Nick looked out the window of the hotel room in Addis Ababa at a row of flags flying in front of the United Nations conference center. He was waiting for new instructions from Elizabeth. Diego's body was waiting for shipment back to the states, courtesy of the U.S. Navy.

Selena came out of the bathroom wrapped in a hotel robe, combing her hair.

"It's good to get clean again," she said.


She walked up behind him and put her arms around him and leaned against his back.

"I liked him," she said. "It was too quick. I hardly knew him."

"It's better quick than slow. It still stinks. You know what bothers me?"


"I keep thinking that if someone had to get it, I'm glad it wasn't you or Lamont or Ronnie."

"And you feel guilty about that? About caring more for your friends than for someone you've only known for a little while?"

Nick was silent.

"I understand but I'm not sure that's what's bothering you."

"What do you mean?"

"I think what bothers you is that you couldn't stop what happened. It could have been any one of us. You knew we'd have to come out of that room shooting."

"If you hadn't, Bayati would have killed all of us."

"That's right. And you couldn't have known he'd show up," Selena said.

"I should have been prepared. I should've anticipated it."

"How? There wasn't any reason to think he knew about Ethiopia. We blew up the stone with the map. This wasn't supposed to be a combat mission, it was supposed to be a reconnaissance."

"Yeah, but recon has a funny way of changing into something more lethal."

"In a war zone, that makes sense. In this case it doesn't make any sense at all. It's not your fault Diego is dead."

Nick turned away from the window. "I know you're right. It's not the first time I've lost someone. I've never gotten used to it."

"That's why you're one of the good guys," Selena said.

Nick's satellite phone signaled.

"It's Harker." He made the connection. "Yes, Director."

"I spoke with the president. You're leaving for Turkey."

"What's in Turkey?"

Selena heard his end of the conversation. She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Incirlik Air Base. Transport will be in Addis Ababa tomorrow. A driver from the embassy will pick you up at your hotel and take the four of you to the airport. Keep your guns. You're getting on an Air Force plane. At Incirlik you can fit yourself out with the gear you need."

"Where are we going after that?"

"President Rice has been talking with the Israeli prime minister about what you found. By the way, you are all up for an Israeli Medal of Distinguished Service. It's quite an honor for a foreigner."

"It won't do Diego much good," Nick said.

"No, it won't. What I'm about to tell you might make you feel better."

"Go on."

"Rice and the Israeli PM agree that Al-Bayati must not be allowed to keep possession of Solomon's Seal. Various options were discussed, most of which resulted in an assault on his compound that would likely start a new war. The Israelis would like to go storming in there but they have their hands full with the Shia/Sunni civil war heating up. The president and the prime minister feel a military assault is not expedient."

"Where have I heard that before?" Nick said. "Usually when politicians say something isn't expedient they're ducking responsibility or they have something up their sleeve."

"This time it's you they have up their sleeve," Elizabeth said. "Al-Bayati is back in his villa. From Turkey you're going to Lebanon. Your instructions are to get into that compound, find that ring and get out again. While you're there, nobody would be upset if you took out Al-Bayati."

"How am I supposed to do that? That place is damn near invulnerable."

"I'm sure you'll figure something out," Elizabeth said.
