Pete sat there, very still, and watched a naked Lilli crawl into bed with Jumbo. Tisha had said he was small in the pecker, which was comforting. She glanced at him once and he tried to smile reassuringly.

Corine, the platinum blonde, made way for her, sipping her whiskey, even patting Lilli's bare bottom as it slid past. Pete could tell that everyone in the room was impressed by Lilli. She was so beautifully put together. Tisha let go the cock and got out of bed again to sit beside Jumbo, smoking a cigarette. Biggsy made himself a drink and watched from the other side of the bed.

"Oh, you are a motherfucking cute piece of ass," said Jumbo admiringly. He lifted the covers and she slid in on her back. He bent and sucked one tit.

Corine said, "Stick it in 'er before you lose the hard, baby." Jumbo growled at her, "Go fuck y'self… "

Corine shrugged, looking at Pete. She winked at him, sitting so her titties showed prominently.

Jumbo was exploring under the covers, whispering into Lilli's ear and giggling. She writhed, her legs went up and she jerked a few times involuntarily. Then Jumbo rolled on top of her. He giggled and puffed-he was not fat, but bulky-it took him a minute to get the cock in, then he pushed and thrust, grunting. Corine slapped his ass, "Go get it tiger… "

He growled at herrfucking hard.

Tisha watched, puffing smoke, glancing around at Pete, smiling. She had found a station and the radio was playing softly.

Jumbo said, "Man, this is crazy pussy!"

He was making the bed bounce. Pete got up and wandered around the room. Lilli wasn't hurting, he knew, but he hated to let her get fucked, knowing how she detested it. At the same time they needed the deal Jumbo could get for them.

Corine slid out of the bed and came across the room toward him. He stared at the charms thus revealed. She was built like the proverbial brick shithouse, and she was well aware of it. Biggsy's eyes followed her ass, bouncing from her tits to ass.

She said, very softly, "He won't hurt her "

He stared at Jumbo's humping butt. Lilli's legs were up to his shoulders and the cover was sliding down his back.

"He's got a little cock," she whispered, grinning, shaking the ice in her glass. "You married to her?"

"No." He brushed the back of his hand over one of her nipples and she immediately responded, pushing it at him. He cupped both breasts in his hands, squeezing. Tisha and Biggsy were watching Jumbo again, talking to him… Tisha was stroking Lilli's hair.

Corine said, "I wanna get fucked. Okay?"


She glanced at the bed then went to the door, opening it and slipping out. Pete followed. In the hall she groped him, grabbing the cock, pressing it, squeezing it. "Jesus, is that all you?"

"You'll find out inna second."

She pulled him by the cock and hurried into the next room. Pausing to unzip him, she flopped onto the bed, legs wide. Pete crawled onto her, suddenly hot to get it into her. "Oh, honey, this is a real cock!"

He crammed it in, shoving, ramming, eager. Corine planted her feet far apart, moved her ass and sucked her breath sibilantly as he drove it into her. It went poking in, deep and warm. She was fucking back in a second, humping her loins, gyrating them, holding him tightly. "Oh, fuck it to me, baby… "

She was a screwing machine. Excited as he was by her, he was astonished at her frenzy. Crushing her breasts to him, her churning hips sought the friction of his big cock, turning that friction into twitching sensation. Within moments of entering her she was convulsing, jerking, a whirlpool of crazy passion. His cock was squeezed and mauled inside her. She kept up a kind of breathless urgency, whispering lewd phrases, grunting and moaning.

He made her come in minutes. She yelled out when the paroxysms shook her, then flopped, jerking like a hooked fish, pulling at him, ramming her loins up to meet his thrusts… then moaning. Pete made no move at all to pause, but she grabbed him in both hands, "Don't stop, don't stop… don't stop_"

She was the wildest ass he had ever put Putzi into.

She said, "Man, what you do tome!"

"I thought you liked it."

Corine hugged him delightedly, "Oh, you fuckin' sonofabitch, you really rock my boat. You really do-how long you gonna stay here?"

"1 dunno, a day'er so, I guess."

"Let's fiick all night!"

Pete laughed. "I'll get hungry later, bound to,… "

"Man, I'll feed you, and that big cock too." She giggled. "That thing mus' eat raw meat."

He worked it in her steadily. "Are you Jumbo's head girlfriend?"

Corine made a face. "Yeah, I guess so… much as anybody is. Jumbo's a gash-hound. He can't stand not having every woman he sees. Most of 'em he throws over soon's he screws 'em."

"I'll bet you've been around a while."

"Yeh, a while." She smiled at him. "You like the way I throw a screw?" "You are a wild cunt, cutie."

She giggled, "Yeah, I like it. That makes a difference. That girl in there, Lilli… is she good?"

"The greatest."

"Did you get her from Pooner?"

Pete shook his head. "She ain't a whore. The other one, Minnie, she came from Pooner though."

Corine nodded. She began to swivel her hips to his in and out movement, grinning.

"Ohhhh, I like that_" She sighed, "Don't let Jumbo find out you got a real big prick … he hates guys who are hung."


"Cause he's got a small dick, I guess. Jumbo thinks he's a big man, and he wants to be a big man in the cock department too, only he isn't. I keep tellin' him it don't matter."

Pete slammed it to her and she moaned in pleasure.

He made her come again, as quickly as he could. He was beginning to worry some about Lilli. Corine went into spasms, shaking the bed, rocking and bucking… her orgasms came from downtown and exploded like rockets.

When she subsided somewhat, breathing hard, happy, she said, "I haven't been nicked like this for … Jesus, for years_"

Pete shot his wad into her, thinking about Lilli, anxious to get back into the next room. Corine seemed to know it. She let him up without a problem, hanging onto him for a moment, "I want some more of that, honey… hear?" "Later on, huh?"

She nodded, smiling. "Later on."

The scene hadn't changed when he returned to Jumbo's room. Jumbo was still on top of Lilli, screwing her, talking, even answering the phone. Tisha sat on the bed, stroking Lilli's hair, giggling with them. Biggsy sat, watching, drinking.

Biggsy looked around as they returned, and Pete knew the bald guy knew what they had been doing. He even winked at Corine. Still bare-ass naked, Corine went Over and slid into bed beside the two fuckers.

"Get your gun off, Jumbo," Corine said, "I want some too."

Jumbo laughed, "Get in line, you motheffucker…get inline!"

Lilli wasn't harmed at all… she was annoyed at Jumbo, and probably a little wounded by his allowing Jumbo to fuck her, Pete thought. Biggsy showed them to a spare bedroom and he comforted her, trying to explain again what she already knew.

Women were problems_ Jumbo had a deal for him_several deals, in. feet. "You take your pick," Jumbo said, downstairs in the den. "I c'n put you onto a hot car deal-you said you did 'at in New York, or I can put you into a slot-machine gimmick… "

"I need a car," Pete said.

Biggsy said, "You got a car, I seen it outside."

"I mean a car with honest plates."

Jumbo shuffled in a side table and came up with a pad and a pencil. He wrote an address quickly, shoved it toward Pete. "Here, you go see Manny Greb, he's a pal o' mine. Lives over a couple blocks…" He looked at Biggsy.

"Seven blocks," Biggsy said.

"Yeh, seven blocks. The motherfucker'll show you how to make a couple bucks, get you a car… howzat?"

"Thanks, Jumbo, you're a pal."

Jumbo nodded, "Sure, pal." He jerked his thumb, "Biggsy, give Manny a call, say that our pal Pete'll be right over t'see him."

Biggsy went out to the phone.

Jumbo said, "That car's hot-the one you got outside?" Pete nodded.

Jumbo looked at him, lit a cigarette and brooded. "Leave it there then. I'll have Biggsy get rid o' the thing. I d'want no motherfuckin' cops nosing around. Okay?"

"Yeh," Pete said. He rose and went to the door.

Jumbo grinned and rubbed his crotch. "And how about finding Edna-send her in here, right?"

Pete nodded, "Sure, Jumbo."

Manny Greb lived in an apartment house, top floor, rear. Pete was expected; he rang the bell and a big tough-looking guy ushered him into a den room where Manny was watching TV with a blonde beside him. The blonde gave him a careful sidelong scrutiny. Manny said, "Siddown, kid."

It took ten minutes to conclude the deal. He memorized an address and a name, Lupo, and that was it. Manny said, "Okay, you see Lupo tomorrow. He'll tell you what kinda cars he wants, you pinch 'em, okay?"

"Gotcha," Pete said, looking at the blonde's tits. When he rose to leave she leaned forward and gave him a real eyeful. She wore no bra, smiling at his face. Manny didn't notice.

On the way back to Jumbo's he saw the girl. She was walking toward him, wearing a short coat; she was a blonde and had nice legs… that much he could see. It was very dark and they were on a street well shadowed by trees.

The urge swept over him. He stepped off the sidewalk into inky shadows. Reasons why he shouldn't grab the girl swept over him… there was plenty of pussy at Jumbo's house; it was dangerous as hell, and he was already wanted for rape; she might scratch him up… and so on.

By then she was close to him. He could hear her soft footfalls. 01' Puta was straining at the leash. He put the thoughts out of his mind. Think about cunt.

When the girl came past, he grabbed her. He swung her around and she gasped. He saw her open her mouth to scream and he chopped her neck. She fell into his arms without a sound. Man, easy-! It had been easier than he had thought. He picked her up, she was light as Lilli, and carried her to a better spot, away from the street, very close to a dark brick house. He laid her on the grass, face up. She was younger than he thought, too. Her head lolled, she moaned slightly. Opening her blouse, tearing it down from the neck, he felt her tits. Quite small. He let Putzi out of his pants. Then he spread her legs; she had a good set of hips, and well-formed legs. When he slid his finger into her puss she moaned and writhed., He couldn't stand it any longer. His brain was afire. Ripping her thin panties aside, he got on her and spat on his cock. She didn't have much hair around the slit. He held the cunt lips Aapart and worked the cock in, he got the head of it inside when she jerked awake.

She would have screamed again, but he clamped his hand over her mouth and growled at her. He could see her startled frightened eyes, mostly whites. He humped the pecker in, getting it in a few inches, another inch, enjoying her struggles, listening to her formless words. He got it half in her and began to fuck it back and forth.

He took his hand off her mouth, warning her gruffly, "No yelling…" "You're hurting me," she gasped. "You're too fucking big!"

He chuckled. Terrible language for a kid so young. He kept feeding her the cock… impossible to stop now, no matter what.

She began to cry, writhing and twisting, pushing at him with tiny hands. He fucked her harder and faster… almost, almost, almost… he ignored her cries.

Then he blew-his face was flushed, the cock pole was ramming her and the stuff spurted. At that moment a light bathed them. At first Pete thought it was part of the cock-fantasy roiling inside his head… lights and colors… and then he realized that someone had turned on a light inside the house. The glow from a window was bathing them; no one could see out, and they were not visible from the street; Pete relaxed.

Then he saw that the girl was staring up at him, eyes wide. She had a very good look at him. "Shit!" he said aloud.

Then the light went out. He continued humping her5 she was well lubricated now, and the cock went in slightly deeper, and she had stopped crying. She was no Corine.

He regretted screwing her-it hadn't been worth it. Getting his cock into someone who struggled and fought him had been fun for the moment, but now it was over, he knew he'd been a fool.

Pete dragged it out of her and wiped it on her dress. She swore at him and he turned in sudden anger, swiping her along side the jaw. He was sore as hell at himself, and he took it out on her. She crumpled again. Rising, he put the cock away and ran lightly back to the street and down.the sidewalk.
