Jonathan Gates exited the new SPEAR headquarters via the parking garage and decided to walk the few blocks over to his own offices. Karin was running the show single-handedly from this end, as he had always known she could, but Komodo was due to return in a few hours. The rough-looking Delta officer with a heart of gold had already requested a private chat and Gates had a good idea as to what it might entail.

Romero and Smyth. Technically, the two soldiers were still without a unit, although, of course, they could slot in anywhere. Gates already thought they’d bring good extra cover to the team.

As he walked, Gates saw the figure approaching from his peripheral vision. His heart immediately gave a thud of alarm and he stopped mid-stride. The form moved closer, inescapable now, much too close to avoid.

Gates sighed. “Miss Moxley? Are you well?”

The wiry redhead showed no qualms about invading the personal space of the Secretary of Defense. “Yes sir, thank you.”

“Back on the job already?”

The newspaper reporter’s façade cracked a little. “Work is the place I go to heal, sir. Always has been.”

Gates studied her anew. It was the same for him. “I’m sorry about the deaths of your colleagues.”

“Me too, sir. They were good men. I tried to contact your office for an interview, but they stonewalled me.”

“They’re under strict instructions to severely limit my media exposure. It’s the same for everyone.”

“Why? Is there something going on?”

Gates almost smiled. The bloodhound instinct of this reporter would never be quelled. He noticed the bright blue of her eyes and grew a little wary of her winning, open smile. “There’s always something going on in D.C., Miss Moxley. Being a reporter for the Post, you should know that.”

“Is that a quote?”

Gates laughed despite himself. “Do you ever let up?”

“No, sir. It’s not in my nature. And, please, call me Sarah.”

“And nor in mine,” Gates checked his watch. “Look, I believe I owe you one, Sarah. Despite our many warnings, you stuck to your job and almost paid the price. Your colleagues did pay the heaviest price. If you were soldiers we’d be giving you medals for that. So, give me the afternoon. I’ll clear your name at the office. Then call and arrange an interview. Alright?”

“Thank you, sir.” There was no mistaking the happiness as the lights danced in her eyes. But the stare. The speculative look. It wasn’t like the Secretary of Defense to get nervous around women, but her sudden interest made him almost feel young again.

She held out a hand. “See you soon, sir.”

Gates coughed. “I hope so.”

The touch of her skin would stay with him long after Sarah Moxley had departed. He started to walk again, but then his cell vibrated. When he checked the screen it was the call he’d been dreading.


“Stone won, sir. He’s been allocated the funds to configure his plan.”

A bad day for the world, Gates thought. “Thank you.” He ended the call abruptly. He firmly believed in stopping a charging rhino before its legs had even got going. And he would stop General Stone.


He already had a plan.
