The Hotel Sacher was a legend in Vienna and in much of Europe, the most famous hotel in a city dotted with famous hotels. The Sacher was noted for luxury and old world charm. It had been founded in 1876 during the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire by Prince Metternich's chef, inventor of the famous Sacher-Torte, considered by many the ultimate chocolate confection.

A half dozen flags hung out over the entrance of the hotel. A bellboy dressed in an immaculate red uniform with a round red cap on his head took their luggage and placed it on a gleaming brass cart. He looked as though he'd stepped out of an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel. Once in the lobby, the overwhelming impression was one of elegance, luxury and wealth. It was the kind of hotel that made old world aristocracy feel comfortable. Over the years the rulers of every European country had stayed there.

"You sure they're going to let us in?" Lamont asked.

Selena laughed. "It's all arranged, Lamont. I stayed here once with my uncle years ago. It's a wonderful hotel. The same family still manages it and they remembered me. Trust me, you'll like it here."

"How's the restaurant?"

"I don't think you'll have any problem finding something you like."

"You ever stop thinking about food?" Ronnie said.

"Hey, a man has to eat. I always wanted to try a real Vienna pastry, not that stuff they sell in the supermarket."

"Well, you're in the right place," Selena said. "Why don't we meet in an hour in the Blaue Bar after we get settled in. We could have a drink and then go to dinner."

"Blaue bar?"

"Blaue means blue. You'll see why when you go into the bar."

A few minutes later they were in their room.

Nick waited until the bellboy was gone and said, "I have to hand it to you, this is a hell of a hotel. I don't think I've ever seen a room as nice as this."

"The hotel is famous for a reason. The rooms are part of it."

Two large floor-to-ceiling windows looked out over the Danube River and the city. There was a deck outside the room for warm summer days. At the moment it was covered with snow. The wallpaper was a floral design in a soft rose color that matched the thick carpet underfoot. A large mirrored closet was at one end of the room, an elaborate marble bath at the other. The bed was huge, with throw pillows that matched the wallpaper. Two comfortable armchairs and a coffee table filled out the room.

Nick looked at the bed.

"That bed looks pretty inviting."

"There'll be time to check it out later," she said.

"Check it out?"

"You know. Check out things that matter. Comfort. Bounce factor."

"Bounce factor? It's not a trampoline."

"A trampoline would be interesting."

"If you mean what I think you mean I don't believe you said that."

She smiled at him. "Sure you do."

Nick laughed.

"I'm going to take a shower before we go down to the bar," Selena said.

"Want some company?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea."

Later, as he watched her getting ready to go downstairs, Nick thought to himself how lucky he was to have her in his life. With the thought came a touch of unease. If something happened to her he didn't know how he would handle it or if he could.

"Ready?" she said.

He brushed away the shadow.


Hand in hand they walked to the elevator.
