Elizabeth was studying a report on Russian satellite surveillance when her secure line signaled a call.
"Director Harker?"
"Please hold for the president."
What now?
"Good morning, Director."
Elizabeth had known President Rice for years. He sounded stressed. That was nothing new. Today she sensed an undertone of annoyance.
"Good morning, Mister President."
"I just finished a meeting with the Israeli ambassador," Rice said. "He wants to know what we're playing at in Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia. He demanded an explanation."
"Demanded, sir?"
"The Israelis know we're following up on that scroll. The ambassador reminded me that the scroll could lead to the discovery of, as he put it, 'cultural artifacts of the greatest religious significance to the Nation of Israel.' He wanted to know why we're not keeping them in the loop. He all but accused me of having found relics from the Temple and concealing them."
"What did you say to him, sir?"
"I wanted to tell him where he could put his demands and throw him out of the Oval Office. One of the frustrations of this job is that I can't do things like that without creating an international incident."
It didn't seem to require a comment. Elizabeth waited.
"Instead I told him I understood his concerns and reassured him that although we were indeed following up, nothing had yet been discovered. I also told him he would be the first to know if we found anything in Ethiopia or anywhere else."
"Did he happen to mention how he knew we were looking in Ethiopia?" Elizabeth asked.
"He did not," Rice said. "By the way, what are we doing there?"
"Based on a map we found in Saudi Arabia, I used the Onyx GPR satellite system to search for the tomb of Solomon in Ethiopia. As you know, sir, that system is highly classified. The only people who are supposed to know about Ethiopia are myself and my team. If the Israeli ambassador knew we were there, security for Onyx has been compromised."
"Wonderful. I'm sure the Pentagon will be happy to hear it."
"Yes, sir."
"What is the status of your operation, Director?"
"My team is currently on the ground in Ethiopia. They've found a location that may be the tomb. If the body of Solomon or anything from the Temple is there, they'll find it."
"When will you know?"
"They are underground and out of contact. They should be checking in soon."
"Very well. I want to know immediately if they find anything. Or if they don't."
"Yes, sir."
"Elizabeth, this is a delicate situation, as I'm sure you understand. It's imperative that anything found is kept safe. Your team has a habit of blowing things up. I don't want that to happen here."
"Yes, sir, I understand."
Rice changed the subject. "I was sorry to hear about Ms. Willits and her loss. Please convey my wishes for her quick recovery."
"I'll do that, sir."
"Keep me informed, Director."
"Yes, Mister President."
Rice ended the call.
Elizabeth considered what Rice had said. How had the Israelis discovered the team was in Ethiopia? At least this time it wasn't her responsibility. It was an issue for the Pentagon's DIA security watchdogs.
Israeli involvement complicated things. She wouldn't put it past them to send a team of their own to Ethiopia. She'd give Nick a heads up when he was back on the surface.
Elizabeth got up and went over to the coffee set up. The pot was empty. Usually Stephanie made sure there was some on hand, ready to fuel the next hour of insanity. She was as addicted to coffee as Elizabeth, but Joe Eggleston seemed to exist on energy drinks from cans with bright colored graphics on them.
Elizabeth changed the filter, refilled it, replenished the water and turned the machine on. She waited for the coffee to brew and thought about the team. She missed Stephanie. Steph was much more than a deputy, she was a close friend. Really, the only friend Elizabeth had. Losing the baby was a terrible thing to have happen. The doctors had told her she could have another. It was poor consolation. At least she had Lucas to help her through it.
Having Lamont back was a relief, even if it turned out to be temporary. She was feeling optimistic about Sergeant Ramirez. So far he was working out just fine. It was strange to have a new face in the family, for that's what it was.
Her family.