When they went in to look at Lilli, they found her sitting up in bed, smoking a cigarette. They sat, one on either side of her, Edna stroked her pretty face, "Are you OK, honey?"

Lilli said, "Yeh. Did you send him in here?"

Pete said, "Send who?"

"Casey. He just left about a half hour ago."

Pete looked at Edna and frowned. Edna said, "Whad he do?"

Lilli tapped the ashes off the cigarette. "Well, he came in and crawled into bed."

"The sonofabitch fucked her," Edna said.

"He's a pisser," Pete said, biting his lower lip. He should have known, but how could he know? Christ, a guy can't be everywhere. Casey had a real anxious cock on him, shoving it into everything.

"I think maybe we oughta give up the deal," Edna said. "I dunno about Casey." "He didn't hurt me," Lilli said.

Pete petted her too. "We need the fuckin' dough. He's got a car the cops aren't chasing. Maybe we can get to St. Louie without no trouble. Then we'll see."

Lilli said, "I d'wanna screw him anymore. Tell him, huh?"

"All right." Pete walked to the window, turning it all over in his mind. But Casey did have a car-that was a big item. He could steal one, but they'd have to be watching for fuzz constantly. Maybe Casey wouldn't be too much trouble until they got to St. Louis.

Evening came slowly. They dressed and went out to eat and came back to wait in the room. He let Lilli go down on him as he sprawled on the bed. Edna curled into his arms and they dozed.

He half dreamed of the cocksucking safe. Just as he opened it a cop came in and shot him. Then when he stepped out into the lobby with the dough a cop came up and grabbed him.

At midnight he sent Edna down to look at the night clerk, the guy named Jimmy. Edna sauntered by the desk, looked him over, bought a paper and went back upstairs.

"I think the guy's sleeping," she said. "Anyhow, he's sitting there with his eyes closed."

Pete licked his lips.

He couldn't come for Lilli at all. She sucked hard on him too; but his mind just wasn't on sex, it was on that fucking safe. Even Edna helped out.,. the girls tried to relax him, but even together they couldn't make him shoot.

At twelve twenty they all went downstairs. The girls slipped through the lobby one at a time, to the street, to wait for him.

There were three old geezers in the lobby chattering by the front window. There were always old shits sitting by the front window. He saw Edna stand by the window, then bend over slightly to give the old geezers a thrill. She was diverting attention, giving them a peek of pussy. They suddenly quieted as they stared at the free show.

Pete leaned over the desk. Jimmy was certainly doing a good imitation of a guy asleep. His thermos bottle was sitting, opened, on the desk in front of him. Pete said, "Service…?"

Jimmy didn't stir.

Pete glanced around, slid under the fold-down panel and went past the desk into the office. He copied the combination off the wall, opened the safe and grabbed at the money. It was easy-he had been worrying all day long, and it was really easy. Not a nicking thing to it. It only took minutes. The combination was the key to the job. He took another half minute to make sure he had all the dough. He had.

He closed the safe, locked it again, and slid out.

Lilli saw him coming across the lobby. She and Edna started walking down the street. He joined them before they got to the corner. He wanted to yell! Edna hissed at him, "You got it OK?"

He smiled broadly, and she smiled back. He slapped Lilli's butt and she squealed. He had a great hard-on! Great.

Casey was waiting in the car, smoking furiously. "How'd it go?"

"I got it. Get this fucker outa here!" They got in, slammed doors and Casey roared the motor. Pete pulled Lilli into his lap. He felt wonderful; he kissed her, feeling her hands on Putzi. He was sitting directly behind Casey. Lilli pulled his cock out and went down on it in a crazy hurry. Edna leaned over the back seat and grinned. Casey kept up a flow of chatter for a half hour. He was nervous.

Pete slumped down and let it come. Lilli had worked him over all afternoon, and now she blew him like a geyser. And Casey didn't notice at all because of the traffic.

Pete smiled wanly at Edna. She had been watching and knew when he came into Lilli's mouth. She smiled back; she was happy for him. Edna was a hellova good shit. He wasn't too happy about it when he saw Casey encircle her shoulders with his arm and pull her close to him when the traffic let up a bit. He heard Casey's zipper open, and then the guy was looking down at his crotch and Pete knew she was sucking him.

Casey drove until it got light. Pete woke when the steady vibration changed; they were turning off the highway to an all-night cafe. Pete said, "Where are we?"

"About an hour out of Wooten."

Pete rubbed his eyes and eased Lilli up from his lap. That meant they had gone through or around Columbus. Lilli yawned and peered out. "Where are we?"

He told her. There was a service station next to the cafe. Casey said, "You cunts can go over there,… "

Edna said, "Please!"

"You girls can go over there in the service station can," Casey amended, winking at Pete. The girls climbed out and walked toward the rest rooms. Casey said, "We divvy up the dough?"

"Yeh, OK," Pete said. There had been two hundred and forty bucks in the safe and a handful of change. "I got two hundred and five," he had already told Casey. He gave Casey one hundred and five bucks. "To show I'm a good guy."

"All right. To show I'm a good guy I won't ask you to shell out for gas'n oil." Casey laughed. "I'll take it out in pussy." He looked toward the girl's rest room. "You wanna keep going, change off driving?"

"Yeah, I'd rather."

"We could stop at a motel and screw the girls awhile… " "Let's drive. I wanna get to St. Louie."

"I got friends in Wooten. We could shack up there and get some sleep."

Pete slid out and stretched. It was peaceful as hell here, no cops, no crowds. He felt reasonably safe. Casey got out. "What about it?"

"All right," Pete said. "Let's look at your friend's joint."

They went into the cafe.

Pete drove to Wooten, and when they arrived, Casey directed from the back seat. They finally pulled up before a two-story four-family fiat. "They live in the left lower," Casey said.

It was a grey stucco building, new about twenty-five years ago, weeds along the sidewalk, a run-down neighborhood. Pete went up the steps with Casey. "Bea and Pooner," Casey said. "Bea is a dumb blonde, but a great pair of tits and a lovely ass. Pooner is a short, bald guy. They usta call him poontang," He rang the bell. "It's pretty fuckin' early," Pete said. He rang again. A man came to the door after a bit and peered out at them. "Whatcha want?" "It's me, Pooner, Casey."

The guy opened the door and stared. "Casey! You old ass-fucker!" He looked at Pete. "I did'n recognize you."

"This's Pete," Casey said, and Pete shook with the short bald guy. Pooner looked to be twenty-eight or thirty. He looked soft as a blonde's tits with washed out pale eyes. He had a full, red mouth. He peered out at the car. "You got cunt out there, Case?" "Two girls," Casey said. "Actually they belong to Pete."

"Well, bring 'em in…" Ponner grinned and slapped Pete's back. "Maybe we can get 'em fucked."

"Where'd Bea get to?" Casey asked. Pooner made a face. "She fell for some shitbird las' night. She got him upstairs in bed. You know how she is."

Pete went out to the car and opened the doors. He told them both to stick close to him, especially Lilli. When they got back inside there was a strange girl there. Her name turned out to be Minnie. Minnie was a tiny redhead, very pretty, dressed in a thigh-length thin robe that was loosely belted so that her full, firm mammaries stuck out handsomely. He realized that she and Pooner had been in bed.

Casey made introductions all around, and Pooner obviously got pecker pouty for Edna. She turned him on; his eyes kept flicking to her tits, and he edged around where he could feel her ass. He got his soft hands on her buttocks and moulded them. Edna slid over and put her back to Pete.

"Well," Pooner said, "I s'pect you're all hungry. You ain't been eatin' anything in the car, have you?" He giggled. "Minnie'll get us some breakfast, huh girl?"

"Sure," Minnie said. She seemed a good-natured sort.

Pete patted Edna's bottom. "Go help her, cutie." Edna nodded and hurried into the kitchen after Minnie. Both Casey and Pooner watched her go. Lilli curled into Pete's arms. He dropped into a chair and she slid onto his lap.

Pooner said, "That's the sweetest ass this side of Dirty Mary's Whoreplace in KC… and I ain't been there for years."

"Who?" Casey asked.

"Minnie, for crissakes! That girl would fuck a steamboat. You'd think you got your whang in a perpetual motion dingus. I was jazzin' her when you drove up."

Casey smiled. "I oughta get a piece of that."

"Go fuck your head off," Pooner said, smiling at Lilli. "That's a mighty clinging girl."

"She's my little sugar," Pete said, fondling her. Lilli purred and slid her arms about him. "I'm very goddam particular about her." He looked at Casey.

Casey said, "We're going to St. Louie." "Look up Jumbo and his group when you get there," Pooner said. "He'll show you a time. Tell 'im you know me. I sent him a lotta girls… lotta nice girls. I got his number around somewhere. Give it to you before you go. He's playin' at a club."

"Whad you send him girls for?" Pete asked.

Pooner snickered. "Hell, for him to fuck, what else? Jumbo's got a pecker on 'im like this-" He held his hands a foot apart, "and it's always hard. Man, always hard, looking for pussy."

"Just like me," Casey grinned at Lilli. She rubbed herself against Pete.

"Go out there'n throw a fuck into Minnie," Pooner advised. "She'll get your rocks off."

"Maybe I will," Casey said. He rose and sauntered toward the kitchen.

Pooner watched him go and lit a cigarette. "That Case, he's a horny cat, ain't he? I thought he was working for that shitty uncle of his."

"He had a fight and got fired," Pete said.

Pooner nodded wisely, his eyes constantly returning to Lilli's legs and tits. "That's a mighty pretty girl."

Lilli grinned at him and Pete said, "Thanks."

"You got two women, huh?" Pooner giggled, "One for each end, I bet. I got a blonde wife an' five other gals upstairs, not counting Minnie down here. Any one of 'em'll drive you up the wall- you like that?"

Pete said, "You got a cat house here?"

"Naw… not a reg'ler cat house. I supply gals for some of the big people in town-you know how it is… a little screw and a blow job helps business."

Pooner peered toward the kitchen. It was quiet in there. "Well," he stared at Lilli again. "What you think?"

Pete knew in his bones what was coming. He said, "I don't dig. Lay it out."

The short bald man shrugged, flipping the ciga- rette into his mouth, then crushing it out in a tray. "I was talking about a little trade," he said, smiling greasily. "Any of my gals fyou, and me'n Lilli goes into the bedroom for a while."

Pete didn't say anything. He continued to rub her leg and around to her butt, slowly and warmly. He could feel her tighten her grasp on him; she didn't say anything either.

"I c'n see she's a sweet little gal," Pooner said, smiling at her, leaning toward her slightly. "You kinda get my peter up, honey." He rubbed himself briskly.

Pete looked at him, no expression on his face. Pooner was probably so used to talking sex jobs to girls that he forgot that guys had private ass. He wasn't crazy about the idea of Pooner fucking Lilli. He knew she'd do it if he told her to, and she was waiting for his answer. There was a burst of girlish laughter from the kitchen. It didn't sound like Edna, so it must be Minnie.

Pete said, "I appreciate the offer, Pooner, but this is a special girl t'me." He patted Lilli's ass and felt her relax.

Pooner sat back and a crease went up between his eyes. "Oh, she got a special cunt? It's got a tongue in it or something?" He was annoyed.

Pete said nothing. Pooner got up then and stalked into the kitchen. They heard him say, "Man, you're an ass-fucker, Casey."

Lilli kissed him. "I didn't wanna screw him."

"I know you didn't."

She cuddled up to him. "Jeez, everybody's been fuckin' me lately. I just want you." He nodded, kissing her. "Maybe later on you can blow 'im. After all, he's feeding us." Lilli snickered, "You wanna get into Minnie, I bet." "I thought about it. She's pretty cute." He roved 136 his hands freely over Lilli and she made warm little sounds in her throat. Lilli responded to loving like a flower to sun. He caressed her titties and found her nipples hard. She began to writhe her ass on his lap.

"Can I have it?" she whispered, "I wanna suck Putzi."
