abortion 315, 337–8

criminalized (1936) 65

Afghanistan 249, 327

agriculture 66–9, 214 – see also private plots

Aldwinkle, Linda 197n

Alexander II 313

Amnesty International 168, 191n

Andreev, A. A. 67, 85–6, 139

Andropov, Yuri Vladimirovich 233, 238, 253–9, 327–8, 374–5, 382

on ‘prophylaxis’ 192–5

anthropometrics 313–6

anti-communism 378

anti-Semitism 74, 129, 132

Anti-Waste Commission (1966) 330–3, 334, 342, 351–3

Arbatov, G. 254, 328n

Aristov, A. B. 239

Armenia 20, 206

arms race 385

atomic weapons 115, 154, 384–5

autonomization 20–3

Avksentev, N. 282–4

Avrekh 280

Azerbaidzhan 20

Bahr, Egon 237–8

Baibakov, N. K. 329, 352n

Baldwin, Peter 5n

banquets 355–6

barter 362

Belorussia 20, 336

Benjamin, Walter 61

Berdyaev, N. 389

Berezhkov, Valentin 33, 384

Beria, Lavrenty P. 87, 107, 108, 111, 147, 155–6, 181, 244

on Gulag 118

biological status 314–6

birth rate 54, 64–5

black economy – see shadow economy

Black Hundreds 285

black market – see shadow economy

Bloch, Jean-Richard 49

Blucher, Vasilly K. 92

Bobkov, F. D. 255, 258

Bogdanov, A. A. 110, 389

Boldin, V. 234

Bolshevism 278, 282–4, 286–7, 389

as ethos 302–3

democracy and 306–7

peasantry and 289

post-1989 vilification 387

Stalin and 14

transformation 290–1, 308–9

Boroch, J. 365n

Brezhnev, Leonid 230, 232–3, 234, 261–3, 347, 350

Andropov and 256, 257, 259

black market and 369

Brezhnevism 253, 264

Budapest 253

Budenny, S. M. 13

Bukhara 20

Bukharin, Nikolai 49, 51, 350–1

correspondence with Lenin (1915) 276–7

destruction of 98–9

bureaucracy 343–57, 369, 371–5, 379–80

absolutism of 380, 383

bureaucratization 39–43, 47, 75, 78–83, 142, 320–1, 350

after Stalin 217–20

Burlatsky, F. M. 242, 254, 328n

Butler, W. I. 162n, 166, 169, 173n

Cadets (Constitutional Democrats) 279–80, 284, 286–7

capitalism 369–70

Caucasus 207, 210, 340

census (1970) 344–6

Central Committee 89, 128, 131, 249, 323, 341, 348

Andropov and 265

Khrushchev and 156, 349

membership 227

MVD and 158–60

post-war reform (1946–8) 132–42

privileges 229, 231–2

Stalin and 99–100, 155

subdued 112

Chaffin, Mary 197n

Cheka 101, 178

Chernenko, Konstantin 232–4, 262–3, 267

Chernov, V. 286

China 389

Chubar, Vlas 85

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 2

Civil War 290–1, 293, 296–7, 299, 301, 304–5, 310, 314, 389

Cold War 201, 259, 271, 384–5

democracy and 2–3

collectivization 68

Commission for Economizing State Resources/Commission for the Elimination of Waste – see Anti-Waste Commission

Communist Party 226–35

collapse of 326


Eleventh (1922) 16, 298, 304–5, 350

Twelfth (1923) 17, 28–9, 307–8

Thirteenth (1924) 32, 38

Sixteenth (1930) 40

Seventeenth (1934) 49, 91, 105, 239

Eighteenth (1939) 67, 108

Twentieth (1956) 156, 186, 239, 240

Twenty-second (1961) 186

Twenty-fourth (1971) 216

democracy 301

membership 226–7

pensions 229–30

as powerless 135–6, 348–50, 373

privileges 228–9

replaced by bureaucracy 373–4

competition 328–9

Constitutional Democrats – see Cadets

corruption 136, 261, 263, 320, 348, 355–7, 363, 374

Cossacks 294

Council of Ministers 135–7, 155, 158–60, 222–4, 231, 323, 329, 341

KGB and 253

pensions and 230

Cuban crisis (1962) 238

culture 386–7 – see also poetry

Czechoslovakia 249, 254, 255, 276

Dal’stroj 115

Dallin, David 304–5, 307

Danilov, V. P. 61

Davies, Robert 125–6, 215, 297, 328

de-Stalimzation 189, 202, 239, 243, 247, 323–4

de-urbanization 296–7

decentralization 221

democracy 300–1, 305, 379

democratization 259

Andropova and 266–7

dissidents 168–9, 183, 190–201, 253–4

Andropov and 256

arrests 260

divorce 315

Djilas, Milovan 45

Dmitrieva, D. B. 194n

Dobrynin, Anatoly 231–2, 233–5, 237

drugs 363

Duby, Georges 35–6

Dudorov, N. 158–60, 179

Duma 278, 280

Dymshits, V. 357–8

dzerzhava (super-state) 20

dzerzhavnik (super-state chauvinist) 381–3

Dzerzhinsky, Felix E. 24, 26, 27

economic performance 328

East Germany – see GDR

Edelman, O. V. 191n, 200

education 56–7, 214, 367–8

Efimov, A. N. 205–6, 211, 250

Egorov, A. 92

Ehrenburg, Il’ia 49–50, 155

Eikhe, P. I. 85, 105

Eisendrath, Craig 2n

employees 53–9

equality 316, 317

Estonia 206

‘Evil Empire’ 194–5

exile 163

Ezhev, N. I. 85–6, 87, 100, 108

Fainsod, Merle 83

Far Eastern Republic 20, 47

Fedoseev, Yevgeny 329

Fedotov, G. 389

Fetisov, T. L. (Gvishiani) 224, 249, 252

Finland 20, 110

First World War 293–4, 297, 310, 314, 379, 384

five-year plans (piatiletki) 9, 45

first (1928–32) 64

second (1933–7) 49

eighth (1966–70) 215, 371

ninth (1971–5) 216

Fogleson, Todd 170–1

Fotieva, L. A. 17, 27–8

Foucault, Michel 313

Galil, Ziva 278

Garbuzov, V. F. 224, 352n, 356

Gavnlov, L. M. 294n

GDR (German Democratic Republic, ‘East Germany’) 254, 255

Georgia 20, 21, 209

‘Georgian incident’ 24–8

Georgiev, V. 251

Germany (FDR, ‘West Germany’) 264, 276

Getty, Arch 123n

Glenny, Michael 197n

Gogoberidze, L. 21

Gorbachev, Mikhail 232, 233–5, 238, 253, 259, 267, 387

Andropov and 265

Gosplan 211, 213, 215, 216, 220, 222–3, 248, 326, 329, 330, 332–5, 338, 341, 352n, 376

on eighth five-year plan 370–1

on shadow economy 363–4

report on labour (1965) 205–10

Gossnab (State Committee for

Material and Technical Supplies) 223, 250, 357–60

GPU 21, 41, 50, 73, 74, 76, 101, 113

NKVD and 178–9

grain 68, 214, 296

Great Russian nationalism 24–5, 26, 29, 36–7, 146, 197–8, 289, 381–2

Gregory, P. R. 313

Gromyko, Andrei 232, 233, 235, 236–8

Grossman, Gregory 361, 362

GRU (military counter-intelligence) 179

GUGB (General Department of State Security) 86, 103, 114, 178

Gulag (General Camp Directorate) 114–5, 147, 154, 179–81

crisis of 122

dismantling of 157

Gvishiani – see Fetisov, T. I.

Hiroshima 385

Historikerstreit 4–5, 378

history 387–8, 390

Hitler, Adolf 4, 378

Hobsbawm, E. J. 328n

Hoover, J. Edgar 378

Horowitz, David 237

housing 64–5, 204–5, 214, 366–7

Hungary 254, 255

Huxley, Aldous 376

Iakovlev, la. A. 40

Igritskii, Iu. I. 294n

Illarionov, A. 388

intelligentsia 53–9, 60, 61, 327–8

Islam 209–10

Israel 237

Isupov, A. A, 53n, 62n

Ivashutin, P. 185

Japan 214

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee 132

Jews 141

Joravsky, David 378–9

Kadar, Janos 253

Kaganovich, Lazar 43–4, 50, 85–6, 87, 95, 96, 87, 105, 147, 184, 238, 245

Kakhiani, M. I. 21

Kalinin, Mikhail I. 87

Kalugina, Z. I. 366n, 386n

Kamenev, Lev Borosovich 21, 288, 302

‘Georgian incident’ and 23–4, 27–9

Kantorovich, L. V. 250

Kasimovsky, E. V. 211, 335–8

Kazakhstan 206, 209, 214, 336

Kerblay, Basile 63n

Kerensky, Alexander Fyodorovich 279, 283–4, 286, 294

Kevorkov, Viacheslav 263–4

KGB 177–201, 220, 327, 348

Andropov and 253–9

disorder of 1963 186–90

Khrushchev and 181, 242–3

Komsomol and 182, 185, 189

Politburo and 231

popular discontent and 184–90

privileges 229

prosecutions by 191, 401–2

Khlevniuk, Oleg 78, 79n, 86, 88, 100, 101, 108n, 109, 117, 118n, 122

Khrushchev, Nikita 87, 104, 106, 148, 149, 155, 179, 180, 181, 208–9, 238–44, 251, 319, 321, 323, 342, 346

attack on Stalin (1956) 156

bureaucracy and 218–23, 224, 225

Mikoyan on 245–6, 263

party and 349

popular discontent under 184–90, 208–9

private plots and 184, 266

in Red Army 289

‘thaw’ 122, 124 – see also de-Stalinization

Kirilenko, A. 249

Kirin, V. A. 162n

Kirov, Sergei 21, 50, 51, 85, 96, 105, 131, 245

Kissinger, Henry 236–7

Kliuchevsky, V. O. 377, 387

Kobulov, A. 155

Kokurin, A. I. 182n

kolkhozy (collective farms) 66–8, 208–9, 341, 362

Khrushchev and 184

Komarov, K. 239

Komsomol (Young Communists) 141, 257

KGB and 182, 185, 189

privileges 229

Kornai, Janos 361

Kornilov, Lavr G. 279, 285

Korolev, S. P. 110

Korshunov, Iu. A. 175n

Korzhikhina, T. P. 182n, 222n, 343n, 345n, 380

Kosals, L. 365

Kosiachenko, G. P. 121

Kosygin, Aleksei 95–6, 223–5, 248–53, 259, 261, 328–30, 333, 350

Kotov, F. 216

Kovanov, P. V. 356

Kozlov, V. A. 322

Kraven, Marta 117, 118n, 122

Kronstadt uprising 43

Kruglov, S. N. 120, 155, 181–2

Krupskaya, Nadezhda 15–7

Ksenofontov, I. K. 43–4

kulaks 4, 53, 64, 125, 289

Kuznetsov, Nikolai 128–31, 132, 134–7, 139

Kvetsinsky, J. A. 237

labour camps 113–123 – see also labour, forced; Gulag


forced 147, 157–61

Gosplan report on (1965) 205–10

laws 172–7

market 321

movement of (tekuchka) 69–71, 78, 176, 203–4, 212–3, 316, 324

post-Stalin 324–5

productivity of 339–40, 371

shortage of 334–41, 351, 366

Lakshin, Vladimir 197–8

Latvia 127, 154, 206

law 76–7, 231–2, 252

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 3, 219, 244, 271–2, 275, 276, 308, 310, 350, 375, 380

correspondence with Bukharin (1915) 276–7

embalming of 34–5

as leader 301–2

on national question 24–5


vilification 387

on Russia 288, 295

on socialism 297–300

Stalin and 14–8, 145, 300

versus authoritarianism 306–9

liberalism 285, 388

Ligachev, Egor K. 230, 232–4, 238

Lithuania 127, 154

Lukyanov, A. 234

Lunacharsky, Anatoly Vassilievich 264

Lysenko, T. D. 90

mafia 261, 365

Makharadze, F. 21, 26

Malenkov, G. M. 87, 122, 155, 184, 244, 346

Malraux, André 49

Martov (Julius Ossipovich Tsederbaum) 279, 283, 284

Marxism 250–1, 291, 308

Maslennikov, I. I. 155

Mazurov, K. 259

McCarthy, Joseph 378

Mdivani, P. 22, 26, 27

Medvedev, Roy 197, 250, 256, 260

Medvedev, Vadim A. 265

Medvedev, Zhores 194

Mekhlis, Lev 134

Menshevism 278, 281, 284, 287

after 1917 304–5, 307

Menshikov, S. 363, 369–70

Mezhuev, V. P. 5, 387–90

MGB (Ministry of State Security) 130, 179, 181

Mikhoels, S. 132

Mikoyan, Anastas 13, 85, 87, 95–6, 147, 154, 180, 238, 242, 243–7

on Khrushchev 263

Miliukov, Pavel 279–80, 284, 287, 288, 295, 308, 343–4

Minervin, I. G. 361n, 362

Mir space station 375–6

Mironov, B. N. 185, 311–6, 317, 338

Mishutin, A. 158

Moldavia 207, 336

Molotov, Vyacheslav 13, 33–4, 56, 86, 87, 88, 91, 95, 97, 99, 105, 111, 121, 147, 154, 184, 240, 244, 245, 299, 346

MOOP (Ministry for Public Order) 182

Moskovskii, A. S. 62

MTS (Machine Tractor Stations) 66, 68, 71

MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs) 117–121, 155, 157–60, 163, 179, 181–2, 239, 240

disorder of 1963 186

in Far Eastern province (Dal’stroj) 121–3

penal policy 167–9

national question 19–31

Nazism 372, 376–7

Neizvestny, Ernst 241–2

Nemchinov, V. 250, 252, 260–1

neo-Tsarism 375, 380–2

NEP (New Economic Policy) 9–10, 277, 297–9, 305, 310

Nesternko, E. V. 238n

Nicholas II 282, 287

nihilism 388–90

Nitze, Paul 237

NKVD (Internal Affairs) 50, 86, 87, 91, 99, 111, 183

1937 purge and 100–3

crimes of 101–9

economic empire 113–7 – see also MVD

GPU and 178–9

purge of 109

nomenklatura 42, 109, 136, 139–42, 219, 226, 272, 324, 348, 368, 370

post-1989 386–7

USA and 385

Novocherkask 184–5, 187, 189, 322

Novosibirsk 366

Novozhilov 250

Novyi Mir 195–8, 241, 251

nuclear weapons – see atomic weapons

Ofer, Gur 328n

Ordzhomkidze, G. K. 13, 21, 24, 27

Orgburo 41, 85, 89, 133, 138, 139, 346

Orwell, George 376

Osinsky-Obolensky, V. V. 302–3, 375

Pankin, M. E. 176n

Pankratov, D.V. 111

parallel market – see shadow economy

Party Congresses – see Communist Party, Congresses

Patolichev, N. S. 139

patriarchalism 242

pensions 315, 339

perestroika (restructuring) 233, 253, 259, 268, 310, 370

permanent revolution 288

Petrov, M. V. 182n

piatiletki – see five-year plans

Pikhoia, R. G. 104, 181, 182n, 184, 188, 191n, 192, 238n, 266n

pipes 330

Plekhanov, George Valentinovich 275

poetry 273, 313

Poliakov, Iu. A. 53n

Politburo 23–4, 41, 81, 110, 112, 128, 183, 230, 232–5, 248, 253, 256, 257, 261–3, 300, 323, 341–2, 345–6, 348, 352

Central Committee and 249

post-war reform (1946–8) and 132–4, 139

Stalin and 85–8, 89, 95–6

Popov, G. 139

popular discontent (early 60s) 184–90, 208–9

popular front 49–50

popular song 268

population 53, 62–5, 213, 313–6, 335–9 – see also census

Portes, A. 365n

Poskrebyshev, A. 88

Pospelov, P. N. 104–5, 238

postwar reconstruction 153–4

postwar reform (1946–8) 127–42, 350

prisons 161–72

prisoners’ rights 162

psychiatric 193–4, 254

private plots 184, 266, 320, 339, 362, 366, 367, 386

private sector 298 – see also shadow economy

privatization 369–70

privileges 228–232, 353–5, 368, 374

‘prophylaxis’ 191–4, 258, 260, 401–2

public health 214

purges 147, 323

1937–8 99–107, 245

see also Zhdanovism

Radek, Karl 49, 303

Rakovsky, Christian 24, 44–5, 77–8

Rashin, A. G. 62

Rathenau, Walter 298

Reagan, Ronald 237

Red Army 289–90, 293–4

religion 190

Revsky 139

Riazanov, David (Goldendakh) 306

riots 322

Rittersporn, Gabor 123n

Riutin, Ivan 77

Rodod, Boris 239–40

Rogovsky, N. 352–3

Romm, Mikhail 241–2

Rosenberg, H. 383

Rudenko, R. 185, 186

on ‘prophylaxis’ 192–4

rukovoditeli (office-holders) 59–60

ruling class 346

Russian Federation 20, 23–4

Russian Revolution

1905 292, 388

1917 278–309, 388–9

Ryfkina, R. 365

Saburov, M. 238

Sakharov, Andrei D. 195, 250, 256

Samuelson, Lennart 91

second economy – see shadow economy

Second International 276, 297

Second World War 314–5, 372, 376–7, 384, 389

secret police – see KGB

Secretariat 89, 133, 138, 139, 234, 249, 346

Selunskaya, V. M. 57n, 63n

Semichastny 182, 185–90, 256, 258, 322

Serbskii, V. P. 194n

Serov, General 155, 179, 180, 238

shadow economy 361–70

Sharansky, A. 195

Shchelokov, N. A. 265

Shcherbitsky, V. V. 259

Shelepm, A. N. 179, 182, 185, 259, 347

Shelley, Louise 362, 363

Shingarev, A. I. 281

Shkredov, V. P. 250

Sholokhov, Mikhail 93–5

show-trials 247

Siberia 205, 207, 210, 256, 337, 340, 366

Simonov, Konstantin 93

Sinyavsky, Andrei 197

Skliansky, Efraim 17

Slonim, M. 129

snaby-sbyty (supply and sale) 354–5, 359–60, 364, 368, 370


decreed by Stalin (1937) 61

democracy and 379

‘in one country’ 36–7

Russian Revolution and 295

socialist realism 49

Socialist Revolutionaries 278, 281, 282, 284, 286, 287

sociology 326–7

shadow economy and 366–8

soglasovyvanie (negotiation-coordination) 217–8

Sokolnikov, G. I. 21

Solomon, Peter 166, 170n

Solovev, A. 144, 376

Solzhenitsyn 195–8, 256

Khrushchev and 241

Soviet Writers’ Congress (1934) 49, 51

soviets 278–9, 283, 284, 284, 286, 288

sovnarkhozy (economic councils) 221–3

space race 385

stagnation 370–1, 374

Stalin, Joseph

Bolshevism and 14

concept of power 32–4

contradictory assessments of 12–3

culture and 90

death 154–6

destroys party democracy 37–8

executions 105

Lenin and 14–8, 145

methodology 92–7

transformation of Communist Party 75–7, 64–5

Stalinism 263, 319, 322–2

as cult 147–9

as despotism plus industrialization 146–7

as neo-Tsarism 145, 154

as systemic paranoia 82

contradictory assessments of 10–1

internal contradiction 143–4

Leninism and 300–1

Mikoyan and 245

misinterpreted 378–9, 384

naming of 10

need to reassess 4

origins of 290–1

see also Great Russian nationalism

Startseva, A. I. 176n

state capitalism 298–9, 306

Stavropol 340

steel 261, 296

stikhia (spontaneity) 203, 323

strikes 73–4, 321

Novocherkask (1962) 184–5

Strogovich, M. 252

Struchkov, N. A. 162n, 163n

students 257, 321, 327

suicide 78

Sverdlov, Jakov 249, 258, 259, 261–2, 302

‘swamp’ 262, 263

tekuchka – see labour, movement of

television 386

Terebilov, V. I. 174, 176n

Tereshchenko, M. I. 283

terror 77, 79, 81, 104–5, 131, 154, 239–40, 307, 321, 324

consequences 108, 109

numbers affected 124, 397–404 – see also NKVD

‘thaw’ 156

The Gulag Archipelago 196–7

Third International (1919) 297

Tikhonov, N. A. 232

Tikunov, V. S. 185

Timofeev, L. M. 361n, 369n

totalitarianism 273–4, 351, 376, 378–9

Trapeznikov, S. P. 265, 295

Trotsky, Leon 13, 16–7, 19, 26–7, 77, 131, 247, 294, 299, 308, 310, 343–4

as apostate 36

assessment of Russia in 1917 288

misjudges Stalin (1923) 27, 29

on market economy 359

on role of party 350

written out of history 34

Tsarism 274, 278, 280, 287, 294, 387

First World War and 292

see also neo-Tsarism

Tsvigun, Semen 257, 261–2

Tukhachevsky, Marshal 91–2

Turchin, V. F. 250

Tvardovsky, Alexander 195, 196–8, 241, 251

Ukraine 20, 24, 127, 141, 154, 180, 207, 221, 238, 336

Ulianova, Maria 28

Ulrikh, V. 112

upravlentsy (administrative cadres) 218

urbanization 60–5, 72, 202–3, 205, 211, 251, 311, 316, 317–9, 347, 373

bureaucracy and 343


coercion and 68–9

formation of 22–3, 27, 30

Ustinov, D. 233, 257

Vas’kina, L. I. 55n

velikoderzhavniki (chauvinism) 24–5, 26, 29, 36–7

Vernadsky, G. 376n

Victorov, V. A. 75–6

vodka 363

Voroshilov, Kalinin 13, 87, 91, 92–3, 156, 238

Bukharin and 98–9

Vorotnikov, V. I. 265–6

Voznesensky, N. A. 87, 96, 132

Vyshinsky, A. 110, 147

Warsaw 303

waste – see Anti-Waste Commission

West Germany – see Germany

White Sea Canal 115

Whites (monarchists) 278, 279–80, 285, 286, 287, 289, 294, 298

rehabilitated 387

Wiles, Peter 362

Wittfogel, Karl 146

Wolf, Markus 254–5

women 54, 64, 207, 212–3, 312, 314–6, 321, 337, 339, 341

working class 53–9, 321, 324–5

after 1917 304–5

World War I – see First World War

World War II – see Second World War

Woslenski, M. 228

Writers’ Congress (1934) 49, 51

Yeltsin, Boris 372, 385, 387

Zakharov, M. V. 185

Zamiatin, Yevgeny 376

Zaslavskaya, Tatyana 316, 327, 366n, 386n, 387

Zemskov, V. N. 123n

Zhdanov, Andrei Alexandrovich 49, 85, 86, 87, 105, 120, 129, 130

Zhdanovism 129–32, 136, 147

Zhilma, I. Iu. 361n, 369n

Zhukov, Marshal 96

Zinoviev, Grigory Yevseyevich

Radomysslsky 27, 29, 131, 288, 302, 304

Znamenskii, O. N. 286

Zverev, A. G. 369
