Gentle arcs of water streamed from the galleon’s sixteen cannons, an endless broadside from the centerpiece of the Fontana della Galera. The sails of the ornate and intricately rigged bronze vessel were forever furled about the crossbars, and on the prow the figure of a young boy blew a spray of water through a horn.

Donoher let his thoughts wander as the sight and sound of rippling water eased the tension in his mind. It was nearing one o’clock in the afternoon on a cool, clear day, and the shadow cast by the Hall of Bramante and the Palezzetto del Belvedere now covered the ship and half of the fountain. In another hour, the rest of the long narrow courtyard would slip into shadow. Donoher stood along the side still in sunlight, absorbing the warmth before he returned to the conclave.

Grin, still clad in priestly garb, emerged from the palezzetto and strode purposefully toward the Camerlengo.

‘A euro cent for your thoughts,’ Grin offered as he approached.

‘You’d receive a mighty poor return on that investment.’


‘I was just recalling a conversation I had with Nolan before this all began. He asked if I had yet grown so accustomed to the splendor of my surroundings that I no longer noticed them.’ Donoher nodded his head toward the seventeenth-century fountain. ‘In the whole of the Vatican, this place is one of my favorites. There’s an inscription on the ship: The papal fleet does not pour out flames, but sweet water that quenches the fires of war.’

‘A worthy sentiment, history notwithstanding.’

‘Of the two hundred and sixty-three men who have succeeded Saint Peter as Bishop of Rome, only a handful ever sent men into battle,’ Donoher countered calmly. ‘What’s nice about today is that there are no tourists, making for a most welcome reprieve.’

‘I heard about the black smoke.’

‘The only good news of the day, unless you have something to report.’

‘That depends on how you look at it. We’ve searched about a quarter of the apartments, and we’ve found only a few replacement batteries for hearing aids. Either your fellow cardinals are Luddites, or they left all their gadgetry at home.’

‘I suspect a combination of the two, though the few of my brethren who comfortably employ such devices turned them over to my office before the start of the conclave. So you’ll be back at it this afternoon?’

‘Just as soon as they lock the doors to the chapel.’

‘Then we both should be heading back. Please walk with me.’

The Camerlengo set the pace, his worn knees creaking audibly beneath the crimson choir dress. Abrupt changes in the weather, such as the cold front that crossed the Italian peninsula just before dawn, wreaked havoc with his battered joints.

‘I take it there’s been no word from Nolan,’ Donoher said.

‘None, but I don’t expect to hear from him until he has something important to say.’

‘It’s night there now. I hope the Lord provides our people with a bright star to guide their journey.’

‘Amen to that,’ Grin replied.
