Chapter 9

‘First of all, I have some good news. Carmichael is no longer a problem.’

Senator Morris was addressing the professor and Audrey Milne in their regular meeting room in the Capitol Building.

‘How sure can we be that a copy of his manuscript won’t pop up somewhere down the line?’

‘Goliath didn’t just dispose of Carmichael and the woman, he-’

‘Woman?’ echoed Audrey nervously.

‘He has a maid – had a maid – who apparently doubled as his secretary.’

‘And he killed her too?’

There was a sharp edge in Audrey’s tone. The senator wasn’t sure if it was chiding or fearful. Either way he didn’t like it, but he wanted to keep her onside.

‘She was there at the time. Apparently she was his de facto carer. Also, as I said, she was his secretary. That is, she typed the paper for him. That means she knew about it.’

‘But what about copies?’ the professor reminded him.

‘He wiped the computer and burnt down the house. Unless they sent a copy somewhere else, the only copies left are the ones with you.’

‘But how is this going to help us end the vile dominion of the Semitic interlopers?’ asked the professor.

‘Carmichael’s paper can’t. But what it revealed certainly can. It appears that he was right: the sixth plague can make a resurgence.’

‘What do you mean?’

He told them what Jane had told him about Joel and about his instructions to her to get a sample of his clothes.

‘You don’t really think…’ The professor trailed off.

‘It was an article of faith among the Israelites that they were spared from the plagues,’ said the senator. ‘But after this young man on the dig has become ill, it looks like Carmichael was right. The Israelites were stricken by the plagues too. And we can use that to our advantage.’

Audrey sat there in silence. It wasn’t until the meeting had ended that she made her way to her car and drove safely out of the area before making a phone call. There were three or four rings before it was picked up at the other end.

‘Israeli Embassy.’
