The bitch! thought Goliath. The fucking evil bitch!
He didn’t know who she was. In his agony, with his clothes on fire, all he knew was that she was the enemy.
The searing pain enveloped his body.
Get out! his mind was screaming. Get out! But it was easier said than done. To get out he would have had to use his hands and he couldn’t even feel his hands.
Neither, for that matter, could he see. His eyes were closed and his eyeballs were so hot it was as if they were melting in their sockets.
He heard the door opening and felt hands upon him, under his armpits. The hands were small, yet their grip was surprisingly strong.
‘ Wa ismaholiya mousa’a aidatica.’
He didn’t understand the words. But he could tell from the tone that someone was trying to help. He allowed himself to be dragged from the car. Once outside, his instinct was to run, to escape from the flames that engulfed him, but he knew that running would merely fan the flames and feed them with oxygen.
Instead, he allowed the man to push him to the ground and roll him. He continued to roll by himself, sensing that it was working. He felt a soft blow to a wide area of his torso. Fabric on flesh. The stranger was trying to beat out the flames. Eventually, it became clear that the flames had subsided, but the searing pain on his flesh lingered on. The only thing he knew for sure was that he was alive.
But he felt his consciousness slipping away.