"More, bitch? More whore? Does the beast inside you want more?"

Reverend Davis' voice roared over the loud buzzing in her head. Ellen's body arched against the wooden stool, her flesh creased by the tight bonds cutting downward, slicked by her own sweat. Her head snapped regularly from side to side, her lips turning purple while her eyes rolled wildly.

Ellen thought her skin was burning. She could smell something, the singeing of her pussy while more and more electricity burned through her. The shocks were like broken pieces of glass knifing into her flesh. She felt the joints aching and throbbing while her legs jerked and twitched against the leather straps.

Against everything natural, Ellen felt a raw kind of pleasure tearing at her tits, cunt and asshole. Her nipples were swollen with blood, bursting against the cruel biting teeth of the alligator clips while the muscles in her belly knotted and cramped. She could feel her clit filling with blood, throbbing while the voltage burned the moist flesh around the twittering sex-spindle.

She tried to close her legs, her thighs ridging and trembling from the effort. But the leather thongs held her firmly in place. She let out another cry of despair, feeling faint. She was almost in that white-hot moment of madness, that second when she could collapse into orgasm. Again, she tried to close her legs to squeeze off her orgasm. But the thongs held firm. Ellen was waiting for the final electrical jolt that would bring her off. She had to have that raw power tearing through her body now, the current frying her flesh while her cunt throbbed like an open wound. Reverend Davis saw that animal stare in her eyes and laughed evilly, twisting the dial up another notch.


Ellen thought she would surely die. Her insides buckled, her organs squeezing and roasting in the hot, charged atmosphere while the tiny blue sparks jumped about her sweaty flesh. The current zapped her nipples and clit while the woman blew out loud hot farts from her ravaged asshole.

Ellen was out of control, her muscles spasming while her intestines cramped painfully, threatening to push out lumps of shit onto the bench under her shivering white ass. She could feel piss squirting from her cunt-hole, making the electricity flow that much more easily into her loins.

She suddenly wanted everything at once. She thought about being fucked by the Crenshaw boys and wished Reverend Davis would fuck her that way. She cried out, her throat raw from the screaming, and her nostrils flared. She was rutting openly, her cunt convulsing while the swollen cunt-lobes folded over one another.


Reverend Davis was rubbing his prick through his trousers while staring hotly at the writhing woman. She felt herself struck by a more powerful force that nearly knocked her from the bench.

Who was screaming so loudly? Ellen could hear shrieks filling the small room. Then she realized it was her own voice shrilling that way while her body shuddered and burned under the horrible onslaught. She couldn't shriek any longer, her voice choked off by the spit running down the back of her throat.

Reverend Davis' eyes were wild and wide, his white fingers trembling while his prick pressed up hard and thick against the front of his trousers. She could see that cock-bulge and licked her lips, wanting to take that cock into her mouth!

"So, whore, you still want the evils of the flesh?" he growled, his face distorted and red.

"Harlot! Take more of God's punishment!" Her lips turned more purple and diamonds of spit stood on her lips. Her nipples were long and pointed now, swollen and dark red against the biting rusty teeth of the clips. Cunt-juice spattered from her hairy pussy, wetting down the rusty clips nibbling into her swollen pussy-flesh. The black wires slapped against one another, their movement threatening to pull the clips from her pussy-lips as she twisted and bounced her body against the bench. She could hardly keep conscious now as her head seemed to swell, about to shatter from the pressure in her body. Another crank higher, and the generator sent a steady flow of burning electricity into her body.

That was more than enough for the tortured woman. Ellen's fingers curled until her nails broke against her sweaty palms, her spine arching and holding her like a bridge aver the bench while a steady rush of air escaped from between her parted lips. She stared wildly at the ceiling, feeling the hot, prickly bite of climax start to tear at her cunt.

In another second, her orgasm erupted, the woman helpless to control the jerking and buckling in her cunt. She cried out finally, her gurgling screams betraying the sensations scorching her cunt like acid. She shuddered and jerked against her bonds, her obvious pleasure driving Reverend Davis wild.

"Yess!" she hissed.

As she shuddered and twitched, Reverend Davis would no longer stand the sight of the beautiful woman suspended this way. He turned the power on all the way, watching Ellen's face as she wriggled maddeningly over the bench, a twisting, bucking beauty.

"Whore!" the preacher shouted.

With a rapid hand movement, he shut the generator down. Ellen felt the current suddenly stop. But the awesome power of her awn body was in full control now, her muscles still jerking while her climax continued to hold her in its grip. Reverend Davis cursed, nearly knocking the generator over as he rushed toward her feet and quickly unbuckled her ankles from the wall restraints. Ellen could feel her legs fall down, but still she screamed and twisted, bucking her ass up more freely now while flailing the air with her newly freed legs.

"Bitch! I'll drive the devil from you, whore! You won't go back to your husband without this being done!"

Ellen fell him tear the pincers free of her tits, pulling the last wire from her ass while opening the leather straps holding her wrists. Ellen cried out, her screams turning foul and obscene. Reeling back, Reverend Davis brought down his right hand across her face, his knuckles bruising her cheek while her teeth rattled from the force of the blow. Her tits burned even more while her cunt pinched down, the cunt-walls rubbing itchily against one another.

Reverend Davis kept slapping her, his hand finally knocking the rutting woman from the bench. Ellen rolled to one side, her legs kicking out as she fell with a dull thud to the floor. She jerked her knees up into a fetal position, drawing her hands over them while hiding her head from the shouting man.

He swore, reaching down and rolling her back onto her ass. He pushed her shoulders against the floor, spreading her legs apart with one knee while settling between her thighs. He spread her pussy-lips apart with one hand, using his other to reopen his zipper and pull out his prick. Ellen threw back her head and laughed maniacally, wondering if indeed Satan was possessing both of them!

She threw her shoulders once more against the floor, feeling a hot, heavy weight pressing against her swollen, hot, juice-slicked pussy. Reverend Davis was pinching her sore nipples with both hands, the weight of his prone body pressing his stiff cock into her. She tried to draw back, but he held her tightly, pinning her with his prick.

She was impaled by this man rod, being fucked by him while her body still rung like a struck bell from the electrical torture. She retched, feeling more pain as Reverend Davis pummeled her cunt with his prick. He was drooling, looking down at her with wild, savage eyes. He held her fast, his hands squeezing her tits, kneading and molding them until she thought he would tear them from her heaving chest. The bruised, itching force of her climax spread more now surging through her body while every inch of her flesh sang with unholy delight.

The ferocity of her orgasm reached a new height, nearly knocking the attractive woman unconscious as she fucked with the reverend on the basement floor.

"Uh! Uhgh! Uhhhhh!"

The electricity had done it! All that pain, all that itching delight had made her so hot that someone as inadequate as the reverend could make her feel as if one of the Crenshaw studs were fucking her.

Ellen cringed, realizing that the man above her hated her and loathed what she represented, but he was still unable to tear himself from her. He was ramming her cunt roughly, staring down at her wildly and enjoying the barbaric assault.

Lust boiled in her cunt, her clit stung by another wave of climax. She clenched her teeth, turning her head away while strings of drool escaped from the corners of her mouth. She couldn't help herself! Another burst of delight exploded through her pussy, making her arch her spine and rub her belly against the reverend's. He saw this and laughed at her, raising one hand from her bruised tits and slapping her across the face until she screamed back at him. The bruising, ramming attack of his prick tore at her clit in an endless attack as he fucked her cunt.

"You little slut!" he howled, throwing his head back and shaking the sweat from his face. "I'll teach you to do this! I'll teach you to tempt a man of God! You won't ever try this again!"

Ellen embraced him like a lover, closing her thighs and clutching him tightly to her cunt with her legs. She couldn't control her climax. Her clit exploded while she held his body more greedily. Her body felt as if it were being stung with fiery needles over every square inch while her clit boiled over. And her cock-stuffed pussy ached and throbbed.

Her hips whipped feverishly from side to side, churning her pussy on his prick. Reverend Davis was grunting, his hands flailing away at her face. He cried out, fucking in all the way and keeping his prick there while his body started to jerk against hers.

He was cumming!

She could feel his hot cock-cream spattering against her cuntal walls. It was like a soothing balm that began to ease the hot itch tearing at her pussy. Ellen sighed, rolling her thighs up and drinking in the sensation of having her cunt filled with his cock-meat. Her pussy continued to tremble and clutch at the minister's prick while she sobbed. Finally he quieted, his hands smoothing over her hot, slick body. Ellen bit down on her lower lip, feeling a warm glow wash over her skin while her cunt slackened around his cock. It was all over – at least for now.

Would the reverend believe he had driven the devil from her? He certainly had done something for her, but it hardly had to do with an exorcism, Ellen thought ironically.

She watched as he stood up unsteadily, pulling his wrinkled trousers up around his hips and buckling them, then looking a bit guiltily at the device from which Ellen had fallen. The straps lay open invitingly, something that made the woman shiver with both fear and a kind of perverse wish she could be back on the bench once more. He moved a few feet toward her then stopped, covering his mouth with a fist and coughing lightly.

"You still have the devil in you, sister," he said, his voice far softer than it had been. "We have to meet again. We have to keep trying to reclaim your soul."

Ellen lay quietly on the floor, looking up at him with wide, unblinking eyes. Reverend Davis drew himself up as if that stare accused him of things he would rather not think of. His face growing darker, the man nudged her with the toe of his shoe. She cringed away with a whimper drawing her hands over her tits while drawing her legs together. Instinctively his thick lips curled into a sardonic smile, one the reverend quickly fought back and shook his head.

"I will save you, sister. I will make sure that you return to the flock, even if it costs me my own soul."

When he climbed the stairs. Ellen pulled herself up from the floor, gathering up her ripped dress and panties and wondering how on earth she was going to drive from Hyatsville back to her husband's parsonage.

Obviously the reverend had thought of that problem as well, returning with a handful of dresses hanging limply from his arms.

"My late wife's," he explained, dropping them at her feet, purposely avoiding looking at her – he turned and went back up the steep wooden stairs.

Ellen quickly fished through the pile, finding a dress that fit her. She didn't bother with panties or a bra. Eyeing the bench and the generator warily, she could only think of leaving as quickly as she could.

Clutching her purse tightly to her body, Ellen tiptoed through the dark, heavily curtained living room, catching sight of the older man bent over the Bible in his study. He seemed to have forgotten her, not even glancing up when the front door squeaked down and she rushed from the house. Sliding into her car, she looked back at the old house, halfway expecting the reverend to come stumbling down the porch stairs, cane in hand, demanding that she return to his basement. Her fingers icy, trembling, she started the car and squealed away from the curb, not caring what the neighbors might think.

All the way back home, Ellen kept thinking of what had happened. It was like a fantastic erotic nightmare. She could still feel the nibbling bite of the clips on her tits and cunt and ass. She could still feel the sting of the whip against her ass, the blows against her face, her tits, her cunt. Glancing up several times into the rearview mirror, she caught sight of the red marks on her cheeks and chin. Her body was marked, she knew. She could feel the welts still swelling hotly as she turned down the highway and headed toward her husband's parsonage.

What had happened to her? Why was she smiling, in spite of the horror she had endured? What kind of woman was she becoming? Was Reverend Davis right? Was she a wanton whore, a woman possessed by the devil?

Ellen could hardly see the road, hot tears of confusion blinding her.

It was only when a blue pickup abruptly sideswiped the right side of her sedan that Ellen shook the heavy veil of her daydream from her mind, slamming on the brakes and nearly fishtailing off the road.

Slowing, while regaining control of her car, she saw Caleb and Joe Crenshaw in the pickup that now blocked her way. They were grinning at her, Joe having opened the door and stepped out while Caleb was switching off the engine. Joe was walking slowly toward her, scratching his cock-bulge in broad daylight, with the biggest grin on his face. Ellen couldn't believe this! They were coming at her as if… as if she really was that kind of whore, that kind of Satanic slut Reverend Davis called her!

"Hey Ellen – come on. We got some more surprises for you. We'll get Mindy Sue for some fun, and the two of you can suck us off while we…"

That was all Ellen had to hear. She recovered, twisting the wheel all the way to the right and stepping on the gas. She heard her rear wheels spinning in the gravel, a shower of stones filling the air.

Joe backed away while Caleb stood openmouthed on the running board of the old pickup. Ellen barely kept control of her car, swinging around the startled men and bouncing it back onto the highway. She glanced up in her mirror, seeing them both looking at her as she accelerated and headed toward home.

No more, she thought, blinking away more tears.

She would have to hide the wounds from her husband. That would be easy enough to do, Ellen thought bitterly. Her husband Michael only groped haltingly for her in the dark once a week – if that. He would never notice anything.
