I first became aware of the bitter struggle between church and state in China in March 2000 when I read a transcript of Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman’s eloquent tribute on the floor of the U.S. Senate marking the death of Cardinal Ignatius Kung Pin-Mei. Through Lieberman’s recitation of the facts and circumstances of Kung’s life, I learned of the ongoing religious repression in China and found the seed of this story in the concept of a secret cardinal. The late Cardinal Kung was a man of great faith and was both an inspiration and a symbol to the oppressed Roman Catholics of China. Although some aspects of my fictional title character may mirror those of Cardinal Kung, this story is a work of fiction and not a biography.

For those interested in the fascinating story of a real secret cardinal, I refer you to I also found Malachi Martin’s novel The Final Conclave a most insightful exploration of Vatican politics.

My deepest gratitude to Capt. B.J. Keepers (USN/Ret), Fr. Brendan Walsh, Dr David Gorski, Rita Thiron of the Diocese of Lansing, Billy Downs, Jonathan Swift, Loretta Barrett, and those who cannot be named. Their help was invaluable. As always, any mistakes are mine alone.

My thanks also to Roger Cooper at Vanguard Press, my agent Esther Margolis, and my editors Peter Guzzardi and Ed Stackler for their thoughtful advice and kind support; to my family and friends for their love and encouragement; and to my dog for keeping my feet warm as I write into the night. And last, I recognize my five children and wife Kathy, who make all things possible.
