Diogenes Laertius: Lives of the Philosophers. Loeb Classical Library. (Putnam.) 2 volumes. $2.50 each.
Xenophon: Memorabilia. Loeb Classical Library. (Putnam.) $2.50.
Plato: Works of, edited by Prof. Irwin Edman. (Simon & Schuster.) $2.50.
Plato: Republic. Translated by Jowett. (Oxford.) 2 volumes. $2.85.
Plato: Republic. Translated by H. Spens. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.
Plato: Dialogues. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.
Plato: Four Socratic Dialogues. Translated by Jowett. (Oxford.) $1.70.
Aristotle: Ethics. Translated by D. P. Chase. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.
Aristotle: Ethics. Translated by Bishop Welldon. (Macmillan.) $2.75.
Aristotle: Politics. Translated by Jowett. (Oxford.) $1.70.
Aristotle: Politics. Translated by William Ellis. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.
Lucretius: On the Nature of Things. Translated by W. E. Leonard. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.
Lucretius: On the Nature of Things. Translated by C. Bailey. (Oxford.) $1.70.
Epictetus: Book of Epictetus containing Enchiridion. (Dodge.) $1.50.
Marcus Aurelius: Meditations. Translated by Casaubon. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.
Marcus Aurelius: Meditations. Translated by John Jackson. (Oxford.) $1.70.
Bacon, Francis: Novum Organum. (Oxford.) $5.00.
Bacon, Francis: Advancement of Learning. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.
Descartes, Ren6: Discourse on Method. (Open Court.) $1.00.
Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.
Locke, John: Essay on the Human Understanding. (Dutton.) $2.50.
Spinoza, Benedictus: Ethics. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.
Leibnitz, G. W.: Essays Concerning Human Understanding. (Open Court.) $3.00.
Voltaire, Francois M.: Prose Works. (Black.) $3.00.
Holbach, Paul H.: System of Nature. No edition now in print.
Hume, David: Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Human Morals. (Open Court.) $1.00.
Hume, David: Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. (Open Court.) $1.00.
Hume, David: Treatise of Human Nature. Everyman’s Library. 2 volumes. (Dutton.) $.80 each.
Kant, Immanuel: Critique of Pure Reason. (Macmillan.) $5.00.
Kant, Immanuel: Critique of Aesthetic Judgment. (Oxford.) $4.20.
Kant, Immanuel: Selections from Kant’s Philosophy by John Watson. (Macmillan.) $2.50.
Hegel, G. M. F.: Philosophy of History. No edition now in print.
Schopenhauer, Arthur: The World as Will and Idea. (Scribner’s.) 3 volumes. $19-50.
Schopenhauer, Arthur: Works of, edited by Will Durant. (Simon & Schuster.) $2.50.
Schopenhauer, Arthur: Essays. (Willy Book.) $3.00.
Comte, Auguste: Positive Philosophy. (George Bell.) 3 volumes. Volume 1 is now out of print. $2.40 each.
Mill, J. S.: System of Logic. (Longmans, Green.) $2.50.
Spencer, Herbert: First Principles. (Appleton.) $3.00.
Nietzsche, Friedrich: The Will to Power. (Macmillan.) 2 volumes. $3.50 each.
Nietzsche, Friedrich: Thus Spake Zarathustra. (Macmillan.) $4.00 (Modern Library.) $.95.
Bradley, F. H.: Appearance and Reality. (Macmillan.) $6.50.
Bergson, Henri: Creative Evolution. (Holt.) $3.50.
Croce, Benedetto: History. (Harcourt, Brace.) $4.50.
Russell, B. A.: Mysticism and Logic. (Longmans, Green.) $3.00.
Russell, B. A.: Selected Papers. (Modern Library.) $.95.
James, William: Pragmatism. (Longmans, Green.) $2.00.
Dewey, John: Human Nature and Conduct. (Holt.) $2.25.
Dewey, John: Reconstruction in Philosophy. (Holt.) $2.00.
Santayana, George: Life of Reason. (Scribner’s.) 5 volumes. $2.00 each.