David Crane
The newlywed neighbors


Her internal mechanism waking her up moments before the alarm was due to ring, lovely, petite Kate Hutch opened her pale hazel eyes and stared at the clock resting on the night stand beside her half of the bed. She watched as the second hand made another sweep, using the minute to bring herself to full consciousness before she drew one naked arm from the loving warmth of her blankets and pushed in the button, making sure that her husband, sleeping next to her was not disturbed.

She shivered slightly as she brought her arm back under the blankets, her fingers brushing lightly first against her satin-smooth flesh, and then against the muscular hardness of Mark's powerful body. She turned over lightly, making sure that he did not waken because of her movements, and allowed her eyes to fix on his handsome, rugged face.

She couldn't hold back a face-splitting smile of total, unfettered love as she stared at him, watching him with his mouth slightly open, his breath rasping in a half snore, half hiss. A tear of happiness came to her eyes, and she bit on her lower lip, her cunt already seeping its warm lubrication as she anticipated the pleasures he would be bringing her in just a short time. Uuuuuummmmmm… It was all she could do to not think about how things had been with her before she married him less than a month ago, on the day after their graduation from college.

Even though she had been dating him for almost a year at that point, she had never allowed him to go all the way with her. His hands would roam lightly, lovingly over the soft suppleness of her firm young body, dipping here and there, pressing against her sensitive, swollen breasts through her blouse or shirt, rubbing tightly against her vagina through her skirt or jeans, exciting her to no end. But she had remained steadfast in her desire to be a virgin when she married, and she had managed to uphold that promise to herself, keeping her hymen intact until that first satisfying thrust of her husband's thick cock up into the moist, hot depths of her vagina, tearing her maidenhood forever…

And making her see that she had been a fool for putting off such incredible pleasure until she was married. The delicious pleasure of having her vagina filled with the searing hardness of his cock until she was certain it would split at the seams… the indescribable bliss of feeling his mammoth shaft of lust-engorged flesh dragging across the throbbing little bud of her quiveringly excited clitoris… the amazement she experienced as she felt Mark's ballooned-cock swelling even more right before he flooded her pussy channel with the scalding river of his thick, creamy semen at the precise moment she washed her own cum juices around his deeply implanted cock…

Uuuuuummmmmm… She thought passionately as she rested her gaze on Mark's handsome face. As long as she lived, she knew she would be bathing in the sensuous after glow of her first fucking. And while she was just a little disappointed that she had put off receiving the pleasures of sex that were hers as a woman, she relished in the fact that her husband, her own Mark, was able to provide her with those pleasures again and again, just as he had for two solid weeks on their honeymoon. Even though they had flown from St. Paul to the west coast, they were hardly ever out of their hotel room. The days then had all seemed to blend into one tremendous orgasm as Mark taught her the pleasures of sex one step at a time. Things that Kate had thought were dirty or perverse were shown to her patiently by her husband. She remembered the initial revulsion she had felt as he trailed his lips lightly along the flat expanse of her belly, inching closer and closer to the flaming red triangle of her glistening cuntal mound, nibbling with his mouth at the stray wisps of hair at the base of her abdomen.

She had tried to tell him that she did not want him to kiss her there, but before she got the words out of her mouth, he had sliced his tongue through the passion-flushed lips of her seething cunt, bringing her such pleasure that she was utterly speechless.

Then he had fucked her with his tongue, flashing the warm, damp organ in and out with such skill that she thought he had another cock coming out of his mouth. The exquisite pleasure she had felt as she orgasmed against his tightly pressed lips had been wonderful. There were no other words for it!

And then he suggested that she take his cock into her mouth, and again she had felt an initial wave of revulsion. She could remember the conversation word by word as she lay on her side, her hazel eyes gazing at the sleeping form of her husband.

"You… you mean… you want me to take… your… your cock in my mouth?"

"Do you love me?" he had asked patiently.

"Of course, but…"

"And do you trust me?"

"Yes, but…"

"I think you'll like it. What have you got to lose?"

And even though she was certain that she wouldn't like it, she decided that she would give it a try.

And was she ever pleasantly surprised, she reflected. She lashed out with her tiny pink tongue experimentally, and found that the sensation of her husband's cock was wonderful… different than anything she could think of. Eagerly, she experimented some more, ovalling her lips and inserting the hugely swollen, mushroom-shaped head of his penis into the warm wet cavern of her mouth shivering with the strangeness and deliciousness of the act. She swirled her tongue around and around the bloated shaft of her husband's penis, coating it totally with the heated wetness of her saliva. Then she moved her lips down to his scrotum, where his huge, sperm-filled balls hung loose and free. She cradled them in one palm while she stroked and squeezed with the other, never once taking her mouth away from her husband's towering rod of flesh.

And then she re-inserted his cock into her mouth, taking the hot shaft as deeply into her throat as was humanly possible, sucking and licking as through her very life depended on it, reveling in her new-found knowledge, and delighting when, finally, her husband ejaculated a river of sperm into her face, ballooning her cheeks and forcing her to swallow each precious drop lest she choke on the waves of cum flooding her gullet.

And there had been more during those two weeks… so much more than Kate was certain she would never tire of the memories. She remembered Mark taking her from behind… taking her as they both stood… sixty-nining…

But the greatest pleasure of all had been last night. Seeing that Mark was still sound asleep, Kate closed her eyes and allowed her mind to drift to the recent past, remembering everything that happened as though she was actually going through everything again.

They had just made the trip from the St. Paul airport to the apartment they were renting until Mark managed to find the type of house they were looking for. They were suffering from a little jet lag, although they had become used to the west coast time. Even though it was midnight in St. Paul, their bodies were telling them that it was only ten in the evening, and they were still carrying over much of the exuberance brought about by their incredible two weeks.

Mark had laughingly carried her across the threshold of their apartment, and then set her down in the middle of the floor while he went back to collect their bags. As she stood and watched Mark hoist the four suitcases and bring them in, she had to chuckle. Two of them hadn't even been opened, since they had spent so much time naked with each other. It was a Sunday evening. Mark would have to be going to work the next day, and Kate would start her life as a housewife. She and Mark had talked about the possibility of her getting a job, but at the moment, there were a number of things that had to be done, and Kate was going to use her spare time to get those things organized.

As she watched Mark bringing in their baggage, she could sense that the honeymoon was almost over… Almost but not quite. There was still one more night left, and she was determined that she was going to make the best of what was left.

"Whew… these things are really heavy," Mark breathed, setting them down on the inside of the door. "Next time we go on a honeymoon, suppose we take about half these things."

He looked up to see his new wife smiling at him, her hands demurely folded in front of her, resting lightly on her loins.

"Suppose we go on a honeymoon next week," she said teasingly.

"Fat chance," he said, not quite picking up on his wife's seductive smile yet. "Work tomorrow, and let me tell you, it'll be a long time before I can afford to take another vacation."

Kate gave a little chuckle as she stood perfectly still, watching her husband slave over the suitcases.

"The least you could do is help me with these things," he said in a playful tone.

Still she remained unmoving. While he was busy with the luggage, she decided that she would be as blatant as she had ever been in her life.

She slipped out of her coat, the thought of what was about to happen filling her with a thrill she had never known before… not even on her wedding night. Then, Mark had slowly stripped her, taking the part of the aggressor while he taught her the things she would have to know.

This time, she would show him that she had learned her lessons well.

After her coat was off, she began unbuttoning her blouse, letting it fall open and allowing her full, luscious breasts to separate, unhindered by a bra. And while her husband was still busy with the suitcases, she kicked off her shoes. Finally, she gave a little child-like giggle.

"Hey, I could really use some…"

He started to say something, lifting his head to look at her while he talked. But suddenly he stopped as he saw his wife revealing her mature, lovely nakedness to him.

"Jesus," he hissed, at first not able to believe that she was actually doing something like this.

Kate placed her hands behind her, allowing him an unadulterated view of her half-nakedness. For a moment, Mark didn't know what he should do, then he decided that there was no point in just looking at her like this.

His form was almost a blur as he raced across the room, slipped his arm around her waist and drew her half-naked body to him. His mouth came down hard to claim her rosy pouted lips, and Kate shivered as she realized that the honeymoon was not yet over. Come hell or high water, they had at least one more passion-filled night together, and they were going to make the most of it.

As they faced each other for a moment, Mark's eyes drank in the budding beauty of the woman he had recently married, seeing her pouting, upturned breast mounds, wide-spaced, large and firm. The stretch pants she had worn for the trip home followed her body like a second skin, revealing her tiny, nipped-in waist, and he felt her belly pull in to form a little hollow. He gave a low throaty moan of his own as he crushed her delicately feminine body close in the circle of his arms, his lips seeking hers and finding them soft, pliant and ready.

He kissed her then, his throat making little animal sounds as her mouth parted and her tongue darted hungrily past his teeth, the familiar honeyed taste of her driving through him to produce a jerking of his penis against the confinement of his pants. She shivered as he smoothed his hands over the softness of her back, dropping them lower to fondle and massage the swelling mounds of her buttocks.

Then her handsome brown haired husband pulled her tight against his loins, the lithe muscles of her buttocks working in his hands as she undulated gently up against him. For long moments, she savored the erotic probings they made with their tongues. Then she shivered with her mounting excitement as he slipped her blouse over the smooth roundness of her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. The deep kiss was unbroken as his hands slid down her now naked back and his thumbs hooked in the waistband of her stretch pants, gently pulling them down over the ripeness of her buttocks and down further still to mid-thigh, carrying her thin, skimpy bikini panties with them.

He drew the red triangle of her pelvis to him, and his tongue snaked out to pressure deeper through the warm wet cavern of her mouth. She moaned with desire and flexed her hips, pressuring herself in tighter against him. Her body shuddered softly when his tongue made electrifying contact with hers deep in her mouth.

Arching her buttocks just enough so she could remove the rest of her clothing, she quickly slithered out of her stretch pants while Mark's tongue stabbed keeningly erotic sensations through her. Stepping out of her pants and panties, she felt the freedom of complete nakedness as she raised her hands to brush strands of her thick red hair away from her face, pushing them behind her ears.

Gently then, she backed away from her husband, saying breathily, "Mark… let's get your clothes off too…"

He looked at her and declared, "God! I hope the honeymoon is never over. I love you. I don't want you to ever forget that. And I want you."

Hearing the words made Kate feel playfully embarrassed, and she teasingly turned away from him, feeling for all the world like a bride once more.

"I want you too…" she said. Somehow, this was just a little different than the passion they had experienced in their hotel room, and all the more delicious for that.

He slipped his arms under hers, from behind, and cupped her breasts in his hands. Nuzzling into her neck through the cloud of red curls, his hands smoothed down across the flat plane of her belly, caressingly, to play over her abdomen, one sliding on down to the silken triangle where he used the tip of his middle finger to titillate the short length of her fully hardened clitoris. Damn! She was a far cry from the sexually frightened girl she had been when he had first met her. She was really hot!

She leaned back against him, her eyes closed and her breath coming jerkily through half-parted lips. The sparks of sexual excitement in her were being fanned into licking flames of desire.

She turned in the full circle of his arms, raw passion flushing her face, her eyes glazing as he held her close. Mark felt her hips moving up against him, the warmth of her transmitted to him through the cloth of his pants. She tilted her head up to be kissed… and her hips, undulatingly urgent, told him to hurry.

Mark accepted the invitation of her lips. Their mouths met, welded, and tongues thrust and parried, probing, tasting and ravaging, as a riotous welter of sensation slashed at their genitals.

His hands went exploring, moving down her back to the rounded moons of her ass to feel them squirm in his palms again.

Kate's hand slid down between them, to feel the pulsingly hard shaft of his cock. She remembered the massive adequacy of it, as she found the prominent bulge in his pants and outlined it with her fingers, a thrill stabbing her deep inside when she made the electric contact. She moved her hand along its rock-hard length… remembering the fear she had felt when she saw it the first time… remembering the ecstasy it had brought her since.

Twisting her head aside, she gasped, "God…! Mark… Now… please. I want you to fuck me now… quick!"

To accent her words, her hands went to work. She undid the buckle of his belt, her fingers zipping down his fly, her knowing hand reaching in to find and free his eagerly throbbing cock, bringing its massive hardness out into the cool air to fondle and tease to complete readiness. The lovely young wife gasped as she felt the surprising length and thickness of it again, its blood-heated warmth sensually penetrating the palm of her slender hand which could not encompass it.

Her touch brought it to even greater hardness, and with a heightened feeling of awe, she began to explore it. She used her nails to scrape gently along its rigid length, knowing that it would give him a charge.

Her reward came instantly. She felt its lustful, expanding throb, accompanied by his low moan of pleasure. No… the honeymoon was not yet over… and it never would be!

While she played there below, Mark began tearing off his clothes, ridding himself of jacket and shirt. Bare to the waist now, he felt one of her hands snake down between his legs to cup and cradle his cum-filled balls. Again she used her nails to taunt, and he gasped out loud, the sensations sparking his massive penis to jerk and exude a viscous tear of heated pre-cum.

Feeling the pulsing, blood-swollen girth of her husband's cock in her hand, Kate suddenly shifted both hands to the towering shaft. She squeezed hard and held it for a couple beats of his pulse. Mark groaned again and gripped the waistband of his pants and shorts to pull them down over his hips, exposing his naked loins to her completely. Then, using both hands, she began to twist the loose folds of skin along its hardened length, her hands moving in opposite directions as though she were wringing out a freshly laundered garment.

The erotic sensations stabbed through his lust-engorged cock like a thousand pricking needles of fire. God! He had to get his cock into her… and fast! He stepped back away from her, leaning over to rid himself of his shoes so he could get his pants off. Quickly, the handsome brown-haired man shed his remaining clothes, tossing them carelessly aside in his rush, then he turned back to his eager wife, who had been reluctant to release him for even a moment.

Reaching down, he grasped her under her arms, and she was forced, reluctantly, to let his jerking cock slide from her hand. His arms went around her, his hands dropping down to the smooth suppleness of her buttocks to feel the silky, lithe flesh of her body under his loving hands.

Then, pulling her tight in against him, he pushed the hardened rod of his massive penis between her thighs, thrusting it into the tangled red curls of the pubic hair lining her pulsing cuntal passage. He moved it back and forth there, against her naked pussy-flesh, feeling the smooth moisture of her warmly throbbing cunt flow over his passion-heated hardness.

The firmly pointed buds of her erected nipples thrust into his chest as her arms went around him. Then parting her thighs slightly, Kate dropped her hand down to grasp his slim hard-muscled buttocks, pulling him in until their loins met, brown pubic hair meshed with red, and his cock-head nestled solidly all the way up between her legs in the moist warmth of her pussy. The huge bulbous head of his penis was taunting her tightly puckered little anal lips.

Kate leaned back away from him, breaking the circle of his arms, and with a guttural groan, Mark scooped up the lovely young woman who was his wife and carried her into the bedroom. It was like a repetition of what they had been doing over the last two weeks, but Kate knew that she would never get tired or bored of having her husband's penis plunging deeply into her sizzling liquid cuntal flesh. She could eat too much, overwork, but she could never get enough of her husband's cock. He had taught her well over the last two weeks, and she squealed her delight as he carried her through the apartment.

Breathing hard, he laid her down on the huge king-sized bed that came with the apartment. Lying on her back, her thighs spread, ready to receive him, her hands flitted narcissistically over her breasts, fondling them and cupping them in lewd invitation, then sliding over her flat belly, down the outside of her thighs and back up the inner softness to the thick red jungle of her cuntal down which she rubbed while she waited for him to mount her.

Mark glanced down between her thighs. He felt now as he had felt the first time they had fucked… loving, patient, eager and more than willing to bring her the pleasure she so desperately wanted from him.

And there was the feeling of incredible warmth and desire that burned painfully now in his cock, a gnawing passion for her, a hunger… and a satisfaction in the knowledge that he had transformed her from a lovely young woman who was almost afraid of sex into a passionate lover… a wife who could meet his needs in every sense of the word.

Kate sensed that he liked what he saw, and she responded with an immediate wider spreading of her thighs and a totally unobstructed view of her trembling pussy lips, now fully opened to his eager stare. Mark stood there, transfixed for a moment, hypnotized by the raw sensual beauty of his lovely wife. There was a thin line of moisture along the rim of her parted vaginal flanges, a narrow trail of warm wetness along the slit of her cunt as she exposed herself, without shame, to him.

"You're so lovely… so beautiful!" Mark said, feeling almost like a little boy. He tried to restrain himself, though he would have liked nothing better than to drop on all fours and bury his tongue in that softly pulsating crevice between her trim, naked thighs. Kate was hot… more so than she had ever been, and he was determined that he was going to take full advantage of her. He was going to allow himself to be sucked into the whirlpool of her steeped passion, take his cues from her. He would never have thought, a year ago, that she could be like this, but he wasn't going to think about that. This was his woman, his wife, and he was going to give her the fucking of her life.

Kate grinned up at him, measuring his response as she moistened her pink lips with her pointed tongue, rolling it slowly from side to side.

Mark stood there for a moment, his long thick cock jutting out from his hairy loins at an acute angle. Kate's eyes were zoomed in on it, a wanton smile creasing her pert little face. God! How badly she wanted to feel that heated hardness sawing up into her demanding cuntal sluice!

And then her impatience for him got the better of her, and lifted both her bare arms up and pulled him down onto her, opening her smooth silky thighs when they fused together, then clamping them tightly around one of his legs. Mark gasped at the incredible feel of her body, the warmly inviting suppleness of her flesh, the enticing firmness of her thighs that squeezed him like a newly awakened teenager.

As their lips met hotly together, tongues alternately pushing and pulling, she ground her naked pelvis hard against his loins. She shivered from head to toe as her voluptuous softness rubbed maddeningly against the throbbing ridge of his cock.

The wet smear from his pulsing cock was streaking against her naked thigh, but she didn't ease her gentle massaging of his hardened erection. With the smoothness of her thigh and the firm mound of her pubis, the passionately aroused young wife ground against him rhythmically, teasingly, stirring an incredible agony of lustful desire in his loins, filling his swollen testicles with a seething inferno of bubbling sperm. He was certain that he would burst apart from the delightful pressure.

For a moment's pause, he pulled his tongue from the sucking oval of her lips and snuggled his face along side hers, easing his hand down her side to fondle the ivory moon of her asscheek. He squeezed a thick handful of her warm naked buttocks between his fingers and she responded with a shiver that shook even his own body as he lay on top of her. He realized that she was quivering beneath him, her pelvic mound pressed up against his virile male loins, her thighs clamped tightly around his leg as she squeezed the firmness of his flesh against the hot eager lips of her cunt, pushing her hungry pussy shamelessly against him.

Kate reached down the length of her husband's muscular back, ran her fingers over the hard swell of his buttocks, and then shoved her hands between his legs, squeezing firmly but tenderly the hair-covered sac beneath his turgid cock. He moaned at the electric touch of her fingers. "Shit, baby… I really want you. I've got to have some of that cunt of yours," he hissed.

"Uuuuu, and I want you to hurry," she retorted. She held her arms up to him again, inviting him, taunting him to come into her, and below her thighs were splayed out wide to receive him, as her hips ground in tiny impatient circles under him.

The madly aroused husband lowered himself down on top of her, his hips wedging easily into the wide angle of her thighs, his lancing hardness probing for the tender young flesh of her moist cuntal slit. The instant his lust-inflated penis touched her, she shuddered under him with sensual delight, her whole body quivering with ecstatic anticipation.

Then he gritted out between his passion clenched teeth, "I'm going to fuck you hard, Kate… harder than ever… as hard as I can!"

"Oh Mark, darling, I hope so! That's what I want you to do so badly. I want you to fuck me as hard as you can!"

And she meant it! Her sexual arousal had reached such an insane level of desire that she could barely contain herself. And she could think of no reason why she should contain herself. The man on top of her was her husband, and she wanted his lancing hardness up inside her, pounding into her loins with masculine power and strength. She wanted his massive cock to turn her inside out… to bring her the pleasure she had so recently learned about… the pleasure she knew she had to give herself up to fully in order to enjoy. There was no reason in the world to hold back anything from the man she loved. Her entire body was yielding against his masculine firmness her lips once more soft and moist as they crushed against his.

He arched away from her as he felt her hand slip between them, her fingers eagerly closing on the rigid shaft of his cock. A cry of deliciously erotic joy escaped her throat as her fingers gripped tightly around the lust-stiffened length of his penis, and Mark kissed her harder in reply, probing hungrily with his tongue between her teeth, grinding against her as her very touch brought a maddening wave of desire to his throbbing loins.

Then, the head of his cock resting at the hotly hungering mouth of her cunt, she moaned, "Ooohhh… Mark… please give it to me… now! Shove your cock all the way into my cunt… and fuck me… fuck me hard!" She was getting more desperate with each passion second. She was an aching, anticipating cunt… waiting to be fucked… torn asunder and totally fulfilled by the man she had married. There was nothing more important in the whole world for her. Nothing mattered but the delicious sensations slashing through her loins… her needing, waiting cunt! Now! She mentally screamed at him! NOW!

The wildly aroused wife wriggled forward just a bit, a soft moan on her lips as the full length of her husband's desire-hardened penis nestled against her ravenous pussy. He reached down beneath her with strong arms and cradled her lush, naked body against him, savored the quivering undulations of her softness beneath him.

He maneuvered her unprotected cunt up even tighter against him, dragging the lust inflated head of his cock back and forth through the moist pink slit of her pussy, flicking the end of his cock along the taut cuntal slit as it grew wetter and warmer with every smooth, caressing stroke. Her whole pelvis began to rotate desperately, her blood-filled pussy lips nibbling eagerly at his thick, hard member.

Suddenly, with an anguished cry of ravished impatience, she snaked her legs up around him, locking them behind his thighs, pressuring him harder against her writhing nakedness.

"God! Now… please… I have to have you in me now!" she whimpered.

Mark was as eager to feel those warm pussy lips close around his cock as she was to have it inside her. Again she grabbed for his aching penis and pressed it forward into the deep fleshy sheath of her cunt, guiding it through the fine mist of soft pubic hair into the quivering lips of her burning vagina. He stopped there for a moment, watching her close her eyes, her lips parting in a moan of torment.

He could not wait an instant longer. Snapping his hips toward her with all his strength, he rammed his cock home in one joyful thrust that slicked his rock-hard flesh like a spear into the softly pulsating walls of her seething pussy.

"Aaaaaagggggghhhhhh!!!" she moaned in grateful relief as her warmly constrictive pussy sheath slipped like a tight, butter-filled glove over the full length of his cock, the tender cuntal flesh parting before it as the huge swollen member drove between the now widely stretched pink lips.

With the smoothness of a well-oiled piston, his great cock smashed into the hot passage of her vagina, his hotly throbbing head bursting through the resilient opening and racing unchecked up into her belly.

His lusty penis plunged far up into the very depths of her cunt, the blood-engorged head nudging past her cervix to lodge finally up against the far back wall of her quivering vaginal passage. His loins smacked loudly into hers, and below, his sperm-laden balls swung hard up to thud into the smooth hairless crevice between her nakedly upturned buttocks.

"Oooooohhhhhh… Goooddd!!! It's sooooo biiiggg!!" she moaned in her tormented enchantment.

Mark grinned widely, seeing that the creation of his wife was now a moaning, seething sexual machine who could fuck back at him with all her strength. He rammed his cock's throbbing head deep inside her, his balls slapping hard against the fleshy cheeks of her ass as she squirmed to accept as much of him as she could.

With inspired vitality now, Mark ground his pelvis slowly into the softly wriggling feminine flesh under his weight as she pushed back hard against him, their speeds increasing together. With rhythmic fluidity, she opened and tightened her thighs around him with every fucking thrust that he made deep in her hungrily clasping pussy. Her mouth opened and her head tossed wildly from side to side as she quivered and writhed like a fish impaled on a spear. His long hard strokes had found their mark, and a hoarse cry punctuated her incessant moans as the blood-filled tip of his cock slammed against her cervix at the end of every driving thrust!

With insane power, Mark began driving his lust-hardened cock in and out of her, pounding wildly, fucking deeper, always deeper, harder and harder, never pausing for a moment as he pinned her to the bed, skewering her with his rigid male-flesh, his massive cock fucking her like some sex-demon.

Pulling her thighs back hard, the handsome husband mashed them down tightly against the swelling ripeness of her breasts to completely expose her pussy to his will. It gave him the fullest access, allowing him to thrust into her to the full length of his massively driving hardness. She was moaning unceasingly now, her hips grinding up at him in shameless undulations, countering his pile-driving lunges with the vigor of her supple young flesh.

Kate was afire with sex… and the fire was fed on the mounting sensations within her, obliterating all thoughts except those of sensual ecstasy! There was only one thing of which she was fully aware… the tight coupling of their wetly locked genitals. It was pure heaven… rapture!

Only vaguely she knew that hands were running the length of her body like the licking flames of a hearth-log. His lips were on hers, his tongue probing her mouth in imitation of the action below. Now his lips were on the smooth satiny skin of her breasts, kissing, sucking and biting at her swollen nipples until she thought they would burst from sheer delight!

Mark's body covered her, the heated friction of his flesh on hers an added heightening of sensation as he drove into her. His strong lean body strained to bury the heavy rod of his cock up to the very root with every thundering lunge.

"Baby… baby… it's sooo… it's so good! Listen… Listen," she stammered, barely able to get the words out. "Put your finger up my asshole! Shove it all the way into me… please…"

Mark grinned. That had been one of the last things he'd taught her on their honeymoon. His hand reached down under her and slid between the lust-dampened cheeks of her buttocks, his fingers searching the soft flesh as he probed for her anal orifice. His middle fingertip suddenly found the tightly puckered little circle of her rectum, moistened with the rivulet of cuntal moisture that seeped down from the warm slit above, where his penis was still fucking into her with long deep thrusts. He pushed at the tight ring of muscle, gently at first, then a little harder, feeling it tighten and resist in quivering spasms of involuntary tensing.

Another push and his middle finger was sunk to the base inside her rectal passage, and she was urging him on, not wanting him to think that he was hurting her too much. Mark delighted in the fantastic sensation of feeling his cock tunneling into her through the fleshy membrane that separated the two passages. He shoved both finger and cock into her with perfect rhythm, in slow steady strokes that were driving her insane with delicious desire.

His cock felt as large as the end of a baseball bat, swollen and distended beyond belief, yet the soft wet walls of pink flesh held him securely, the moist edges of her pussy lips sucking him deeper and deeper into the whirlpool of her passion. Every inward thrust slammed his cum-inflated balls against the wide-spread crevice of her buttocks and the palm of his hand as he shoved yet another finger into her tight rectal opening. She moaned lustfully as the two stiffened fingers stretched the delicate ring of her anus, and her nails bit into his back and left thin streaks of red across his shoulder blades as she writhed frantically beneath him. Kate tried to take every muscular inch of her husband's firm hard body into the ravenously hungry orifices up between her legs.

Mark doubted that he could hold back the searing flood of thick hot sperm that was aching to burst from his testicles as he pumped into his wife faster now, every thrust taking him to the hidden reaches of her churning belly, every deep lunging motion bringing another cry of ecstasy from her parted lips. Her thighs were gripped around him like a vise, and he knew that she would reach her climax soon. She moaned from deep in her throat as he responded with a plundering assault on her cunt with his skewering cock, matched with a steady ravishment of her stretched anus with his fingers.

Her knees were pressed tightly back, nearly doubling her body in half, her nakedly upturned pussy moist with the flowing juices of her desire.

Her eyes were closed, her lips parted with an inaudible cry. She choked the words finally from her throat.

"Oooohhh… GOD! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! That's wonderful! I'm cumming… cumming… fuck me like that… like that… cumming…"

Her ankles were behind his shoulders as she ground her buttocks hungrily upward, lifting them both up bodily from the bed, her whole body writhing with unbelievable strength, strength drawn from the fathomless well of passion her husband was tapping.

The room suddenly echoed with a soul-rending moan that tore from Kate's lips with all the fury of her passion. Her body tensed its full sweat-moistened length, arching high off the bed so that only her shoulders and heels touched the mattress, as she ground her body upward into his and fused them together in one lewdly writhing unison. Her hands locked on the firm muscular half-moons of his buttocks, pulling him deeper into her belly as she quivered with the agony of her impending climax.

"Aaaaaaaaaaa Ggggggggg Hhhhhhhhhhh…!!!" Her cry trailed off to a whimper of anguished pleasure, and Mark let go the painful contraction that had held back the seething torrent of hot liquid cum building up in his lust-swollen balls. He felt the current of viscous fluid race along the shaft of his organ, pause for an instant, then spurt in an unending stream into his wildly gyrating young wife's quivering belly.

Mark shuddered, then shuddered again as his balls were emptied of their life giving juices. He felt her body loosen as she collapsed in his arms, and then he fell forward onto her, so weakened that he could not support himself a second longer outstretched over her still-trembling naked body. She held his naked firm body tight against her and they lay very still for a long time…

And then a moaning from her husband brought her to the real world again. She opened her eyes with a start, feeling as though she had drifted off to sleep and relived the passionate experience of the night before. Uuuuuuuuuummmmmm… she could still feel her husband's hard-driving penis fucking in and out of her cunt.

Then it dawned on her that it was not her husband's penis she was feeling, but her own fingers. While she had been dreaming about the night before, she had unconsciously moved her hand down along her naked belly.

Slowly, softly, she removed her finger from her wetly seething pussy and brought it out from under the blankets to lightly brush her hand over husband's forehead.

"Time to wake up, darling," she said in a loving voice. As his eyes opened and then reclosed, she made a hasty glance at the clock. Hardly any time had elapsed while she had been reliving that wonderful fucking session. Less than a minute of real time had gone by!

She smiled as she returned her gaze at her husband, who was making a valiant effort to wake up.

"Good morning," she said, looking lovingly into his eyes.

"Uuuuuuummmm… g'morning," he mumbled. "What time is it?"

"About seven thirty."

As she said that, Mark suddenly snapped into total awakeness.

"Seven thirty!" he exclaimed. "Why the hell aren't you fixing breakfast?"

"Ooooohhh… we have plenty of time for that," she said coyly.

Mark bolted to a sitting position, the blanket dropping from his chest to reveal the hairy wash of dark hair there.

"Plenty of time for what?" he said with an icy tone that Kate had never heard him use before. "I have to be at work in an hour and a half."

"You'll make it," she soothed, running her fingers lightly across his chest. "I thought you might like to start the day out right."

Mark ignored her. Tossing the blanket to one side, he slithered out of bed and nakedly walked across the room to their closet.

"I'd love to," he said in a hurried voice, "but I just don't have the time."

He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked quickly to the bathroom, leaving Kate looking bewildered. He acted almost as though he was afraid of her touching him. She remembered that as he had walked across the room, he didn't have an erection.

Was it possible that, for the first time since they were married, he wasn't going to fuck her in the morning? It certainly looked that way, but Kate wasn't willing to believe that. Not yet at least.

Slipping from her side of the bed, she wrapped a skimpy, sheer bathrobe around her excited flesh. As she walked from the bedroom to the bathroom, she noticed that her pussy lips were moist and sensitive. Her dreaming had made her really excited and aroused, and she wasn't going to let her husband get away with out fucking her… at least not without a fight!

She stood in the open doorway, watching him covering his face with a thick coat of shaving lather.

"Don't just stand there," he said as though he were scolding her like a child. "I want something to eat before I go to work. I have to make a good impression on them. The company hired me on good faith, and I don't want to disappoint them."

"Why… well… what about me?" Kate asked, trying to keep her voice under control. "I'm your wife…"

"And the honeymoon is over," he interrupted her. "Have you forgotten that that trip took just about all our savings?"

Kate's mouth dropped to the floor and her shoulders slumped. Mark had never been so inconsiderate before. As she stared at him, she saw that his shaving motions stopped, and he was looking at his reflection in the steam-covered mirror.

"Look," he said softly. "There is nothing I would like better than to start the day out right. I really want to fuck you, but the hard cold fact of the matter is, we aren't in college any more, and we aren't on vacation. I have to get to work. Unless you want to live in a tent somewhere."

"Don't be ridiculous," Kate snapped.

"Don't you be ridiculous," he retorted. "Living in this world costs money. The rent on this place is going to be due in another month. Where are we going to get the money to pay that? And the electric bill… and the gas and the heat…"

"All right," she snapped, spinning around and walking away from him.

"I'll have your damn breakfast ready."

Mark started to say something after her, but he thought the better of it. He wondered if they were about to have their first fight. He had heard that things like that were inevitable, but he would like to postpone it for as long as possible.

Then he shrugged his shoulders. Surely she could see that he loved her.

After all, he was willing to put off a little pleasure so he could make ends meet. Maybe when she got a job of her own, she would understand.

Hell… by then they might have enough money so that he could afford to take a morning off… or at least be a little late.

As she casually listened to the sound of running water in the bathroom, Kate went about her task with a seething expression on her face. Her lips were pursed, and she wanted to break the dishes she was setting out for him. Not even the pleasing aroma of frying bacon and eggs and perking coffee made her feel better. All she knew was the frustrated tingling in her vagina. She poured a cup of coffee for Mark just as he entered the kitchen, fully dressed and looking as though he was ready to take on the world in his new job.

"Honey… I'm sorry I snapped at you a while ago," he said, determined that he would swallow his pride for the sake of his marriage. "You just have to remember that I feel a little… well… I'm responsible for the two of us. At least for a while, and I'm sort of feeling my way."

"You don't have to explain anything," Kate said in a voice that was so cold and detached that Mark actually shivered. "The fucking all mighty dollar is more important to you than I am."

"The fucking… Honey, are you serious? Because if you really think I believe that…"

But Kate wasn't looking at him. She picked up her own coffee cup and was staring into it. Then she turned her body to one side, wondering if Mark was noticing the way her full, rounded breasts jutted from the sheerness of the nearly transparent cloth of her robe. She knew her nipples were hard, and if Mark was looking at her, there was no way he could not notice that fact. He had hurt her, and she wasn't going to let him get away with that.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," Mark snapped, feeling himself losing control. When she failed to turn and face him, he decided that he would just go on with what he had to say. "I think you're being childish about this whole thing. There's more to life than fucking, you know. I have to make a living. Jesus! When I first met you, you didn't even know what a cock looked like."

"Oooooohhhhh… are we going to bring that up?" she asked, spinning around, causing her generous breasts to jiggle slightly, sensuously under the thinness of her robe. "Well, buster, you were a pretty good teacher. I was always ready for you when you wanted to vent yourself. Damn! You would think that you hadn't had a woman your whole life. You sure had fun the last two weeks, and now that I want to have a little, you're too busy."

"We were on a vacation for Christ's sake," Mark said, setting his coffee cup down so hard that some of the dark fluid spilled over the edge. He pushed himself away from the table and glowered at his wife.

"I never thought I wouldn't want to at least eat breakfast with you, but you've totally ruined my appetite."

"So you're just going to run away like a frightened little boy. Go on, go to your precious job. Maybe you can have a good laugh about how you married a virgin… probably the only one left in St. Paul."


"Go on… just get out of here. And don't worry about all this food going to waste," she snapped as she stood up and looked directly into his eyes over the table. "I'll just store it in the freezer. That way, we can have something to eat when you aren't out digging and scratching to make money."

Mark's jaw worked, as though he were trying to think of something to say. He thought the better of it, though, and with a flourish, he grabbed his jacket and walked out the door. Kate stood at the table glowering at him. When the door slammed loudly behind him, she reached for the closest thing she could find… a salt shaker, and threw it at the door after him.

She missed the door, and the glass object fell silently onto the carpeted floor.
