“Wait, what is the matter, my dear?” Purdue asked, also getting up to join her and Sam. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

She looked thoroughly upset. “A… a friend of mine is in the hospital,” she stammered, clearly unwilling to share too much. “I have to… see him immediately.”

“Nina, it is way past visiting hours,” Ava corrected her. The silver-haired beauty did not mean to second-guess Nina’s story. She simply stated a fact.

“Look, lassie, this is not your business, alright?” Nina barked at her. Ava recoiled at the dark eyed historian’s bloodshot eyes, her cheeks wet with tears. “I have to get to Glasgow right fucking now!”

Sam grabbed her and scooped up his jacket. “I will drive her there. Purdue, thank you so much for a riveting party, old man. We will call in as soon as we are there.”

“Good. Good. Please keep me posted on Nina’s wellbeing,” he told Sam under his breath. “And do let me know what all this is about. I have rarely seen her like this.”

“I know,” Sam agreed. “Bothers me too.”

“Have any idea what it could be?” Purdue whispered.

“Absolutely none,” Sam sighed, “but I will text you.”

“Alright, be careful,” Purdue said, patting Sam on the back. He got a quick kiss from Nina before she left with Sam in tail. Out into the mid of night they headed to Glasgow, leaving Purdue to apologize to his guests. He found Bernard and Ava waiting in silence. As a matter of fact, the mood between the siblings had frozen to the point of melancholy.

“Where has the party gone?” Purdue smiled.

Bernard got up, groaning as he flattened the creases in his clothing. “It is getting rather late,” he told Purdue. “Much as I would like to stay, I do have an early morning engagement.”

“That is a pity,” Purdue replied, feeling the sudden loss of merriment getting to him. He was honestly enjoying the evening. “One more for the road then? My night staff could pack you some of the feast while you have a nightcap. What say you?”

“Nah,” Bernard said. “It is a good offer, but if I do not leave now I will never get out of here.”

“With all the alcohol in your system?” Purdue persisted.

“He drives just fine, even with jet fuel in his system,” Ava sighed. “I, on the other hand, am not planning to go anywhere.”

Bernard and his sister briefly glanced at one another in silence, waiting for Purdue’s response.

“Good!” the billionaire cheered. “Ava, of course you can stay the night. I have a dozen spare rooms for you to choose from.”

“Thank you,” she smiled, leering at her brother.

“Fine,” Bernard said. “You stay if you want.”

He shook Purdue’s hand. “My friend, it has been an insightful and superb party. It was an honor to sit at this table with our best client yet. Regrettably I really have to leave.”

“Certainly,” Purdue accepted the accolade, especially now that the beautiful Ava agreed to stay. Somehow, Bernard’s departure did not feel so heavy anymore. “We will have another powwow soon, I promise.”

Ava heard her brother’s car fade into the darkness. With Sam gone, choosing to leave with the historian, Ava settled for the king of the castle. At least she could enjoy the spoils of her efforts to consolidate any form of relationship with David Purdue without interference from another woman.

“Now, isn’t that a shame that they all have to leave,” she teased openly when the tall master of Wrichtishousis entered the warm room.

“Terrible pity,” he played along, making a beeline for her. Ava stood in front of the hearth, her body accentuated by the fire. It was only when Purdue came closer to her that he realized that her fingers were undoing her blouse buttons. Her actions earned absolutely no protest from him. He closed the tall doors that barred the entrance to the great hall, and turned to find her waiting on the table, sipping red wine.

“I might not be the ordained of the Brits, but tonight I shall conquer the most powerful territory of all,” Purdue recited playfully as he neared the nude beauty. “Does that not make me king after all?”
