Title Page
I In which Pickleherring takes his pen to tell of his first meeting with Mr Shakespeare
II In which Pickleherring makes strides in a pair of lugged boots
III Pickleherring's Acknowledgements
IV About John Shakespeare and the miller's daughter
V How to spell Shakespeare and what a whittawer is
VI About the begetting of William Shakespeare
VII All the facts about Mr Shakespeare
VIII Which is mostly about choughs but has no choughs in it
IX About the birth of Mr WS
X What if Bretchgirdle was Shakespeare's father?
XI About this book
XII Of WS: his first word, & the otters
XIII Was John Shakespeare John Falstaff?
XIV How Shakespeare's mother played with him
XV What this book is doing
XVI Shakespeare breeches
XVII Pickleherring's room (in which he is writing this book)
XVIII The Man in the Moon, or Pickleherring in praise of country history
XIX Positively the last word about whittawers
XX What if Queen Elizabeth was Shakespeare's mother?
XXI The Shakespeare Arms
XXII Pickleherring's Song
XXIII About the childhood ailments of William Shakespeare
XXIV About the great plague that was late in London
XXV Bretchgirdle's cat
XXVI Of the games of William Shakespeare when he was young
XXVII The midwife Gertrude's tale
XXVIII Of little WS and the cauldron of inspiration & science
XXIX Some tales that William Shakespeare told his mother
XXX What Shakespeare learnt at Stratford Grammar School
XXXI About Pompey Bum + Pickleherring's Shakespeare Test
XXXII Did Shakespeare go to school at Polesworth?
XXXIII Why John Shakespeare liked to be called Jack
XXXIV What Shakespeare saw when he looked under Clopton Bridge
XXXV About water
XXXVI Of weeds and the original Ophelia
XXXVII The revels at Kenilworth 9th July, 1575
XXXVIII More about Jenkins
XXXIX John Shakespeare when sober
XL Jack Naps of Greece: his story
XLI Jack Naps of Greece: his story concluded
XLII Flute
XLIII The speech that Shakespeare made when he killed a calf
XLIV In which there is a death, and a birth, and an earthquake
XLV Pickleherring's peep-hole
XLVI About silk stockings
XLVII How Shakespeare went to teach in Lancashire
XLVIII How Shakespeare went to sea with Francis Drake
XLIX How Shakespeare went to work in a lawyer's office
L How Shakespeare went to the wars & sailed the seas (again?) & took a long walk in the Forest of Arden & captured a castle
LI Pickleherring's confession
LII In which Anne Hathaway
LIII Shakespeare's other Anne
LIV Pickleherring's nine muses
LV In which John Shakespeare plays Shylock
LVI In which Lucy is lousy
LVII Shakespeare's Canopy, or Pickleherring in dispraise of wine
LVIII Pickleherring's Poetics (some more about this book)
LIX What Shakespeare did when first he came to London
LX In which Pickleherring eats an egg in honour of Mr Shakespeare
LXI In which Pickleherring speculates concerning the meaning of eggs
LXII About Mr Richard Field: another ruminating gentleman
LXIII About a great reckoning in a little room
LXV A look at William Shakespeare
LXVI Pickleherring's list of the world's lost plays
LXVII Love's Labour's Won
LXVIII Was Shakespeare raped?
LXLX All about Rizley
LXX A Private Observation
LXXI In which Pickleherring presents a lost sonnet by William Shakespeare
LXXII Who was Shakespeare's Friend?
LXXIII The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 1
LXXIV The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 2
LXXV The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 3
LXXVI The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 4
LXXVII The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 5
LXXVIII Of eggs and Richard Burbage
LXXIX A few more facts and fictions about William Shakespeare
LXXX In which boys will be girls
LXXXI In which Mr Shakespeare is mocked by his fellows
LXXXII Pickleherring's poem
LXXXIII In which Mr Shakespeare plays a game at tennis
LXXXIV What Shakespeare got from Florio + a word about George Peele
LXXXV Deaths, etc.
LXXXVI 'Mrs Lines and Mr Barkworth'
LXXXVII Shakespeare in Scotland & other witchcrafts
LXXXVIII About Comfort Ballantine
LXXXIX In which Pickleherring plays Cleopatra at the house in St John Street
XC Tom o' Bedlam's Song
XCI In which William Shakespeare returns to Stratford
XCII Bottoms
XCIII Some sayings of William Shakespeare
XCIV A word about John Spencer Stockfish
XCV Pickleherring's list of things despaired of
XCVI Shakespeare's Will (with notes by Pickleherring)
XCVIII The day Shakespeare died (with his last words, etc.)
XCIX About the funeral of William Shakespeare & certain events thereafter
C In which Pickleherring lays down his pen after telling of the curse on Shakespeare's grave
About the Author
By Robert Nye