Chapter 11 Just Dessert

“…Just smile now and cover me in chocolate, sugar is my lifeline, so pure, so sweet…”

It was late on Sunday night before anyone had thought about making the trip back to the dorm. C.C. had spent most of the day catching the last few rays of the summer sun by laying on the hood of the jeep when she parked at the beginning of her sister’s long driveway and waited. Not to mention later, enjoying Brooke’s built-in pool while contemplating the near disastrous effects of her meddlesome ways. That was one of the nicest things about living in Virginia, the summers still stretched into the early days of autumn, not like the Northern states that were already dipping into the low 60 degree temperatures.

Now, as far as Brooke and Sam seeing the sun, that was another story. The pair had spent the better part of the day glued to one another in the house after making up from the fight that they’d had; or rather the misunderstanding that C.C. had caused between them. But that was long forgotten and many words had crossed that bridge, now that everything about Brooke being Loran was out in the open.

The three women sat amicably in the jeep as it traveled that night, back to the campus. Their intermittent conversations were woven together by the music that came out of the speakers, making the ride a pleasurable one indeed.

Pulling into the visitor’s slot outside of the dorm, Brooke turned the engine off, realizing that their weekend together had just come to an end. Sighing, she glanced sideways at Sam in the passenger seat.

“Hey, Sis,” C.C. leaned forward and let her hand rest on the driver’s shoulder. “Thanks for the great surprise party. It was a real blast.”

“No problem,” Brooke looked up into the rearview mirror at her sister. “I hope you enjoyed it. Maybe next time we can do it without all the drama.” She reached out and took Sam’s small hand in her own, squeezing it.

“Yeah, I did.” C.C. thought for a moment, trying to remember her party. “What little I remember of it, I enjoyed.”

Her sister chuckled and shook her head at the new twenty-one year old, “Yeah, you didn’t look like you felt much pain.”

“Oh, yeah, speaking of drama, do you two think you made up enough?” C.C. cast a knowing eye between Sam and her sister.

Brooke looked over to Sam and winked, “I dunno, did we?”

“Well,” Sam looked over at Brooke, then let the smile slowly come to her lips. “I guess we did. But you know, you never can be too sure about things like that.”

“Hmm…good point.” The driver nodded, “We might need another kiss or two to make sure.”

Sam leaned in toward Brooke but stopped, turning to C.C. in the back seat. “Ah…C.C., roomie, ol’ pal, why don’t I let you have the shower first?” The blonde motioned with her head to the building in front of the car, hoping for a little more privacy.

“Yeah, lil’ Sis, I mean…I’d hate to keep you from anything if you’ve got things to do,” Brooke gave her sister a stern look.

“What is it with you two?” C.C. folded her arms over her chest, “First you send me to the pool when I finally get you two back together and now,” she sighed, “I get sent to the shower. Just because the both of you are getting all wet, doesn’t mean that I have to be.” She pushed against the back of Sam’s seat. “Well, if you want some privacy, let me out.” C.C. put her hands up in the air and shook her head. “I know, I promised no more meddling.”

Brooke smiled at her sister’s renewed vigor not to cause any more problems. “I’m glad to see you remember that little talk we had, Chase.” The driver arched an eyebrow high on her forehead.

The young blonde complied with C.C.’s wish and waited only seconds after the brunette was standing out of the car before climbing back in, starting to close the door again.

Walking to the other side of the car, C.C. tapped on the driver’s window and motioned for it to be rolled down. Leaning into the now open window, C.C. asked, “So, I’ll see you when you get back from Jersey?”

Brooke nodded and motioned for C.C. to move back. The tall woman opened up her door and stood before her sister, holding her arms out for a hug. “Come here, you brat.”

“Thanks again, for the party.”

“I hope you had a happy birthday, Kiddo. You’re welcome.” Brooke embraced her sister and whispered in her ear, “Thanks for everything today, Chase. I mean that.”

The younger sibling nodded and slowly disengaged from the hug, moving back from the car. “Yeah, I did.” She turned around and took a step or two in the direction of the dorm, then let out a shriek as she threw a clenched hand into the air, “Yahoo! Look out world, C.C. Gordon has come of age, she’s twenty-one.”

“Oh, Lordy,” Brooke hung her head as she got back into the jeep and closed the door, watching C.C. enter the dorm. She turned to face Sam, holding her arms out as an invitation to get closer.

“Don’t even tell me that you didn’t do the exact same thing when you turned twenty-one.” Sam chided the driver.

“Actually, yes, I did.” Brooke shook her head at the remembrance, “My poor mother.”

“Hmm…I bet.” Sam smiled warily, then changed her mood to a more sober one. “So…are we alright, you and I?”

“Of course we are, Sweetheart. Come here,” the dark-haired woman motioned with her head.

Leaning in toward Brooke, Sam wet her lips and asked, “Now, where were we?”

After embracing, Brooke tilted her head and kissed the blonde, not letting her go for long, lingering moments. As the kiss faded, Brooke made her feelings very clear. “I love you,” she whispered with all the conviction that was in her heart.

Taking a breath in before speaking, Sam tried to calm her racing heart. “Earlier today, I was afraid that I was never going to hear those words again.” She looked up into loving blue eyes, “I love you too, Brooke.”

“Baby, I’ll make sure to tell you a thousand times a day. You’ll be sick of hearing it.”

“I don’t ever want to have a misunderstanding like that with you again.” Sam looked away from Brooke, staring out the windshield while she spoke. “I don’t know what I would have done if C.C. hadn’t talked some sense into me.”

“Let’s just be thankful she did. I’m glad it’s over.” Brooke gently turned Sam’s gaze back to her with a single finger placed on the blonde’s chin. “I feel much better now that you know.”

“She’s not so bad for a roomie,” Sam chuckled.

“She’s not so bad for a sister, either,” Brooke conceded.

“We can’t ever tell her that. She’ll never fit that swelled head of hers through a doorway.” Sam looked back toward the dorm with its big double doors at the entrance and smiled.

“Good point,” the driver agreed, pulling Sam back into her arms and cuddling with her.

After a while, Sam finally asked about C.C.’s question to her sister. “So, what’s this about Jersey?”

Shrugging, Brooke started, “I have to fly up there tomorrow. I was going to tell you earlier today when you woke up but…ah…that didn’t work out too well.”

“For the day?” Sam held her breath hoping it wouldn’t be any longer.

“No, Baby…” Brooke swallowed then found the words to continue, “Probably for the whole week. I got the call this morning while you were sleeping.”

“Week?” Sam looked disappointed. “I’m going to have to go a whole week without seeing you?”

Brooke nodded. “That’s why you found me in the studio. I…I was blowing off steam.” Sad, blue eyes looked to green with hope written in them, “I think it will be all week, Darlin’. You’ll still be waiting here for me, won’t you?”

“Lonely as all hell, but yeah, I’ll be here.” Sam thought for a moment, then asked, “You ah…going to take your laptop with you?

“Yeah, I am. Why?”

“Well, I thought that maybe I could expect to hear from you. An e-mail or two, perhaps?” Green eyes pleaded with Brooke. “We could keep our lines of communication open that way. Maybe I could even give you a phone call or two?”

“Of course you can. I’ll e-mail you while I’m there. I’m sure I’ll need something to make me smile, and hearing your voice would do that for sure.” Brooke found it hard not to love this woman even more.

“I think I can arrange that.” Sam leaned in and kissed the offered cheek as she watched Brooke smile. “It’s going to be a long week.”

Sam tugged on the collar of Brooke’s shirt. “So, when will I see you next?”

“It’s a new band we signed,” the woman sighed as she tried to reason out just how much work she’d have to do. “I have to go up there and put the fear of God into their producer,” Brooke smiled knowing how much she liked doing that. “James called a couple of weeks ago, asking if I’d help him and Peter out.” Brooke shrugged her shoulders, “I agreed.” She sighed. “So I told them to meet me up in Jersey this week. I’ll be able to get their stuff out of the way at the same time. That is, if they have their shit together. I should be back Saturday or Sunday morning at the latest.” Brooke looked down at Sam’s face, “Honest Baby, I’ll try to get back as soon as I can.”

“Oh,” Sam sounded disappointed. “Then I guess I should plan on doing some studying around campus.” The small woman sat back in her seat. “So, you’ll call me when you get home…” she glanced over to Brooke, “and we can do something that day or the week after then?”

Biting at her lower lip, Brooke thought for a moment, then an idea dawned on her. “Better yet,” the dark-haired woman gave Sam a rakish grin. “Why don’t you stay at the house over the weekend? That way you could be there when I get home. C.C. can drop you off and I can even have Terri bring Mario over to keep you company.”

“You’d let me stay there without you being around?”

“Of course, I will.” Brooke looked out through the windshield and then back to Sam. “I’m learning to let you into my life, Sam. I’m trying to show you that I trust you in a place that’s been my refuge from everyone…everything. I’ll leave you the codes and keys. You can take out the 300 or the jeep.” Brooke smiled, liking the idea more and more. “You’d have the whole place to yourself. Do whatever you like. Look anywhere you want. I’m not hiding anything from you, not anymore.”

“What I’d like to do or see won’t be possible until you get home, though.” Sam grinned, thinking about how she could surprise Brooke on her arrival.

“Like I said, if James and Peter have their shit together,” And I hope they do. “Maybe I can come home early.”

“James, Peter?” Sam’s eyes questioned the names. “But I thought that Anti-Zero broke up.”

“Yeah, it did. This isn’t A-Z at all,” Brooke reassured her.

“So, you’re not there as Loran?”

Blue eyes got deadly serious as Brooke made her point. “Loran was left in those pictures, shattered on the floor. No, I’m there as Brooke Gordon, the producer, just trying to help them out, nothing more.”

Sam felt better for some odd reason, just knowing that. “You’re not even a little excited about it? Being back together with your old band mates?”

“No, Loran and those days are long gone.”

“Well, whatever it takes.” Sam wrapped her arms around Brooke’s neck, then whispered in her ear, “Just get Brooke home as fast as you can.”

“I’ll try, Baby.” Brooke reciprocated the embrace, pulling Sam tight against her.

They sat there entwined in each other’s bodies and thoughts, letting the warmth of the moment surround them. Time seemed to stand still when they were together, now more than ever. The stars above gave up little twinkles of light and blessed them with their magic.

Finally, Sam was the first to speak, breaking the spell that they had been lost in. “I’m going to miss you.”

“Hmm…I’m going to miss you, too.” Brooke nuzzled Sam’s ear and purred into it, “I’m going to miss this, Darlin’.”

“Me, too.” Sam turned her head and let her lips find their way to Brooke’s. The sweet taste of the kiss lingered on as Sam hesitantly pulled back from the encounter, savoring it as long as she could. “If I don’t leave now…” Sam pushed open the jeep door and slid to the edge of the seat with her legs dangling out of it. “You’ll never get back. Bye, Brooke.” She stood up, rolled down the window in the door, then closed it and looked back inside.

“Bye, Sam…” Brooke reached out for Sam, “I love you.”

Sam leaned in the window, staring into somber, blue eyes that slowly came closer, culminating in a feather soft kiss as Brooke’s hand gently caressed her cheek. Parting from it, the blonde inhaled slowly then spoke, “I love you, too. Hurry home.”

“I will, Baby.” Brooke touched the end of Sam’s nose with a single fingertip, then slid back into the driver’s seat, starting the engine.

Sam nodded and gave a weak wave of her hand as she stepped back from the car, then Brooke looked out the passenger window one last time before pulling out.

Trying to be as quiet as she could, Sam opened the door to her darkened dorm room and entered. Closing it, the young woman turned and leaned back into it, letting a long sigh emerge from her lips, as the bag in her hand dropped to the floor. The sound of rustling covers and a squeaky bed spring failed to capture her mind, as she stood there thinking of the time she had just spent in Brooke’s embrace.

“Hey! What the…” C.C. threw back the covers and reached for the small nightstand lamp, turning it on. “Oh, it’s you.” She reached back down for her light covers, pulling them back up over her body, “Took you long enough.”

“Long enough…” Sam stood there confused, squinting in the light of the small room. “Huh?”

“Yeah, I said long enough. Hell, I came in, unpacked, took a shower and went to sleep already.” C.C. snuggled back down into the bed. “Does she kiss that good? Nope, don’t answer that.” She rolled over in her bed and looked at Sam. “I really don’t want to know.”

The blonde tucked her head down, bringing her chin to her chest as the blush of her embarrassment made its way to her cheeks.

The sleepy brunette giggled, shaking her head. “You can stop there. ‘Nuf said.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, C.C.” Sam pushed off the door and moved toward her bed.

“Yeah, well, look at the time Sam,” C.C. pointed to her alarm clock. “You’ve been out there almost half the night.”

Sam’s dreamy expression now faded as two green eyes bugged out, “What?” She spun around and looked at C.C.’s clock. “Oh, good gods, I’ve got a class in less than four hours.”

The brunette was finding it funnier by the minute, watching Sam dart into the bathroom for a few minutes then emerging dressed, ready for bed. C.C. shook her head and laughed as she settled back into her bed while Sam climbed into her own.

After a few minutes, C.C. calmly asked, “You gonna be okay this week?”

“I’m going to have to be.” She rolled over and faced away from her roommate.

C.C. shut her eyes and got comfortable, “Well, if it means anything to you, you’ve still got me here.”

“Hey C.C., thanks for everything that you did to help me…er…us.”

“No problem, that’s what I’m here for.”

Sam’s brow furrowed with that remark. “So you admit that you meddled now?” The blonde teased as she watched C.C.’s expression turn to one of shock. Sam giggled slightly while thinking about what C.C. had told her. “Oh, I’ve got you, but you’re sure not Brooke, C.C.”

The brunette opened her eyes with that last statement and looked over at Sam. Sighing she shook her head, then whispered, “Sweet dreams, Sis.”

Tired from the lack of sleep from the night before, Brooke finally made it into her hotel room at the end of the day. It was only four in the afternoon, but she was already mad as hell. Taking it out on her luggage, she threw it down onto the floor, while the keys were tossed onto the bed. Seeing the king-size bed only made her think of Sam and the last night that they had spent, spooned up against each other. God, how I wish she was here. She looked at the nightstand with its small digital clock next to the phone, and thoughts of Sam again clouded her mind. I might as well call her. I’m not getting anything done here without talking to her.

Brooke rubbed her temples with one hand as she took in a deep, calming breath. After sitting there for a few seconds, she picked up the phone and began to punch in the familiar numbers that were now a part of her being.

“Come on, Baby…” she inhaled deeply as she listened to it ring on the other end. “Answer.”

“Hellooo…” the melodious sound came through the line.

“Hi, Baby!” came the sultry reply.

“Brooke! Hey, it’s good to hear your voice. I was just thinking about you.” Sam’s voice was excited.

“God, it’s wonderful to hear yours.” Brooke’s excitement faded and she became very serious. “I miss you so much.”

“I know what you mean. I’m missing you more than I ever thought I could.” Sam bit at her lip, trying to hold back her tears.

“I just walked in and saw this big ol’ empty bed. This week is going to drive me insane.”

“And you thought of how good it would be to have me there, right?” Sam asked knowing that it would be what she would have thought of if their places had been reversed.


Sam knew that she had to get the conversation going or they would both be in tears for want of each other, “So, how’s Jersey treating you…or shouldn’t I ask?” She waited, hearing Brooke’s groan on the other end.

“Well, you’re not here.” The C.E.O. cleared her throat. “I wanted to strangle some poor excuse for a producer.” Brooke sat down on the bed and ran her hand along the comforter.

“I don’t think that will get you home faster Brooke.” Sam giggled, then teased, “In fact, it might keep you away from me.”

“Yeah, I know, that’s why I didn’t strangle him,” she sighed as she settled back onto the pillow, letting one booted foot rest on the bed.

“Good girl,” Sam beamed with pride. “I don’t think that they let girlfriends sleep over in Jersey Prisons.

“Hmm…Probably not.” Brooke arched an eyebrow at the thought. “Now, I’ve got to leave here in about 20 minutes to meet up with James and Peter at the other studio.” She grew quiet for a moment then confessed, “God, I wish you were here.”

“Well, just remember that.” Sam could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, “I’m counting on you coming home, earlier if you can.”

“I’ll try, Darlin’. I love you, Sam. I miss you so damn much.”

“You know that I love you, too,” the words were spoken like a prayer.

“I know.” Brooke could feel the melancholy gripping her soul. “So, will you call me later, when you’re ready for bed?”

“I don’t what to disturb you…or something.”

“You won’t be disturbing me at all. I’ve kind of gotten used to saying ‘goodnight’ to you after the last three in a row.” Brooke sat up letting her feet rest on the floor. “Whenever you’d like, I’ll have my cell on the whole time.”

Sam sighed, “Right now, I wish I was that cell phone.”

Amused, Brooke asked, “Yeah? Why’s that?”

The young woman could feel the heat starting up her neck and racing toward her cheeks, “Cause I’d be in your hands and feeling your breath on my…” she didn’t finish, hearing the agonized groan come across the phone line. “God this is not the time to go there, is it?”

“Not really, Baby.”

“Brooke…” she paused for a second then finished, “Hurry home.”

“I will, Baby.”

“Now go and get done. I’ll call you later.”

“I love you, Sam.” Brooke closed her eyes and pictured the blonde woman.

“I love you, Brooke…bye.” Sam held the phone tight to her ear, not wanting to miss a single word.

“Bye, Baby.” Brooke sat there listening to Sam’s shallow breaths until the call was disconnected. The sound of the dead line acted as her catalyst to get moving once again. Hanging up the receiver, she stretched to reach for her keys that she had thrown on the bed. Retrieving them, she got up and headed for the door. “Okay, Jersey, let’s see what you’ve got.”

Opening the door, she hesitated with a thought, then closed it and went to her laptop, unpacking it from the case. Making the few connections needed, she fired off an e-mail to Sam with a simple message: Missing you already and I just ended your call. Love, Brooke. Smiling at the thought, Brooke hit send, then after seeing the transmission verified, turned off the computer.

She opened the door and stepped out, turning to take one long last look at the room before leaving. You’d better not be wasting my time, James. She looked at the bed. I have better things that I could be doing.

The recording studio that Brooke had made arrangements with was modestly equipped and roomy enough not to feel like she was in some hole-in-the-wall operation. It wasn’t anything close to Brownstone’s more advanced studio but it would do. She quickly made herself familiar with the layout and the equipment before the musicians would arrive. Nothing was going to keep her from finishing up this job as soon as she could. She had someone waiting for her back home and that was really where she wanted to be right now.

Brooke shook off her thoughts of golden hair and green eyes and forced herself to concentrate on the soundboard in front of her. It was then, during this time, that she heard the door to the control room open, wondering whom it would be.

“Hey, Brooke. Just like old times, huh? You were always the first one in the studio.”

Brooke swiveled in her chair to see Peter. “Hey!” She got up and took the few steps over to greet her old band mate with a hug. “Yeah, well…this time I have to be.” She smiled, giving him a friendly slap on the shoulder as they came out of the embrace.

“You’re looking good, lady.” Peter looked her over, approvingly. “Retirement agrees with you.” He reached out and tugged at her long hair.

“Yeah well,” she waffled a smile, then motioned towards him. “You, too. It’s great to see you again, Petey. I’ve missed you. I see your hair has gotten longer, too,” she teased him pulling at his inch long hair.

“Hey, we can’t all have manes like yours.” He batted her hand away, “So, how’s life Brooke? You doing alright?” Peter looked into Brooke’s blue eyes for the truth.

A lopsided smile slowly came to the woman’s face as she thought of how her life was changing with Sam in the picture now and she drawled out, “Pretty good. How ’bout you?”

“Well…” Peter shrugged his shoulders. “I’m doing okay, considering.” The man cleared his throat then continued. “You know how James and I poured through the cash. The money left us just like the women did. Heck, you even left us.”

Brooke took in a breath, “Peter…” then she let it out. “There were reasons behind it. Some that you still don’t know about.” She looked away from the man then came back to face him saying, “Besides, we all make mistakes.”

“And some of us even learn by them.” Peter let a smile tug at the corners of his mouth, “I hope this time…it’s my chance to learn.”

“I hope so. I’ve missed you, my friend.”

“Hey, you did what you had to do, and for that I can’t fault you.” Peter gazed into her eyes, reassuringly.

Nodding, Brooke accepted his honesty. “I appreciate that Peter, I really do.”

“You’re still the best in my book, Brooke. Peter looked around the quiet studio. “So, did James get here yet?”

“No, I haven’t seen him.” Brooke shook her head, remembering James’ tardy behavior when there was work to be done. She sighed, Same old James. He hasn’t changed in all the time that I’ve known him. “Well, looks like we have you all set up. So, I guess now we wait.”

“He said that he was coming right over,” Peter offered. “I left him about an hour ago at the bar.”

The tall woman lowered her eyes as she shook her head. “Well, I haven’t seen him and I’ve been here for over half an hour.” Damn him, still into that booze.

“Figures, I left him talking to a chick.”

“Same ol’ James.”

Peter eyed Brooke suspiciously, “You really think that he’d change?”

“I guess I hoped for it,” she sniffed. “He was my best friend for twenty years.”

“And now?” Peter asked somberly.

“Part of me still hoped he would have changed.”

“Well, hope springs eternal, maybe someday he will…” Peter put his guitar case down and opened it, taking out the polished black Spector bass.

Brooke started moving about the studio, making herself busy. She turned and addressed Peter apologetically, “Hey, I’m not trying to rush you guys… But, I’d really like to try and get home early this week. As long as he’s prepared, I could care less what James does when he’s not here.”

“Ah…I see you’re still playing the tough butch, Brooke.” The gaunt looking man in the door announced his entrance, surveying the studio and its occupants. He watched the tall woman as she glared back at him but didn’t speak, continuing with her task. “Aren’t you guys ready yet? Do I have to do everything?”

Peter walked over to his usual spot when he played, reached down and plugged in his bass. “Dude, I’m already set up. Where’s Eddie?”

James rolled his head, letting his eyes point to the doorway, when he held up one finger and slowly curled it toward himself. “Eddie,” he called out, “Come on in. I’ll introduce you to the great Loran.” Then James raised both arms above his head and waved them as he bowed down in Brooke’s direction.

“Loran’s not here James…” Brooke seethed out between clenched teeth. “Just Brooke.” She stared him down, holding her gaze, never winking.

His wise-ass expression said it all, “Brooke…Loran…” he cocked his head to the other side, as he looked at her. “It’s one in the same.”

“I appreciate that James, but I go by just Brooke, now.”

James nudged the young blonde man standing next to him. “Best set of sticks in the business.” He smirked, leaning into Eddie to finish, “And not too bad in the tits either.” James held his hands up at the height of his own chest and wiggled his fingers mischievously, then winked as if he knew what he was talking about.

“James,” Peter shot a menacing glance to the man in the doorway. “Drop it, will you?”

Brooke ignored him and went about her job as producer. “James, you can set your amps up in the studio there.”

“Hey, Eddie…go ahead shake her hand.” James let a grin break over his face, then teased, “She don’t bite. You might say that she’s not a man-eater at all.”

The tall woman turned around to glare at James but stopped when she saw Peter motion with his eyes to Eddie. Instead, she turned toward Eddie and held out her hand. “Hi, Eddie. I’m Brooke Gordon. I’ll be producing this session. Nice to meet you.”

“Gordon…I thought that…” the younger man looked first to James then Peter and back again to Brooke. “Okay…” was his shaky reply, “Hi.”

She looked into his hazel colored eyes and offered, “Loran was my middle name.”

“Oh…ah…” Eddie shook his head and shrugged. “Alright.”

“Hey dude, she’s the producer now. Loran don’t cut it in those circles.” Peter smiled when he saw Brooke turn and wink at him. “Come on, Brooke. I’ll help you set up the mics.”

The woman turned to Peter with her lips curling up into a smile. “Thanks, Peter.”

The bass player nodded. “Don’t’ mention it,” whispering as he picked up the first mic out of the case.

She returned his nod, then looked over to Eddie, “I guess you can set up next to James, unless you’d like to use the studio’s set.” She motioned to the drum kit in the far corner of the room.

“God, what is this,” James stifled a burp, then continued on, “bow down to Brooke day?” He pulled a bottle out of his coat pocket and twisted the cap off, guzzling it down like there was no tomorrow. Smacking his lips after drinking it, James wiped his mouth with his hand, “Ahhhhh…now, I’m ready to play.”

“So, I was right,” Brooke snorted, “same ol’ James.” She shook her head, realizing that nothing had really changed over the years, at least where James was concerned.

Peter crossed over in front of James, and shot off a quick glance in Brooke’s direction. “Dude, cut her some slack.”

James smirked, “Come on,” he threw a thumbed fist into his own chest and proclaimed, “My time is just as valuable as hers. We’re the stars, not her this time.”

The longtime band mate stopped short and fired off, “James, we are hardly stars…” then shook his head. “Not any more. If we’re going to be stars again, she’ll do it.” Peter motioned in Brooke’s direction, “Just don’t start with her.”

Taking a swig of beer, James looked off in Brooke’s direction. “Yeah, well I know she can and she better.” His eyes narrowed and his voice took on a strange tone, “She owes me…” he turned to look at Peter. “I mean… us,” then smiled unconvincingly.

Peter wondered what was behind James’ action, but didn’t ask. “Well, you know it would make it easier if you’d actually show up sober for this.” The man reached out to take the bottle away from James.

The scrawny man pulled the bottle back out of Peter’s reach and wagged a cautioning finger to the man. “Sober? Who in the hell plays good sober except…” James glanced in Brooke’s direction again. “Nah, it ain’t worth it.”

“Look Dude, just set up and get ready to play.” Peter shook his head, making his way back to Brooke.

“Never change, will you James?” She let out a sigh.

“Sorry, Brooke.” Peter took the mic that Brooke offered him. “You know that he doesn’t really mean it.”

“Yeah well,” she resigned herself to getting the job done. “Not much I can do about it now. A deal is a deal. Besides, he means it,” She smirked.

“It’s just the liquor…”

“No offense Peter, but I don’t smell any alcohol on you.”

“I ah… I don’t do that any more. Maybe I’m growing up and not just out,” he put his hands on his slightly expanded waistline as he thought about what Brooke had said. “Deal? What deal?”

Brooke grinned and smacked him lightly on the back. “I knew you would come to your senses. Yeah, James and I made a deal. He didn’t tell you about it?” She looked at her friend with surprise.

“No. What’s the deal?” He turned a hopeful look in her direction. “You coming back?”

“No, sorry. Did he say anything to you about how much this was costing?”

The bass player grimaced at the news. “Well, it was a good wish.” He sighed and shook his head, “No, he just said that he had it covered.”

“He has it covered because he’s not paying for it, I am,” she smirked.

“You’re what?” Peter looked Brooke in the face to see if it was a joke. But she never laughed. “I’m not letting him…” the man turned toward James until he felt someone tugging him back in place. Looking down at his arm he saw Brooke’s hand wrapped around his wrist.

“The deal was, I’d do this but you guys owe me one night, one night of Anti-Zero… for a friend.”

“One night?” Peter looked over to James. “And he agreed to that? Better yet, you agreed to that?” His eyes came back to meet Brooke’s gaze.

Brooke spoke from her heart. “She loves A-Z. She never got to see us play. I want this to be her birthday present. It was my offer, my terms.”

“I hope she’s worth it.” Peter watched the expression on Brooke’s face change when she thought about her friend.

The ends of Brooke’s mouth curled up into a grin as she answered his question. “She’s worth more than that, but that one night would make her happy.”

Seeing Brooke’s reaction, Peter slowly smiled. “I think maybe our Brooke finally found a heart…huh?” He nudged her with his elbow and winked.

Brooke blushed and looked down to the ground. “Yeah, maybe. Doesn’t really matter, as soon as I found it, I lost it.” Her grin grew bigger just thinking of what Sam had done to her heart in such a short time.

“It looks good on you. I’m happy for you, count me in.” He grinned and clapped his friend on her shoulder. “When is this one night?”

“October thirtieth, ” Brooke returned his grin, knowing that he was sincere.

“Great!” Peter’s eyes grew bigger as he wiggled his eyebrows and his grin became more devilish in nature. “We’ll scare everyone, like were coming back from the dead.”

The woman laughed out loud. “Yeah, I told James, all the songs, even the ones we never released.”

“Whoa!” Peter exclaimed, “You really have lost that heart. She must be something else then.”

Blue eyes pinned him directly. “She’s everything, Pete.”

There was a moment of silence before Peter asked. “Does she know that you’re Loran? I mean just in case I run into her.”

Brooke thought about the fateful morning after C.C.’s birthday party when she and Sam almost split. “She does now. She didn’t until yesterday.” Brooke shook her head, then continued to explain. “We got into a huge fight over it. She’s had a crush on Loran since she was about 14, I guess. She accused me of imitating Loran to get to her. You can imagine how well that went over with C.C., right?”

“Big, I bet.” Peter thought for a moment, “Fourteen, that would have made us,” he tried to decipher the ages and then made a funny face at Brooke. “Hey, how old is she?”

The tall woman looked down at her feet, kicking at the floor. Then Brooke looked back up and grinned at Peter. “She’ll be twenty-one the night we play.”

Peter shook his head and let out a low whistle. “When you fall…” he smiled at her, watching the blush rise to her face again. “You fall big, don’t you?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Well, I hope for your sake that it’s real.”

“Oh, it is.” Brooke assured him. “That’s why I didn’t tell her right away. I wanted to make sure she wanted me, not Loran. I wanted to tell her but kind of didn’t want to…you know?”

“Afraid to scare her away?” Peter asked knowing full well the reputation that Loran was reported to have had.

“I almost did,” Brooke nodded. “She thought I was some raving lunatic, trying to become someone else to make her happy.”

“Brooke, who wouldn’t want you?” He held up his hand to calm her protest, “I know, you’re not that type. Ah…but you know what I mean.”

“Thanks Pete,” Brooke offered a smile. “But, I wanted her to love me, not Loran. That’s all.”

Leaning back, Peter eyed her up. “Yeah,” he tilted his head to one side then the other, “I can see the very slightest resemblance to someone I once knew.” He tapped his finger to his head trying to remember. “Brooke…ah…Brooke…” he rolled his eyes then said, “Gordon.” The man gave her a faint smile and a wink then walked away.

The hours in the studio had quickly flown by with Brooke studying the trio’s style and jotting down some of their weak points to be addressed later. The biggest one of all was Eddie. The young man was very energetic but when it came to putting it all together, the raw talent of a natural drummer just wasn’t there. It was something that Brooke was going to have to take care of, even if she’d school him herself. Now she understood why James insisted on having her do the producing. She’d have to hand it to James, though. It was a nice try to get her back into the group. But her mind was made up.

Brooke stared out the window of the pizza shop as she finished her first slice, listening to the others talk. When she was done, she wiped her mouth with the napkin and looked directly at the blonde-haired man across from her. “Yeah, so what’d you think Eddie? Not too much different with the mics, huh?”

The young man swallowed. “I’m not sure I can do that. You know, playing and singing back up,” Eddie shook his head. “I’ve got enough to concentrate on with the drums. Maybe I’m not what you guys need.”

“Sure, you can. Just do one at a time. Don’t try to sing while we’re recording the drums.” Brooke selected another piece of pizza.

“Maybe that would help?”

“Sure it will,” she winked at him. “Then we’ll come back over and record your vocals, once the drums are done.”

“Heck,” Peter piped in. “We did it all the time that way. Remember, James?” The bassist tried to pull the obviously preoccupied man into the conversation.

“Yeah,” Brooke nodded. “Once you’re secure on each one separately, you’ll have no trouble doing them together.”

James lowered the bottle from his lips, “Yeah, I remember.” Turning the bottle upside down, the man was dismayed to see that it was empty. “I need a beer.” He stood up, motioning with his flailing arms in the air to gain some attention.

Both old band mates just looked away from James as he made a spectacle of himself at the table, even causing Eddie to roll his eyes.

Brooke cleared her throat, “Anyway, Eddie…”

“I’ll try. Thanks for working with me, Brooke.”

“No problem. Just let me know if you need any help on anything. You’ll get it,” Brooke winked, then bit into her piece of pizza.

“I’m sorry I’m not a natural like you.” Eddie turned his attention back to his food.

James’ face grew tense as he tried not to lose his mouthful of beer. Swallowing it in a hurry, he let out a forced laugh, “Natural? Now that’s a laugh.”

Brooke exchanged glances with Peter who was sitting next to her, not sure if it was a compliment or if she should be offended. “Something to say, James?” She turned her eyes back to the man across from her.

“Nothing I haven’t said before,” the man smirked, then took another swig of his beer.

“James…” one dark eyebrow rose high on her forehead as blue eyes turned to steel.

“Hey, she’s all sticks and skins,” Peter tried to settle the emotions that he saw surfacing. “What’ s more natural?”

The gaunt looking man turned in his chair, placing the bottle to his lips and drank more beer.

Brooke placed her hand on Peter’s arm, “It’s alright…”

Just then James got up and announced, “I’ve got to go make room for more beer.” He finished the bottle he had and set it down looking directly at Brooke, then winked. “I’ll be back.” He turned then sauntered off toward the men’s room.

Brooke placed her head in her hands. Damn, I wish I were back in Virginia with Sam.

“Sorry, about that Brooke. You know that he doesn’t mean it,” Peter tried to reassure his old friend.

The woman raised her head, then looked down the long hallway that led to the restrooms. “No, he means it all right. That’s his natural way.”

Peter waved his hand in a good riddance manner, “Just forget about him.” Then he smiled and nudged Brooke with his shoulder. “Hey, so when do we get to meet your friend?”

“Let’s just get this out in the open now,” Brooke looked first to Peter then to the man across from him. “Eddie?” She waited until she had his full attention. “Do you have a problem with me being a lesbian? Does it make a difference to you?”

Eddie gulped, almost choking on his pizza, “Ah…lesbian? You’re gay?”

Peter laughed.

Brooke smiled, “Uh, yeah…I am.”

Eddie grew very serious then leaned in toward her, motioning her to come closer, “Does it make you play the drums better?”

The woman thought for a moment, glancing at Peter who was trying to keep a straight face, then answered, “Not that I know of.”

The young man sat back in his chair and coughed. “I just wondered. Makes me feel kind of better. I thought I might have to ah…ah…”

“Why, you thinking of becoming a lesbian?” Brooke couldn’t resist teasing the blonde. In a way, he reminded her of Sam. He made her laugh and right now, that was a very good thing. She chuckled, as Eddie’s face grew redder, then her eyes sparkled with delight as she looked him straight in the face and winked.

“NO!” His hazel eyes popped out.

“Really? You don’t want to sleep with just women?” Brooke asked as straight-faced as she could.

Peter lightly smacked the woman’s hand, “What’s the matter, you don’t want to get a toaster?”

Sensing that something wasn’t right, Eddie squeaked out, “But I sleep with women now.”

“Hey Eddie,” Brooke taunted him. “I’ll tell you a secret.” She held up her hand to block the fact that she was pointing at the man next to her, then mouthed, “Peter’s a lesbian.”

Now Peter got into the action, trying to see what she was saying. “What?”

Eddie’s face twisted as his brow creased, “HUH?” Then he looked at Peter.

Brooke directed her next question to Peter. “You don’t sleep with men, right?” She watched him shake his head. “Only women, right?” She watched him nod, then smiled and announced, “Then you must be an honorary lesbian.”

Peter’s face turned serious. “Damn. And I thought it was just a plumbing problem, not enough pipe.” The man nudged her shoulder and bust out laughing.

The woman turned back to the young man, “So, Eddie, do you care?”

First he looked at Peter, then Brooke trying to decide what to say. “Ah…No…not really…” He laughed nervously and looked directly at Peter, “She’s kidding right?”

“No, I’m not kidding. I am a lesbian.” Brooke sat back and waited to see what he’d say.

“Nope. Brooke never kids,” Peter nodded reassuringly.

“So…” Brooke locked baby blues on the man, then asked, “Does it make a difference to you one way or the other?”

“No, it doesn’t bother me.” Eddie picked up a piece of pizza and eyed it before shrugging, “I’m just glad that I didn’t waste time trying to make out with you.”

That answer started Peter howling. The thought of the young man laying claim to the woman next to him only proved how inexperienced he was.

“Smart Ass!” Brooke nudged Peter with her elbow. “I like you, kid.” Brooke winked at Eddie as he bit into his pizza.

The familiar tones of Brooke’s cell phone could be heard above the remnants of laughter as the three sat enjoying one another’s company. Brooke pulled the phone from her pocket and looked at the caller I.D. when the silly little grin came to her face.

“Ah…Must be the sweetie,” Peter chided her. “Look at that face.”

Brooke snarled at Peter, then pressed the button, speaking into the phone, “Hi Baby!”

“Hey, I’m not disturbing you, am I?”

“Not at all. We just decided to break for dinner.”

“Hmm…Dinner sounds good. What’re you having?”

Brooke smiled, as she played with her half-eaten piece of pizza, “My favorite pizza place in the country, Brooklyn’s Brick Oven Pizza on Main St. in Hackensack.”

“Oh, I guess that doesn’t come with dessert, eh?” Sam teased knowing how much Brooke loved dessert.

“Nope, no dessert.” Brooke smiled as she wiggled her eyebrows, “Unless, you plan on making a trip.”

“Hmm…Are you ordering a dessert to go?” Sam giggled at the thought.

Brooke cradled the phone closer to her face, and turned slightly, “Only if you deliver.”

Peter choked on his pizza letting go with a string of coughing and wheezes. “She delivers? Brooke, you never told me that,” he said as he reached for his drink to wash the food down.

“Hey, who’s all there with you?”

Brooke smacked Peter in the arm, “Behave,” she said as she covered the receiver of the phone. “Ah, just Peter,” Brooke looked up to see the fourth member of their party sliding his chair out and sitting down. “James and Eddie.”

“Eddie? Who’s Eddie?”

“He’s their drummer.” Brooke gave Eddie the once over. “You’d like him. In fact, he reminds me a little of you. Must be that blonde hair, green eyes thing,” she teased.

“Thinking of switching?” Sam teased Brooke.


“That’s my girl.” Sam laughed, “Well, is he any good? You know how I am about drummers.”

Startled, Brooke teased her back, “Why, you looking to replace me so soon?”

Sam smiled, hearing the lilt to Brooke’s voice. “No way. I just want to make sure that you know it.”

Brooke smiled when she heard Sam’s comment. “Ah, he’s pretty good, actually. Then again, he has to be with one green eye.”

“Huh? He only has one green eye?”

“Yeah, the other one is kind of bluish green.” Brooke smiled and winked at Eddie.

“I just love this one drummer. You know, I room with her sister, that’s how I met her.”

“Yeah?” Brooke tilted her head and let it rest on her arm, “What’s she like?”

“You got all day for me to tell you?” Sam teased her again.

“I miss you,” Brooke sighed.

“I miss you too.”

Much to the amazement of the people around her, Brooke acted like they weren’t there at all. Without lowering her voice, the woman said what most would only whisper in public. “I love you.”

“God,” Sam sniffed again, “I wish you were here.”

“Baby, are you crying?”

“No, I…I just miss you,” Sam’s voice trailed off.

James snapped his fingers high over his head, summoning a waitress. “Hey, Red, I’m out of beer. We’ll take another round for the table.” The man glared at Brooke then settled back into his chair.

Brooke let out a disgusted breath, then brought her attention back to Sam. “I miss you too, Baby.”

“Jeez, Brooke.” Peter reached for the phone.

“Hang on a moment, Baby.” Brooke looked at Peter, “What?”

The man grabbed the phone from Brooke and held it to his ear. “Hi there. Who’s this?”

Startled by the change of voice, Sam looked at the phone. “Ah…Where’s Brooke?”

“Right next to me, reaching for her phone.” Peter moved his chair away from the table. “Calm down, Brooke. Behave,” his stern voice sliced through the air.

Upset with his tone of voice, Sam made her intentions known, “Hey, be nice to her or I’ll kick your butt.”

“Oh, Okay. I’ll be nice. Who’s this?” Peter asked. “I’m assuming Brooke’s Sweetie by the doe eyes she’s been making at the phone.”

“Doe eyes?” Sam imagined Brooke with big brown eyes, then laughed, “I’m Sam.”

Peter looked over to Brooke, “You’ve got a feisty one here, Brooke. She told me she’d kick my butt.”

“Yeah, but you’d laugh if you saw me try.” The small blonde laughed at the image.

“I dunno…” Peter looked down at his growing spare tire, “You’d probably be able to do it.”

“So how do you like playing drums, Eddie?”

Shocked, Peter looked at the phone. “I like playing the drums. I used to before switching but, I’m not Eddie.” He put his hand over the phone and giggled at Brooke. “She thinks I’m him,” he motioned to the drummer.

Brooke gave a warning glare to Peter. “You’d better behave,” she cautioned Peter.

“Oh, sorry…ah…” Sam ran the names through her head, “Okay, lets see…Peter?”

“Ah, You get a cookie.”

“How’d you know that I like dessert?”

Peter laughed, “Is that kosher? I heard Brooke mention dessert, earlier.”

“Well,” Sam chuckled, “I’m not sure kosher is the right word.”

“How did that go…” Peter paused for a moment then started into a song, “Smile now and cover me in chocolate. That better?” He looked at Brooke. “I think that was my favorite line out of everything you ever wrote.”

“Did she tell you?” Sam demanded.

“Tell me what?”

“Forget it,” Sam laughed, shaking her head.

“I heard you were quite the A-Z fan. That’s one of the lines in an old song.”

“I should have remembered it. Did she write that?”

“Yeah, she wrote it.” Peter nudged Brooke playfully while across the table James rolled his eyes and took another swig of his beer. Peter blew it off and went back to the phone, “So, you gonna come meet us here and have some pizza?”

“Pizza…I don’t think so. I’m nowhere near Jersey.”

“That’s okay, I’m sure Brooke can send a plane for you, can’t you Brooke?” He watched the woman smile and nod her head. “I think she wants you here, Sam.”

“She wouldn’t do that, I’ve got school.”

Peter’s brow furrowed at the mention of school. “Did you say, school?”

“Well, heck…college really.”

He glanced at Brooke and smiled, “Don’t you have one day where you have late classes or something?”

“Well, yeah. That would be Wednesdays.”

“So, what’s the problem with flying up after class one night? Come on! You know you wanna!”

“God, would I,” Sam said it like she meant it. “But isn’t that impractical?”

“Not at all!” Peter saw the excited look on Brooke’s face, “Okay, then we’ll see you soon.” The man saw the determination in Brooke’s body language as she reached for the phone so he gave it up easily.

“Huh? What?”

“Give it to me, Dill Weed.” Brooke grabbed the phone from Peter. “Hey, Baby, sorry about that.”

Peter sat in his chair dejected, “Hey, I was just trying to help.”

“I know, thanks Peter.” Brooke shook her head at her old band mate’s antics.

“Is he always that insistent?” Sam asked.

“Peter? Yeah.” Brooke leaned on the table with her elbow and rested her head in her hand, “So, you gonna come see me?”

James smirked, then whispered in Brooke’s direction, “Or are you just gonna cum?” Then blew her a kiss and sat back up, downing the rest of his beer.

“You’re as bad as him.” Sam paused, as she couldn’t quite make out what was said on the other end or who was saying it.

Brooke glared at James, watching him dodge the crust of pizza that Peter had wielded in his direction and laughed, “I am not. I’m better.”

“Better huh? I just might have to see about that,” Sam answered.

“Knock it off,” James raised his voice at Peter.

“Well, you know, you could come up here…I mean…if you wanted.” Brooke hoped that she would.

“Leave her alone, James. You can’t stand to see anyone happy but yourself.” Peter tried to keep his voice down but wasn’t doing a good job.

“Ah…Brooke,” Sam whined. “I don’t even know what airline would fly me to Jersey. Hey, what’s that noise? Is there an argument going on?”

“Ah, just some asshole,” Brooke glared at James, then Peter before getting up from the table and walking outside. “Okay, Baby. I’m outside now.”

“Sounds better…quieter.”

Leaning up against the side of the building, Brooke continued her conversation. “I just wanted to concentrate on you instead of those bozos. Are you sure you don’t have a late class this week?”

“Wouldn’t I just be in the way? Distracting you and all, I mean.”

“Baby, I’d think of you regardless of who was around. Besides, I like that kind of distraction.”

Sam was flattered by Brooke’s answer. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” Brooke looked down to the pavement trying to hide the blush that she could feel creeping up her neck. “Hell, I’ve been thinking about you all night.”

“Well, if you really want to know…I do have a late class on Wednesday.”

“Yeah?” Brooke smiled, “How late?”

“Hmm…let me see,” Sam drew out her answer knowing all to well the effect it was having on her friend. “I believe that Marketing Class starts at eleven.”

Brooke was getting excited at the prospect of Sam coming to New Jersey. “And what time is your last class tomorrow?”

“Let me see. I think it’s a…” Sam flipped through her daily planner, “Yep, there it is.” The blonde smiled, letting a coy little laugh drift over the phone line, “Looks like I’m free after two tomorrow afternoon.”

Brooke looked to the star filled sky, offering a prayer of thanksgiving. “Wanna join me in Jersey for a night?”

“You got a bed big enough for us both?” Sam’s eyes twinkled at the thought of seeing Brooke anytime soon.

The dark-haired woman grinned from ear to ear, “Yeah, I do. Not as comfortable as mine but, what can I say?”

Sam teased, “I could think of a few things.”

“Mmm…How about I love you? And I miss you.” Brooke became very serious, speaking with the most conviction she ever could, “And I would REALLY love it if you could come up here for the night.”

The words had melted Sam’s heart, making her a little giddy at the thought. “Okay…enough…” The woman closed her eyes to picture the look on Brooke’s face. “I can’t imagine that I’d be able to get a flight on this short of a notice. Besides, Brooke, the cost would be…” Sam tried to imagine the cost in her hand but couldn’t. “Oh God, I don’t even want to think about that.”

“What’s to think about, Darlin’? I wouldn’t expect you to cover that. I’m the one who asked you to come.”

“Brooke, I don’t want you throwing your hard earned money away…”

“Whoa. Wait right there.” Brooke could see where Sam was coming from and countered. “Let me make this clear to you.”

“I’m not in this relationship for what I can get out of it…and even though I’d love to see you…be with you…”

“Sam, I’m paying for the jet and pilot whether you come up here or not. Come on, make me happy.” Brooke smirked, then whispered into the phone, “Make us both happy. What do you say?”

The young woman was finally getting a grasp on Brownstone Records corporate holdings and wondered if she’d ever get used to it. “Brooke,” Sam sighed. “You make it sound so easy.”

“It is. Let me prove it to you.”

“You don’t play fair, Brooke. You know that?” Sam heard the woman’s low chuckle over the phone. “Alright, I’ll come.”

“Really?” Brooke squealed, then fought to keep her voice in its normally deeper range, “You’ll come?”

“You twisted my arm. Besides, I don’t think you can last a week without dessert.”

“Without dessert? Yes, but without you? No. Not anymore.”

“Send me the info in an e-mail tonight. Ah…I won’t have to pack much will I?” Sam teased the now breathless woman.

“Uhm…ah…pack much?” Brooke swallowed, then tried again. “Just you and any clothes that you must have.” She coughed trying to get the image of Sam scantily clad out of her mind for the moment. “As for the airline, I’ll let you know which runway the jet will be on.”


“Corporate jet, Sam. That’s what you’ll be flying on. A car will pick you up at the dorm and then at the airport when you get home. So don’t worry about getting a ride to or from the airport.”

“Brooke, I’m never going to get used to all this.”

“Then don’t,” Brooke laughed, “Just get used to me.”

“Now that, I can do.”

Brooke whispered softly into the phone, “I miss you, Baby. See you tomorrow.”

“I miss you too. Yeah,” Sam smiled, “Tomorrow. I love you, Brooke.”

“I love you, Sam. Can’t wait to see you…”

“Me either, bye.”


Brooke stood there for a moment and stared at the cell phone before stepping back inside the pizzeria.

“So do we get to meet this maiden of delights?” Peter watched his ex-band mate and the silly grin that was plastered on her face once she sat down.

“Maybe…” Brooke answered.

Peter leaned back and teased her, “Hmm…Keeping her all for yourself?”

“You’re damn right. I am.” Brooke snapped, “And don’t you forget it.” The woman chuckled, too happy to contain the good mood she was in. “She’ll be here tomorrow afternoon.”

James threw his crust down and smirked, “Yeah, don’t you remember, Peter. Brooke never liked sharing…anything.”

“Nope!” Brooke looked at her now cold piece of pizza. “I’ll never share her.” Then bit into the crusty end.

James turned sideways in his chair, then took a drink of his beer. Swallowing, he mumbled under his breath, “Or yourself, Brooke.”

Brooke heard the comment and chose not to ignore it. With lightning fast reflexes, the woman stood up reaching across the table and grabbed James’ shirt, pulling him up from his chair. “You…” she paused, leaving her steely blue eyes to convey the rest of her message, then released her hold on James, letting him plop back down on the chair. Before anyone could say a word, she was gone.

The next morning, Sam was up bright and early, sorting through the clothing in her closet. She had already selected a few outfits but hadn’t really made her mind up on any one outfit in particular. The blonde couldn’t decide whether to go casual or dress up. She walked over to her bed and started to reconsider each outfit when C.C. finally came out of the bathroom.

“Hey, C.C., I’m not going to be here tonight. I didn’t want you to worry about me.” Sam’s continued packing of the small suitcase drew C.C.’s attention.

“Hey, whatcha doin?”

Sam looked up and smiled, “Packing. I’m going to be away for the night. Didn’t you hear me?”

“Sorry, guess I couldn’t hear you.” C.C. tilted her head to the side, tapping it a few times, then straightened up looking a little relieved. “Water in my ears,” she explained. “Now tell me again, where are you going?”

Sam turned from her small suitcase and smiled, “New Jersey. Brooke invited me up for the night.”

“But I thought she was…Oh, never mind,” C.C. mumbled then spoke out, “How you getting there?”

“I guess by jet. She said everything was taken care of, just meet the car when it came to pick me up.”

“WOW!” C.C. looked amazed, “So, where’s she taking you in New Jersey? When are you leaving to go? How long are you staying? What are you packing? Are you going to…”

The blonde felt like she was being interviewed for a news show and she answered the first question that her mind could remember. “After my last class today.” Turning to face her roommate, Sam put her hands on her hips, making the statement, “Boy, you’re sure full of questions.”

The brunette smiled and with a twinkle in her eye confirmed, “Of course I am. Inquiring minds want to know.”

“Yeah…” green eyes flashed as she sidled up to C.C. “Well this mind,” Sam reached out and tapped on her roommate’s head, “better remember that it’s Brooke I’m going to meet.”

C.C. pulled back and glared at Sam, “Well, I know that.” She moved away so as not to get tapped in the head again, “What’s that have to do with anything?”

“She’s’ your sister, C.C.” Sam placed both hands on her hips, “Do I have to remind you about the ‘No Meddling’ rule?”

“No.” C.C. shook her head, “not meddling at all.” The brunette moved closer to Sam, “But it’s not like I’m asking for details…Well, just that one.” She held up one lone finger and made the cutest pouting face.

“God, just like your sister,” Sam tried to hold in a laugh as she continued with her packing. “You don’t think I’m going to tell you something that you can use to tease her with, do you?

“Oh, come on, Sam.” C.C. stomped her foot and crossed the room, then with a twirl, she plopped down on her bed. “Give me a little credit.” The young woman fell back onto the bed with her arms spread out to the side and stared up at the ceiling. “Actually, I think it’s very sweet that she’s sending the jet for you so that you can go to see her.”

“It is kind of like something out of a fairy tale, huh?” Sam held the pullover sweater up to her chest and went off daydreaming.

“Well, I think it’s amazingly sweet.” C.C. sat up on her bed and gazed at Sam, “You two are really good together.”

“I hope so,” Sam whispered under her breath, then shook off the dream as she folded the sweater and placed it in the bag. “Hey, just think C.C., you’ve got the whole room to yourself tonight.” The blonde decided to give her roommate something else to think about.

“I do, don’t I?” Brown eyes flashed as she lunged for her purse on the desk, retrieving a little black book from it. “Hmm…now whom shall I invite?” She opened the address book and started paging through it.

Sam chuckled and shook her head, “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

As per her e-mail instructions, at exactly two-thirty in the afternoon, Sam was met at her dorm by a sleek, black limousine. After being greeted by the driver, she was seated in the rear of the luxury vehicle and whisked away to the local airport, stopping directly on the runway next to the corporate jet that was waiting to take off. Being ushered aboard by the small staff, Sam couldn’t believe that this was all for her. She looked around the small jet’s interior that closely resembled the living room of a house. Picking out a comfortable seat, Sam settled into it as the hostess helped her adjust the seatbelt, then gave the pilot the signal to take off.

It wasn’t a long ride before the jet was landing and the blonde woman was stepping out of the plane. Standing on the top of the small flight of stairs, Sam surveyed the terminal. “So, this is New Jersey,” she inhaled deeply then coughed. Looking down onto the tarmac, she saw the limousine that Brooke promised would be there to whisk her to the studio and smiled. “I’ve got to hand it to you, Brooke. You sure know how to impress a girl.”

Reaching the bottom of the stairway, Sam noticed the driver getting out of the limo and walking in her direction. “Talk about fairytales…” she muttered under her breath as the man drew near.

“Ms. Moleson?” The deep courteous voice inquired.

Sam walked over in his direction, “Yes that’s me.”

“Hello, my name is Charles. I’ve been sent here by Brownstone Records…a Ms. Gordon to be exact, to escort you safely to the studio.”

A smile crossed Sam’s face as she handed her small bag to the driver, “Thanks.”

“No problem, Ma’am.” Charles tipped his head to her then, with the bag in one hand, he held out the other arm in the direction of the limo, “Right this way, please.”

The blonde followed the driver and was soon sitting in the comfortable seat of the limousine. She waited for him to put the bag in the trunk, then get into the driver’s seat before asking, “Will we be there soon?”

“In about half an hour,” he told her. “It might take a bit to get there from Newark. The studio is in Clifton.” He saw the pensive look on her face, then asked, “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Well, you know the way,” Sam thought for a moment. “Would it be possible to stop at a grocery store along the way?

The driver was used to strange requests from his clientele, especially the ones connected with the music industry. “I could readjust the route for you without getting us too off course,” he looked into the rearview mirror at the young blonde.

“Thank you, Charles. Let’s do that. There’s something I need to pick up.” Sam smiled at the man’s image in the mirror. “Please, let me know when we’re there.

“No problem, ma’am. You’re very welcome.”

The drive to the studio, even with the added stop was only ten minutes different from what Brooke had projected in her e-mail to Sam the night before. After thanking Charles for his assistance, Sam took her small bag in hand and entered the recording studio. After finding the correct recording room, Sam stood outside of it, watching through the large soundproof window. Inside, she could see Brooke concentrating her efforts on helping the young blonde drummer. It amazed Sam how easily Brooke shifted roles from producer to musician to teacher all in a matter of moments. The woman was truly talented in more ways than one.

“See…” Brooke demonstrated the drumming maneuver, “Keep your wrists loose and the sticks will do all the work for you.” The tall woman got behind the studio kit, “Try it from that bridge. I’ll play it with you,” she motioned to Eddie. “You play the fill though. Ready?” she asked then started to count down the beat.

Peter turned around from watching the action on the drums, when he noticed the young woman with long blonde hair standing outside the window. Letting go with a long, low, wolfish-styled whistle he turned back to his ex-band mate, “Hey, Brooke.” He waited until he had her attention, then announced, “I think Sam’s here. Oh man, she is a cutie.” Peter smiled and motioned toward the window.

Brooke stopped playing and looked over to the window, letting a huge grin take up residence on her face. “Take five, guys.” She got up. Throwing her sticks to the ground, she headed for Sam. Opening the door to the studio, Brooke rushed to the blonde, picking her up and twirling around the hall with Sam held tightly to her chest.

“Missed me, huh?” Sam giggled and held on tighter. “God, I can’t believe I’m here.”

Brooke hugged Sam then breathed into her ear, “God, I’ve missed you.”

Sam closed her eyes and smiled at the warmth on her ear. “I missed you, too,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around Brooke’s neck.

Slowing her revolutions down, the dark-haired woman asked, “Do you have a kiss for ‘Auntie’?” Brooke cocked her head to the side, grinning at the same time.

The blonde looked back into the window at the men still in the studio. “Is it safe for ‘Auntie’ to come out?”

“Uh-huh,” Brooke assured her with a nod of her head.

“Then of course I do,” Sam leaned in to kiss Brooke as though she’d hadn’t seen her for a month of Sundays. Nothing seemed to disturb the two in their intent to explore the other’s mouths, not even the few wolf whistles that were being sent in their direction.

Keeping her eyes closed to savor the moment, Sam whispered, “Gosh, I’m glad that I didn’t stay away longer.

“Me too.” Brooke grabbed a quick breath and kissed the blonde again. “I just can’t seem to get enough of you, right now.”

“Hey!” Sam exclaimed as she wiggled her way down to get her feet on the floor. “Don’t you,” the young woman placed a finger to the woman’s chest, “have some work to be doing?”

“Who cares,” Brooke went to kiss Sam again but was stopped by the small woman who motioned to the group in the studio.

“We can do this later,” Sam winked, “in private.” She took Brooke’s hand and led her back into the recording room.

James set his guitar down and brushed a few wrinkles from his shirt, then took a step in Sam’s direction until he was stopped by Peter’s hand on his arm.

“James,” Peter said in a low warning voice. “Give them a few, will ya?”

“A few?” James turned back to look at the bass man. “Why, so she can rub it in our faces? She’s on our time.”

“You’re twisted man. You know how much she’s been looking forward to seeing her.” Peter looked him straight in the eye, “And actually, she’s on her time. This isn’t costing us anything.”

James leveled a cool eye at Peter before he spoke, “She told you, didn’t she?”

“She didn’t offer it, I asked. You could have told me, James.” He let his grip on James slip away.

“Well, I agreed to it. I thought that maybe I’d get her back… I mean, we’d get her back.”

Peter looked disgusted for a brief moment, “Yeah, I know what you meant.” He turned and walked away from James.

Brooke pulled Sam in close to her side as they crossed the room, “Hey, you wanna meet the guys?”

“If you want me too,” Sam smiled at how good being with Brooke felt. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

“Come on,” Brooke returned the smile, then looked around to the men in the room. “Guys?” She waited for their attention before starting. “This is Sam. Sam, this is Eddie…” Brooke pointed to the drummer who was already getting up, extending his hand to the blonde.

“Hey, Sam.” He winked at her, waving the sticks in his free hand, “I’m the drummer.”

“Oh boy, here we go.” Brooke arched an eyebrow in the young man’s direction.

“Can’t you see she’s taken Eddie,” Peter whispered out loud as he threw his head to the side, motioning toward Brooke. “Iksnay on the akesmay,” the bass player shook his head in warning.

Brooke could see James approaching Sam from the side, deciding to get it over with, she turned the young woman toward him saying, “James, come here.” She called him over, introducing the woman to him, “Sam, this is James.”

“Well,” James took Sam’s hand in his and gave her the once over. “What have we here?” He brought the back of Sam’s hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Brooke,” he smiled, never letting his eyes leave Sam’s, “you have such good taste in women. I always did enjoy the ones that you sent my way.”

The timber of her voice conveyed what she was thinking, “J-a-m-e-s…” She drew the name out as her steely blue eyes burned piercing holes through him.

“Hey, lighten up, I’m just paying the little lady a compliment.” He looked back at Sam and winked.

The whole time James held her hand, Sam felt uneasy. The man had done nothing to her but paid her a compliment, yet there was something about him that she just didn’t like. Without being rude, she gently pulled her hand back from his grasp.

The cold gaze stayed in place for a few more seconds before she tugged Sam over to the last man in the room for her to meet. “Sam, this is Peter.” Brooke’s voice turned friendlier as she introduced the man.

“Hey there, Toots.” Peter gave a little wave then held his arms out for a hug.

“Hey,” Sam’s eyes lit up, “My phone buddy, Peter.” The blonde reached her arms to encircle him as best as she could. “Reach out…Reach out and touch someone…” She sing-songed as they shared an embrace. “I’ve got your number,” the young woman chuckled as they parted.

Beaming with pride, Peter stood up straighter then his normal stance and proclaimed to all present, “Did you see? I got a hug.” He nodded, looking at Sam, “Yep, you’ve got my number, Sweetheart. Call whenever you’d like.”

The small woman tugged on his arm, motioning him to come closer. Sam waited until his ear was in her reach before cupping her hand to his ear and whispered into it so no one else would hear. “Thanks for getting me up here.” With her other hand she held him in place and gave the man a kiss on his cheek as a reward.

Turning three shades of red for being kissed in front of Brooke by her own girlfriend, Peter couldn’t help but smile nervously at the woman standing next to him. “Anytime, Sammi.”

“I’ll remember that,” Sam assured him.

“Nice to meet you, Cutie.” Peter took a step back as he watched Sam move over next to Brooke and wrap her arm around the taller woman’s waist.

“It’s nice to put faces with names.” The blonde looked at each one of them another time before looking back up to the only person she really wanted to see.

Brooke smiled down on Sam as she wrapped her arm around the woman’s shoulder and drew her closer. “Are they everything you imagined?”

“Well,” Sam looked at each one again, then commented, “A little older maybe,” she nodded, “But yeah, I guess so.”

“Hey,” Peter let out a yelp. “We can’t help it if Brooke found the fountain of youth and won’t share its secrets.”

Sam looked up to Brooke, “Well, she has held up pretty good for being Methuselah’s sister.”

Brooke made a face and then smiled hugging the woman with her other arm now.

James stood off to the side, thoroughly disgusted with how happy all the rest of them were. He turned back to his instrument and muttered under his breath, “Sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll, it takes all three to get to where I’m at.”

No one paid any attention to James’ comment. Instead they just let it drop like a hot potato. The rest of the group stayed silent while they looked from one to the other, trying to decide who would be the one to speak first.

After a few seconds, Peter took the lead. “Hey Brooke, tell you what. How about I work on that last section with Eddie, then we can take it from the top?”

Thankful for her ex-band mate’s action, Brooke slowly nodded, “That sounds good. Eddie, you cool with that?”

“Yeah, I’m cool with that. Just give me a minute or two to go over it with Peter.”

“Come on, Brooke.” Sam tightened her grip on the woman’s waist. “Let them get back to work.”


The blonde gave a little wave and smile to each of them, “It was nice meeting you all.”

“You too, Toots.” Peter waved back, then turn to help Eddie.

Brooke released her grip on Sam, letting her arm slide from around the woman’s waist but it didn’t go far before being caught in Sam’s tiny hand. Walking hand in hand, they made their way to the outer room, as the dark-haired woman resumed her producer’s role. Pulling up a chair to the soundboard, Brooke sat down, bringing the small blonde into her lap.

A coy smile came to Sam’s face as she asked, “Hmm…Now where were we?” She slowly ran one finger down the side of Brooke’s face, stopping at her chin, then tapping lightly on the full, succulent lips. “I remember…” she whispered then brought her own lips to met Brooke’s in a kiss.

“Mmmm,” Brooke came away from the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Sam. “Yeah, right about there, I think,” as the blonde closed in for another kiss.

In the dimly lit room, they wasted no time in getting reacquainted, each woman trying to absorb as much of the other as possible. When the kiss finally ended, Sam sat there with her eyes closed as Brooke placed feather-light kisses along the blonde’s jaw, interspersed with the words, “I love you.” She moved a little farther up Sam’s jaw line, “God, how I’ve missed you.”

“You know,” Sam purred, lulled into a trance-like state with the attention being lavished on her. “That was an awfully expensive dessert you had me deliver.”

“Who cares? It’s only money.”

“Well, I care,” Sam tilted her head, allowing her neck to be more exposed to the tender kisses that were being placed on her body. “It’s only me,” she giggled when a particular kiss tickled just a bit.

“Hmm…And you’re everything.” Brooke held Sam’s earlobe between her lips and whispered softly, “And I love you.”

“Well,” Sam reached into her purse and fumbled around for only a moment before she found what she was looking for. “Me and this…” the blonde hesitated for a second before pulling out a small bottle of chocolate syrup from her purse, then held it up for Brooke to see.

Taking her attention away from Sam’s neck, Brooke cast a scrutinizing eye in the direction of the bottle. “What’s that for?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Sam admired the bottle then said offhandedly, “I thought maybe you could show me what you meant in that song.”

“You mean, ‘Smile now and cover me in chocolate’?”

Sam let a knowing grin spread across her face, then nodded at her intent.

“Ooh…” blue eyes twinkled with delight at the images that were coming to Brooke’s mind. “You are too much, Darlin’,” Brooke reached for the bottle of syrup, “Let me see that?”

“Later, dear…” the blonde moved the bottle out of Brooke’s reaches. “Work first, play later.”

Brooke whispered in Sam’s ear, “Not even a taste?” Brooke then kissed her on the same ear as before.

“You don’t want to spoil your dessert now,” Sam turned to look Brooke in the eye. “Do you?” Then winked at her, “I love you, Brooke.”

“I love you, Sam.” Brooke kissed Sam’s ear, as her hand dropped a little lower on the woman’s back.

“Ah-ah…” Sam cautioned, “I felt that.”

Surprised, Brooke asked, “What? This?” Then shifted her body and kissed Sam’s other ear, letting her hand slip around Sam’s back and onto her side, edging toward her breast.

“Oh yeah, that.” Sam felt like her body was tingling all over.

“Well, I would hope you can feel this…” Brooke made sure that no one else could see her gentle hand rub lightly over the fleshy mound causing the nipple to raise almost instantaneously.

“Now, Brooke.” Green eyes flashed with excitement as Sam fought hard to maintain her composure. “You know what happens to bad little producers, don’t you?”

“What?” Brooke said mindlessly, fearing that the electrical impulses that she had surging through her body had short-circuited her brain.

Sam smiled and innocently stated, “They get sent to bed without their supper and that means…” the blonde paused, watching a lone, dark eyebrow arch high on Brooke’s forehead. Seeing that the woman holding her still didn’t have a clue, Sam leveled her most dazzling smile, then wiggled her own eyebrows saying, “No Dessert!”

Terror filled the almost crossed-eyed woman as she let out an enormous groan, then hurriedly pushed Sam off her lap. Within seconds, Brooke slammed her finger on the intercom button as her other hand continued to move levers and hit buttons that were her responsibility. “You guys about ready in there?” She commanded their attention, “Come on Peter, grab your bass! Heeellllooo…” she sang out trying to get them to move faster. “The tapes rolling,” she informed them. “You guys are all cued up. Eddie, count it off.” The she resorted to a producer’s favorite saying, “Time is money here.” Brooke shut off the microphone into the studio, then turned to Sam, “And my dessert…” She gave a little evil grin to the blonde, “…And I need my dessert.”
