Ellen tried to compose herself as she saw Mindy Sue sitting next to her parents the following Sunday in church. Thank goodness her husband hadn't noticed the marks on her ass and arms.

Joe Crenshaw had managed to mark her well, her flesh still bruised from his blows. Even there in church, Ellen could still almost feel the stinging blows of his hand as it smacked her ass. Drawing her white-gloved hands over her skirt, Ellen tried to push thoughts such as those from her mind. What had happened was an outrage. It wouldn't happen again. She had heard nothing from Joe Crenshaw, something that both relieved and bothered her at the same time.

"… and so, my children, let us lift our minds to God, an all-forgiving God who asks for nothing more than our love."

It was the signal that the service was over Ellen put one hand over her mouth to stifle a yawn, slowly sliding from the front pew to join her husband and shake hands with the departing parishioners. It was with some surprise as she moved up the aisle with her minister husband that she saw Joe Crenshaw and two other tall young men standing near the door in the back. Others noticed too, stopping in their tracks for a moment, only to nod silently and move on by.

"Well, I'll be. The message of the Lord's even gotten to these boys," her husband muttered, patting Ellen's hand and not noticing the tremor running through her body.

Ellen couldn't believe the audacity of Joe coming here to the church. She knew just what was running through his warped mind. She pressed more firmly against her husband, feeling as if everyone suddenly knew how Joe Crenshaw had raped and beaten her and finally made her want his cock.

"Howdy, Reverend," Joe said, his eyes cold. He shot Ellen a quick mocking look, then introduced his two younger brothers, Caleb and Adam. Both were tall young men with that same high-cheeked ruggedness that gave Joe a forbidding, if extremely handsome look.

Ellen lowered her eyes, feeling her cunt-lips start to fold over one another as they swelled. She could feel that same dangerous warm glow flow over her skin while her nipples began to stiffen and itch against her bra. Oh, what a mockery she was making of both her husband and his religion as she stood there in the church and went into heat over those trashy Crenshaw boys!

"Wouldn't mind havin' you and the missus come over sometime for dinner, Reverend," Joe said, catching Ellen's eyes once more and grinning from ear to ear.

The woman blushed to the roots of her hair, remembering the rope binding her wrists and ankles and still feeling his teeth biting and crushing her nipples. She thought she was going to faint.

"You don't look at all well, dear," an older woman whispered after the Crenshaw boys left.

"I… it may be a slight cold. I think I'd better lie down," Ellen muttered, passing one hand over her burning forehead.

"Michael, I'm going home, if you don't mind. I'm not feeling well," Ellen said softly.

She didn't even hear what her husband replied as she walked shakily down the five steps to the ground and passed between the two tall Cyprus trees framing the church's entrance. She hadn't walked more than fifty feet when something caught her by the wrist. Ellen nearly screamed when she felt a callused hand clap over her mouth while an arm slipped about her waist. Someone was dragging her back, back into the bushes while she kicked and struggled.

Ellen knew full well who it was! They had come to the church to kidnap her! Her low heels slipped from her feet as branches scratched her arms. Through her curtaining hair, she caught sight of two men approaching her. One was the one called Caleb Crenshaw. Joe was next to him. It was the third brother then, Adam, who was dragging her backward, his warm cockbulge pressing against her ass-cheek while his right band still clamped more firmly around her mouth. No! She wasn't going to let them do this to her again! Opening her mouth as best she could, Ellen bit down hard on the restraining hand.

Adam shouted, pulling away and shaking his arm while Ellen bolted and started heading back to the church. She whimpered, knocking the branches from her face as she threw herself into the thicket and ran for her life. Joe was behind her, knocking down the bushes while his booted feet thudded closer and closer. Her nylons were tearing as her feet slipped over the uneven pound. A branch struck her face, leaving a long red mark over her right cheek as she stumbled backward stunned from the blow.

Joe caught her, his fingers digging cruelly into her arm. She fought him as best she could. But he was mad, pulling her back, striking her with his fists when he could until they were back in the small clearing.

"Hey, man, the slut don't wanna play with us," Adam said, rubbing his injured hand against his faded Levi's.

"Don't worry about that," Joe said, throwing Ellen to the ground. "She'll come around. She always does when you wave a cock in her face."

"You leave me alone! You all leave me alone!" she cried. "You've no right doing this to me. My husband…"

"Ain't gonna do nothin'," Joe spat back. "Adam, Caleb, let's get this slut back to our place. We can shut her up there."

Adam took a wadded dirty handkerchief from his rear pocket and shoved it down into Ellen's mouth while Caleb held her arms pinned tightly behind her. She tried kicking back, her feet slipping on the dirt as the guys pushed her forward. But the men were watching her now, not letting their prey get out of hand as they marched her through the woods to their home.

Ellen tried to calm herself, keeping her mind clear. She wouldn't make the mistake she had the last time. She would look for an escape, a moment when they were busy or drunk with their own lust. It would happen. It always happened with men. She just had to keep herself divorced from whatever they did to her to seize the moment and flee. She would have her husband and the sheriff take care of these awful men. In a while, she caught sight of that long low house once more. They stopped in the front yard.

"Strip the bitch, then tie her down out here," Joe barked.

Ellen couldn't believe the command. Caleb let her go and spun her around, curling his fingers and tearing open the dress.


It ripped in two, fluttering to the ground like a deflated balloon. Ellen put her hands over her tits, folding one leg over the other as a light breeze from the north lifted her hair from her shoulders. Goose pimples broke out over her naked flesh as she drew in her upper arms, trying to hide her tits from the leering men. Adam moved behind her, slipping one finger under her bra strap and breaking open the halter. Caleb finished the job, ripping the bra from her body and sticking his nose into one of the cups.

"Man, good hot tits. Can smell it, Joe. I see what you mean now. Man, oh man, this bitch is gonna slut out when we get through with her."


Someone had slapped her ass. She felt the stinging fingers through the white cotton panties Joe had mocked so much before. Wheeling around, Ellen pushed the loose hair from her eyes and glared at Adam, who was grinning at her. Joe stepped behind her, bringing down one fist between her narrow shoulder blades. The woman let out a grunt, her head snapping back while her knees grew weak and collapsed. She fell to the ground.

He came up to her once more, a large silhouetted figure in the dark looming above her. Ellen cringed, falling to one side and clawing her fingers into the dirt. But all he did was nod to his brothers, then they disappeared into the house for a moment. She refused to move, remaining quiet and still like a cornered, frightened little animal. When Caleb and Adam returned, Joe raised his eyes for a moment, then pointed to several points around the hapless woman.

"Stakes, right here. Plant 'em right. I don't wanna go move any shit around, especially when we got the preacher's wife wantin' this real bad," Joe said, his lips curling into that awful, mocking smile that made Ellen's blood freeze in her veins.

"No, oh please, no," she whispered.

Adam slipped his hands under her arms, dragging her back. Her heels left small trails in the soft dirt while she watched Caleb plant four wedge-shaped wooden stakes in a large box formation around her. He made certain they were in securely, pressing the heel of his black engineering boots across the wide tops and stomping them in. Adam threw her down, placing one foot against her throat to keep her flat on the ground. Ellen stared wide-eyed at him, sucking in air with a gasping, wheezing sound. She could feel dirt easing into her hot, sweaty ass-crack.

"Keep her down flat while we take care of her arms," Joe told Adam as he and Caleb moved around to the back of her head.

The tall blond country boy was as good as his brother's word, raising one foot and placing the heel of his boot up against her cunt. Ellen knew the threat. He would stomp her pussy, hurt her if she so much as fluttered her eyelids too brightly. The woman remained quiet as Joe and Caleb slipped two lengths of quarter-inch hemp around her wrists and tightened the line using slipknots. Ellen winced, her flesh barely having healed from the last run-in with the crazy Crenshaws. Both men pulled the rope taut, stretching it back until each reached his respective spike. Ellen's arms were drawn back, her tits pulled down from the pressure. The rope was biting into her wrist and causing the skin to pinken. Joe slipped back down to her ankles, taking a longer length of the line and easing it around the woman's right foot. Ellen tried bending her knees, but Caleb brought one fist down hard against her right thigh, a harsh reminder for her to stay quiet. She groaned, biting down on her lower lip a both men stretched their ropes back, pulling her legs straight and taut. Raising her head from the dirt, Ellen watched as they looped their lines around the other two stakes, securing her flat against the ground.

"Hogtied, like a Goddamned bitch," Adam said, pulling his boot off her cunt and nudging her right tit with its toe.

"Yeah, a good way for her to learn about how a man treats a woman, and what he expects from her," Caleb agreed.

Joe loosened his belt and pushed down his jeans. His brothers looked on with growing interest while Ellen's eyes rounded. He was standing by her right thigh now, his knees bent slightly while he rolled his cock-head from side to side between his thumb and forefinger. His prick wasn't hard. Ellen could see that and wondered what he was going to do. A sharp guffaw from Caleb brought her around to a horrid, vile thought. She glanced back at Joe's prick again just as a drop of piss oozed from the broad slit at the tip of his prick.

"No… no," she murmured, her scalp crinkling with horror as she arched her spine and pulled hard at the restraining ropes.

She could hardly feel the line cutting into her flesh as she watched a stream of piss begin from the fat cock-head. It spattered on the dirt, raising tiny puffs of dust as it grew stronger and arched toward her. Ellen felt the sour-tasting bile rising in her throat as the warm piss began to spatter on her belly. He was going to piss on her, use her for a toilet!

Again. Ellen pulled at the ropes, feeling the line cutting deeper into her skin. Just at that point, Joe raised his soft prick, bringing the foul-smelling piss in contact with her tits. Ellen snapped her head back, closing her eyes and letting out strangled cries of horror. They were all going to piss on her!

She felt a warm spray of piss biting into her tit-flesh. She sucked in a ragged breath, her body shivering while the tendons stood out in her upper arms. The hot stream of piss splashed over her taut belly, oozing down into her navel, then running over her ribs and soaking into the ground beneath.

Ellen worked her, ass back and forth frantically jerking against the ropes while the filthy piss slicked her body yellow. Joe moved his prick back and forth, sending the stream into her navel, then bringing it back until it spattered against her long, red nipples. She felt the piss running down between her jiggling tits, some of it washing up to her throat while most of it trickled down her sides. When some of the droplets splashed against her chin, she let out a cry, jerking her head back and doing all she could to keep from vomiting. She closed her lips tight until they were a scar on her face as more and more pies spattered onto her belly and wet down her ass.

Joe watched her carefully, squeezing his cockhead once more and moving the stream of piss back up to her tits. He was soiling her nipples, chuckling as the woman arched her spine and beat her head against the ground. Once more, Ellen felt the biting taste of vomit rise in her throat as the smell of his pies invaded her nostrils.

"Yeah, the preacher's wife," Joe said. "Don't she look good bein' pissed on? The bitch is a Goddamned toilet. That's all the fuck she's good for."

"No, please… stop this, please… please, no more!"

The piss made the ground under her ass damp and muddy. The woman felt like a pig, wallowing in filth while the men above her laughed. If only she could faint. But something kept her conscious as the stream of piss, long and twisting, still flowed strong from Joe's cock. He moved the piss-stream now up to her throat. She thought he was going to make her drink his piss, and she groaned, jerking her head away. But no, Joe had other plans for now. She felt the stinging, hot stream of piss spatter back down until it filled her navel once more. Now she could feel the hot piss trickling down into her cunt, wetting her inner thighs, then oozing down into her ass-crack.

Joe played his piss stream over the top of her swelling cuntal mound, seeing how the pussy lips began to twitch with an unwanted heat. Ellen fought against herself, doing her best to fight the swelling feeling of excitement rising in her. What a foul, filthy person she was! But how could she stop herself?

Joe directed the piss-stream up against her clit, playing it around the tiny spindle and watching with interest as she jutted, heaving her thighs up and twisting her hips. That hot, beating sensation of piss against her clit made the spindle tweak and swell.

Muttering a curse, Joe shook his prick, sorry his bladder was empty.

How the cool wind was making the piss slicking her body feel icy! Ellen shivered, wishing someone would throw a blanket over her.

Caleb was next, silently stepping up where his brother had stood and unfastening his Levi's. He pushed them down, freeing his skinny cock and balls. Joe moved around behind her, kneeling down and grabbing a fistful of her hair. He was twisting and pulling it back, forcing Ellen to open her mouth in a fit of screams of pain.

She forgot about Caleb for one moment, feeling the strands tearing from her scalp. She screamed again, her throat growing raw with the cries while Joe kept on pulling, nodding up at his grinning younger brother. Suddenly Ellen felt that tell-tale stinging hot spray, this time right against her mouth. The droplets of piss were skidding over her parted lips, some of them spraying up into her flared nostrils.

Choking and gagging, Ellen tried to close her mouth. But the pain was too intense around her scalp, making her cry out instinctively. God in heaven, they were actually going to piss in her mouth, and there was nothing she could do about it!
