Chapter 58

‘I didn’t actually lose it,’ Sarit was explaining. ‘I just left it in my hotel room by mistake.’

‘But why didn’t you tell the police that you found it?’

Sarit was trying to convince the border official in Taba that it was all just a misunderstanding. But the border official was playing hardball.

‘I phoned the police and told them. But it was late at night when I discovered it and I couldn’t get through to the right person. They said they’d pass on a message.’

‘But you don’t know the name of the person you spoke to?’

‘I’m afraid not.’

‘What is the purpose of your visit to Israel?’


It was normally the Israelis who were more suspicious, but it was understandable that the Egyptians were being cautious under the circumstances.

‘You don’t think it was a bit careless, leaving the passport in your hotel room and then wasting police time by telling them that it was missing?’

Sarit felt herself blushing. This was good. It would make her seem like an embarrassed, careless tourist.

‘I didn’t just forget it. It had actually fallen out of my bag in the hotel room and was down by the side of the bed. It was only when I searched really thoroughly that I found it. Look, I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused. What more can I say?’

The official looked at her coldly. ‘We’ll have to check with the police in Cairo.’

It was then that Sarit began to worry.
