6: More fool me

WELL, MORE FOOL me. Don’t get me wrong. The plan went well at first. Tickety-boo. He got back in the car, switched on the engine and drove away from the tree at almost no miles a hour –

– carefully –

– carefully –

until the rope went taut. The branch went down as planned –

– lower –

– lower –

until my way back to the ground was practically a gentle downward stroll.

‘Brilliant!’ I told myself. ‘I can manage that. Leftover sausage and bacon rinds, here I come!’

And I picked my way down the branch –

– tippety –

– tippety –

– and that’s when his foot slipped on the pedal.

The car shot forward. The rope snapped under the strain. The forked tree branch became a giant leafy catapult –

– and I became a flying cat.

Wheeeeeeee! Watch me go! I flew in one beautiful rainbow-shaped arc right over the tree top. (I tell you, I wouldn’t want to do it again, but the view from up there was spectacular. Spectacular! You could see as far as the gasworks.)

But, after that, of course, the only way was




