Killian moaned as he tasted Poppy’s wet heat. Using his thumbs, he spread her open to him, sinking his tongue deeper, savoring her. With each flick, each swirl, she gasped and writhed. Her hand came down to rest on his head, her fingers tangling in his hair, tugging him tighter against her. She strained against his mouth, her body begging for release.

But he didn’t give that to her. Not right away. He wanted to relish this. To taste her, to feel every quiver and shake of her body. To memorize her texture and heat against his tongue.

He couldn’t remember anything as erotic as the feeling of this woman moving against him. She responded to each slight touch.

And he responded too. His cock pulsed against his jeans, mimicking her trembles and shudders. He wanted to be buried deep inside her sweet body. Damn, he did. But he also wanted this.

He wanted to please her. To be on his knees, worshipping her with his mouth. A demon worshipping at the altar of a pure, innocent soul. He’d never wanted anything more.

Her trembling became more intense, and he could tell she was getting close. He flicked his tongue faster against her, until she seized, her body tensing under him. He moved his hands to her hips, holding her as her knees buckled with the intensity of her release.

But still he didn’t leave her. He continued to lave her, accepting her orgasm as his reward.

“Killian,” she whimpered as her arousal began to build again.

“Give me another one, baby,” he murmured against her wet, swollen flesh. She writhed, her fingers pulling at his hair.

He loved her reaction, wanton and unguarded. So different from the Poppy who usually held her emotions in check.

She came for him again, this one quicker, shorter, but no less intense. He stayed with her until she sagged against the brick wall, spent. Then he rose, his lips glossed with her. He kissed her and she returned the embrace without hesitation, her arms coming around his neck.

“Feel good?” he asked her.

She nodded, her eyes heavy, her body limp. He wished that he could just lift her into her bed and crawl in beside her. Holding her until they both slept.

He paused at that thought, the tenderness of it.

Sex was one thing. But to want that kind of intimacy? That unnerved him.

Even in her sated state, she seemed to sense the shift in him. She righted herself, using the wall to regain her balance. She quickly brushed down her skirt, her sleepy bliss replaced by flustered awkwardness.

He didn’t want that.

“Poppy,” he said, but she cut him off.

“We’ll just blame this on the photos,” she said, bending down to snatch up her panties. Her movements were jerky as she struggled to tug the tiny piece of clothing over her ballet flats and up her legs.

“I think it was more than the photos,” he said, but she didn’t seem to be listening as she straightened herself.

“We should probably go.” She wouldn’t meet his gaze. Nor did she wait for a response, heading to the door, although her escape was probably not as speedy and graceful as she’d have liked. He could see her legs were still shaky.

He caught up with her, putting a hand to her back to steady her. She flinched slightly at the touch, and he felt exactly like the cad she’d dubbed him the other night.

They made their way back to the exhibition floor. Killian left Poppy waiting by the doors as he went to gather her coat and purse from the coat check.

As he walked back toward her, there was no missing her slightly mussed look and the blush coloring her skin. She looked like a woman who’d been well loved. Unfortunately, she also looked like a woman who was painfully embarrassed by that fact.

Neither spoke as they headed back to the T. As the train began to move, the clatter and rock of the car just seemed to emphasize the silence between them.

Killian couldn’t stand it.

“Poppy,” he said, turning on the hard, narrow subway seat to look at her. She fiddled with the strap of her purse, refusing to look at him.

“Please look at me,” he asked.

She met his gaze, her dark eyes filled with embarrassment and something that looked far too much like pain.

He wished he hadn’t taken her up on the roof. But his need for her had overwhelmed him. Now he just wanted to pull her against him and soothe away the hurt he saw in her eyes.

“Don’t you dare apologize,” she warned.

Her words startled him, and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling.

“I’m not going to,” he assured her. “I loved every minute of it.”

She blushed, her gaze dropping back to her purse. She plucked at a loose thread on the stitching of the strap.

He caught her chin, bringing her gaze back up to him.

“I’m just a little shocked at my behavior,” he said, which wasn’t strictly true. It was more his emotions than his actions.

“Me too,” she said softly, then added, “I mean my behavior too. You know, not yours. I don’t know if that’s your usual behavior or not. Not that I’m saying …”

She just let her sentence trail off, realizing her point was sort of made, and further explanation wasn’t helping.

He smiled slightly, finding her adorable.

Her gaze dropped to his lips, and instantly he was aroused again. How did she have this effect on him? He was good at self-control. Well, he usually was.

They both fell silent again, remaining that way the rest of the trip home.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. He’d been told in no uncertain terms that he couldn’t become involved with Poppy. Nor could he allow her to have feelings for him. He wasn’t sure what her feelings were, but he sure as hell felt he was having them for her. Funny, the one rule he wouldn’t have minded having to follow was the very one he’d managed to break.

This was not good.

But Killian wasn’t going to let them leave each other without saying something. They’d had too many nights end this way.

“Poppy,” he said, catching her wrist to stop her as she strode toward her apartment door. “I—I really like you.”

Poppy fought the urge to cringe. Really like you. To her, that sounded like the beginning of a “I like you, but we should really just be friends” conversation.

Instead of waiting for him to continue, she decided she’d rather beat him to the punch.

“I like you too, Killian. And I understand this was just something that happened. Spurred on by the erotic photos, maybe even fueled by the idea that we both want a relationship.”

Killian nodded, although she didn’t get the feeling he agreed. But then again, she couldn’t read what he was thinking. Those golden eyes of his could be beautiful—and inscrutable.

But she didn’t let her uncertainty slow down her words. She was going to deal with the rejection in her own way, not wait for him to do it.

“We are both young—and I know I haven’t—” She hesitated, feeling awkward admitting her lack of intimacy over the years. “Well, things just—happened. I don’t think we need to dissect it, do we?”

Killian shook his head, but again she wasn’t sure he necessarily agreed with her.

“We just had some fun.” She paused. “Well, I had fun.”

Killian smiled then, and she had no trouble assessing that particular look. In fact, the hunger in his eyes made her in-sides zing back to full awareness of him.

“Oh, I definitely had fun,” he said.

She nodded, but a smile didn’t quite reach her lips. She could pretend she was cool and collected about this, but she couldn’t be lighthearted and flirty. Not right now.

Never, if she was smart. Dabbling with a man like Killian, thinking she could have casual sex, and not start feeling too much, was dangerous business.

“So it’s all good,” she said with a decisive nod. “It was a fun and unexpected night. I’m fine. You’re fine.”

His smile faded at her tone, but again he nodded.

“As long as you’re fine.”

She managed a small smile. “I am. Good night, Killian.”

She turned then and unlocked her door. She didn’t look back as she stepped inside.

Unfortunately, she had little time to gather herself.

Daisy popped out of the kitchen. “You’re home early.”

Poppy tried to muster the same calm she’d always managed over the past four years, hiding her true feelings, keeping her emotions in check. But tonight that composure was just somewhere out of reach. She attempted a carefree smile, knowing it fell short.

“The showing only went until nine. And it was—pretty dull.”

Daisy nodded, but Poppy could tell she was trying to read her expression. Poppy forced another smile.

“I got my paper done, and I was just getting a snack before heading to bed. Want some?” Daisy held out a bowl of popcorn.

“No thanks.” The truth was Poppy couldn’t think of eating. Her stomach was churning with nerves, confusion and something that still managed to feel like excitement.

Daisy took her popcorn and headed into the living room, collapsing on the couch. She curled her legs under her and reached for the television remote. The theme music to a popular sitcom filled the apartment.

“Are you going to watch Big Bang Theory with me?” Daisy called out to Poppy.

Move. Answer her. Don’t give Daisy any reason to question your behavior and worry.

“Yeah,” she said, “I’m just going to—go change.”

“Hurry. It’s a new one.”

Poppy walked to her bedroom. She closed the door and pressed her back against it. She allowed herself a moment to fall apart.

Running a shaky hand through her hair, she closed her eyes.

“What are you doing?” she whispered to herself, her voice trembling as much as her hands.

She should have put a stop to the encounter. She should have told him no, that she wasn’t interested in him that way.

“But you are,” she murmured, for the first time really admitting it, even if it was only to herself.

It could only ever be to herself.

Nothing good could come out of a relationship with Killian O’Brien, even if that was what he wanted.

Nothing good at all.

She wandered around her room, not quite sure of what to do. Tonight had been so surreal, she somehow felt out of place just dropping back into her normal world.

She sat on the bed, only to stand up again. She walked over to her dresser, rifling through the drawers, only to pause, clothes forgotten in her hands.

This was no big deal. Just a casual sexual encounter. Adults did that. Didn’t they? Casual trysts that didn’t mean a thing.

She looked down at her hands, realizing she clutched several garments. What had she been looking for? Pajamas. That’s right, pajamas.

And she couldn’t hang out in here indefinitely. Daisy wanted her to watch their favorite show. She pulled out a pair of plaid cotton pajama bottoms and a T-shirt. Quickly, she changed into them and braced herself to act normally.

She could hear Daisy’s laughter as soon as she opened the door. The sound should have pleased her. It usually did, knowing that Daisy was thriving, happy. But tonight, it just made her feel guilty and ashamed.

Was her behavior tonight the example she wanted to set for her little sister? Not that Daisy would ever, ever know about it. But Poppy knew, and she couldn’t believe how easily she’d let Killian do whatever he wanted. No, that wasn’t fair. She’d wanted it too. So very much.

“Poppy, you’re missing the whole show.”

She joined Daisy, curling on the couch too.

“Sheldon cracks me up,” Daisy said, popping some of the buttery popcorn in her mouth.

Poppy smiled, and tried to follow what was going on, but her mind kept wandering back to that rooftop and the feeling of Killian’s touch. His body against hers. His mouth. And his very naughty tongue.

“That was a good one,” Daisy said, dragging Poppy out of her erotic memories.

Poppy shifted, pulling her legs in tighter to herself. The show was over, and she couldn’t recall a single word of it. Heat crept over her cheeks and neck. She ran a hand through her hair, hoping the action would distract from her surely red cheeks.

“It—it was good.” She smiled.

Daisy studied her for a moment, then sighed. “I guess I’d better get to bed.”

Poppy nodded. “It is getting late.”

Daisy picked up her popcorn bowl, bringing it into the kitchen. She paused on her way back through the living room.

“Did you have any fun at the art gallery?”

More embarrassment burned her face, but she managed to shrug. “Yes. It wasn’t too bad.”

“I’m glad,” Daisy said, then headed off to bed, a little bounce to her step.

Poppy fell back against the cushions, relieved Daisy seemed to think everything was fine. Maybe she’d behaved more normally than she’d thought.

Daisy closed her door and rushed over to her nightstand. Her cell phone lay among the piles of books and hair bands and pens and papers.

She flipped the phone open, and her fingers began flying over the character pad.

He did it! Poppy def met some-1 2nite. Killian did it!

She hit send, and the text whisked through the atmosphere to find her friends’ phones.

She dropped the phone back to her nightstand and crawled into bed, a smile on her face. She’d really started to think this conjuring idea was a bad one.

But Emma had been totally right. Daisy had been able to tell as soon as Poppy stepped into the apartment that something had happened tonight. She’d looked all flushed and dreamy. She hadn’t seen a bit of her favorite show. She was thinking about someone. A man. Daisy could just tell.

She turned off her light, then hugged her pillow, grinning to herself. Poppy was going to find happiness, finally.

Daisy just knew it.
