Drake didn’t relax until they had the professor tucked away inside the safe house. He threw down his pack and weapons, and took a bottle of water from the fridge, drinking it quickly. He watched Mai carefully place the man at the round table and take an inventory of his wounds.

Hayden said the word and Kinimaka fetched the first aid box. Only this one was more like a suitcase. The CIA catered for everything. Mai set about tending his wounds.

Drake motioned to Hayden. “Says his wife is being held by the Russians. In America.”

“What? Christ. Where?”

Drake told her and listened as she made the call to Karin. He took another bottle of water from the fridge and set it down in front of the professor.

“We work for the American government,” he said. “Tell us what you know.”

“None of you guys sound American,” the man said. “Except her.” He nodded at Hayden.

“But we did just save your ungrateful Yankee ass,” Alicia growled. “And we’ll try to save your wife’s too.”

Drake pushed the bottle closer, watching the man sweat, smelling his fear. “We’re most of the team that found the three tombs of the gods. Talk to us. We can help.”

Mai cleansed one of his wounds with gentle dabs of a swab. “Why not start with your name?”

“Sure. I’m sorry. My name’s Wayne Patterson. I’m a professor of historical archaeology at the University of Pittsburgh.

“Why are you in Moscow, Wayne?”

“That Razin asshole and his goons. They made me work for them. Abducted me in Iraq and brought me here. When I wouldn’t cooperate they found out my address back home and…” he took a breath, “kidnapped Audrey. Please, you have to help her.”

“We will,” Drake said. “Why were you in Iraq, Professor Patterson?”

At last the man began to unwind a little. “Can’t you guess? A professor of archaeology in Iraq? Babylon, of course. That place is… was my passion.”

Drake nodded and settled back. “We know something of what you found. Why don’t you tell us the long story.”

“They say Babylon was the first place where evil amassed in this world. I’m talking about evil men, vile groups. Evil deeds. The city of heavenly sin. Always, it has had a connection to evil. From the days of the bible to the time of Hussein. It’s fitting then, that Babylon might now in fact save the world. Sit back and grab a glass, this is the mystery story to end all mystery stories.”

* * *

“Babylon was the largest city in the world — twice. Ringed by eight gates, the largest of which was called the Ishtar Gate. Alexander the Great, the man who once ruled the majority of the world, lived and died in Babylon, ending his days at the palace of Nebuchadnezzar. On his deathbed a dance was performed — the Saber Dance, or the Dance of the Seven Veils. Alexander often referred to himself as the son of Zeus. Now all of the above is pure fact, recorded in history.”

“Babylon translates as the gateway of the gods.” Yorgi spoke up from his seat on the couch. “Is that why Alexander settled there?”

“I think Babylon drew him in. Other than that, it’s some major coincidence that the man everyone at the time believed to be a son of the highest god ended up there. He founded over a dozen Alexandrias. The most extensive library in ancient history. He knew Egyptian pharaohs, emperors and queens. He’s been called the greatest king and the wisest man who ever lived.”

“Probably all bullshit,” Alicia cut in, breaking the spell. “Legends always improve over time.”

“Maybe you’re right. But back to Babylon. The Etemananki Ziggurat was built inside the city, accidently demolished by Alexander, and said to be the first ever Tower of Babel. Its foundation mound was so enormous it can still be seen today.”

“Wait.” Drake said. “The first Tower of Babel. I thought there was only one.”

“Oh no. There are hundreds of towers, all built for the same purpose, erected all over the world. But that’s another story. One I will get to later. The Babylon we all know was actually built over the site of an even more ancient city, also called Babylon. This original city was razed, destroyed in much the same way as the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, wiped off the map by God’s holy fire as punishment for their abhorrent sins. Now, it is said that men later dug a pit and removed the dread remains of that city and reburied them within the foundations of the new city. So we have the enduring legend of the pit of Babylon — a terrible black hole, devoid of all light, where nothing will ever exist again save for the sludge of death and destruction.”

“I know a few places like that,” Alicia said. “They’re called night clubs.”

“Babylon was the center of the world. Alexander its greatest king, surrounded by fierce warriors and the most learned of all men. It stands to reason that he would be the possessor of many secrets. And if he heard tell of something that might end the world, would he not take note?”

Drake sat up now. Suddenly, the professor was talking his language.

“Would he not make provision?”

Drake knotted his brows. ”You’re saying…”

“That if a man like Alexander could, he would find a way to save the world.”

Now even Alicia leaned forward. “And did he?”

“Oh yes.”
