List of Illustrations
xxxi Antonina Golovina, 1943
2 The four secretaries of Iakov Sverdlov, chief Party organizer of the Bolsheviks, the Smolny Institute, October 1917
17 Leonid Eliashov, 1932
19 Iosif and Aleksandra Voitinsky, Yekaterinoslav, 1924
21 A Lenin Corner, 1920s
23 Aleksei and Ivan Radchenko, 1927
26 Vera Minusova, early 1930s
40 The Tetiuev family, Cherdyn, 1927
42 Batania Bonner with her grandchildren, Moscow, 1929
48 Peasant nanny, Fursei family (Leningrad)
49 Natasha Ovchinnikova
56 The Vittenburg family at Olgino, 1925
60 Konstantin Simonov, Aleksandra and Aleksandr Ivanishev, Riazan, 1927
61 Page from Simonov’s school notebook (1923)
67 The Laskin family, Moscow, 1930
71 The Slavin family, 1927
78 Yevdokiia and Nikolai with their son Aleksei Golovin (1940s)
89 ‘Kulaks’ exiled from the village of Udachne, Khryshyne (Ukraine), early 1930s
90 Valentina Kropotina and her sister with three of their cousins, 1939
101 Exiles in a ‘special settlement’ in western Siberia, 1933
105 Left: Leonid and Aleksandr Rublyov, 1930. Right: Klavdiia, Natalia and Raisa Rublyova with Raisa’s husband, Kansk, 1930
107 Left: Aleksandr and Serafima Ozemblovsky on their wedding day in 1914. Right: Serafima with Sasha and Anton Ozemblovsky in 1937
116 Maria, Nadezhda and Ignatii Maksimov with Ignatii’s brother Anton, Arkhangelsk, 1934
119 The Uglitskikh family, Cherdyn, 1938
122 The Golovins’ bed from Obukhovo
135 Aleksandr Tvardovsky, 1940
140 Simonov ‘the proletarian’, 1933
147 The otlichniki of Class B, Pestovo School, 1936
148 Fania Laskina and Mikhail Voshchinsky, Moscow, 1932
149 The Laskin household in the Arbat
152 Left: Maiakovsky Metro Station, 1940. Right: Avtozavod Metro Station, 1940s
166 Left: Vladimir Makhnach, 1934. Right: Maria and Leonid, 1940s
168 From left: Anatoly Golovnia as Chekist, 1919; Liuba Golovnia, 1925; Boris Babitsky, 1932
170 Volik Babitsky and Liuba and Oksana Golovnia at the Kratovo dacha, 1935
176 The Khaneyevsky household
178 Communal apartment (‘corridor system’), 1930–64
182 The Reifshneiders’ room in the Third House of Soviets, Moscow
199 Simonov in 1936
206 Teachers and students of the Law Department of the Communist Academy in Leningrad, 1931
209 Zina and Pavel Vittenburg at the Kem labour camp, 1931
212 Pavel Vittenburg in his office, Vaigach labour camp, 1934
217 ‘Papa’s Corner’. Drawing by Mikhail Stroikov, 1935
220 The Poloz family, 1934
222 Letter (extract) from Tatiana Poloz to Rada, 12 June 1935
225 Nikolai and Elena (‘Alyona’) Kondratiev, 1926
226 Nikolai Kondratiev, ‘The Unusual Adventures of Shammi’ (detail)
229 Osip and Julia Piatnitsky with their sons and neighbours’ children at their dacha near Moscow, late 1920s
232 Osip Piatnitsky at the Seventh Congress of the Comintern, Moscow, 1935
247 Ida Slavina and her parents, 1937
266 The Malygin house in Sestroretsk, 1930s
288 The Nikitin and Turkin apartments, Perm
291 Gulchira Tagirova and her children, 1937
299 Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko with his wife Sofia and stepdaughter Valentina, 1936
317 Angelina and Nelly Bushueva, 1937
321 The house in Ak-Bulak where Elena Lebedeva lived with her granddaughters, Natalia and Elena Konstantinova, 1940s
322 Elena Lebedeva with her granddaughters, Natalia and Elena Konstantinova, Ak-Bulak, 1940
323 Veronika Nevskaia and her great-aunt Maria, Kirov region, 1939
325 Inna Gaister with her sisters Valeriia and Natalia, Moscow, 1939
328 Oleg and Natasha Vorobyov, 1940
330 Left: Mikhail Mironov. Right: extract from a letter to his mother
332 Zoia Arsenteva, Khabarovsk, 1941
334 Marksena Karpitskaia, Leningrad, 1941
337 Girls from Orphanage No. 1, Dnepropetrovsk, 1940
346 ‘On Land and Sea and in the Sky’ gymnastic demonstration, 1938
351 Elizaveta Delibash, 1949
355 Physics teacher Dmitry Streletsky with schoolboys of the seventh class in the Chermoz ‘special settlement’, September 1939
357 Left: Zinaida Bushueva with her brothers, 1936. Right: Zinaida in the ALZhIR labour camp, 1942
359 Children at ALZhIR, 1942
361 Embroidered towel (detail) made by Dina Ielson-Grodzianskaia for her daughter Gertrud in the ALZhIR labour camp
365 Ketevan Orakhelashvili with Sergei Drozdov and their son Nikolai, Karaganda
370 Zhenia Laskina and Konstantin Simonov on their honeymoon in the Crimea, 1939
375 Valentina Serova, 1940
389 Natalia Gabaeva with her parents, 1934
391 Anastasia with Marianna and Georgii Fursei, Arkhangelsk, 1939
403 Serova and Simonov on tour, Leningrad Front, 1944
406 Aleksei and Konstantin Simonov, 1944
407 Simonov in 1941
409 Simonov in 1943
425 Ivan Bragin and his family, 1937
451 Antonina Mazina with her daughter Marina and Marina Ilina, Chimkent, 1944
456 The Bushuev ‘corner’ room in the communal apartment at 77 Soviet Street, Perm, 1946–8
474 Inna Gaister with two friends at Moscow University, 1947
476 Nelly and Angelina Bushueva, 1953
477 Leonid Saltykov, 1944
481 Valentina Kropotina and her husband, Viktor, 1952
483 Simonov in 1946
495 Fadeyev at the Writers’ Union, 22 December 1948
500 Aleksandr Borshchagovsky, 1947
504 Simonov at the Congress of Soviet Writers in the Belorussian Republic, Minsk, 1949
507 Simonov in 1948 (left) and in 1953 (right)
514 Samuil and Berta Laskin, Sonia Laskina, Aleksei Simonov and Zhenia Laskina circa 1948
517 Zhenia and Sonia Laskina at Vorkuta, 1952
524 Stalin’s body lies in state in the Hall of Columns, Moscow, March 1953
527 Mourning ceremony at the Gorky Tank Factory in Kiev, 6 March 1953
539 The Laskin family at their Ilinskoe dacha near Moscow, 1956
543 Valentin Muravsky with his daughter Nina, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 1954
546 Marianna Fursei with Iosif and Nelly Goldenshtein, Tbilisi, 1960
551 Aleksandr Ságatsky and Galina Shtein, Leningrad, 1956
554 Fruza Martinelli, 1956
556 Left: Esfir and Ida Slavina in 1938. Right: Esfir in 1961
557 Liuba Golovnia after her return from ALZhIR, Moscow, 1947
564 Vladimir Makhnach, 1956
568 Elena Konstantinova, her mother Liudmila, her grandmother Elena Lebedeva, and her sister Natalia, Leningrad, 1950
569 Nina and Ilia Faivisovich outside their house, near Sverdlovsk, 1954
573 Sonia Laskina’s certificate of release from the Vorkuta labour camp
592 Simonov with his son Aleksei, 1954
600 Zinaida Bushueva with her daughter Angelina and her son Slava, 1958
602 The grave of Nadezhda’s father, Ignatii Maksimov, Penza, 1994
603 Tamara and Kapitolina Trubina, 1948
609 Simonov and Valentina Serova, 1955
617 Aleksei and Konstantin Simonov, 1967
620 Mother Russia, part of the Mamaev Kurgan War Memorial complex in Volgograd
627 Simonov in 1979
631 Ivan Korchagin, Karaganda, 1988
632 Mikhail Iusipenko, Karaganda, 1988
638 Norilsk, July 2004
640 Vasily Romashkin, 2004
642 Leonid Saltykov, 1985
643 Vera Minusova at the Memorial Complex for Victims of Repression near Yekaterinburg, May 2003
651 Nikolai and Elfrida Meshalkin with their daughters, Marina and Irina, Perm, 2003
655 Antonina Golovina, 2004