Chapter 32


I had no idea where I was. But far away, I thought I could hear the ocean crashing. I saw the shadowy contours of a sterile, boxy room, and tried to move my head to speak.

"Wheeerree…," I slurred, unable to form even a single word.

Then Alexa suddenly appeared, hovering above me.

"Shhh," she said, putting her finger to my lips.

"Wheerrrree I ammsssshhh." Gibberish.

"Don't try to talk."

I looked up at her. I felt frightened and alone. Then another figure appeared behind her. Round, moon-faced, cherubic. I knew him from someplace. I couldn't remember where.

"Lay still," he told me firmly.

As I felt myself slipping away, I almost had his name. Tony something.
