The next morning everyone met in Nick and Selena's room.
"I talked to Harker a little while ago," Nick said. "We're going after whoever sent those people."
"We have to find him first," Ronnie said.
"Could be a woman," Lamont said.
"You think a woman would send someone after Selena with a chainsaw?" Ronnie asked.
"Why not?"
"A chainsaw is a guy thing."
"Hey, haven't you heard about gender equality?"
Ronnie started to say something and then just shook his head.
Nick said, "You guys about done? I transmitted a scan of the passports we found to Virginia last night. Steph sent something back."
"What did she find out?" Selena asked.
"The guy with the chainsaw was from Hamburg. He was part of a German crime syndicate that operates out of there, something like the Mafia. A true psychopath, according to Interpol. His nickname was The Butcher. That chainsaw was his trademark."
"Sounds like a real winner," Lamont said.
"The other guy was German too, the leader. His specialty was making people talk. He liked to use a blowtorch. The other two were foot soldiers, low-level. Also part of the syndicate."
"A contract hit," Ronnie said.
"Has to be. There's no reason the German Mafia would come after us. Someone hired them. We'll go to Hamburg and find out who."
"Where do we start?"
Nick held up a piece of paper. "Steph sent along the address of the big boss who runs their operation. His name is Helmut Schmidt. Why don't we pay Herr Schmidt a visit and ask him to tell us?"
"And if he won't cooperate?" Selena asked.
"Then we make him an offer he can't refuse," Nick said.
Lamont stifled a laugh.
"He'll have serious protection," Ronnie said. "We need more information."
"I asked Steph for satellite shots of his house and any background info she can get. All we need is a laptop. She's going to feed surveillance to us so we can check out the security and the layout, in case we want to go after him there. Once we know more about him we can decide how to go about it."
"We need weapons," Lamont said.
"We'll pick them up at the consulate in Hamburg. Harker is arranging it. We'll drive there from here. I thought we'd turn in the car for something better, something with more power and speed."
"A Mercedes," Selena said. "It's what the autobahns were built for."
"You get to pick one you like," Nick said, "as long as it's black."
"You and Henry Ford." Selena smiled. "I know just the right model."
"First order of business is to pick up a laptop."
"That's easy," Selena said. "There's a store right down the block that's got everything we need."
An hour later they were back in the room and the laptop was up and running. The transmission was being routed through Nick's secure satellite phone. Stephanie came on screen.
"Hi, guys. Selena, are you okay?"
"Hi, Steph. I'm fine."
Selena almost asked Steph how she was doing but stopped yourself in time. She already knew how. Steph was struggling with the aftermath of losing her baby.
"I'm sending a satellite video of the target, taken two hours ago. Also a file with information about Schmidt. It might take a minute or two to come through."
Nick waited while the files downloaded onto the computer.
Stephanie continued. "Schmidt's house is right on the Elbe River. It's quite a spread and very private. I saw guards moving about. There's a high wall surrounding the property, as you'll see."
"There's always a wall," Lamont said.
"Elizabeth wants to talk with you."
"Thanks, Steph."
Elizabeth's face filled the screen.
"Nick, you need to be careful on this one. Relations with Germany are difficult at the moment. An incident involving Americans would go down badly with the president. Schmidt is protected."
"What do you mean, protected?"
"To all outward appearances he's a wealthy and successful businessman. He has a shipping firm that provides a lot of jobs at the port. As far as the public is concerned he's a philanthropist and a good citizen, a pillar of society. He has influence with the police and political protection."
"Wonderful. That doesn't change the fact that he's the German equivalent of the Godfather. The kind of guy who sends someone with a chainsaw to cut up a woman."
"Whatever you do, you mustn't get caught."
"We just want to talk with him," Nick said.
"Things tend to get noisy when you talk to people," Elizabeth said. "If your conversation turns out that way, make sure there's no way to trace it back to you."
"Understood, Director. What about our weapons?"
"They'll be waiting for you in Hamburg. Just remember what I said. Aside from that, go get the bastard."
Harker broke the connection.
"Sounds like she's taking the attack personally," Ronnie said.
"Kinda gives you a warm feeling, doesn't it?" Lamont said.
Nick pointed at the laptop. "Let's take a look at the satellite footage."
They watched the video play through. At the end, Nick brought it back to a broad view of Schmidt's compound and froze the picture.
"Déjà vu all over again," said Lamont. "Like I said, there's always a wall. I'm getting damn tired of razor wire and sharp glass and all of that, just to get inside some asshole's compound so the dogs can attack. Not to mention the guards."
Men in civilian clothes could be seen walking around the property. A marked police car was parked near the main entrance to Schmidt's estate. A man in police uniform stood near the gate smoking a cigarette and talking with one of the guards.
"Cops," Ronnie said. "Probably on a regular rotation to keep an eye on things."
"Looks like he's got all the bells and whistles," Ronnie said. He pointed at the screen. "Cameras, dogs, and guards posted around the grounds. Probably laser sensors and night vision, too."
"Herr Schmidt is a little paranoid," Nick said.
"Goes with the territory."
"There's no possibility of getting in there unnoticed," Ronnie said. "The guards will be armed. The cops would be on us in minutes."
Lamont nodded agreement.
Selena brushed a strand of hair way from her forehead. "There has to be a way to get to him."
"We'll find a way," Nick said. "Herr Schmidt is going to regret messing with you."