Roman Pace swallowed hard. “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.”

“Would you care to confess your sins, my son?” said Father Timothy Callahan.

“I will if you assure me that what I confess will be held in strict confidence.”

“My son, confessional priests are bound by the holy sacrament of penance to be sworn to secrecy. Your sins are between you and God, and I am an intermediary who has no legal obligation to report anything beyond this confession booth.”

“You’re saying I have your word, because I don’t want any repercussions.”

“Yes, you have my word. Our vows are sacred. Feel free to make your confession, my son.”

There was a moment’s pause as the silence of the church filled the dim space. “I’m guilty of murder.”

“Of murder?”

“I killed nine people.”

“You killed nine people! Is that what you said?”

“Yes, Father, and I’m very sorry.”

“Was this in military combat?”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“Are you a policeman?”


“So what were the circumstances?”



“I used to be a professional assassin.”

“A professional assassin?”

“Yes. I was a hit man for criminal organizations.”

A long pause filled both sides of the grate.

“Why did you kill these people?”

“For money.”

“This is very, very serious. Murder is a mortal sin.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Did you know the victims personally?”


“Did it bother you to … to take their lives?”

“At the time, not really. I was doing a job.”

There was another long pause as the priest turned something over in his head. Then he said, “I assume you no longer need the money and feel contrite?”

“No, I still need money. It’s just that I’m concerned about, you know, what’s going to happen when I’m gone. To be perfectly frank, I had a mild heart attack a few months ago, and that made me think about dying—you know, about the afterlife and stuff. I just don’t want to go to hell, is all.”

“I see. Do you believe in hell?”

“I don’t really know, but if there is one, I don’t want to end up there.”

“Do you believe in God the Father Almighty?”

“I think so. And just in case there is a God and a heaven, I want to open up a clear path, if you know what I mean.”

“You’d like to make amends.”

“Yeah, I want to be forgiven if I can.”

“The men you killed, were they bad?”

“To the people who hired me they were.”

“Are you a member of this parish?”


“Another church in the diocese of Providence?”

“I’m sorry to say this is the first time I’ve been in a church in years.”

“I see.” Then, after another long pause, the priest said, “What’s important is for you to regain God’s love and forgiveness.”

“I would like that, Father. Very much.”

“Fine. I would like you to return in three days so we can talk again. Can you do that?”

“Yes, Father.”

“In the meantime, say ten Hail Marys and ten Our Fathers.”

“Thank you, Father,” said Roman Pace.

“Together we will find a way to salvation for you.”

“That’s all I ask.”

And Roman left the church feeling buoyed in spirit.
