NOTE: This glossary comprises chiefly the more important and more difficult words which recur rather frequently.
Anthropomorphism: the interpretation of God in the likeness of man.
Apollonian: having the calm, “classic” beauty of Apollo, as against the emotional and “romantic” qualities associated with Dionysus.
À posteriori: reasoning from observed facts to general conclusions.
À priori: reasoning from general propositions to particular conclusions.
Attribute: in Spinoza, one of the infinite aspects of Substance or reality, like extension (matter) or thought.
Behaviorist: one who restricts psychology to objective observation, ignoring introspection and consciousness.
Calvinism: a form of Protestantism emphasizing the eternal predestination of every individual to damnation or to salvation.
Causality: the operation of cause and effect.
Concept: an idea; often used specifically of philosophical ideas.
Consciousness: awareness.
Cosmology: a study of the origin and nature of the world.
Determinism: the doctrine that all events are the inevitable result of antecedent conditions, and that the human being, in acts of apparent choice, is the mechanical expression of his heredity and his past environment.
Dialectic: any logical process; in Hegel, the development of one idea or condition into another by the process of thesis, antithesis and synthesis.
Entelechy: the inner nature of anything, which determines its development.
Epicurean: one who believes that pleasure is the highest good.
Epistemology: the study of the origin, processes, and validity of knowledge.
Essence: the most important and significant aspect.
Esthetics: the study of the nature of beauty; in Kant, the study of sensation.
Ethics: the study of right and wrong in conduct.
Fatalism: the doctrine that nothing which the individual can do can in any way affect the fate to which he is destined.
Finalism: the doctrine that events are caused by the purposes they serve.
First Cause: the beginning of the entire series of causes; usually identified with God.
Formally: in a technical way; according to the form or structure.
Free will: the partial freedom of the agent, in acts of conscious choice, from the determining compulsion of heredity, environment, and circumstance.
Hedonism: the doctrine that pleasure is the actual, and also the proper, motive of every choice.
Heuristic: a method of research.
Idealism: in metaphysics, the doctrine that ideas, or thought, are the fundamental reality; in ethics, the devotion to moral ideals.
Ideation: the process of thought.
Instrumentalism: the doctrine that ideas are instruments of response and adaptation, and that their truth is to be judged in terms of their effectiveness.
Intuitionism: in metaphysics, the doctrine that intuition, rather than reason, reveals the reality of things; in ethics, the doctrine that man has an innate sense of right and wrong.
Lamarckianism: the belief in the transmissibility of acquired characters.
Logic: the study of reasoning; in Hegel, the study of the origin and natural sequence of fundamental ideas.
Materialism: the doctrine that matter is the only reality.
Mechanism: the doctrine that all events and all thoughts occur according to the laws of mechanics.
Metaphysics: the inquiry into the ultimate and fundamental reality.
Mode: in Spinoza, a particular thing, form, event, or idea.
Naturalism: the doctrine that all reality comes under the “laws of Nature.”
Neurosis: a mental disturbance or disease.
Nirvana: in Hindu theory, a condition of happiness arising out of the absolute cessation of desire.
Noumenon: in Kant, the ultimate reality, or Thing-in-Itself, which can be conceived by thought, but cannot be perceived in experience.
Objective: independent of the perceiving individual; in Spinoza, as existing in thought.
Ontology: a study of the ultimate nature of things.
Pantheism: the doctrine that God is immanent in all things.
Pluralism: the doctrine that the world is not a unit in law and structure, but the scene of contrary forces and processes.
Polytheism: the worship of many gods.
Positivism: the restriction of philosophical inquiry to problems open to scientific methods.
Pragmatism: the doctrine that truth is the practical efficacy of an idea.
Prolegomena: introductory studies.
Realism: in epistemology, the doctrine that the external world exists independently of perception, and substantially as perceived by us; in logic, the doctrine that universal ideas have objective realities corresponding to them.
Scholasticism: the philosophy of the medieval theologians; in general, the divorce of speculation from observation and practice.
Sociology: the study of social institutions and processes.
Subjective: as existing in thought; in Spinoza, as the object of thought.
Substance: in Spinoza, the basic and eternal reality, the structure and law of the world.
Teleology: the theory or study of development as caused by the purposes which things serve.
Theist: a believer in a personal God.
Transcendental: beyond the realm and reach of the senses.
Tropism: an invariable response.
Utilitarianism: the doctrine that all actions are to be judged in terms of their utility in promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number.
Vitalism: the doctrine that life is the basic reality, of which everything else is a form of manifestation.
Voluntarism: the doctrine that will is the basic factor, both in the universe and in human conduct.