The door into the cave was made of thick cedar, turned dark and dry and hard by the passage of time. Iron hinges held it fast in a heavy wooden frame. A pitted ring of black iron hung in the center, mounted on a back plate in the shape of a six pointed star.

"There's the star again," Selena said.

"It opens out," Ronnie said.

Nick grasped the ring and pulled. Nothing happened.

"Figures. Give me a hand, " Nick said.

They both pulled on it. The door didn't move.

"Try twisting the ring," Selena said. "Maybe it's a lock."

Nick wrapped his hands around the ring and tried twisting it to the left.


He turned it the other way. Something moved on the other side of the door and stopped.

"It moved."

He took out his Ka-bar, put the hilt through the opening and used it as an improvised lever. The ring turned with a harsh squeal of dry metal. Nick stepped back and sheathed the knife, took the ring in both hands and pulled. The heavy door scraped open.

A stale odor of faded incense and dust drifted from the opening. Selena sneezed.

They stood in the opening and Nick took out his flashlight. The halogen beam illuminated brilliant paintings in vibrant color on the walls of a large room.

"Looks like nobody's home," Nick said, "Maybe this was a monastery."

"Or a retreat."

She swung her light around and stopped on a painting. "Look at that. That's St. George slaying the dragon. Look at those colors."

They stepped inside. Diego played his light over the paintings.

"Bunch of saints, too. There's Christ and Mary."

"And the devil," Ronnie said. He pointed. "Not somebody I'd want to run into."

The painting was a scene of hell. Walls of flame rose around suffering black faces and bodies. The central figure was a sharp toothed, winged creature with blood red lips and open mouth, painted in vivid blue. Wide, frightening eyes stared out at the observer. The devil looked as if he was about to step from the painting into the room. His arms were crossed around severed heads held close to his chest. A green and white snake wound around him. His legs were tied to one of his arms and he was chained to a rock. In the background, blue demons tortured agonized souls. It was a terrifying image, a grim warning of what waited for the sinner.

Every part of the room was painted. The ceiling was decorated with crosses and circles. In the middle of the ceiling was the same six pointed star that had been chiseled on the stone they'd found in Saudi Arabia.

"Must be the right place," Lamont said.

"There's another room." Diego went to it and shone his light into the space. "Looks like someone might have slept in here. There are some old coverings on the floor. He pushed the rags aside with his foot. A cloud of dust rose into the air.

Selena sneezed. "Probably a caretaker or guardian."

Diego leaned over and picked up a large piece of paper.

"It's part of an old newspaper. It's in Ethiopian and I can't read it."

He handed the paper to Lamont.

Lamont looked at the writing. "It's an article about Mussolini and the emperor Haile Selassie, dated April 30, 1936."

"That's right before the emperor fled and Mussolini took Addis Ababa," Selena said.

"Did Mussolini's troops come this way?" Nick asked.

"They probably occupied Adigrat. Why?"

"The Italian invasion could be the reason this place was sealed off. The Coptic church could have been worried the Italians would find what was in here."

"If that's true, why didn't anyone come back and open it up after the war was over?"

"I don't know. Maybe the people who knew about it died."

"There's another opening over here," Ronnie said.

He aimed his light into the darkness.

"Steps going down."

"You see any spiders?" Selena asked. "Webs?"

"A couple of webs, old. I don't see any spiders, though."

She turned to Nick. "Why do we always end up somewhere with spiders?"

"We haven't seen any yet. Ronnie said the webs are old. It can't be as bad as California."

"It better hadn't be. You go first."

"What happened in California?" Diego asked.

"Long story," Nick said. "This isn't a good time to talk about it."

"There were spiders?"

"You could say that. How about you go first?"

"Why me?"

"You're the new guy, remember?"

"I don't like spiders. They had these big ugly bastards in Iraq."

"You're still the new guy. Lead on."

They started down the steps. The walls on either side of the stairway were covered with paintings. At the bottom of the steps the passage opened into a second room. There were more religious paintings, their colors bright as the day they'd been made. Aside from the paintings, the room was empty.

"That's it?" Ronnie said. "An empty room?"

"Not much to show for that climb up the side of the mesa," Lamont said.

Selena said, "These paintings are different from the ones upstairs."

Nick walked over to stand by her. "How so?"

"Well for one thing, that's Sheba over there on the back wall." She pointed at a painting of a handsome black woman dressed in vivid colors. "That fancy headdress is a crown."

Servants knelt around the figure, offering food and fruit. Sheba was looking at the next panel over. It showed a brown-skinned, white-bearded king with a look of compassion on his face, his right hand raised in blessing. His left hand held a scroll, two fingers pointing at the ground. He sat on a golden throne. A sword lay across his lap. Supplicants knelt before him.

"I think that's Solomon," Selena said.

"It could be."

"Something's not right about this."

"What do you mean?"

"Why would Ephram leave that map if this is all there is? Besides, these paintings weren't here when he was alive. They were done hundreds of years after he died. It doesn't make sense."

"Maybe there was something here back then. If there was, it's gone now," Nick said.

"There's another one of those stars over here." Lamont pointed. "It looks different."

Selena went to the wall where Lamont stood. About two thirds of the way up was the six pointed star. Like the others, it had dots within the points. Unlike the others, it had symbols around it and was chiseled out of stone instead of being painted.

"I wonder…it can't be that simple," Selena said.

Nick gave her an odd look. "Wonder about what? What can't be simple?"

"Reach up there and push against that star."

"What are you thinking?"

"Humor me. Just push it."

Nick shrugged, reached up and pushed against the stone. It moved.

There was a harsh, grinding sound and the wall with the paintings rose into the ceiling.
