Nick and Selena lay naked and damp with sweat on the tangled sheets of the hotel bed. Selena had one leg draped over Nick's thigh. Outside, it was raining and cold. In the room it was warm and comfortable.

Selena ran her hand along the ripples of scar tissue on the side of Nick's chest, a souvenir of Afghanistan and a near miss with a grenade.

"I wish we never had to get out of this bed," she said.

"You'd get bored."

"I think that would depend on how creative you were."

"Is that a challenge?"

She kissed him. "Take it any way you like."

The satellite phone by the bed signaled a call. Nick reached over for it.

He looked at the display. "It's Harker."

"Who else would it be?" Selena said.

"Yes, Director."

"Have you been watching the news?"


"The Russians have crossed the border into Latvia," Elizabeth said. "They're driving straight for Riga."

"Shit," Nick said. "What's NATO doing?" Selena looked at him.

"At the moment they're not doing anything except arguing. They're obligated to defend Latvia but they can agree on what to do. The British want immediate action. The French are sitting on the fence and the Germans are calling for what they term 'studied consideration of the situation.' By the time they agree on anything it will be all over for Latvia. President Rice is meeting with the National Security Council. He's ready to intervene without the others and shame Brussels into honoring the treaty terms. We won't allow the Federation to overrun the Baltics."

"What do you want us to do?"

"Gutenberg has been taken to the University Hospital. He may know something we can use to help stop this before it gets worse. I want you to find out why Gutenberg has been giving money to Orlov for his war machine."

"Maybe it's just an investment. Making money by backing Orlov," Nick said.

"My gut feeling is that there's more to it than money. He's not going to get back an investment of thirty or forty billion euros anytime soon by helping to fund this war. He's after something else. I want to know what it is."

"Do you know what room he's in?"

"4417. It's on the fourth floor of the VIP wing. I'm sending you a floor layout. You can pick it up at the hotel desk"

Selena had gotten up and gone into the bathroom. Nick could hear the shower running.

"Understood," Nick said.

Harker broke the connection. Nick got up and turned on the television. He muted the sound and flipped through channels until he found a newscast. Pictures of Russian troops on the move filled the screen.

He picked up the house phone and called Ronnie and Lamont's room. Ronnie picked up the phone.


"What's up, Kemo Sabe?"

"Gutenberg's out of his compound. Meet in half an hour in the lobby."

"Copy that."

Nick put down the phone and went into the bathroom. "Room for two in there?"

Selena pulled back the curtain, her body glistening with water.

"Plenty of room. What did Elizabeth want?" She had a cap over her hair.

Nick stepped into the shower. "This is one of the things I like about being married to you."



Selena smiled. "What did Elizabeth want?" she said again.

"We have a shot at Gutenberg. Much as I hate to say it, we have to hurry. I told Ronnie to meet us downstairs."

"Then I guess I'd better turn on the cold water," she said.
