Chapter Seven All the facts about Mr Shakespeare
It has been said that all the facts about Mr Shakespeare's life could be written on a single page. Here they are then:
Known facts about WS
26th April, 1564: Christened. 'C. Gulielmus filius Johannes Stiakspere.' 27th November, 1582: Granted licence to marry. 'Item eodem die similis emanavit licencia inter Willelmum Shaxpere et Annam Whateley de Temple Grafton.' 26th May, 1583: Christening of his daughter Susanna. 'C. Susanna daughter to William Shakespeare.' 2nd February, 1585: Christening of his twin son and daughter, Hamlet & Judith. 'C. Hamnet & Judeth sonne and daughter to William Shakspere.' 11th August, 1596: Burial of Hamlet Shakespeare. 'B. Hamnet filius William Shakspere.' 8th September, 1601: Burial of his father, John. 'B. Mr Johannes Shakspeare.' 5th June, 1607: Marriage of his daughter Susanna. 'M. John Hall gentleman & Susanna Shaxspere.' 9th September, 1608: Burial of his mother, Mary. 'B. Mayry Shaxspere, wydowe.' 10th February, 1616: Marriage of his daughter Judith. 'M. Tho Queeny tow Judith Shakspere.' 25th March, 1616: Signed his will. 23rd April, 1616: Died. 25th April, 1616: Buried. 'B. Will. Shakspere, gent.'
These twelve facts are all that there is to be known for sure about William Shakespeare from the public records.
But a man's life does not just consist of facts.
Least of all, the life of our Shakespeare.