Kinimaka watched as Dahl paced impatiently.

“Are they ready yet, Hayden? We can’t wait all bloody day.”

Hayden cupped the receiver. “I’m talking to them now. Gates already made the call. It shouldn’t be long.”

Alicia came up to Kinimaka. “What’s the deal, big boy? Karin set up that new HQ yet? Ready to watch our backs.”

Kinimaka nodded. “She’s almost there. The only thing they’ve had time to do is set up the comms and the total surveillance systems. Very high-tech.”

“Don’t give a fuck. So long as it helps get us an escape route, it can be Captain Jack’s spyglass for all I care.”

“You’ve watched Pirates of the Caribbean?”

Alicia gave him a saucy wink. “The first ten minutes. Then the middle ten. Then the last ten. Besides, ain’t no movie gets by me starring the Deppster.” Alicia moaned. “Should call him Johnny Viagra.”

Kinimaka choked. “That’s more than I need to know. Jeez.”

“True. But I never disappoint, Mano. You should know that by now.

Kinimaka thought over the heart-to-heart they’d had, what seemed an age ago now. Back in that hotel in Vienna, the night before they had charged the terrorist battlefield like the veritable Light Brigade. Alicia had revealed a part of her past, a tragic part, and secured a place in his heart forever.

“Of course I know, Alicia. You can say anything you want to me.”

“Well, I did want to check something with a real man.” Alicia leaned in close. “Y’see, Lomas has this problem down below. He keeps on—”

“No!” Kinimaka yelped and danced away. Alicia laughed. Mai had to physically grab hold of Dahl’s shoulders to stop the man’s frantic pacing.

Hayden replaced the receiver and turned to them. “We’ve been allocated a chopper from a local base. Plus ammo. But they’re not risking any men. We’re on our own.”

Dahl headed straight for the door. “Not a fucking problem.”
