Two days later, they began to put the pressure on Zack. Dr. Luria sent a letter thanking him for his initial participation in the “tests” and saying that she understood his concern. Sarah also sent him a note saying that she hoped they could continue working together. To ease his mind, she had sent him a link to a secure site on which there were more video interviews of subjects who had emerged from suspensions. Their identities were blocked, their faces smudged, but they were clearly in the Proteus lab being interviewed by Dr. Luria and Sarah Wyman.

They all identified themselves as college students or young professionals in their twenties or thirties. Notwithstanding the selection of videos, the half dozen or so test subjects unanimously said that they experienced no side effects other than feeling a little sluggish. After the sedative had worn off, they claimed to have felt perfectly normal. Two expressed regret about coming back to the real world. One had likened the return to Dorothy leaving the land of Oz for black-and-white Kansas.

What interested Zack particularly were their descriptions of the actual suspensions. While one recalled nothing from his suspensions, most of the others claimed that in their NDEs they had remarkable feelings of peace, unity, and unconditional love:

I saw a light—not blinding but a wonderfully nurturing, peaceful light.

I can’t recall exactly the environment, but I remember it was very peaceful and very beautiful. I was aware of colors—more pure than any colors I had seen in life. I also felt light emanating from me, a warm bright light that accompanied a profound feeling of peace and safety and love.

I had a sense of great unity with all things. Also, I remember a very powerful and profound presence.

The next day, Luria did a follow-up call to ask if he had watched the videos.

“Yes, they were fascinating,” he said.

“And all very positive reports, as you noticed.”


“And all very safe, obviously.”

“So it seems.” He knew he was playing coy.

“So,” she said, “I hope you’re agreeable to undergoing a suspension with us.”

“I’m still thinking about it,” Zack said.

“Well, you should know that I met with the others and we unanimously agreed to raise the suspension fee to seven hundred and fifty dollars.”

A $250 raise. “That’s great,” he said. “But what’s the reason?”

“Well, frankly, because in neurological terms you’re quite special. As I said the other day, the activity structure of your brain appears especially sensitive.”

He wondered if he should feel flattered or apprehensive. “Just one question,” he said. “How come no one in any of the videos claimed to have met dead relatives?”

“Well, maybe you’ll be the first.”
