Nearly three weeks had passed since Ellen's last encounter with Reverend Davis. Her husband had several times remarked on the surprising number of phone calls he'd received from the elder minister requesting both him and his wife Ellen visit him. Ellen politely turned the requests down, leaving Michael confused about her reasons for the refusals.

The purple and red marks disappeared from her flesh, things her husband hadn't noticed. The Crenshaw boys had stopped attending Sunday services, and Ellen had curtailed her outdoor activities to shopping and occasional gardening.

For a while, the woman thought her wild times were over. Perhaps she was getting a grip on herself at last. The horrific delight she had experienced in the ropes and feeling the men violate her that way was possibly a phase. Later, much later, she would go to another minister and confess, only this time having several years of good works to back up her repentance.

Twice she had caught sight of Mindy Sue in the congregation and wondered about Joe Crenshaw's words. She looked demure, not even staring at Ellen as the preacher's wife sat in the front pew and tried without success to think of God.

The terrible visions continued, visions that involved the Crenshaws and Reverend Davis until Ellen thought she was losing her mind. At night she ground her teeth until she thought Michael would awaken to the horrid sound. She tossed and turned, her dreams filled with erotic visions of the men fucking and beating her. She would awaken with a start, sitting up straight in bed while her white cotton nightgown clung to her sweaty flesh. She swore she could taste cum in her mouth, and more than once brushed her trembling fingertips over her cunt to see if indeed there was cum oozing from her fuck-slot.

At the start of the fourth week, Ellen was sure she would have to commit herself. She couldn't go on this way and continue to be Michael's wife.

That was the evening she received the phone call from the Crenshaw brothers. Her fingers twisted the black cord around nervously while she pressed the hot, sweaty-damp receiver to her ear. Michael was in the next room, working on his sermon.

"So we gotta get you away from your husband tonight," Joe ordered, his voice firm.

"I… I can't. Michael's working on his sermon and…"

Ellen stopped. She couldn't believe what she was doing! She stopped herself, feeling her heart stand still as Joe laughed at her.

"You'll come – unless you want me to come on by and take you. Bet your old man'd freak out if he saw me wrestlin' you to the floor, huh?"

Ellen's face flushed, her fingers nearly twisting the cord from the receiver. She bent over, pressing her lips to the phone while keeping her back toward her husband.

"Please, don't make me do this!"

She could feel her cuntal walls caressing one another, juice bubbling from her cunt and wetting down her crotch while her nipples stood firmly against her bra. This was worse, far worse than anything her dreams had conjured. She was shamefully close to climax – just talking with this man!

"Be here!" Joe demanded. Then he hung up. Ellen hesitated only for a second, knowing full well he was capable of carrying out his threat and coming for her.

"I'm leaving for Mrs. Drew's home. She needs someone to talk with," Ellen said, referring to a disconsolate young widow who had many times requested Ellen to visit her.

"Ummmm-humminmm," Michael said, not glancing at his departing wife.

Ellen rushed to her car, seeing how her husband could care so little about her leaving, and consequently feeling less guilty about what was about to happen. She drove quickly down the road, the headlights barely illuminating the thickly forested area.

The lights were nearly all off in the Crenshaw house as she guided her car carefully down the drive to the rotting garage out back. Joe and Caleb were waiting for her there, their thick muscled arms crossed over their bare chests. Ellen switched off the engine and got out.

"Thought you'd come. We were ready to grab you right under your fuckin' husband's nose in a few minutes," Joe said as she approached.

"I couldn't let you do that," she said, her voice unnaturally husky. It was then Ellen noticed that half of the old double door on the garage was open. Caleb stepped back, revealing a pale and very beaten Mindy Sue. Ellen stopped, her mouth gaping open as she stared at the helpless teenager.

Mindy Sue raised her head, shaking the hair from her face and peering with squinty eyes at Ellen. They had stripped and beaten the girl leaving long narrow welts on her freckled skin. She was tied to an upright beam in the garage, her wrists bound with narrow leather straps to the wood.

"Oh, my God!" Ellen blurted.

"Bastard!" Mindy Sue spat at Caleb, her pale face reddening now with anger.

Ellen was surprised at the vehemence of the girl as she struggled with the bonds, her naked legs slipping on the greasy garage floor. Caleb turned around.


"You heard me, Caleb Crenshaw," Mindy Sue said, her voice trembling. "You… you'll never get away with this."

Ellen's hand fluttered up to her lips as she tried to signal the young girl to keep quiet. But the perky young blonde refused to quiet down.

"Man, too bad Adam's not here," Caleb said, spitting on the floor and eyeing his older brother Joe. "He's hot for this one. One dick down her throat and that'd stop her."

"Then dick the bitch! I'll go get some rope. Mind this other one, though. I don't want her gettin' loose," Joe said, nodding at Ellen and giving her a shove.

Ellen stumbled forward from the push, falling onto her knees with painful thud. Caleb let out a snorting laugh, then turned and started toward the bound teenager.

Ellen pushed the hair from her eyes, seeing the look of white panic flicker across the girl's face as he untied her. They were alone with Caleb. It would be just for a moment. Perhaps this was the time to fight back. There were two of them now. Could she telegraph some signal to the girl? Perhaps defiance would make the Crenshaws rethink their policy of hounding them… and the thought of possible retribution from Joe, Caleb and Adam excited Ellen more and more.

"Little bitch," Caleb said. "When I started beatin' the shit outta you with the whip, I knew you liked it, didn't you?"

"No, liar!" the girl yelled.

Ellen could see Mindy's bravado weakening. Her tough facade cracked, the energy quickly ebbing from the retreating girl. Caleb was about to climb onto her. She shook her head, her hands crossing protectively over her tits while she moved back until her ass pillowed against the wall of the garage.

Caleb played out the scene slowly, spacing his steps and taking his time advancing. Mindy Sue was trembling visibly now, her fingers clenching and unclenching while her knees knocked against one another. She didn't dare blink, fearing Caleb would hit her the moment she closed her eyes.

Ellen drew herself up, whispering a prayer while her body quivered sympathetically for the young girl.

With a quick move, Caleb lunged for the teenager, curling his fingers into her hair. She shrieked in pain, her knees buckling while her hands flailed out at her assailant. Caleb spun the girl around twice before sending her slamming face-first into the garage wall.

Mindy Sue clutched at the rotting wood, her nails cracking while her legs gave way. Ellen staggered to her feet, swaying back and forth as she watched Caleb bring one hand down like a hammer and crash his knuckles against the side of the girl's skull. Mindy Sue shrieked, a trickle of blood oozing down the side of her face as she wheeled around, collapsing onto the filthy floor.

"When I get through with you, it'll be months before you can walk."


Ellen saw him about to hammer his fists once more into the cringing teenager. This was too much! Finding courage in herself, she lunged forward, banging her body into Caleb's and sending the startled young stud reeling into the wall. He banged his head hard, the blow stunning him for a moment. It was all Ellen needed. Bending down, she grabbed Mindy Sue and hauled her to her feet.

"Come on. Let's get out of here."

"I'm for that," Mindy Sue said, springing forward and stumbling from the garage.

Ellen forgot about the car, following the teenager as she rushed back into the darkness toward a large fence bordering the property.

"He won't expect us to go this way. I'm it afraid Joe'd shoot us or something if we tried gettin' out by your car," Mindy Sue said, panting.

Ellen thought she could hear Joe shouting. Perhaps he had come back and found his brother half conscious, on the floor.

"Can you climb?" Mindy Sue asked. "Yes," Ellen whispered, closing the small gap separating her from the girl.

They stopped at the tall fence, Mindy Sue glancing back, her eyes wide with excitement and fear. She climbed, reaching the top and stretching down one hand.

Ellen could hear them now. It was Joe and Caleb. They were rushing around the dark yard, searching for the women. It wouldn't take them too long to decide which direction they had escaped in. Ellen reached up, catching hold of the girl's icy fingers. She scrambled up, her nylons tearing. It was only then she realized the fence was laced with barbed wire! But she still climbed frantically, listening to the shouting voices growing louder. Her naked ass jutted out, the woman clinging to Mindy's hand with every last particle of strength she had. She was halfway up. But it was such a struggle!

She thought of Reverend Davis, of the Crenshaw boys, and wondered if going back wouldn't be far easier in the long run.

"Come on!" Mindy Sue urged.

Th last few feet looked insurmountable.

"I'm letting go. You grab hold of the post, and when you reach the top I'll be down below, on the other side. We've got to get outta here, or they're gonna kill us," the girl whispered. Ellen thought about that and found new strength. Mindy Sue held a second longer until she prepared herself. Then the girl let go. Grabbing hold of the tall post, Ellen felt slivers tearing at her palms. She still clutched frantically at the wood, pressing closer. She gripped the sides with her toes, climbing up slowly, every muscle in her body aching from the effort. Then she finally reached the top.

"Now jump," Mindy Sue whispered, having leaped to the soft dirt below.

Ellen hesitated a moment. She was dizzy from fear and exertion. Her dress was in shreds, and the barbed wire was only inches away from her naked ass-cheeks. She crouched there like a cat on top of the post, uncertain about jumping.

"Hurry! They're coming!"

Ellen still remained crouching there for an instant, the sound of pounding boots brought her back to life. She looked down, seeing Mindy Sue's anxious white face. She cautiously aimed for what she thought was the softest part of the ground then dropped. She landed with a thud, finding herself rolling back toward the fence. Her ass struck a coil of barbed wire.

Ellen winced as she felt the metal teeth ripping into her ass-flesh. Pain raged through the slashed muscles as she gagged with the agony. Blades of fire stabbed into her ass and cunt. But even as she writhed in the pain, her clit trembled. She struggled to free herself. But as she wriggled around, bouncing her ass against the barbed wire, the awful thing seemed to dig itself into her flesh more deeply.

Horrified, Mindy Sue tried to pull Ellen free, her fingers slipping around the woman's wrists. Struggling forward, Ellen could feel those awful metal barbs releasing their hold. As she worked her ass away, she felt the agony exciting her buckling cunt more and more. It was as if the stinging wire were slicing into her cunt.


Ellen let out a cry – a cry of mingled pain and of delight. Thank goodness, Mindy Sue was too immature yet to understand what that moan really meant. She fought down tears as her nerves tingled with this unholy lust. God in heaven, she had finally dropped to the lowest level. There was no stopping the pain and delight raging in her body. She could feel the surge of warm cunt-juice sucking down her thighs while Mindy Sue still tugged at her.

Mindy Sue fell down for a moment; Ellen rolled onto her belly and finding herself humping disgracefully against the ground. She couldn't top the perverse lust coursing through her.

"What's wrong?" the girl asked.

Ellen came violently, her thighs rippling while the burning cuts from the barbed wire increased the biting tension of her climax.

Mindy Sue managed to get Ellen back on her feet just as Joe and Caleb reached the edge of the yard.

"There they go – into the woods!" Caleb shouted, pointing at them.

"Run!!" the teenager shrieked.

Ellen felt her mind go blank as she rushed forward, clutching her hands against her chest as she leaped after Mindy. They plunged on until the sound of their pursuers slashing through the woods faded somewhat.

Mindy Sue stopped, leaning back against a tall pine while trying to catch her breath. Ellen fell to her knees, her head down while she clawed at the ground. The fading other climax sapped more strength from her.

"So… what I can't understand is why you… a preacher's wife… why you're mixed up with that white trash," Mindy Sue said.

Ellen caught her breath finally, settling her ass back on her heels and still feeling the stinging bite of the barbed wire.

"I don't know," she confessed, shaking her head slowly. "I don't know how it all started. It just… happened."

Mindy Sue shook her head, pushing herself away from the tree and looking around.

"We'll go back to my uncle's place. He'll get some guys together and take care of those fuckers," Mindy Sue said. "They ain't gonna be around this county much longer after he gets through with 'em."

"Don't count on it, Mindy Sue!" a male voice bellowed.

Ellen nearly jumped out of her skin. It was Caleb and Joe, this time joined by Adam. They were back, all three of them, and all hell-bent on teaching the girl and Ellen a lesson they wouldn't forget!
