
Abakumov, V. S., 304

Abramowicz, Hirsz, 108, 128

Adelson, Joseph, 349

Adler, Friedrich, 85

Adler, Max, 85

Adler, Victor, 63

Adorno, Theodor W., 86, 87–88

Afghanistan, 5

Africa, 5, 7, 25, 32

agriculture, 4, 7

and Apollo, 24

and foreignness, 15

and homelessness, 23

among Mon people, 9, 363

in Russian Empire, 105

Soviet Jews in, 248–49. See also peasants

Agursky, Bunia, 344

Agursky, Mikhail (Melib): on anti-Semitism, 338, 339, 340–41

and emigration movement, 345

on father’s life, 344

on Israel, 354, 358

naming of, 216

and Nazi invasion, 286

and Six-Day War, 353

and Soviet elite, 221

on Soviet Jews, 361

Agursky, Samuil, 216, 239, 273, 344, 345

Akhmatova, Anna, 343

Aleksandrov, G. F., 302

Aleuts, 154

Alexander II, 147

alien/foreigner: offensiveness of, 10–11

in Russian Empire, 114–15

Russian Germans as, 166

Russian Jews as, 166

Soviet Jews as, 354

specialized, 4–5

vocational, 8–9. See also service nomads; strangeness; stranger(s)

Aliger, Margarita, 287

“Your Victory,” 282–84

Allilueva, Svetlana, 254, 304, 334–35

Altman, M. S. (Eli-Moishe), 108, 170–71

Altman, Natan, 126, 178, 179, 227

Altschuler, Mordechai, 217

Amin, Idi, 38

Amitay, Morris, 357

Andropov, Yuri, 355

Anisfeld, Boris, 126

anti-Semitism, 207

Agursky on, 338, 339

and Bolsheviks, 310

in Brushtein, 347

as cause of exile, 23

and Christianity, 22, 310

condemnation of, 38

in Fiddler on the Roof, 326

Frankfurt School on, 87

in Germany, 70, 116

Gorky on, 186–87

and Great Terror, 273–74

in Haiti, 37

in Hungary, 116

as irredeemable bigotry, 366

and Jewish success, 52

in Leningrad, 253

and modernity of Jews, 63, 72

in Moscow, 253

and nationalism, 74

of Nazis, 2, 103, 286–91, 327, 337, 365, 366

and occupations, 72, 73

reasons for, 22

in Russian Empire, 108–10, 115, 116, 155–62, 166, 221, 360

of Shulgin, 181

in Soviet Union, 242–47, 248, 249, 250–51, 252–54, 289, 293, 294, 297–315, 318, 329, 331, 335–42, 355, 360

and Trotsky, 187

in Ukraine, 289

in United States, 262, 316, 326, 369. See also Holocaust; Jews; pogroms

Antokolsky, Mark, 126, 134

Apollo, 24, 26, 29–30

Apollonians/Apollonianism: in Babel, 188, 191–92

in Bolshevism, 212

character of, 212

communism of, 37

as cosmopolitan, 24

in Gorky, 164

in imperial Russia, 237–38

of Israel, 208

Jewish change into, 46

and Jewish nationalism, 101

Jews as antipodes of, 40

in Joyce, 77

and Marxism, 148

and Mercurianism, 24, 27–28, 29, 30–35

and modernity, 136, 137

nationalism of, 37

in Palestine, 209

and Roth, 317, 351

in Russian Empire, 106, 107

of Russian Federation, 361

of Russian Jewish intelligentsia, 140

and Samoilov, 281

in Soviet Union, 209, 237, 238, 254, 255

of State of Israel, 328, 364

of Trotsky, 265

in Zionism, 149, 212, 269

Aptekman, O. V., 146–47

Arabs, 31, 209, 365

Aramaic, 18, 20

Arany, Janós, 97

Arendt, Hannah, 77, 99

Armenian Amira, 6

Armenian Dashnaks, 273

Armenian Gregorians, 34

Armenians, 5, 6, 20, 121

corporate kinship among, 34

as entrepreneurs, 30

extermination of, 38

homeland of, 8

literacy among, 29

as models for modernity, 30

Ottoman massacres of, 166

as professionals, 30

revolutionary, 152

in Russian Empire, 6, 111, 115

in Soviet Union, 336

as traders, 34

Armstrong, John A., 112

Arnold, Matthew, 55, 65, 263

Aronson, Naum, 134–35

Arosev, A., The Notes of Terenty the Forgotten, 197–98

artisans, 28

and Prometheus, 8

Russian Jewish, 105, 115, 122, 155

segregation of, 10

as violators of norms, 23

arts, 63

European Jews in, 50, 51

Russian Jews in, 126

Soviet, 342–43

Soviet Jews in, 224, 225, 226, 329. See also culture

Asch, Sholem, 186

assimilation, 22, 60–64, 67–75, 96, 163, 207, 300, 361

Austria, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 62, 63, 85–86

Austro-Hungarian language, 64

Aven, Petr, 362

Averbukh, Susanna, 136

Axelrod, P. B., 151

Azbel, David, 345

Azerbaijanis, 273, 336

Babel, Isaak, 160–62, 304, 324

and Aliger, 282, 283

“Childhood. At Grandmother’s,” 130–31, 132–34

Cossacks in, 141, 188–89, 190

execution of, 271–72

father of, 139

on grandmother, 137–38

“Jewess,” 266

and Jews in Russian civil war, 174–75

on Pushkin, 135

and Red Army, 167, 169–70

Red Cavalry, 188–90

“The Road,” 172

and Roth, 317, 351

and Russian culture, 280

and Samoilov, 280, 281, 282

and secret police, 172, 190, 255

“The Story of My Dovecot,” 124

Bagritsky, Eduard (Dziubin), 168, 169, 172–73, 221, 227, 235, 282, 283

“February,” 200–203

“The Tale of Opanas,” 195–96

“TBC,” 198–99

Baitalsky, Mikhail, 196, 216, 221, 229–30, 272

Bakst, Léon (Lev Rozenberg), 126, 134

banking, 27, 35, 47–48, 49, 118, 120, 121, 126

Batum Oil Association, 121

Bauer, Otto, 85

Bavaria, 85, 92

Bedny, Demian, Warriors, 278

Begin, Menachem, 365

Beilin, Abram, 343–44

Beizer, Mikhail, 176–77

Bek, Aleksandr, The Volokolamsk Highway, 329

Belkin, Abram, 233

Belkin, M. I., 304

Bell, Daniel, 265

Belorussia, 218, 225, 336, 337

Belorussia-Lithuania, 117

Ben-Gurion, David, 211, 212, 213, 268, 291

Benjamin, Walter, 86, 216

Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer, 204

Berdiaev, Nikolai, 91–92

Berezovsky, Boris, 362

Bergelson, David, 298, 299

Berlin Wall, fall of, 358

Berman, Jakub, 314

Berman, M. D., 199

Bernstein, Eduard, 85

Bezymensky, Aleksandr, 228

Biale, David, 365

Bible: on chosenness, 26

education in, 128

endogamy in, 12–13

intellect in, 26

and Joyce, 77

millenarianism in, 91–92

moneylending in, 9–10

and socialism, 94

Bikerman, I. M., 183, 185

Birnbaum, Solomon, 18–19

Birobidzhan, 248–49

Bismarck, Otto von, 49

Blake, William, 44

Blank, Aleksandr Dmitrievich, 245

Blank, Moshko Itskovich, 245

Bleichrsder, Gerson von, 49

Bleichrsder banking house, 47, 120

blood: Jews by, 286–88, 295, 301, 359

and purity/pollution, 21

in Soviet Union, 285

taboos on, 60. See also ethnicity; race

Boas, Franz, 98, 342

body, 1, 107, 225

purity of, 15–16, 41, 45, 56

Bogoraz, Larisa, 342

Bolkosky, Sidney, 69

Bolsheviks, 152, 162, 256

and anti-Semitism, 310

and Apollonianism, 212

on bourgeoisie, 173, 174, 184

and collective redemption, 211

defeat of, 334

and ethnicity, 173–74

Gorky on, 163

and Jewish Revolution, 180

and Jews, 169, 173, 175–88, 205, 338, 360

and Mercurianism, 173, 192

and Petrograd Soviet vs. Provisional Government, 334

and Russian avant-garde, 342

Russian language of, 276–77

and youth, 211–12. See also Jews (Soviet); Red Army; Russian Revolution

Bonner, Elena, 354

Boran people, 22

Borokhov, Ber, 204

Botvin, Mikhail, 226

Boulton, Marjorie, 98

bourgeoisie, 83

Bolsheviks on, 173, 174, 184

in Europe, 50

Frankfurt School on, 87

Kazin on, 214

purge of, 309

Russian revolutionaries on, 157

service nomadism as, 37

and Soviet Jews, 218, 219, 225, 299

Braz, Osip, 126, 135

Brenner, Joseph Hayyim, 73–74, 89, 209

Brest-Litovsk negotiations, 176

Brezhnev, Leonid, 334, 340, 355, 356

Brodsky, Isaak, 126

Brodsky, Joseph, 340, 342, 343

Brodsky, Lazar Izrailevich, 121

Bromberg, Ia. A., 208, 210–11, 213–14, 263

The West, Russia and the Jews, 183–84

Bronstein, David, 137

Bronstein, Lev Davydovich. See Trotsky, Leon (Lev Davydovich Bronstein)

brotherhood, 145, 148, 156

Brushtein, Alexandra, The Road Leads Off into the Distance, 347

Brutman, Semen, 191

Brym, Robert J., 341

Budapest, 48, 63

Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich, 200, 245, 270, 308, 313

Bukharitsyna, Parasha, 146

Bulatov, Erik, 343

Bulgakov, Mikhail, 243–44

Bund, 101, 128, 148, 151, 273

Burakumin, 10, 11

Burma, 33

business, 28

in America, 261

in Europe, 90

and family, 25, 34–35, 47, 121, 122

in Russia, 120–23. See also commerce; entrepreneurs; merchant(s); trader(s)

Cahan, Abraham: on American Jews, 208

entry of into Russian culture, 128–29, 133, 134, 135

father of, 138

and Freeman, 263–64

The Rise of David Levinsky, 213, 266

and youth culture, 145–46

Cama, Bhikhaiji Rustom, 30

Cambodia, 38

Camões, Luís de, 45, 65, 66

capitalism: acquisitiveness in, 153

in China, 7

and commerce, 43

and communism, 269

Dostoevsky on, 156, 157

as familistic, 42, 43

Frankfurt School on, 88, 89

and Freudianism, 319

and Jews, 1, 54, 55–56, 73, 91, 100, 118, 123, 153, 156, 162, 263, 265

and kinship, 43

Marx on, 2, 60

and modernity, 99, 207

and nationalism, 99, 207

Nazi view of, 103

postindustrial, 332

revolt against, 98

rise of, 42–43

in Russian Empire, 123, 141, 153, 156, 162

and socialism, 153, 207

Sombart on, 54

vs. tribal entrepreneurship, 34

and tribalism, 43

Ulanovskaia on, 259, 260

in United States, 207, 263, 265, 350

and Zionism, 269

caste system, 4, 13

Catholicism, 43, 370

Caucasus, peoples of, 361

Cervantes, Miguel de, 45, 65, 66, 78, 239

Chaadaev, Petr, 66–67, 73, 74, 152

Chafets, Ze’ev, 369

Chagall, Marc, 126

Chaikov, Iosif, 126

Chaikovtsy, 150–51

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 52–53, 58, 93

Chambers, Whittaker, 260

Chashnik, Ilya, 126

Chechens, 329

Cheka, 221

and Babel, 190

in Jabotinsky, 215

Jews in, 177, 304, 360

and Kogan, 235

Solzhenitsyn on, 360. See also NKVD; OGPU; police, Soviet secret

Chekhov, Anton, 134, 135, 239, 240

Chernenko, K. U., 334

chiliasm. See millenarianism

Chinese, Overseas, 10, 20, 25–26, 29, 30, 32–33, 34, 36, 37, 38–39, 369

Chomsky, Noam, 342

chosenness, 66

in Fadeev, 193

and Germany, 61–62

and Israel, 327, 365

of Jews, 26, 121, 185, 366

and national education, 69–70

Samuel on, 323

of service nomads, 26

and Sholem Aleichem, 204

and Zionism, 204

Christianity: and anti-Semitism, 22, 310

conversion to, 62, 67, 206

evil in, 102

family in, 363

Fraser on, 57

and Freudianism, 81

Jewish conversion to, 46

Jewish origins of, 22, 40

as Jewish revolution, 92

and Judaism, 318

and liberalism, 318

marriage in, 363

and modernity, 41

as nation, 61

and nationalism, 44–45, 67, 321

and Nazism, 103

in Pale of Settlement, 108–9

in Russian Empire, 105, 115, 116, 146–47

and Sholem Aleichem, 206

in Soviet Union, 338

as universal, 70

Chua, Amy, 33

Chudnovsky, Grigorii Isakovich, 176

Chukovsky, Kornei, 337

citizenship: and liberalism, 64, 158–59

and nationality, 36–37

neutrality of, 60

transition of son to, 142

civil service, 50. See also politics

class, 157, 331

Cold War, 299, 331

collectivism, urban, 148

commerce: and capitalism, 43

European Jews in, 49–50, 96

Jews in, 1, 5, 47

among Mon people, 9, 363

Russian Jews in, 118

Soviet Jews in, 225

and Soviet New Economic Policy, 219

stranger communities in, 5–6

youth revolt against, 96. See also business; entrepreneurs; merchant(s); trader(s)

commissar, 192–203, 238

communism: and Apollonianism, 37

and capitalism, 269

and culture, 97–98

death of, 343

ethnic purity of, 314

in Fadeev, 193

family in, 363

Hungarian, 89, 97

and Israel, 328

and Jewish rituals and style, 94

and Jews, 84–85, 350, 352

vs. Judaism, 206

and liberalism, 206, 207, 348

and Marxism, 80, 82, 162

and Mercurianism, 37

as millenarian, 269

as national, 97

Nazi view of, 103

and Nietzsche, 82

and Petőfi, 97

Polish, 89

service nomads under, 36–37

and Sholem Aleichem, 206

in Soviet Union, 104, 262, 314

and United States, 89, 209, 262, 314–15, 348, 350, 352

and Weber, 82

and Zionism, 206, 348, 363, 364. See also radicalism; socialism

cosmopolitanism, 24, 247, 276

Cossacks, 106, 107, 141, 144, 161, 175, 180, 188–89, 190, 282, 308

craftsmen, 8, 10, 27, 333, 334, 335

Crédit Mobilier, 47

Crimea, 248, 294, 299, 336

culture: and communism, 97–98

during Great Terror, 275

and Jewish assimilation, 63, 67–75

of Jewish nationalism, 101

and liberalism, 71

and Mercurianism, 125

as mirror for host vs. strangers, 11, 21, 22

of modernity, 71

and nationalism, 61, 71

neutral secular, 51

and Pale Jews vs. non-Jews, 105–10

in Palestine, 213

and Petőfi, 97

Russian, 275–84, 282

of Russian Empire, 66–67, 69–70, 105–10

and Russian Jews, 72, 105–10, 125–27, 173

Soviet, 275–84, 334

and Soviet Jews, 225–42, 252, 302, 336

of United States, 213–15, 276

youth, 142, 143, 144, 145–46. See also arts; education; language; literacy; literature

Czech language, 64

Czechoslovakia, 50, 313–14, 342, 354

Daniel, Yuli, 342

Dante, 45, 65, 66

Deák, István, 85–86

Deich, L. G., 127, 137, 139, 151

dentist. See medicine

Detienne, Marcel, 27

Deutsche Bank, 47

Deutscher, Isaac, 92

Diaghilev, Serge, 134

diaspora. See Jews (diaspora)

difference, 9, 19, 20–29. See also stranger(s)

dissidents, Soviet, 342, 344–45

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 321

“Diary of a Writer,” 156

Drei, I. M., 145

Dresdner Bank, 47

East Asians, 34

Eckstein, Gustav, 85

economic determinism, 82

economy: Frankfurt School on, 88

of host vs. stranger, 22

Jews in, 42, 43, 54–55

Mercurian success in, 26

modern, 42–43

Protestants in, 42

and purge of Soviet Jews, 303

of Russian Empire, 115, 116, 123

Sombart on, 54–55

of Soviet Union, 209, 210, 218, 219, 220, 222–23, 229, 230, 276, 333. See also capitalism; wealth

education: of American Jews, 261–62, 318, 368

American Jews in, 316, 318

and assimilation, 62, 63

of European Jews, 49–50, 62, 63, 95–96

European Jews in, 50

of Germans in Russian Empire, 111, 113

liberal, 62, 63

in Marxism as Jewish, 95–96

and nationalism, 69–70

restricted, 116

in Russian Empire, 69–70

of Russian Empire Jews, 106, 116, 123–25, 127–34, 140, 144–45, 147, 158

of Russian Federation Jews, 362

of Soviet cultural elite, 232–34

of Soviet Jews, 222–23, 224–25, 231, 232–34, 243, 252, 262, 274, 329–30, 335–36, 355, 356

Soviet Jews in, 224, 225, 226, 233, 301

in Soviet Union, 247, 253–54, 278–79, 331

in United States, 318. See also culture; learning; literacy

Efros, Abram, 126

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 200, 226, 288, 291

The Stormy Life of Lazik Roitshvanetz, 94–95

Einstein, Albert, 52, 91, 342

Eisner, Kurt, 85

Eitingon, N. I., 304, 311

Elman, Mischa, 125

engineers, 329, 333, 334, 335

Enlightenment, 58, 65–66, 74, 88

entertainment, 50, 125, 224, 225, 315. See also occupation(s)

entrepreneurs: American Jews as, 261

and capitalism, 34

Jewish, 1, 5, 6, 30, 43, 72

as modern, 41

Russian Federation Jews as, 362

Russian Jewish, 122, 154

Soviet Jews as, 218, 220

in Soviet Union, 209

tribal, 34. See also business; commerce; occupation(s)

Epstein, Shakhno, 291, 294

equality: of American Jews, 207

in Russian Empire, 110, 115, 145, 148, 149, 154

in Soviet Union, 335

in United States, 336–37

Eretz Israel. See Israel

Esperanto, 64, 99, 276, 279

ethnicity: and American Jews, 322

biological, 285–86

and Bolsheviks, 173–74

and nationalism, 65, 116

in Nazism, 366

Russian, 250

in Russian Federation, 361

Russian revolutionary intelligentsia on, 157

Shulgin on, 181–82

in Soviet Union, 246, 250, 274, 275, 276, 277, 285–86, 297, 301, 309, 314, 331, 335

stranger, 4

in United States, 207, 336–37

and victimhood, 346. See also blood; nationality; race

Europe: bodily cleanliness in, 41

bourgeoisie in, 50

and China, 7

colonialism of, 6–7

development as Mercurian, 41

food in, 41

Gorky on, 164

intellect in, 41

vs. Israel, 364–65

literacy in, 41

modernity of, 1–2, 40–46

multiculturalism in, 364

nationalism in, 159

occupations in, 41

revolt against Mercurianism, 211. See also Jews (European)

evil, concept of, 102–3, 104, 207, 320, 365, 366

exile/homelessness, 1, 8, 22, 23, 59, 101, 102, 103, 151

Ezhov, N. I., 270, 272, 306, 309

Fadeev, A., 302

The Rout, 192–94, 196

family: in American Freudianism, 320–21

of Bagritsky, 221

and business, 25, 34–35, 47, 121, 122

and capitalism, 42, 43

in Christianity, 363

in communism, 363

of East African Indians, 25

of Freud, 83

as fundamental, 363

and Germans of Russian Empire, 113

Jewish, 117, 121, 122, 261, 288

of Kopelev, 285

and liberalism, 64

of Marx, 83

and Mercurianism, 35

in nationalism, 61, 363–64

nuclear, 44

opposite views of, 107

revolt against, 96–99, 100, 136–42, 150, 152, 153, 220–22, 231, 254, 256, 267

and state, 64, 142

stranger minorities outside, 6

in United States, 210, 261, 262, 265. See also kinship; tribe/tribalism

Fast, Howard, My Glorious Brothers, 353

father: of Bagritsky, 221

in Joyce, 77, 78, 79

of Markish, 210, 221

in Marxism, 162

murder of, 100

and nationalism, 101

of Polisar, 221

revolt against, 73–74, 75–76, 96–97, 98–99, 100, 138, 139–40, 141–42, 144, 145, 152, 153, 220–22, 254, 264, 267, 350

secularized, 63. See also patriarchy

Faust, 59–60, 78, 306

February Revolution, 175

Fefer, Itsik, 291–92, 294, 296, 298–99

Feldman, Gita Borisovna, 250

Fels, Joseph, 154–55

Fiddler on the Roof, 325–27

Fikhtengolts, Mikhail, 126, 226

Finns, 117, 336

Firin, S. G., 199

First All-Russian Congress of Soviets, 175

First Congress of Soviet Writers, 225

First Five-Year Plan, 229, 230, 253

Fishman, Joshua A., 19

food, 12, 13, 21, 24, 41, 60, 105, 108

Foster, Brian L., 9

Foucault, Michel, 81

France, 47, 58–59, 61, 62, 64, 66

France, Anatole, 101

Frankfurt School, 86–89, 342

Fraser, John Foster, 57

Freedom Riders, 348–49

Freeman, Joseph, 263–64

Freemasons, 51

Free Speech Movement, 348

French Revolution, 58–59, 65

Frenkel, N. A., 199

Freud, Sigmund: aloneness in, 84

family of, 83

and father, 63

and Jews, 83–84

and revolt against family, 136

strangeness in, 82

and Weber, 82

Freudianism: aloneness in, 81

and American Jews, 319

and capitalism, 319

and Christianity, 81

and Declaration of Independence, 319

evil in, 103

family in, 320–21

Frankfurt School on, 87

and Jewish revolution, 319

as Jewish solution, 2

and liberalism, 319

and medicine, 81

and Mercurianism, 81

and modernity, 81

and nationalism, 80, 82

and Nazism, 103–4

on patricide, 100

and professionalism, 319

reason in, 81

as religion, 81, 82, 319, 321, 322

and science, 81, 319, 321

self-knowledge in, 80, 81

sin in, 80

and tribalism, 80

in United States, 81, 104, 209, 319–20, 322

will in, 81

Fridland family, 119

Fridman, Mikhail, 362–63

Fromm, Erich, 86

Frumkina, Esther, 187

Fuchs, Eugen, 71

Fuga, 17

Fukuyama, Francis, 35

Fuld family, 121

Gabrilowich, Ossip, 125

Gai, Mark Isaevich (Shtokliand), 221

Gaister, Inna, 231, 257–59, 272, 273, 286, 316–17

Gastev, Yuri, 340–41

Gefter, Mikhail, 344, 345

Gelfand, Izrail, 342

Gellner, Ernest, 65–66

gender roles, 11–12, 78. See also women

Georgians, 152, 336

German (language), 67–69, 129

Germanic languages, 18, 19

Germans, 20, 29

in Russian Empire, 111–14, 166, 237, 255

and Soviet Union, 299, 336, 355

German Social Democracy, 85

Germany, 327

anti-Semitism in, 70, 116

assimilation in, 61–62, 63

banking in, 47

and chosenness, 61–62

communists in, 85

culture of, 72

education in, 49, 125

Fraser on, 57

golden age of, 66

Jewish success in, 118

liberalism in, 63

nationalism in, 71

national universalism of, 64

newspapers in, 50–51

Russian revolutionary intelligentsia on, 157

socialists in, 85–86

wealth in, 48, 49

Weimar Republic of, 85. See also Nazis/Nazism

germ-plasm, 53, 54, 58. See also blood; race

Ghorbat people, 22–23

Gilels, Elizaveta, 125–26

Gilels, Emil, 226

Gintsburg, Evzel (Iossel) Gabrielovich, 119, 120

Gintsburg, Horace, 119, 120

Gintsburg family, 121

Ginzburg, Aleksandr, 342

Ginzburg, Evgenia, 240, 272–73, 343, 344

Gnedin, Evgeny, 241, 343

Goans, 31–32

Godley, Andrew, 117, 261

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 45, 67, 68, 71, 97, 101, 239

Gogol, Nikolai, 144, 239

Goldberg, Ben-Zion, 292

Goldberg, J. J., 357

Goldstein, Boris, 126, 226

Goldstein, Moisei Khatskelevich, 226–27, 272

Goldstein, Moritz, 68, 69, 71

Golomstock, Igor, 342

Goloshchekin, Shaia, 178, 180

Golubov-Potapov, V. I., 298

Gomperz family, 120

Goncharov, Ivan, 113–14

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 340, 355

Gordin, Jacob: The Jewish King Lear, 138

The Jewish Queen Lear, 138

Gorky, Maxim, 134, 159, 163–64, 186–87, 199

Gosling, L. A. Peter, 10

Gradnauer, Georg, 85

Great Britain, 32, 48, 65, 66, 118

Great Patriotic War, 225, 275, 281, 282, 283, 301

Great Retreat, 225

Great Terror, 254, 255, 269–75, 297, 306, 312, 322, 334, 345

Great War, 165–66

Greeks, 111, 159,299

Green armies, 173, 174

Gross, Jan T., 185

Grossman, Vasily, 286–87

Forever Flowing, 197

“Four Days,” 195, 196

Life and Fate, 240–2, 288–89, 308

Group for the Emancipation of Labor, 151

Gubelman, M. I., 293

Gujaratis, 32

Gulag, 199

Gundolph (Gundelfinger), Friedrich, 52

Gurevich, Aron, 342

Gurevich, Yuri, 340–41

Gusinsky, Vladimir, 362

Gypsies: and bodily purity, 45

bohemians as, 42

divine punishment of, 23

extermination of, 38

and Gajo, 15

gender roles among, 11

language of, 16–17, 20

occupations of, 5

purity/pollution among, 15

in Russian Empire, 111

in Russian Federation, 361

as service nomads, 30

strangeness of, 10

transience of, 8, 28

violence toward, 36

women of, 11. See also Rom

Haase, Hugo, 85

Haberer, Erich, 150–51

Habsburg Empire, 62. See also Austria

Haiti, 37

Harshav, Benjamin, 267

healer, 28

Hebrew, 19, 20, 128, 137. See also Yiddish

Heifetz, Jascha, 125

Heine, Heinrich, 43, 68, 239

Heinze, Andrew R., 319

Helphand, Alexander (Parvus), 99, 155, 241, 343

Henri de Navarre, 61

Hermes, 7–8, 10, 12, 24, 26–27, 29–30. See also Mercurians/Mercurianism; Mercury

Herzen, Alexander, 140, 239, 339–40

My Past and Thoughts, 49, 67

Herzfeld family, 121

Herzog, Elizabeth, 107

Life Is with People, 323–24

Hilferding, Rudolf, 85

Hindu caste system, 13

Hirsch, Paul, 85

Hirsch family, 121

history, 80, 81, 106, 264, 265, 267, 323, 360–61

Hitler, Adolph, 60, 82, 301

Holland, 65, 66

Hollinger, David A., 263

Holocaust: and Israel, 327, 328

and Jackson-Vanik amendment, 357

and Jews (American), 370

as measure of all crimes, 366

and modernity, 46

and Sholem Aleichem, 205

Solzhenitsyn on, 360

and Soviet Union, 337

and State of Israel, 365

Wiesel on, 352. See also anti-Semitism

homelessness. See exile/homelessness

Homer, 77, 78, 87, 101

Horkheimer, Max, 86, 87–88

host people, 6, 11, 20, 21, 22

House Un-American Activities Committee, 315

Hugo, Victor, 66

Hungarian (language), 67

Hungary, 314

anti-Semitism in, 116

assimilation in, 62, 63

and banking, 48

business in, 49, 123

communism in, 89, 97

and education, 49

Jewish success in, 118

national universalism of, 64

newspapers of, 51

professionals in, 50

radicals in, 85

socialists in, 89

wealth in, 48

Ibo people, 30

Ibraimov, Veli, 248

Inadan, 6, 10, 11, 17, 22, 29, 30

Inber, Vera, 199

India, 4, 6–7, 13, 20–21, 30–31

Indians, Overseas, 25, 29, 30, 31–32, 33, 34, 38

individual, 42, 43, 44, 207

Indonesia, 33, 38–39

Industrial Revolution, 64

industry: American Jews in, 261

and homelessness, 23

Jewish success in, 48

in Pale of Settlement, 118–19, 120

and Russian nationalism, 277–78

in Russian Empire, 120, 121–22, 123, 149, 152

Russian Jews in, 118–19

and Soviet Union, 276

in Soviet Union, 223, 249

worker in, 37

intellect, 1, 26–27, 41, 53, 56–60, 90–91, 107, 110, 113, 118. See also reason/rationality

intellectuals, 215, 263, 318

intelligentsia: in Marxism, 148, 162

and populism, 148

of Russian Empire, 70, 157–58, 162

Russian Jewish, 140–44, 155

and Samoilov, 281

self-hatred of, 152, 165

Soviet, 234, 254, 277, 331–35, 340

and Soviet Communist Party, 332

Soviet Jews as, 224, 230, 233, 234, 237, 238–39, 256–57, 272–73, 297, 335, 340

as strangers, 335

International Relief Organization for Revolutionaries (MOPR), 89

Iofan, Boris, 290

Ioffe, Adolf, 176

Iokheleson, Vladmir, 129

Islam, 361, 365

Ismailis, 31–32

Israel, 103, 208, 210, 267, 268. See also Palestine; Zionism

Israel, State of: and American Jews, 315, 327, 352, 365, 370

Apollonianism in, 328, 364

as armed camp, 365

chosenness of, 327, 365

culture of, 327–29

ethnic homogeneity of, 364

vs. Europe, 364–65

and Holocaust, 327, 328, 365

Mercurianism in, 328, 364

nationalism of, 327, 328, 364, 367

socialism in, 327

and Soviet Jews, 338, 352–55, 357, 358–59

and Soviet Union, 294–97, 352–53, 367

strangeness of, 328, 366–67

violence in, 328

youth in, 327

Zionism of, 348. See also Palestine; Zionism

Italian Americans, 34, 35

Italy, 66, 327

Ivanov, Vs., 199

Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 69, 70, 71, 128, 156–57, 204

The Five, 215

Jackson, Henry, 357

Jackson-Vanik amendment, 357

Jacobs, Joseph, 53

Jains, 13–14, 31–32, 33

Janos, Andrew, 98

Japanese, 5, 10, 33, 35

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, 291, 292, 293–94, 295, 296, 298, 312

Jewish Autonomous Region, 294

Jewish National Region, 248–49

Jewishness, 167, 203, 220, 263, 322–27, 360

Jewish Revolution, 3, 92, 282

and Bolshevik revolution, 180

death of, 331

in Fiddler on the Roof, 326

and Freudianism, 319

against Jewishness, 167, 203, 220, 263, 360

Jewish Social Democrats, 149, 150

Jewish Soviet Socialist Republic, 294

Jews (American): and anti-Semitism, 262, 316, 326

assimilation of, 207

Bromberg on, 208

in business, 261

Cahan on, 208

and capitalism, 263, 265

in civil service, 370

and communism, 315, 350, 352

culture of, 213–15

in education, 316, 318

education of, 261–62, 318, 368

and emigration of Soviet Jews, 356–57, 370

as entrepreneurs, 261

equality of, 207

and ethnic politics, 322

family of, 117, 261

and Freudianism, 319

and history, 264, 265

and Holocaust, 370

in industry, 261

as intellectuals, 263, 318

and Israel, 315, 327, 352, 365, 370

Jewishness of, 207–8, 322–27

labor of, 261

liberalism of, 318–19, 350

life of, 210–11, 259–66

literature of, 266

marriage of, 371

and Marxism, 263, 264, 318

in media, 368, 370

in medicine, 315, 318, 369

meritocracy of, 350

messianism of, 263

as nationalists, 315, 351

and Nazi mass murders, 327

in nonprofit organizations, 370

occupations of, 210, 368–69

and Palestine, 267

parent-child conflicts among, 262, 265

in politics, 369–70

population of, 368

professions of, 261, 315–16, 318, 350

and proletariat, 263

Protestantized Judaism of, 263, 357, 359

in public-interest organizations, 370

religion among, 349–50

secularism of, 350

socialism of, 265, 357

and Soviet Union, 264–65, 291–92, 327

and Stalin, 264

student radicalism of, 348–50

success of, 118, 260–62, 315–16, 327, 367–68

and Trotsky, 264, 265

urbanism of, 261

and victimhood, 370–71

wartime Jewish appeals to, 291

and West, 264

and youth, 263

and Zionism, 359. See also United States

Jews (Ashkenazi), 121

Jews (diaspora): as antipodes of Apollonians, 40

assimilation of, 60–64

by blood, 286–88, 295, 359

bodily cleanliness of, 15–16, 45

business connections of, 28

chosenness of, 26, 185, 366

in commerce, 1, 5

culture of, 1

defined, 3

divine punishment of, 22

endogamy of, 12–13

as entrepreneurs, 1, 5, 6, 30, 43, 72

as exiles, 1, 22

extermination of, 38

food taboos of, 13

Freudianism as solution for, 2

Germans of Russian Empire as, 114

in Germany, 114

homeland of, 8

in Hungary, 89

languages of, 18–20

in law, 1, 369

literacy among, 29

in Marx, 2

in Marxism, 2

in medicine, 1, 369

as Mercurians, 40

messianism of, 58–59

as model for nationalism, 44–45

and modernity, 30, 61

and Nazism, 2

occupations of, 30, 40

origins of Christianity in, 22, 40

in Poland, 89

in professions, 1, 30

and Protestantism, 33

purity/pollution among, 15

self-hatred of, 364

service nomadism of, 39, 40

Sombart on, 58, 59

state protection for, 5, 36

strangeness of, 10

as strangers, 40

as traders, 34

transience of, 28

travels of, 28–29

and tribe, 1

in United States, 89

as universal victims, 366

Veblen on, 59–60. See also anti-Semitism

Jews (European): aloneness of, 74, 75, 76

Arnold on, 55

in arts, 50, 51

assimilation of, 67–75, 96

banking houses of, 47–48

as bearers of European culture, 71, 72

in business, 47, 49, 90

and capitalism, 54, 55–56, 73, 91, 100

Chamberlain on, 52–53

change into Apollonians, 46

Christian conversion of, 46

in Christian Europe, 40–41

and Christianity, 92

in civil service, 50

in commerce, 47, 49–50

and communism, 84–85, 94, 95–96

culture of, 67–75

in education, 50

education of, 49–50, 62, 63

as elite, 73

emancipation of, 51

emergence from seclusion of, 46

in entertainment, 50

as entrepreneurs, 72

family rejected by, 96–99

fathers rejected by, 73–74, 75–76, 96–97, 98–99, 100

in France, 62

Fraser on, 57

and Freud, 83–84

and German language, 67–69

and industry, 48

intellect of, 56–60, 90–91

Jacobs on, 53

in journalism, 50–51, 71, 104

in law, 50, 71, 104

learning among, 46

and Marx, 91, 99

and Marxism, 92, 95–96

in medicine, 50, 70–71, 104

messianism of, 91–93

migration of to cities, 47

and modernity, 63, 64, 70–71, 73, 74, 75, 104, 207

morality of, 100

national bards of, 100

and nationalism, 73, 100, 100–102

Nazi view of, 103

Nietzsche on, 55

occupations of, 369

official recognition of, 99–100

Peters on, 56

population of, 105

in professions, 49–52, 62, 63, 70–71, 72, 90, 91, 104

and progress, 72

and Protestantism, 54, 56

in psychology, 52

in publishing, 51

radical, 85–99, 350

and reason, 54, 55, 93

in science, 50, 51–52, 104

secularism of, 63

self-employment of, 47

self-hatred of, 73–74

and socialism, 84–85, 91, 93

and social justice, 93

Sombart on, 53–56

state protection for, 2, 46, 47, 104, 350

as strangers, 72, 73, 99–100, 104

success of, 48, 52–60, 70–71, 104, 207, 369

in trade, 47

tribalism of, 72, 73, 91–92

urbanism of, 46, 47

as wage laborers, 47

wealth of, 46–49

Zionism rejected by, 74

Jews (Hungarian), 123

Jews (Lithuanian), 108

Jews (Polish), 50

Jews (Russian Empire): as aliens, 166

anti-Semitism toward, 108–11, 115, 116, 155–62, 166, 221

as artisans, 105, 115, 122, 155

assimilation of, 163

as bankers, 118, 120

Bolshevik, 169, 173, 175–88, 205, 338, 360

in business, 120–23

and capitalism, 123, 153, 156, 162

chosenness of, 121

in commerce, 118

and Cossacks, 106, 107

culture of, 72, 105–10, 125–27, 173

discrimination against, 110–11

Dostoevsky on, 156, 157

education of, 106, 116, 123–25, 127–34, 140, 144–45, 147, 158

as entrepreneurs, 122, 154

equality for, 145, 148, 149, 154

family businesses of, 121, 122

and food, 106

and German language, 129

Gorky on, 163–65

history of, 106

in industry, 118–19

intelligentsia of, 140–44, 155

and investment in Russian Empire, 120

language of, 105, 108, 127–30

in law, 125, 158

learning of, 106

liberalism of, 153

life of, 105–10

and marriage, 106

and Marxism, 151, 162

in medicine, 105, 125

as merchants, 118

Mercurianism of, 106, 107, 121, 140, 155, 192

meritocracy of, 339

as middlemen, 105, 123

migration of, 122

migration of to cities, 116, 117, 149

migration of to Palestine, 149

migration of to United States, 2, 116–17, 149

in military, 114–15

modernity of, 115–16, 118, 123, 153, 155–56, 158

as moneylenders, 118

occupations of, 115–16, 122, 123, 154

in Pale of Settlement, 105–10

and peasants, 116, 159

perceived danger of, 159

as pharmacists, 105

population of, 105, 117

in professions, 116, 118, 123–25, 143–44, 154, 158

and progress, 162, 163

in railroad industry, 120, 121–22

rationality of, 156

reading circles of, 144–45

restrictions on, 116, 123, 154

and revolution, 144, 149–55, 156–58, 160, 167, 339

in Russian civil war, 173, 174

Russian view of, 143–44, 155–62

segregated, 105

in service occupations, 105

socialism of, 152, 153, 156–57

state policy toward, 114–16

state protection of, 160, 165

as strangers, 105, 121

success of, 118, 155, 158

superiority of, 57–58

as traders, 118

as universal, 158

urbanism of, 115, 116, 117, 118, 149

as victims, 144, 157–58

as wage laborers, 116

wealth of, 106. See also Bolsheviks; Russian Empire

Jews (Russian Federation), 359–63

assimilation of, 361

education of, 362

marriage of, 361

Mercurianism of, 361, 362

occupations of, 362–63

population of, 359–60, 361

professions of, 362

religion of, 361

strangeness of, 362–63

success of, 362

traditional opposition of to Russians, 362

Jews (Soviet): Agursky on, 361

and American liberalism, 352

anti-Semitism toward, 242–47, 248, 249, 250–51, 252–54, 289, 293, 294, 297–315, 318, 329, 331, 335–42, 355, 360

in arts, 224, 225, 226, 329

assimilation of, 300

in athletics, 226

and bourgeoisie, 218, 219, 225, 299

in Cheka, 177, 304, 360

childhood memories of, 256–57

as cultural elite, 225–42

and culture, 225–42, 252, 302, 336

dachas of, 256–57, 317

dissident, 342, 344–45

education of, 222–23, 224–25, 231, 232–34, 243, 252, 262, 274, 329–30, 335–36, 355, 356

as entrepreneurs, 218, 220

ethnicity of, 301

as exemplary Soviets, 250

and family, 256, 288

as farmers, 248–49

in foreign service, 255

and Germans in Russian Empire, 237

and Great Terror, 271–75

as heroes, 290–92, 293

humiliation of, 339

as intelligentsia, 224, 230, 233, 234, 237, 238–39, 256–57, 272–73, 297, 335, 340

and Israel, 338, 352–55, 357

in Jewish nationalist history, 360, 361

as Jews by blood, 286–88, 295, 301

in law, 224, 301–2

learning of, 222

liberalism of, 338

literacy of, 222–23, 224, 252

Marxism of, 247, 248, 301

as masked, 297, 301

in medicine, 224, 225, 307–8, 329

Mercurianism of, 218, 237, 247, 255

migration of, 341, 354–59, 370

migration of to cities, 2, 206, 210, 211, 212–13, 216–19, 222, 223, 224, 238, 243

migration of to Israel, 357

migration of to Palestine, 266–69

migration of to United States, 207, 210–11, 213–15, 260–66, 357, 358–59, 368

in military, 225

and modernity, 237

names of, 298

nationality of, 246, 248–49, 274, 289, 294, 297, 298, 299, 336, 337

national republic for, 248–49, 274

and Nazi invasion, 286–97, 360

normalization of, 252, 253

and nuclear physics, 307

occupations of, 218–21, 223–24, 237, 369

origins of, 331

and Palestine, 267

and poetry, 225

and polemics, 225

as political elite, 251–52, 272–75

political loyalty of, 224

population of in cities, 329, 330

in professions, 224, 225, 226, 237, 301–8, 309, 314, 329, 330, 335, 336

purge of, 297–315, 318, 329

regrets of, 344

restrictions on, 223

revolutionary nature of, 251–52

and Russian nationalism, 277–86, 288, 322

Russian nationalist accounts of, 360–61

and Russians, 329

in science, 224, 329, 330, 335, 336

and secret police, 177, 221, 254–55, 304, 360

self–identification as, 241

and shtetl, 247^8, 252

Solzhenitsyn on guilt of, 360

and state, 242–43

as state employees, 223–24

as strangers, 237, 354

success of, 247, 327, 329, 369

as traders, 218

as tribal aliens, 354

Ulanov–skaia on, 361

urbanism of, 252

wealth of, 218, 222

as writers, 224, 225, 226, 302. See also Soviet Union

Jogisches, Leo, 85

journalism, 41, 50, 104, 303, 315

Joyce, James, 77–79, 84

Ulysses, 77–79, 84, 87–90

Judaism: and Christianity, 318

vs. communism, 206

and Marx, 93–94

and Marxism, 83–85, 98

revolt against, 137

Soviet policy toward, 247

Jussawalla, Adil, 60

Kabakov, Ilya, 343

Kafka, Franz, 63, 75–76

Kaganova, Emma, 311

Kaganovich, Lazar, 97, 248, 294

Reminiscences of a Worker, Communist–Bolshevik, and a Trade Union, Party, and Soviet–State Official, 94

Kahan, Arcadius, 120, 121–22

Kamenev, Lev Borisovich (Rosenfeld), 169, 175, 179, 245

Kaminskaia, Lina, 309

Kandinsky, Vassily, 200

Kanjar, 11, 27, 28

Kantorovich, Leonid, 342

Kapitsa, Petr, 290, 342

Kapler, A. Ya., 304

Karaites, 111

Karpova, A. S. (Zalkind), 233

Kataev, V., 199

Katz, Jacob, 28, 51

Kazantzakis, Nikos, 91

Kazin, Alfred, 214

Kent State, 349

Kenya, 32, 38

Kessner, Thomas, 262

Kharik, Izi, 217–18, 273

Kharkov, 206, 217, 223, 301

Kheifets, G. M., 296

Kheisin, I. O., 186

Kherson, 117

Khmelnytsky, Bohdan, 107

Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 362

Khrushchev, Nikita, 314, 334

Kiev, 122, 206, 223, 289, 301

kinship: and assimilation of Jews, 60

and bohemians, 42

and capitalism, 43

corporate, 25

of Lebanese traders, 25

and moneylending, 9–10

of Overseas Chinese, 25–26

stranger minorities outside, 6. See also family; tribe/tribalism

Kirgiz people, 111, 154

Kirpotin, V., 279

Kirshon, V., 220

The Korenkov Affair, 219

Koestler, Arthur, 312

Kogan, L. I., 199

Kogan, Pavel, 280

“The Brigantine,” 234–35

“The Letter,” 235

Koltsov, Mikhail (Fridliand), 226

Komar, Vitaly, 343

Komsomol, 228, 229, 230, 295

Kopelev, Lev, 185–86, 229, 233, 241–42, 279–80, 285, 344–45

Kopeliansky, Lieutenant Colonel, 304

Korea/Koreans, 4–5, 34

Kosov, Semyon Andreevich, 281–82, 283

Kuban, 248

kulaks, purge of, 309

Kun, Béla, 85, 97, 98, 178

Kuniaev, Stanislav, 203

Kushnirov, Aron, 134

Kvitko, Leiba, 298, 299

labor, 11, 29, 212, 261. See also occupation(s); professions

Lamarckianism, 59

Landau, G. A., 138–39, 183

Landau, Lev, 342

Landauer, Gustav, 85, 92

Landes, David, 47

Landsberg, Otto, 85

language: and assimilation, 60, 67–69

and difference, 19, 20

in France, 66

of Jewish nationalism, 100–102

in Joyce, 79

as mercurial and Promethean, 19

of Mercurians, 16, 20, 28, 29

national, 20

and nationalism, 45, 61, 65

and nation–state, 276

of Overseas Chinese, 20

of Pale Jews vs. non–Jews, 108

in Palestine, 213

revolt against, 137

in Russian Empire, 106, 127

of Russian Jews, 105, 108, 127–30

in Russian reading circles, 144

sacred, 20

in Soviet Union, 250, 276–77, 278

of strangers, 16–20

of United States, 276

vernacular, 18, 19, 100. See also culture

Larin, Yuri (Lurie), 245, 248, 251–52, 262

Lassalle, Ferdinand, 85, 93–94

Latin America, 30, 31

Latvia, 152, 154, 169, 174

Latvians, 177, 273

Lavochkin, S. A., 303

law: American Jews in, 315, 318

discrimination by, 110–11

European Jews in, 50

Jews in, 1, 71, 104, 369

as modern occupation, 41

Russian Jews in, 125, 158

Soviet Jews in, 224, 301–2

learning: of European Jews, 46

in modernity, 1, 41

opposite views of, 107

of Russian Jews, 106

of Soviet Jews, 222. See also education

Lebanese, 7, 25, 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 369

Lebanese Maronites, 34

Leichter, Käthe, 63–64

Lenin, V. I.: in Babel, 170

on democratic vs. bourgeois cultures, 185

Ehrenburg on, 200

Gorky on, 163–64

and Help–hand, 155

Jewish ancestry of, 163, 338

Jewish Bolsheviks with, 169

on Jewish intelligentsia, 224

on Jewish progressives, 163

and Jews, 152

killing of Nicholas II by, 178

Kopelev on, 241, 242

and Latvians in Cheka, 177

nationality policy of, 246

on peasants, 163

populism vs. Marxism in, 148

and Russia nationalism, 277

on Russian backwardness, 143

on Tolstoy, 153

on Trotsky, 187

Leningrad, 176, 206, 217, 222, 223–24, 225, 230–31, 253, 301

Leninism, 103

Lermontov, Mikhail, 98

Leroy–Beaulieu, Anatole, 58–59

Lesin, Grigorii (Gersha Zelik) Davidovich, 119

Levenson, Joseph R., 371

Levi, Paul, 85

Levin, Boris, 219–20

Levin, I. O., 156, 185

Levine, Eugen, 85

Levitan, Isaak, 126, 134, 135

Levitan, Yuri, 226

Libedinsky, Yuri, The Commissars, 194–95,196

liberalism: of American Jews, 318–19, 350

and assimilation, 62–64

and Christianity, 318

and citizenship, 64, 158–59

and communism, 206, 207, 348

and culture, 71

and evil, 207

and family, 64

of France, 62

and Freudianism, 319

of Habsburg Empire, 62

Jewish promotion of, 71

as language, 64

and Marxism, 318

modernity as, 321–22

and nationalism, 99, 207

Nazi view of, 103

and patricide, 100

and Protestantism, 43–44

and Russian Empire, 153

Russian intelligentsia on, 158–59

of Russian Jewish revolutionaries, 153

and Soviet Jews, 338

and tribalism, 318

in United States, 2, 104, 207, 318–19, 338, 348, 350. See also neutrality

Lichter, S. Robert, 349

Lifshits, Mikhail, 233

Lissitzky, El (Lazar Markovich [Morduk–hovich] Lisitsky), 126, 179, 227

Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge, 199–200

literacy: among service nomads, 29

in Europe, 41

of Jewish Bolsheviks, 175

of Jews in Cheka, 177

as means, 20

as modern, 1

of Parsis, 31

of Soviet Jews, 222–23, 224, 252. See also education

literature, 45, 65, 214, 239–42, 266. See also culture

Lithuania, 50, 108, 337

Litvinov, Pavel, 342

Loez, 19

Lotman, Yuri, 342

Löwenthal, Leo, 86, 98

Lõwinger, József, 96–97

Lozovsky, Solomon, 299, 312–13

Lukács, Georg, 63, 96–97

Lunacharsky, A., 162, 179–80, 187–88

Luxemburg, Rosa, 85

Magyars, 72

Mahler, Gustav, 63

Maimonides, Moses, 170

Mairanovsky, G. M., 304–5

Maisky, I. M., 291

Malashkin, Sergei, 219, 220

Malays, 10, 33

Malinke, 22

Mandelstam, Osip, 67–68, 129, 136, 137, 147, 190, 264, 281, 324, 343, 351

Manievich, Abraham, 126

Marcuse, Herbert, 86

Margi, 13

Margolina, Sonja, 92

Margolin family, 120–21

Markish, Ester, 210, 221, 310–11, 353–54, 358

Markish, Perets, 191, 221, 292, 298

marriage, 12–13, 15, 21, 105, 179–80, 361, 363,371

Marshak, Samuil, 134, 135, 280

Martin, Terry, 274

Marx, Karl: aloneness in, 84

on capitalism, 2, 60

and father, 63

and Jews, 2, 60, 91, 99

and Judaism, 93–94

middle–class family of, 83

socialism of, 153

Marxism: alienation of labor in, 102

and American Jews, 263, 264, 318

and Apollonianism, 148

and Bund, 148, 151

and communism, 80, 82, 162

division of labor in, 80

education in, 95–96

evil in, 102–3

father in, 162

Frankfurt School on, 87

and Freudianism, 319, 320, 321–22

and history, 80, 81

intelligentsia in, 162

and Jews, 2, 92, 95–96, 162, 247, 248

and Judaism, 83–85, 98

and liberalism, 318

and Mercurianism, 81, 148

millenarianism in, 92

modernity of, 80, 148, 162

and nationalism, 80, 82, 322

nationality in, 246

and Nazism, 103

on patricide, 100

peasants in, 162

and populism, 148

as religion, 81, 322

and revolt against family, 136

in Russian Empire, 148

of Russian Jews, 151

and science, 80, 81

and Sholem Aleichem, 205

sin in, 80

Soviet, 102–3, 247, 248, 276, 322

and tribalism, 80, 162

Marxism-Leninism, 301, 306

materialism, 82, 156, 213, 214, 260. See also wealth

Mazut Company, 121

McCarthy, Joseph, 315

Mead, Margaret, 323, 324

medicine: American Jews in, 315, 318, 369

European Jews in, 50, 70–71, 104

and Freudianism, 81

Germans of Russian Empire in, 113

intellect in, 28

Jews in, 1, 369

as modern occupation, 41

and Nazism, 103–4

Russian Empire Jews in, 105, 125

Soviet Jews in, 224, 225, 307–8, 329

Mehta, Zubin, 30

Meir (Meyerson), Golda, 296–97

Mekler, Abram, 238

Melamid, Aleksandr, 343

Mendele Mokher Sforim (Sholem Yakov Abramovich), 101

Mendelssohn, Moses, 51

Mendl, Menachem, 211

Mensheviks, 148, 152, 273

merchant(s): cleverness of, 27

craftiness of, 10

and Hermes/Mercury, 8

intellect of, 28

Russian Jewish, 118

stranger communities as, 5–6. See also business; commerce; trader(s)

Mercurians/Mercurianism: as aliens in Russian Empire, 166

aloofness of, 45–46

and Apollonianism, 24, 27–28, 29, 30–35

in Babel, 188

and bodily purity, 45

and Bolsheviks, 173, 192

business integration of, 123

characteristics of, 23

as communists, 37

corporate kinship among, 34–35

and culture, 125

dangers to, 35–39

economic success of, 26

and European Jewish assimilation, 60–61

European revolt against, 211

Europeans’ development as, 41

and exiles as divine punishment, 22

and family, 35

and Freudianism, 81

Germans in Russian Empire as, 112–14

in Gorky, 164

in imperial Russia, 237–38

intellect of, 26–27

internal cohesion of, 35

in Joyce, 77, 78

language of, 16, 20, 28, 29

and Marxism, 81, 148

and modernity, 136

occupations of, 28

and polytheism, 65

postexilic Jews as, 40

and Protestant ethic, 33–34

purity/pollution among, 15

and radicalism, 90–91

and Roth, 317

of Russian Empire, 111, 112–14, 115, 237–38

of Russian Empire Jews, 106, 107, 121, 140, 155, 192

of Russian Federation Jews, 361, 362

of Russian Jewish revolutionaries, 155

in Russian Revolution, 199

and Samoilov, 281

scriptural, 30, 31

and secret police, 306

of Soviet Jews, 192, 201, 218, 237, 247, 255

in Soviet Union, 209, 237, 238, 254, 255, 310

in State of Israel, 328, 364

strangeness of, 35

superiority of, 26

tribalism of, 24, 35

of Trotsky, 265

of United States, 207, 215, 367, 368, 369

universal, 65

values of, 28

writers as, 29

and Zionism, 102, 269

Mercury, 10, 29. See also Hermes

meritocracy, 142, 158, 337, 339, 350, 369

Meromskaia, Tsafrira, 210, 221, 231, 238, 239, 272, 273, 354

Nostalgia? Never!, 256–57

messianism, 58–59, 91–93, 102, 103, 263, 268. See also religion

Mickiewicz, Adam, 67, 71, 97

middle class. See bourgeoisie

Middle East, 34

middlemen, 25, 34, 105, 112, 115, 123

migration: to European cities, 47

from Pale of Settlement, 257

to Palestine, 2, 210, 211, 212, 266–69

Russia as source of, 122, 149, 212

to Russian cities, 116, 117, 149

to Soviet cities, 2, 206, 210, 211 212–13, 216–19, 222, 223, 224, 238, 243

of Soviet Jews, 341, 354–59, 370

to United States, 2, 116–17, 149, 207, 210–11, 213–15, 260–66, 315, 357, 358–59, 368

Mikhoels, Solomon, 138, 290–91, 292, 294, 298, 311

Mil, M. L., 303

military, 114–15, 175, 225. See also Red Army; Whites

millenarianism, 35, 91–92, 103, 269. See also religion

Minc, Hilary, 314

mind. See intellect

Mints, I. I., 302

Mishin, V. P., 335, 336

Mississippi Summer volunteers, 348–49

Mitin, M. B., 302

Mlynek, Anna, 232–33

modernism, 75, 77, 103

modernity: Armenians as models for, 30

and capitalism, 99, 207

and Christianity, 41

culture of, 71

debate over Jewish success in, 52–60

of England, 66

in Europe, 1–2, 40–46

of France, 66

and Freudianism, 81

and Germans of Russian Empire, 114

and Holocaust, 46

and Jews, 1, 30, 52–60, 61, 63, 64, 73, 104, 207

in Joyce, 77

learning in, 1, 41

as liberalism, 321–22

and Marxism, 80, 148, 162

and medicine, 41

of Mercurianism vs. Apollonianism, 136–37

and nationalism, 1, 43–45, 99, 321–22, 350

and nation-state, 276

occupations of, 1, 41

and peasants, 60, 61

polytheism of, 65

professions in, 142, 207, 332

and Protestantism, 41–42, 43

and Russian Empire, 114, 115–16, 142–3

and Russian Empire Jews, 115–16, 118, 123, 153, 155–56, 158

science in, 41, 42, 207

service nomadism in, 30

and socialism, 207

and Soviet Jews, 237

of Soviet Union, 277, 331, 332

and strangers, 61

vs. traditional society, 142

and tribalism, 43, 45, 363–64

wealth in, 1, 41

Western, 142–143

youth in, 142, 143

Moldavians, 336

Molière, 66

Molotov, V. M., 220, 244–45, 294, 304

moneylending, 5, 6, 9–10, 23, 41, 118

Mon people, 9, 363

MOPR (International Relief Organization for Revolutionaries), 89

morality, 14, 42, 44, 53, 54, 55, 82, 100

Mordvinians, 299

Moreinis, M. A., 139, 147

Moreinis-Muratova, F. A., 129, 134, 138, 139, 227

Morozov, G. I., 304

Moscow, 125, 206, 217–18, 223–24, 230–31, 253, 301

Moscow International Youth Festival (1957), 352

music. See arts

Mussavatists, 273

Mutnikovich, Abram, 128

Nabokov, Vladimir, 256, 321

Nader, Ralph, 31

Nadson, S. la., 143, 147

Nakhimson, Semen, 179

Namier, Lewis Bernstein, 57

Naoroji, Dadabhai, 30

Nathans, Benjamin, 125

nation: Christianity as, 61

deification of, 44–45

expiation of guilt by, 185

guilt of, 157

and modernity, 276

and Nazism, 102

nationalism: and American Jews, 315, 351

anti-Semitism in, 74

as Apollonian, 37

and assimilation, 61, 62

in Bund, 148

and capitalism, 99, 207

Chamberlain on, 53

and Christianity, 44–5, 67, 321

communism as, 97

and culture, 61, 71, 101

ethnic, 65, 116

in Europe, 159

and family, 61, 363–64

and Freudianism, 80, 82

German, 71, 116

golden ages of, 65

in Gorky, 164

Hebrew, 101, 102

in Hungary, 116

of Israel, 208

and Jews, 44–45, 73, 100–102

in Joyce, 79, 84

and language, 20, 45, 61, 65

and liberalism, 99, 207

and literature, 45, 65, 129–30

and Lukacs, 97

and Marxism, 80, 82, 322

and modernity, 1, 43–45, 99, 321–22, 350

in Nazism, 2, 365, 366

of non-Russian republics, 278

as political vs. tribal, 322

and professions, 207

and religion, 1, 61, 67, 70

Russian, 277–86, 288, 322

in Russian Empire, 141

and Russian literature, 129–30

and science, 207

service nomads under, 36–37

and socialism, 207

and Soviet Union, 247, 277–86, 300

state as family in, 142

of State of Israel, 327, 328, 364, 367

and tribalism, 1, 66, 321, 322, 363–64

in United States, 67, 315, 322

as universal, 64

and unprotected status of Jews, 165

and Zionism, 363

nationality: and citizenship, 36–37

and evil, 104

in Marxism, 246

of Mordvinians, 299

of Soviet Jews, 246, 248–49, 274, 289, 294, 297, 298, 299, 336, 337

in Soviet Union, 246, 247, 250, 275, 285–86, 293, 294, 297, 329, 331, 335–36

of Ukrainians, 299

in United States, 350. See also ethnicity

nation-state: common language of, 276

and Hebrew-based nationalism, 102

and modernity, 276

service nomads under, 36–37

and Soviet Union, 208–9. See also state

Nawar, 6, 29

Nazis/Nazism: in Aliger, 283, 284

anti-Semitism of, 2, 103, 286–91, 327, 337, 365

and capitalism, 103

and Christianity, 103

and communism, 103

ethnicity in, 366

as evil, 365, 366

evil in, 102, 103, 104

Frankfurt School on, 88–89

and Freudianism, 103–4

invasion of Soviet Union by, 286–97, 360

and Israel, 327, 328

and liberalism, 103

and Marxism, 103

mass murder by, 286–91, 327, 337

and medicine, 103–4

as messianic, 102, 103

and millenarianism, 103

and modernism, 103

Namier on rise of, 57

and nation, 102

nationalism of, 2, 365, 366

and Party, 312

rise of, 184

science in, 103, 365, 366

secularism in, 104

and Sholem Aleichem, 205

Nazi-Soviet alliance, 301, 315

Nedelin, Mitrofan, 332, 334, 340

Neizvestny, Ernst, 343

Nekrasov, Nikolai, 98

Nepal, 5

nepotism, 34, 43

Nestorians (Assyrians), 5, 20, 38, 111, 166

neutrality, 67

of citizenship, 60

lack of, 63

of public life, 62

of secular culture, 51

of strangers, 5–6. See also liberalism

New Economic Policy, 210, 218, 219, 220, 222, 229

Nicholas I, 49

Nicholas II, 178, 180

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 24, 55, 60, 82, 91, 163

Nigeria, 30

Nikritin, Solomon, 126

Nixon administration, 357

NKVD, 254–55. See also Cheka; OGPU; police, Soviet secret

nomadism, 11, 54, 59. See also service nomads

nose, Jewish, 77, 87, 128

Novak, Grigory, 191

nursing. See medicine

Oblomov/Oblomovism, 162, 164, 193, 278

occupation(s): of American Jews, 210, 368–69

and anti-Semitism, 72, 73

of Armenians, 30

of diaspora Jews, 30, 40

in Europe, 41

of European Jews, 369

of Germans in Russian Empire, 111–13

Mercurian, 28

middleman, 25, 34, 105, 112, 115, 123

modern, 1, 41

in Pale of Settlement, 105

and restrictions on Russian Jews, 116, 123

of Russian Empire Jews, 115–16, 122, 123, 154

of Russian Federation Jews, 362–63

service, 105

of Soviet Jews, 218–21, 223–24, 225, 237

in Soviet Union, 329

of strangers, 4–5, 9

undesirable, 4–5, 9

in United States, 210. See also professions; specific occupations

Odessa, 71, 122, 124, 125–26, 159, 210

Odysseus/Ulysses, 23, 27

OGPU, 199, 221, 244. See also Cheka; NKVD; police, Soviet secret

Oistrakh, David, 125, 226

Old Believers, 111, 121, 123

Old Bolsheviks, 256

Olesen, Asta, 17

Onikov, L., 355

Oppenheim banking house, 47

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 342

Orlova, Raisa, 136, 231–32, 233, 239, 344, 345

Memoirs of Times Not Past, 346–47

Orzhikh-Bogoraz-Shternberg group, 151

Ottoman Empire, 6, 166

Pakistanis, 11, 32

Pale of Settlement: collapse of, 2, 166

education in, 124

emigration from, 117

industrialism in, 120

life in, 105–10

and Meromskaia, 238

migration from, 140, 257

and Russian civil war, 173

urban riots in, 155, 159. See also shtetl

Palestine: and American Jews, 267

Apol-lonianism in, 209

Arabs in, 209

as dream, 215

history in, 267

Jewish brotherhood in, 212–13

Jewish identification with, 318

language in, 213

messianism in, 268

migration to, 2, 210, 211, 212, 266–69

Russian culture in, 213

Russian emigration to, 149

socialism in, 209, 267

and Soviet Union, 268, 269

State of Israel in, 294–97

Zionism in, 104, 209, 268. See also Israel; Israel, State of; Zionism

Palestinians, 31

Para-Romani languages, 16–17

parents. See family; father

Parsis, 6–7, 13, 16, 20–21, 26, 29, 30–31

Pasmanik, D. S., 184

Pasternak, Boris, 343

Pasternak, Leonid, 126, 134

pastoral society, 4, 7, 23, 28, 54, 111

patriarchy, 25, 96, 144. See also father

Patriotic War of 1812, 281

Pauker, Ana, 314

peasants: and anti-Semitism, 289

and civil war, 173

and culture, 282

and equality, 111

Gorky on, 163

vs. Jewish success, 154

Lenin on, 163

in Marxism, 162

vs. Mercurians, 23, 29, 123

modernization of, 60, 61

and New Economic Policy, 219

and populism vs. Marxism, 148

protection of, 116, 159, 160

and Samoilov, 281–82, 283

shtetl Jews on, 27

and socialism, 141

values of, 28

People’s Will party, 151

Pereires family, 47, 120

Perle, Richard, 357

Péter, Gábor, 304

Peters, Madison C., 56

Peterson, R. A., 249

Peter the Great, 111, 135, 332

Petőfi, Sándor, 67, 71, 97

Petrograd Soviet, 176, 334

Petrosian, Tigran, 338

Philippines, 33, 36, 38

philosophes, 66

physician. See medicine

Piedmont Principle, 274

Pinsky, Leonid, 233

Pisarev, D. I., “Progress in the World of Plants and Animals,” 145

Plautus, 239

Pobedonostsev, K., 156

pogroms, 155

Bikerman on, 183

in Kiev, 289

in Odessa, 159

and Red Army, 169

in Russian Empire, 116, 118, 166

of service nomads, 36

in Ukraine, 289

and Zionism, 149. See also anti-Semitism; violence

Poland: Jewish communists in, 89, 95–96, 98

Jewish professionals in, 50

Jews and culture of, 72

language in, 127

purge of Jews in, 314

Poles, 107, 299

emigration of to United States, 117

and Great Terror, 273

revolutionary, 152

and Russian civil war, 173

in Soviet Union, 336

Poliakov, Iakov Solomonovich, 119

Poliakov, Lazar, 119

Poliakov, Samuil, 120

Poliakov family, 121

police, Soviet secret: and anti-Semitism, 244

and Babel, 172, 190, 255

in Jabotinsky, 215

Jews in, 177, 221, 254–55, 304, 360

and Kogan, 235

and official orthodoxy, 306–7

Solzhenitsyn on, 360

and White Sea Canal, 199

Polisar, Khaim, 196, 221

Polish (language), 67

politics, 48

American Jews in, 369–70

nationalist vs. tribal, 322

Soviet Jews in, 224, 251–52, 272–75

in Soviet Union, 276–77. See also civil service

pollution. See purity/pollution

Pol Pot, 38

Popper, Karl, 63

populism, 141, 148, 150, 213

Portugal, 66, 327

Preuss, Hugo, 85

professions: of American Jews, 261, 315–16, 318, 350

and assimilation, 62, 63

diaspora Jews in, 1, 30

European Jews in, 49–52, 62, 63, 70–71, 72, 90, 91, 104

and Freudianism, 319

of Germans in Russian Empire, 112–13

liberal, 62, 63

and modernity, 142, 207, 332

and nationalism, 207

Russian Empire Jews in, 116, 118, 123–25, 143–44, 154, 158

Russian Federation Jews in, 362

and socialism, 207

and Soviet Communist Party, 306–7
