Jumbo Conners lived in a big old two-story house in what had once been a wealthy and exclusive neighborhood. It wasn't any more.

Jumbo had been asleep when Minnie called him at noon, but a curious voice answered, and upon learning that Minnie knew Pooner, asked her if she was a cunt. Minnie said she was. Thereupon the voice asked her to come on over.

Minnie asked, "Can I bring my friends?"

The voice said, "Any of 'em cunts?"

Minnie had to admit they were.

Pete pulled the car into the driveway as they looked the house over. It was stucco and brick with a lot of weathered wood, and vines. Pete said, "The fuckin' vines gonna take over the place.", There was a three-car garage in the back with a station wagon in one stall. It had a gaudy sign painted on the side, 'Jumbo Conners, Music Specialist.' Edna said, "Dis must be de joint."

When they got out of the car, Lilli giggled, pointing. Pete followed her finger. A nude man had come out on a small, vine-wreathed balcony on the second floor of the house and was staring at them. He had a big hard-on.

He yelled, "Whatcho want?"

Pete called, "We're friends of Pooner."

The man said, "Sure, c'mon in." He pointed to the back door. He was tall and bald as an egg. A woman came up behind him and peered over his shoulder. She was a platinum blonde.

"Looks like screwin' time," Pete said under his breath. He led them over the gravel to the back door. There was no one in the large, square kitchen, though it smelled of coffee and burnt toast. They could hear music playing somewhere and it was cool inside. They went into the dining room and paused, looking around. There was a sort of sun porch room off to the right.

A woman's voice came from the porch, "Where's the fuckin' cigarettes?"

A man answered, "Layin' on your tits, Tisha. Jesus…"

She said, "Oh-"

Pete went to the wide doorway that gave onto the living room. The same tall bald guy was coming down the stairs, a towel draped across his middle. He looked at them and nodded. "Hi."

"Hi," Pete said. But the guy wasn't looking at him, the guy was looking at Minnie and Lilli and Edna.

"I'm Biggsy," he said, fishing a cigarette pack from the towel. "Jumbo's up in bed with Corine. Make you'selves at home."

Pete introduced them. Biggsy went around shaking hands. He also pinched each girl's tits, making them giggle.

Two other people came from the porch, a slim blond man wearing the skimpiest shorts Pete had ever seen-most of his pubic hair was showing- and a redhead who would stop any show. She was curvy and mostly naked. Her bra barely covered her nipples; it was flimsy cloth and showed them perfectly, and her bikini bottom was a tiny triangle. Pete felt Putzi stirring.

Biggsy introduced them as Tisha and Poodle… Poodle was the blond guy, and in the second look Pete knew the guy was a queen. He swished.

"We just got up," Biggsy said, running his hand down Minnie's back and patting her bottom. "If there's anything in the kitchen, you c'n have it."

"Or anything else you want," Tisha said, looking at Pete with a smoldering smile.

"Yes, Jesus, just ask," Poodle said with a lisp.

Pete said, "Thanks, you got a nice joint here."

Tisha sauntered over and took his arm. "Lemme show you around… " She led him into the huge living room, across it and out onto a patio. He glanced back; Lilli was staring after them, and Biggsy was taking Minnie upstairs.

It was impossible to concentrate on the house at all with her so close… all that tit-flesh wobbling and bobbling at his elbow. He kept staring at her sleek curves. She giggled at him and when they were out of sight of the others, she hugged his arm and pushed herself at him.

"I'll bet you're hot for me, huh?"

"How'd you guess?" He stopped and slid his hands about her slim waist. She came into his arms, pushing her crotch at him and moving it, revolving it, rubbing it, sliding her arms about his neck and pulling his mouth to hers.

Ol Putz was hard as a length of gaspipe. She said, "Ummm," as she felt it and lifted her leg to rub her crotch even closer.

Pete leaned against a viny brick wall and rubbed her practically bare ass. "Your motor's running."

"My motor's always running, for crissakes." She was kissing him passionately, sucking his tongue.

Pete looked around for a place.

She said, "Take me in there," nodding to a summer house.

He pushed her toward it, smiling as he saw her flick the string that held the little triangle; the bikini bottom fell off. Pete went through the door, unzipping his pants. One glance showed him the summer house had been used for screwing before. It had two sturdy straight-backed chairs and two sturdy couches and nothing else.

She paused at the first couch and turned as he came up and put his arms about her body. Her wide eyes were diamond bright, and her mouth was red. He let Putzi poke at her bush. She smiled and grabbed it with one hand as she kissed him. Then she gasped and said, "Hey! This is a fuckin' monster!"

"No, it's for fuckin' girls," he said and laid her on the couch. He got between her knees and let himself down on her. She was oooohing and ahhh-ing and rubbing the head of it on herself. "That's what you want, ain't it?"

She guided the head of it in, sucking in her breath. "Yeh, that's-what-I-want… ooooo, push it_easy_"

Pete worked it into her. She put her legs up about his waist and rolled her ass from side to side. He buried it to the hair, grinning down at her. She had a faraway look on her kewpie-doll face, concentrating on her pussy as he fed it in.

He said, "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

She shook her head and grinned. "It's jus' so fuckin' big… it fills me up. Nobody around here's got a cock like that."

"Not even Jumbo?"

She snickered in.his ear. "Hell, Jumbo's got a little one. Jumbo goes around screwin' everybody and half of the girls don't know they've been fucked."

Pete laughed. "Yeah?"

"Not like with yours, honey. Whad you say your name was?" "Pete Stringer. First name Peter."

Tisha giggled. "Peter with the big peter." She kissed him hotly, "Puck me, Peter. I been wanting this all morning. Biggsy's been upstairs with Cor-ine, and left me with Poodle. He's about as much use to a girl as balls."

"He's the fairy?"

"Watch 'im, honey. He's a cocksucking fool." "Are you?"

She giggled, "Yeh, if you want…" But her legs tightened about him. She wanted to get screwed real bad.

He was fucking her hard and steady, listening to the delightful music of her sighs, enjoying her kisses and the delicious movement of her supple body with his. Their joint friction was a voluptuous thing.

Then Poodle came into the summer house. "Tisha?"

Pete frowned at the guy, and Tisha said, "Yeah, what the fuck d'you want?"

Poodle giggled, seeing them clearly now. "Oh, for God's sake, you're fucking!"

Pete balled his fist and made to get up. Poodle retreated quickly, grinning. "Jumbo's awake, Tish, yelling for you."

She said, "Oh, shit!"

Pete asked, "What's he want?"

"He wants to fuck her, that's what he wants,"

"Yeh, I gotta go," Tisha said. "El Pricko calls and us mortals got to obey." "You said he had somebody named Corine?"

Poodle chuckled delightedly. "Jumbo likes two girls, pal. One t'sit on his face and one to eat him."

Tisha sighed at Pete's look. "Yeah, it's no secret."

He let her up. Poodle's eyes fastened in fascination on the big naked prick glistening with cunt sauce. Tisha rose, found her bikini triangle and kissed Pete on the cheek.

"Dammit, I'm sorry, honey. We had a good thing going there. Maybe later, huh?" She wandered out.

Pete watched her go, mopping the cock absently. He didn't notice Poodle come slipping over to him.

When he turned, Poodle was on his knees in front of the prick.

"Lemme have it," Poodle said breathlessly. "Lemme suck it, huh?" His tongue lolled toward Putzi.

Pete hesitated. Tisha had taken the edge off, the first fast flush of lust, but the cock was still very damned hard. He knew from past experience that queens were damn good cocksuckers.

He smiled, moved forward and put the cock into Poodle's mouth. The guy gulped it down, slobbering and licking, crazy to eat it. Pete stood in front of him, arms on hips, hips thrust forward, watching Poodle suck on it. Poodle didn't have Lilli's loving finesse, but he had a kind of passionate fever. Poodle wanted the goo. With both hands on Pete's hips, he attacked the swollen weenie, masturbating it furiously with his lips. Pete had to bite his lower lip. The fairy set up a hell of a friction; the guy had a trained tongue, and it was a lot better than jacking off.

After several surging minutes he saw Poodle's eyes roll upward and he nodded,-Aln a minute… in a minute…"

Poodle sucked harder. Then he blew it. He closed his eyes tightly, thinking about Lilli, feeling the crazy tongue laving him, the sucking mouth pulling at it… the jism squirted and he swayed. Poodle held him up, gobbling him, gulping it down, milking the-cock lustfully.

Pete was breathing hard. He dropped onto a couch and the fairy scuttled close, still sucking provokingly, able to take most of the meat into his mouth as it grew weaker.

Pete said, "You're pretty fuckin' good."

Poodle giggled over the prick. "You like? This is a darling one… Ill show you where my room is, maybe… "

"Thanks, but no thanks," Pete said.

Poodle was desperate, cupping prick and balls warmly. "Lemme get it hard again, please. I want you t'fuck me."

Pete chuckled. "Gimme my cock back."

Poodle made an agonized sound, sucking the. cock, licking it voraciously, "Please, please, please_"

But Pete rose and took the meat with him. He went back to the house with Poodle pattering after him. "You got me all hot…"

"Tough," Pete said.

Lilli was in the living room, having coffee by a huge rock fireplace, in the company of a smallish, very pretty boy. She looked up and smiled as Pete came in.

Poodle said, "Chauncy, doll!" He made for the pretty boy and kissed him on; the lips. "I didn't know you'd be here today!"

"Well I got a chance to get away," Chauncy said, fluttering long lashes, "So I thought we might… "

"Oh, yes, we can, we can," Poodle said, pulling on the other's arm. Chauncy wriggled his fingers at them as Poodle pulled him to the stairs.

"Isn't he cute," Lilli said. "Have some coffee."

"Where's Edna?"

"In the kitchen, I think." Lilli poured him a cup. "Did you get to screw that redhead?" "Yeah… her name's Tisha."

Lilli came and sat by him, kissing him and sigh-ings "Do you want to stay here?"

"I want to see this Jumbo character. Maybe he knows a good grift. We're going to have to ditch Casey's car, you know."

"Yeah, I spose so."

"What we need is a legit car. That way we could drive to the coast without worrying about cops. I hate to buy one… "

She bit his ear. "How else do you get a legit car?"

Pete sighed.

Biggsy came downstairs in about an hour, looking for them. He was wearing an open shirt and a pair of shorts, no shoes. He scratched his balls and said, "Hey, c'mqri up and meet Jumbo. He's been asking for you."

Jumbo was in his bedroom, naked as usual, with a platinum blonde in bed with him. She was naked too, sitting up, lighting a cigarette when they walked in. She had large beautiftil tits.

Tisha, also naked, was sitting on the edge of the bed, fiddling with the radio, trying to get a station clearly.

Biggsy said, "Jumbo, this's Pete and Lilli."

Jumbo said, "Hi, friends, how's that motherfucker, Pooner?" He smiled at Lilli, watching her breasts waggle. ("He's the same little shit he always was," Pete said and Jumbo laughed. Tisha looked at him under her lashes.

Jumbo rubbed his hand on the blonde's bare back. "This's Corine. You met Tisha?"

Pete nodded to both of them. So that was Corine. She was a stacked blonde. Nice. Very goddam nice. She gave him his same look back. Pete could almost feel Putzi in her cunt just from the look.

Jumbo said, "I thought there was another pussy?" He looked at Biggsy.

"Yeh, Edna," Biggsy said: "She's down with one of the guys… Dan or Jimmy…"

Jumbo slapped the bed and leered at Lilli. "C'mon, sit over here by Jumbo," he said to her. He snapped his fingers. "Biggsy, break out the moth-erfuckin' booze. Whassmatter with you?" He chuckled as Biggsy jumped. "All's he thinks about is cunt. I swear, all he thinks about."

"What the hell d'you think about?" Corine asked. "Cabbages?"

Pete slid into a chair by the bed, staring at Cor-ine's bare breasts. They were larger than Tisha's, and the nipples were, bigger. Jumbo roared with laughter. He pinched her under the covers and she yelped.

"Name your poison," Jumbo said, pointing to the serving table Biggsy was rolling up. It held at least a dozen bottles, glasses, ice and napkins. Biggsy dropped ice into glasses.

Jumbo was running his hand up and down Lil-li's back. Now and then he reached around in front and bounced a heavy breast. Pete said, "I'm looking for something I can make a couple of bucks on… we're going on out to the coast."

Jumbo nodded. "That oughta be easy… making dough ain't hard, you just gotta know the right motherfucking people."

"I knew we come to the right place," Pete said, accepting a glass from Biggsy.

"Yeh, I can put you next to a deal," Jumbo said, unfastening Lilli's blouse. "This here's a mighty prick-raising woman you got." He unhooked the bra. "Your name's Lilli?"

Lilli said, "Yes," in a small voice.

"I knew a dame named Lily once, didn't I?" He frowned at Biggsy who nodded. "Liked it in the ass as I r'member." He reached around Lilli, under the loose blouse and squeezed a titty. "You like it in the ass, honey?"

Lilli shook her head and Corine snickered. "Oh, shitty poo," she said. "Poodle likes it in th'ass."

Jumbo ignored her, crooking his finger to Tisha. Tisha crawled to him; he told her to get under the covers next to him, and he put her hand on his penis. "Get it nice'n hard, honey."

"It is hard…"

Jumbo said, "You want a deal?" He was smiling at Pete. Pete knew what was coming. "Yeah," he said.

Jumbo nodded and slapped Lilli's ass. "Come'n get in bed, honey. If "you got any panties on, take 'emoff."

Corine laughed at Lilli's expression. "You're gonna get fucked, honey."
