— 5-

Two days later, in the early afternoon, Miguel returned.

"He is coming at four. This estate will be the place of your honeymoon. On no account must you leave it. You will be for him what he wishes you to be, gentle as a dove, vicious as a reptile, sensual as a geisha. You will obey him in everything within the boundaries of the estate until seven p.m. on the night of the full moon. I shall come personally to fetch you."

He looked at his watch.

"It is two o'clock," he said. "In a few minutes a number of gentlemen are coming in to see you. For them you are Carmencita, the Virgin. You must not speak of the prince, nor of your experience in the brothel."

I nodded.

I was dressed in scarlet silk which flowed to the floor like fiery liquid below my naked breasts. My nipples as usual were tinted black and my eyes elongated in a slant with mascara.

You are very beautiful, Carmencita!"

He rang a bell and waited by the fireplace. I lay at length on a lemon colored divan.

A moment later there was a discreet knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Five gentlemen of varying ages entered the room. They bowed solemnly first to Miguel and then turned towards me. I rose off my divan to meet them. In turn, bowing low, they kissed my hand. They were all between forty and sixty and I could see they all found it difficult to keep their eyes off my breasts.

"Well, gentlemen?" Miguel said from the fireplace. "I think no one can accuse me of exaggerating, eh?"

The gentlemen nodded gravely. The eldest of them, a man with white hair and a small Van Dyck beard said: "May I question our Lady?"

Miguel nodded.

"Of course, gentlemen. She is at your disposal."

"Are you a virgin?" the man with the white beard asked.

"Yes," I said, and as I spoke, it occurred to me that I could have chosen not to and in choosing to say it, I had signed my death-warrant.

"You are certain you have never been penetrated in the normal way by a male penis?"

"I am certain, sir."

"And you know what our Order plans for you?"

"I know."

"And you accept?"

"I demand!" I replied. I noticed a fleeting smile on Miguel's face.

The old gentleman was slightly put out. He hummed and hawed. But finally he said he had no more questions.

"And you, gentlemen?" said Miguel to the others.

"No questions," the others said.

"Very well," Miguel said. "It is my intention now that she should remain here on this estate until the night. She will not be allowed to leave and she will practice meditation in preparation for her great trial. During this time she will not be disturbed by us. I myself shall pay her a weekly visit, simply to see that she has all she requires. And now gentlemen, you may bestow the kiss."

He turned to me, pointing towards my thighs, "Carmen, if you please."

I guessed at once what was wanted. I opened the dress at the front to expose my cunt, tossed my head so that my long black hair fell on to my naked shoulders. One by one the gentlemen went on their knees in front of me and applied their lips to my hot sex. The occasion seemed to be solemn, so I didn't move. Each, as he rose to his feet, bowed and stepped aside. When they had all delivered their kiss, they turned at once and left.

When they were gone, Miguel spoke.

"Now I myself will take my leave. I will not pay you a weekly visit. I will not see you again until I come to fetch you for your last passion. When I leave this estate, Prince B. is your adored lover. In case you have anything to communicate to me, you may contact me through the tall footman called Angelo."

"Have you anything else to say to me, Miguel?"


"You don't want to make love to me … once?"

He paused. Finally he said: "No, Carmen. I want more than that of you, and I shall have it at the Cross. Who knows if I took that from you now, whether I would have the courage to take the other then?"

He smiled and left the room.

I was alone, waiting for my lover.
