Chapter 21 Christmas Presents, Pasts & Future

“… When you’re in the system, will you care that you are missing from the prophets that we are?… I know it… `Cause you were once a Gone Street Poet…”

The darkened guestroom was not very conducive to the tall woman’s body as she sat with her back against the brass headboard, her lap filled by tussled blonde hair which her long fingers fondled in a soothing way. Brooke wasn’t about to register any complaints. She was just thankful that the last twenty-four hours were over. It was a day that she definitely didn’t want to relive in her lifetime or any other, for that matter.

What had started out as an impromptu rendezvous for the two lovers had suddenly exploded into a heated argument ending with blows being exchanged. Now, in the aftermath, the tall woman had blamed herself for the violence that had ensued. Nothing she did now would change the outcome, but Brooke held herself responsible for the damage that had been inflicted on her young lover.

Mentally, Brooke chastised her lack of openness. You should have told her, or at least warned her about James. She’s a part of your life and you haven’t even told her what or whom you’ve overcome to get here. Brooke resigned to the fact that she wasn’t at her best operating speed in her sleep-deprived state. Closing her eyes, the heart-saddened woman pushed all thoughts from her head for now, hoping that after getting some rest, her mind would be able to think a little clearer.

The vibrating sensation on Brooke’s hip aroused the woman swiftly from her attempt to doze. Being careful not to jar the soundly sleeping form on her lap, she grabbed her phone, flicked the cover open, then held it up to her ear knowing that her eyes wouldn’t be able to focus on the caller ID. In a hushed tone, Brooke cleared her parched throat and whispered out a raspy, “Hello?”

“Brooke, is that you? Why are you whispering?” the concerned voice asked. “Is something wrong with Sam?”

“Hey, Terri,” Brooke’s voice became a little more lively. “Sam’s sleeping. I was up with her all night since they wanted her to wait before sleeping.” She ran her fingers through the short blonde hair and sighed. “She just went to sleep…” Brooke pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at the time displayed on the illuminated area, “…a little over an hour ago. What’s up?”

“Oh, okay. I was just calling to check on her.”

“She’s sleeping like a baby, sis. But they did tell her to enjoy it because she was going to hurt like hell when she woke up. It’s a concussion, you know.”

“Concussion… you idiot, I’m the one that got you the CT scan. Don’t you think I know what it read out as?” Terri’s voice took on that authoritarian doctor sound. “What kind of doctor do you think I am?”

“Ah…sorry, Ter, it’s been a long night. In fact, C.C. just left here a little while ago. I had her bring over some clothes for Sam to stay here the weekend. I don’t know why she just doesn’t leave some stuff here.”

“Have you asked her to? Maybe she just doesn’t want to assume anything.”

Brooke felt the body on her shift slightly, causing her to pause. When she was assured that Sam was not waking up, her attention settled back onto the conversation at hand. “I guess it would sound better if I actually asked and didn’t just assume, huh?”

“It might. Rick was the same way when we were in college. You should have seen him wandering around that small apartment in my robe.” Terri chuckled at the thought.

“Hmm…” Brooke tried to imagine her brother-in-law and his broad shoulders in her sister’s medium size clothing and it brought a tiny smile to her face. “I’m glad that I didn’t. Thanks, for that wonderful mental image, Sis, but that’s just a little too much information for me.”

Terri laughed out loud, “Me too, Sis. It tended to be a little on the embarrassing side.” The physician in her turned the conversation back to the reason she called. “So, how’s Sam feeling? She’s not cloudy or anything like that, is she?”

“Nope, she was more cranky than anything else.”

“I bet. Staying up all night can do that to you. Ask me, I know. That’s one thing they give doctors plenty of experience in,” Terri paused, then added, “especially when it’s not for a good reason.”

“She was biting my head off because I wouldn’t let her sleep. She was so pissed. When I told her that she had stayed awake as long as they wanted her to, she came into the guest bedroom to sleep.” Brooke could hear the muffled laughter on the other end of the phone, causing her to see the humor in the story.

“Well, did you do anything to make her want to stay awake?”

“I tried, but she told me I was being inconsiderate. Imagine that.” Brooke looked down at the slumbering form in her lap. “So as soon as her head hit the pillow, I came in here and I’ve been sitting next to her. She can’t be too mad at me. She staked her claim to my lap as soon as I sat down.”

“TLC, Sis and lot’s of it. That’s all she’s really gonna need.” Terri enlightened her sister. “It’s not her, it’s the concussion. Don’t let it get to you.”

“I know. I just hate to see her miserable.”

“I know you do, just don’t go getting into too many fights with her around. I think she feels a need to protect you. You know what I mean?” She paused before adding, “Maybe I’ll have to have a talk with her. Let her know that you’re a big girl and can take care of your own battles.”

“No don’t, I can do that.”

“I bet you can.” Terri let a small laugh escape her mouth. “Well, Brooke, you know my pager number if you need anything…I’m only a phone call away.”

“Yeah, I do. Thanks for calling Terri. And thanks for everything else, too. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“You bet. Now you better go and get some sleep, yourself. She’ll need you for the next few days. Talk to you later, Sis. Bye.”

“Bye.” Brooke terminated the call with a flick of her finger, then looked down to the blonde nestled so lovingly in her lap. Sighing, the woman ran her fingers through the tussled locks of hair, then leaned her own head back against the brass headboard.

“Brooke…” Sam whispered. “If you’re going to sleep with me, come on down here and get comfortable.”

The older woman smiled at the thought of being needed. “Hey, Baby.” Brooke slid down and wrapped her arms around her lover. “And just what are you doing awake?”

“I need my pillow.” Sam cuddled into her favorite spot.

“You feeling any better?”

“Now I am. How about you?”

“I’m comfortable.” A smile tugged at Brooke’s lips.

“Good, so am I.” Sam yawned sleepily, then drifted of to sleep.

Brushing her lips against the blonde’s head, Brooke closed her eyes and thanked God for getting them through this day. “Love you, Sam,” Brooke’s words trailed off in a whisper as she too, joined her lover in sleep.

Reaching out instinctively to cuddle up with her tall teddy bear, Sam’s arm found the bed empty save for the much smaller, substitute bed pillow that now lay next to her. With her mind still a little clouded from sleep and the events of a day or so ago, the blonde started to raise her head as she opened one eye. The brief experiment in pain and how not to move lasted only seconds as the pounding headache made itself very well known.

“Good god, what a headache.” Sam winced in pain as her small fingers rubbed her forehead.

“I guess I don’t need to ask how you’re feeling.”

Brooke’s voice acted like a beacon as Sam focused on the familiar sound, turning her head in its direction and opening her eyes to see her lover holding a tray of food. “I hope there’s some Tylenol on that tray.”

“Umhmm… here Darlin’,” Brooke sat the tray down on the bed, then offered the tablets to Sam. “I figured that they’d make an excellent first course to this morning’s fare.” The tall woman watched as the blonde first made a face at the pills then took in a deep breath before tossing them into her mouth.

“Augh!” Sam grasped the glass of orange juice and chugged it, trying to wash the taste of the pills from her mouth. “I hate pills.”

“I see that, but consider the alternative.”

Sam’s eyes opened wide as she looked up to Brooke. “What alternative?”

“Well, I didn’t think you wanted to keep that headache.”

“Oh…yeah, that. I thought…” Sam paused for a moment. “Oh never mind what I thought.” The blonde slowly shook her head. “I think I’m still a little jumbled.”

“That’s okay, Darlin’,” Brooke started to gather the pillows on the bed, stacking them up for Sam to lean against. “Come on, you should eat something.”

“Yeah, I know.” Sam sat up, snuggling into the gathered pillows, perusing the tray of breakfast food as Brooke placed it over her lap. “What do you got there?”

The dark-haired woman smiled as she straightened up. “I made you some French Toast, sausage, yogurt and some fruit.”

“Wow, I didn’t think breakfast was a dessert kind of meal. Is that strawberries that I see?”

“Yep, strawberries, blueberries and some banana.”

A coy smile came to the blonde’s face. “Hmm… I’m not seeing any chocolate fondue here.” Sam looked up to Brooke and winked.

“Well, maybe I can work on that for later,” Brooke grinned and wiggled her eyebrows.

Sam winced, trying to keep the pained look from her face as she attempted a little smile. “Maybe after the headache, I’m not sure I’d be up to anything like that right now.”

“I’m sorry, Sam.” Brooke gently ran her hand through Sam’s tussled hair. “I’m sorry you got hurt because of me.”

“I know.” Sam looked up to see the sorrow written in her lover’s gaze, then looked down to her plate as she picked up the utensils. “So, tell me oh bearer of bad news, what do the doctors say that I can do today?”

“Rest, relax, stay in bed and watch cartoons, play with the dog,” Brooke looked down to the floor, then mumbled, “and watch me kick my butt for letting you get hurt.”

“Brooke, you can feel sorry all you want, but I’m not.” Sam watched as Brooke’s mood stayed somewhat down and she tried to bring her out of it. “Did they say anything about playing with you, tall, dark, and desirous?” Sam could see the corners of Brooke’s mouth turn upward at what she was suggesting, then added, “Well, that is when the medicine kicks in.”

The tall woman could feel her body begin to stir with excitement at the thought of playing with her lover and realized that a change of topic was very necessary. “Oh…ah…CC brought some clothes over for you yesterday.”

“Yesterday?” Sam looked confused. “What day is it, Brooke.”


The young woman’s gaze swept the room. “What happened to Thursday and Friday?” Sam paused, as she tried to jar her memory. Slowly she looked up to Brooke for help. “I…I don’t remember.” Her fingers rubbed at her temples as if trying to stimulate her mind. “I didn’t go to my classes, did I?”

“No, I had C.C. let your professors know about the…” Brooke stopped then chose to go a different route. “She had their lectures recorded for you. The cassettes are in the master bedroom with the clothing she brought over.”

Sam looked thoughtfully as she took in her surroundings. “Ah… what am I doing in here? We don’t usually use your guest rooms.”

“Ah…well…” Brooke hedged at answering the question.

“Brooke, what happened?” Sam felt a twinge of nausea and placed her hand on her stomach. “Oh God, Brooke. Please tell me I didn’t up chuck all over our bed.”

Brooke’s wondering eyes came to rest on the blonde’s face. Startled by the thought, she shook her head in denial. “NO.” The tall woman watched as green eyes searched for an answer. “Ah… do you remember anything from the last day or so?”

“Well yesterday… ah…” Sam bit at her lip. “Yeah, yesterday you picked me up and brought me to your house, then you went to take a shower. I… I was in the kitchen and…” the blonde racked her brain trying to remember, but the answers where sketchy at best. “I put the plate down for Mario…”

“Baby,” Brooke sat down on the bed and wrapped her arm around Sam. “I picked you up on Wednesday.”

“Wednesday…” Sam’s brows furrowed, and then she become more confident in her answer. “Yeah, it was Wednesday. I remember now… the door… there was a knock at the door and…” The blonde’s face took on a troubled look as more of the pieces were unlocked from her mind. “James… what was James doing here? I remember seeing James at the door.”

“Yes, he was here.” Brooke sighed and tightened her grip on the woman next to her. “He came to give me shit, what else?” The dark-haired woman grimaced, and then slowly told her knowledge of the events. “When I came down the stairs, he had you backed into the corner. I ran in and pulled him away from you, then started arguing with him. I tried to keep you out of the way… behind me, you know? And well, one thing led to another…” Brooke paused when she saw Sam close her eyes and start to brace herself, taking in a deep breath. “I thought that it was over when he turned to leave but I was wrong. His verbal attack was over and that’s when the physical one started. He… he threw a punch at me and I kind of countered with my elbow to his nose.”

Sam turned immediately to examine Brooke’s face. “You… you didn’t get hurt did you?”

Brooke looked straight ahead, focusing on nothing but the replayed event in her head as she related the rest of the story. “James… James threw another punch and…” she gulped as she saw it in slow motion before her, “…and you stepped in front of me trying to stop him. It caught you across the cheek; you stumbled backward before I could grab you, and then fell, hitting your head.”

The young woman’s eyes grew wider in realization and her hand subconsciously went to the bump on her head, rubbing it. “So, that’s why my head hurts like hell.” Sam looked over to her lover. “What happened to James? Brooke you didn’t…”

“I threw him out of the house, literally.” The woman eased her friend’s fear. “I didn’t hurt him.” Honest blue eyes gazed into green. “He tried getting back inside, by breaking a window and climbing in. By then, Mario had gotten out of the kitchen and took care of the matter,” Brooke smiled remembering the howl of pain that James had emitted when the dog bit into his calf. “I called the cops and he took off.”

Sam’s mouth dropped open. “God, he’s going to be so pissed at you now.”

Brooke smirked. “Not as much as he should be at himself. The cops picked him up a few blocks away. He’s being detained at the county jail. They arrested him first on a charge of Drinking and Driving on a suspended license. Then when they found out about what he did here, they added Breaking and Entering, Assault and possibly a few more charges that I’m not aware of.”

“Brooke, he must have wanted something if he came all the way here.”

“He was demanding those master tapes. I guess he thought he’d try to get something from you while he was here. You know, James always did think more with his…” Brooke stopped talking.

“This is all because of my birthday concert, isn’t it? That’s how you got the band back together, right?” She studied Brooke’s face for a moment. “I’m sorry I caused this.”

“Sam…” determined eyes gazed at her. “There is nothing for you to apologize for.”

“I just feel like I’m the one that caused this all to happen.”

“No, you’re not. It would have happened anyway. James likes to hold a grudge.”

“Isn’t there any way to keep him from doing that? To at least keep him from coming here and getting in your face?”

“The cops suggested that I get a PFA order.”

Sam looked puzzled. “PFA?”

“Protection from abuse. They said that I could get a lawyer to file for it in my behalf. I’ve been thinking about it and I’m going to give Randi a call today.”

“Do you really think that’s necessary? I mean… he was your friend.”

“Yes, I do.” Brooke’s eyes grew cold as she stared off into space.

“You’re doing it because of me, aren’t you?”

The tall woman turned to her lover. “It’s because I don’t want to risk anything happening to you for any reason. He’d be stupid enough to try something like that again.”

The blonde rested her head against Brooke’s shoulder. “I never meant to make your life so complicated, Brooke.”

“Baby, you didn’t make my life complicated. I told you, James likes to hold a grudge. He’s still pissed about the night I quit and now you’re stuck in the middle. You’re the one who doesn’t deserve this shit.” Brooke rested her check on Sam’s head.

“He was the reason you quit,” Sam whispered, knowing that she was right.

“Yes.” Brooke sighed. “Do you remember any of what he was saying?” The woman readied herself to hear his lies repeated again.

“I think I remember him saying something about that night…but…”

“He was telling you all kinds of shit. Some of it true, but a lot of it was all lies.”

“Don’t worry, Brooke, I wouldn’t believe a word he said anyway. There’s something about him that makes my skin crawl.”

Brooke gave the woman a hug. “I love you, Sam. I hope you never have reason to think otherwise.”

The sentiment of the moment brought a smile to Sam’s face and she nuzzled into her lover’s arms. “Now where did that come from? I know the real you, the real Brooke… not any made up character to create hype.”

Brooke grew very quiet. “So, Sam, if you know me so well…” she took a breath in, “…when are you going to move in with me?”

The blonde froze as her mind echoed the question again and again. Stalling for time, Sam asked, “What did you just say?”

“I uh…” Brooke eased her lover off her shoulder to look into her eyes. “Sam, I hate this. I hate being away from you and I’ve just been thinking about it for a while. You know that.”

“I still have my internship to do. What if…”

“I don’t care. I told you that I’ll go with you if I have to.”

“You’re not going to give up on this, are you?” Sam looked into determined blue eyes. “I thought so.” She took in a deep breath then let it out slowly as she considered her options. “Okay, how about if I move in with you over the winter break… and… and we’ll see what happens.”

The dark-haired woman let a smile come to her face. “Okaaaay,” she drew the word out happily. “The clothes that C.C. brought you… you could just leave them here. I mean… that way you’d feel more like this is your home too.” Brooke watched her lover, hoping that she didn’t seem too needy in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I just can’t help it. I want to be with you all the time.”

“You know, I already have everything that I need right here to feel at home. I have you.” Sam leaned in and placed a kiss on Brooke’s lips. “You know what, Hon? I think that pill is kicking in. I’m beginning to feel better already.”

“Yeah?” Brooke studied Sam’s face.

“Yeah,” she nodded. “Now what do you say we have some breakfast, just the two of us?” Sam looked at the tray of food. “Who knows, maybe I’ll even be up for some dessert when we’re done.”

“And I was just thinking how hungry I was.” Brooke’s eyes twinkled as she reached for the fork and dug into a sausage.

Brooke had toyed with the idea long enough as she cleaned up the breakfast dishes and caught up on the everyday housework that she had let go while she cared for Sam. She was sure of it now. The young blonde was definitely a treasured part of her life and she’d do anything she could to keep her safe. With that thought in mind, she reached for her cell phone and punched in the number for her sister, Randi.

Listening for the ringing to stop, she made herself comfortable in the corner of the couch, stretching out her long legs onto the coffee table. Just as she settled into a cozy position, she heard her sister’s voice come through the earpiece.

“Hello?” There was the sound of shuffling on the other end, then sound of a muffled voice raised in warning. “Julie, don’t do that, Honey.” There was a sigh on the other end, then Randi’s voice became clear once again. “Okay, I’m back. Hello?”

“Hey, Randi, what’s my lil’ niece doing now?”

“Brooke, hi.” Randi sounded more relaxed. “She’s making the flowers grow with the hose. The only problem is that she’s watering everything else at the same time. Bryan just wiped the car down and he’s going to have to dry it again.”

Suddenly Brooke had the urge to look into her dining room at the picture on the wall that Julie had left for her and Sam. A smile came to her face. “Hey, at least you know she means well.”

Randi’s voice boomed as she called out a warning, “NOT IN THE WINDOWS, JULIE!”

Brooke hurriedly pulled the phone away from her ear. “God, Randi. Warn me before you do that next time.”

“Sorry, Sis. Yeah, your niece means well, but then again, so did we when we had her.” Randi laughed, “Now, I’m not so sure. Thank God the terrible twos only last a year or so.”

The dark-haired woman filed that bit of information away for future reference as she got to the purpose of her call. “Hey, Randi. I think I kind of need your help with something. You got a minute?”

“Yeah, I always do for family. You know that. Does it have anything to do with the case that I got assigned to on Thursday morning?”

Brooke sank deeper into the couch. “No, don’t EVEN say it…”

“Why didn’t you call me when it happened?”

“Well, I was too concerned about Sam.” Brooke fought back the pang of nausea that came wafting over her at the thought of Sam being hurt and continued on. “We went to the hospital with her as soon as the cops left. Besides, I wanted to talk to her about all of it first.”

“I read over that list of charges against James. How badly did he hurt Sam?”

“She’s… she’s got a concussion and one hell of a whopping headache.”

“Concussion, huh? He hit her that hard?”

“Well, he did a roundhouse swing and clocked her a good one. She stumbled and lost her balance, then went headfirst into the wall. I think it was the wall that really did the damage though.”

“That doesn’t matter. It was a direct result of his punch that caused the injury. He’s definitely responsible for it.” Randi let go of a smug little laugh. “Well, I’m glad that I did what I did then. It’ll serve him right. I don’t care if I do get my as… ah… hang on.” The phone crackled as she jostled it from hand to hand. “Julie, why don’t you go play with your toys in the next room. Now that’s a nice girl. Mommy will come play with you in a few minutes.”

“Randi, what did you do?” Brooke’s voice was full of concern.

“My ass is going to be in a sling if they ever find this out, but I’m glad that I didn’t turn in my refusal to prosecute until right before the hearing. He had to be reassigned and held over for the next day. I… ah… I kind of lost his paper work at the office and he was held over again when it didn’t show up on the docket.”

Brooke burst out laughing. “Oh my God. You did that. Really?”

“Yep, as soon as I saw who filed the suit, I knew what I had to do. I just kind of forgot about it.” Randi laughed.

“Well, I definitely owe you one, Sis.”

“Hey, this one was on the house. You’re my sister and that’s why I stuck up for you. Well, that and stuck one to James,” Randi smirked around a laugh. “I’m just glad that I could be of service.”

“Thank you, Randi. I really mean that.” Brooke paused, her smile faded as she turned to the more serious matter at hand. “Speaking of protection… could you file a PFA for me?”

“You got it. First thing Monday morning, I’ll meet with the Judge myself. You realize that you’ve just hired me, Sis. I’m on retainer for you now.”

Brooke took her feet down from the coffee table and sat forward on the couch. “Yes, I understand that. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Good, now what about Sam?” Randi paused, waiting for her sister’s answer.

“What about her?”

“Does she need one too?”

“Yeah, I guess she will.” Images of James leaning in to Sam flashed through Brooke’s mind with the clarity that she’d seen as she rounded the doorway into the room on Wednesday evening. She quickly reigned in her thoughts when she heard the sound of Randi’s voice.

“Then, you’d better put her on the phone. I’ll need to be hired by her as well.”

“Okay, but Randi… I’ll take care of the bill for both of us, okay?”

“Bill? What bill? I’ll do it pro bono, Sis.” Randi thought for a moment, then chuckled. “But just to keep it all aboveboard, you can give me a dollar for each of you.”

“Come on, Randi, what’s a dollar going to do?” Brooke laughed around her words. “I have a feeling that it won’t be that easy of a case.”

“You’re my sister, Brooke. All I want is for you to be happy. Well,” Randi chuckled, “…that and a dollar.”

Brooke shook her head as she laughed, “Let me go get Sam for you.”

She got up from the couch and started for the staircase, taking the steps two at a time. Bounding down the hall, she slowed to a stop, then poked her head in through the open bedroom door. A smile graced her face as she watched the blonde roll over in her direction. “Sam…” she spoke softly, “Are you awake, Darlin’?”

The young woman stretched her arms out as she yawned. She quickly brought a hand down to cover her mouth, “Yeah, I… I think so. Why?”

“Honey, Randi needs to talk to you. Do you feel up to it?” Brooke started into the room, crossing toward the huge bed.

Sam looked to the empty side of the bed next to her, then the fully clothed woman coming toward her. “When did you… huh… Randi?” Her brow furrowed, “Why does she need to talk to me?”

“Remember, we talked about that restraining order?”

“Restraining order? What are you talking about?”

“Baby, we talked about it this morning. Don’t you remember?” Brooke was starting to be concerned. She stood next to the bed looking down on her lover as Sam tried to get up, the pain evident in her face.

“It’s…” Sam brought her hand to her head and rubbed it. “It’s all coming back to me now. Yeah, I’m remembering it now.” She held her head and nodded.

Brooke grabbed the bottle of Tylenol from the nightstand and poured a glass of water from the pitcher that she’d placed there earlier. “Here, Baby, take these.”

The blonde looked at the pills with disgust, then popped them into her mouth, downing them with a large mouthful of water to wash their taste away. “Augh, I’m never going to get used to these.” She looked up to the woman standing next to her. “Thanks, Brooke. It’s getting better, but it’s still not gone.”

The tall woman sat down on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arm around Sam’s shoulder. Leaning toward her, she kissed her forehead.

“Give me the phone. I’ll talk to Randi, then I just want to cuddle up next to you for the rest of the day.” She took the phone that Brooke offered her and brought it up to her ear. “Thanks.” Sam leaned into Brooke’s body as she spoke into the phone, “Randi, are you still there?”

“Sam… how are you feeling, Honey?”

“Better, I guess. I’ve still got a blasted headache, though.”

“Just give it a day or so and you’ll be good as new.”

“What do you need to talk to me about, Randi? I’ve got this doting nursemaid here…” she laughed as she shot a quick glance at the woman next to her.

“Well, Sam, to put it all in a nutshell, I need to hear you say that you’re hiring me as your lawyer so that I can ask the court to grant you a PFA against James. I’d like to do that when I plead for one in Brooke’s name as well.”

“I need to hire you?” Sam looked over to Brooke, more than a little surprised. “Randi, I don’t have that kind of money to hire a lawyer, let alone one of your caliber.”

“Yes, you do. I’ll go in front of the Judge on Monday.” Randi paused, then added. “Sam, don’t worry about the money.”

“I don’t want Brooke to be paying…”

“Pro Bono, Sam.” Randi chuckled. “It’s not going to cost you a thing.”

“Huh?” Sam was definitely confused. She looked to Brooke as her lover nodded reassuringly. “Okay,” the word was drawn out suspiciously. “But if I find out otherwise…”

“So, Sam. Are you hiring me or not?”

“Well, ah… sure. You’re hired.”

“Okay,” Randi sounded excited. “I’ll take care of everything from here on out.

“Will I need to do anything? Be anywhere when you file for that PFA thing?” Sam sighed, “You know, I’m not really up to it right at this moment.”

“No, Sam, that’s why you hired me.”

“Great! Thanks, Randi. Now I get to just cuddle up with this big ol’ teddy bear and heal my aching head.”

“No problem Kiddo. Why don’t you get some rest and put that big teddy bear back on the phone?”

“Oh… ah… yeah,” Sam looked shocked at Randi’s pickup on her reference to Brooke. She turned, handing the phone to the person next to her. “She wants to talk to you, Hon.”

The woman accepted the phone, then cleared her throat as she brought it to her ear. “So, what’s up?”

“Keep an eye on her, Sis. I think she really took a good hit there. You just worry about her, and I’ll take care of everything on my end. I’ll messenger over the PFA orders to you both as soon as I get them issued. You’d better keep them with you, just in case.”

Brooke gave Sam a little squeeze and kissed the top of her head. “I will Randi and ah… you don’t have to worry about me taking care of her. Thanks, Sis.” She started to pull the phone away from her ear when a thought struck her. “Hey, Randi,” she called out, slipping the phone back under her hair. “I need some ideas for the kids… for Christmas.”

“Christmas? Is that coming up already?”

“Yep, it’s practically right around the corner.

“Hmm… Well, you know that David is talking about a scooter all the time and Julie…she keeps talking about Sam’s baby.” Randi laughed, “I don’t know what you’re going to do on that one.”

“Uh…Umm…” Brooke gulped, then took in a deep breath, “Well…”

“Got you squirming there, eh Brooke?” Randi teased her sister. “Don’t worry, I’m sure that it won’t be too hard to please a three year old.”

Brooke rolled her eyes, “Yeah, that shouldn’t be too difficult. How about Kevin?”

“Sis, I only got one word of advice for you. Don’t go getting them what you want this year. They don’t need motorized cars or expensive mountain bikes, or even 30gig computers for their rooms. Okay?”

“Damn,” Brooke sounded disappointed. “You’re no fun.”

“Remember, you’re the big kid, Sis. They are just kids, plain and simple. Now try to put that to good use when you’re picking out their gifts this year.”

“Yeah, yeah, okay.” Brooke chuckled.

“So when you going shopping?”

“Maybe tomorrow, if Sam’s feeling better.”

“Oh, so Sam’s going with you? Good, she’ll keep you in line. I knew that I liked her for some reason.” Randi laughed.

“Yeah, whatever smart ass,” Brooke shot right back. There was a moment of silence. “Hey Randi… thanks again for handling things for us.”

“No problem, Sis. I’m just glad I can do it.” There was a long pause, then Randi finally spoke, “Hey, I’ve got to go. The house is way too quiet and that’s never a good sign when you have three kids. I’ll see you, later. Bye.”

“Yeah, later Sis.” Brooke disconnected the phone, then wrapped both of her arms around the blonde next to her.

“So, what’s the plan for tonight? A little lounging and cuddling perhaps?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Hmm…it’s a good plan, but maybe we could amend it just slightly?”

Brooke nuzzled into Sam’s neck with a trail of kisses to her cheek, working her way to the young woman’s ear and whispered, “Amend it?”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I was going to add,” Sam giggled, “lots of kisses.”

“Not a problem,” Brooke interspersed each word with a kiss.

Sam smiled as another kiss was bestowed upon her. “Yeah, I didn’t think it would be a problem.” She turned toward Brooke and was greeted with a multitude of soft kisses, the last one being placed on her lips.


The reflection in the mirror didn’t look as bad as it had the day before. The area of discoloration on Sam’s cheek no longer looked as angry compared to her natural skin shade. In fact, it was beginning to fade. Grabbing for her purse, the young woman took out the small compact and the bottle of foundation that she hardly ever used anymore. She leaned in toward the mirror and set to work with the task of covering up any reminders of her unfortunate accident. She’d seen the look on Brooke’s face every time the bruise caught her attention. It was almost as if the woman was blaming herself and Sam wanted nothing to mar their first time Christmas shopping together.

Stepping back to take a look at her work, Sam smiled. The blonde turned her face from side to side, studying it in the mirror. “There we go, looking good as new.” The woman smiled as she placed a finishing touch on a stray lock of hair, then turned to walk over to the bathroom door.

“Hey, Hon… I’m going to start getting dressed for the big outing today. We are going shopping, right?”

“Yes Baby,” the garbled sound came through the door. “I’ll take you anywhere you’d like to go.”

“Hmm…” Sam’s face took on a devilish smile. “Where I’d like to go and shopping are two different things,” the young woman muttered under her breath as she walked over to the armoire and opened it. “Well, let’s see what’s going on in the world these days.” She turned on the TV and chuckled. “Oh, I must be feeling better.”

Taking the remote with her, she walked over to the bed and sat down as she flipped through the stations, finally settling on her favorite, MTV. She set about getting dressed as she sang along with a hit from the past, Anti-Zero’s signature song. When the song ended, Sam looked over to the bathroom and smiled. “Who would have thought?” Out of the corner of her eye, Sam suddenly saw the flashing changes on the television screen as images of James came on. “What the…” she grabbed the remote and raised the volume as she walked closer to the set.

And this hour on MTV news, Former Anti-Zero vocalist & guitarist, James Anderson, was arrested this week and is being held on charges of assault against former band mate Brooke Loran.

Sam’s eyes grew bigger as she watched old images of both Brooke and James flash across the screen. “Brooke, you’d better come in here…NOW,” she called out to her lover, as her gaze stayed fixed to the TV, listening for the next snippet of information.

Anderson was arrested after a heated argument where it has been reported that he struck out at Loran’s as of yet unidentified live-in girlfriend…

Shocked by the publicity that the story was generating, Sam moved back toward the bed and slowly sat down on the edge of the mattress with her mouth agape, and her eyes still fixed to the screen.

We’ll bring you more as this story unfolds. Stay tuned next hour to MTV news when we try to interview former bass player, Peter Butler. MTV News… Where you here it… first.

Still in shock, Sam mumbled the beginnings of a curse very slowly under her breath. “Son of a…”

“Those bastards!” Brooke slapped the doorframe with her open hand as she came out of the bathroom, letting the towel she was using on her hair come to rest over her shoulder.

Startled, Sam looked over to see her scantily clad lover fuming as she came into the room. “How did they…” the blonde stopped, then started again, “Why did he… Brooke, what are you going to do?”

The tall woman turned around, her eyes narrowing as they glowed with hatred at the media play that she knew would come. With each second, the anger grew until her mind set off its own little warning, release or explode. She could feel the pent up energy building as her heart rate skyrocketed and her blood surged wildly through her body. Brooke’s fingers twitched at first and then extended outward as far as they could. The drummer knew what would happen next. She turned back toward the bathroom. Years of drumming had built up the muscles in her upper extremities and she needed to let her rage out on something that could withstand her fury. She could already feel her fingers closing into a fist as her arm began to cock back to deliver the blow.

Sam closed her eyes as she saw Brooke’s arm begin in backward draw. She held her breath as she waited for the sound to fill the room. It took only a few seconds before it was there, reverberating into the walls of the house.


Dear God, don’t let her hurt herself over this. The makeshift prayer ran across Sam’s mind as she heard the impact, then she opened her eyes to see how bad the damage had been. The blonde watched as Brooke pulled her hand back from the door, stripping the towel that was hastily wrapped around it out from the hole that had been made. “Oh my God, Brooke… your hand.” Sam got up from the bed and hurried across the room.

Brooke cast the towel aside and grabbed her jeans, pulling them on, she raised her gaze to see Sam standing before her.

“Did you hurt your hand?”


“You sure?” Sam whispered meekly as she tried to look at the hand that was being shielded by the tall woman’s body.

She turned around, her anger still present as she tugged her jeans into place before fastening the button and sliding the zipper shut. Brooke reached out and grabbed her T-shirt, sliding it over her head and yanking it into place as her eyes came to rest on Sam. Almost immediately, the anger began to lessen. Brooke took in a deep breath, and then let it out as she opened her arms, inviting Sam into her space.

Without hesitating, Sam entered the embrace and held onto her lover desperately. “I’m sorry for all this trouble.”

“Baby, it’s not your fault.” Brooke’s jaw tensed when she felt Sam’s body as it began to shake. “I’m sorry I got so angry and I’m sorry that you’ve been pulled into all of this shit.”

“I didn’t mean to have anything…”

“Baby, this is not your fault.” Brooke leaned down to kiss the top on Sam’s head and felt the small arms tighten their grip on her body.

“So, what… what are we going to do now?”

The tall woman sighed. “Love each other more and just deal with it.” Brooke’s mouth quirked into a half grin. “Welcome to the music industry, Darlin’. I think you’re going to see firsthand some of that media hype about Loran come blasting at us from out of the past.”

“Are you going to be able to deal with that, Brooke?”

“Do I have you by my side?” Brooke leaned back to gaze down at the blonde.

“Where else would I be?” Sam giggled nervously until she saw the smile come to her lover’s face. “So, you still love me, huh?”

“Still. Always. Forever.” Brooke raised Sam’s chin with her finger and kissed her gently. “Sam?”

The young woman marveled at how sweet and soft Brooke could be only one minute after erupting like a volcano. A smile came to Sam’s face as she realized that Brooke’s anger would never be directed at her. “Yeah?”

Blue eyes gazed into green. “There’s probably going to be a lot of shit now. You know that, right?”

Sam nodded, “Yeah, I know.”

“Hopefully this will all blow over…”

“But it’s his word against ours,” Sam finished her lover’s sentence.

“I’m sorry baby. James always was the spotlight child. Everybody loved him.”

“You’re sorry… for what?” Sam pulled the woman back into her arms. “For being you? For being good when he was an asshole?”

“I’m… I’m sorry that you got hurt. I’m sorry the press is trying to pull you into it.” Brooke took in a deep breath. “Loran hasn’t been around for over three years. I just don’t know what kind of circus they’re gonna try and turn this into.”

“Well, I’m a part of your life now. I’m here and I’m not budging, no matter how bad it gets.”

“Promise?” Brooke’s voice was little more than a whisper.

“You betcha. It’s going to take a pretty big circus to scare me off. Loran or no Loran, I’ve got the Brooke that I love and I’m holding on tight.” Sam squeezed with all her might, nestling into Brooke’s body.

“I love you, Sam. I wish I knew the words to tell you just how much.”

The young woman leaned back and eyed her lover suspiciously. “Hmm… care if I help you out there, Hon?”

Brooke found herself intrigued with the playful look in Sam’s eyes. “Sure, go ahead.” She watched as the blonde saddled up to her seductively, letting her small hand slide across Brooke’s chest, sending sensations to all points of the tall woman’s body.

Seeing that Brooke’s T-shirt now boasted two very aroused nipples, Sam smiled. In her best sultry voice, the young woman instructed, “Repeat after me.” She looked up to see two very attentive eyes staring back at her. “Let’s go…” Sam waited for the words to come back to her in Brooke’s richly toned voice.

All of Brooke’s attention now riveted on Sam as she said, “Let’s go…”

“SHOPPING!” Green eyes dazzled and a huge smile came to Sam’s face as she pushed off of her lover’s body and headed for the bedroom door. “Come on, I’ll race you to the toy department.”

Brooke rolled her eyes at the playfulness of her lover and laughed as she tried calling out to her anything but fully dressed lover. “Sam… we’ll get there much faster if you finish getting dressed. I’m sure the media will have a field day if they find out I had to post bail for my as of yet unidentified live-in girlfriend on a public nudity charge.”

The blonde stopped at the doorway and turned around, revealing the most innocent of impish grins, then said meekly, “Oops, sorry. I guess that wouldn’t be helping much, would it?” Sam watched as a lone eyebrow raised loftily on the tall woman’s brow. “I think I’ll just…” she crept over to her clothing laid out on the bed, and grabbing her sweater, finished her sentence “…get dressed.”

Sam hastily breezed into the mall’s restroom, shaking her head as she muttered under her breath, “God, she’s got to have one of the biggest bladders on earth. I don’t know how she can…” Sam stopped short when a familiar face was reflected in the mirror. “C.C.?”

The brunette looked up into the mirror. “Hey, roommie. How you feeling?”

“Better, now. The headaches seems to have gone but I’m still a little tender around my face.”

C.C. reached out and took Sam’s chin in her hand, giving it an appreciative once over. “Well, it looks a lot better then the other day when I dropped off some clothing. You were pretty zonked out that day.”

The blonde pulled her chin back and looked into the mirror, making sure the camouflage of make-up was still in place. “Good foundation, C.C.” she held up the bottle as she pulled it out of her purse. “I didn’t want it to be a reminder to Brooke every time she looked at me. I could see what it was doing to her.”

“She was pretty upset about it. I think she’s doubting her ability to protect you every time she looks at it.” C.C. could see the trepidation in Sam’s face. “Hey, I don’t have to tell you that about her. You already know it. She’d protect you to the death if she thought it was necessary.”

“I don’t even want to think about that, C.C.”

“Speaking of my sister,” the brunette looked around the small restroom. “Where is she?”

Sam smiled. “She’s taking our bags to the car… er truck,” she corrected. “I’m going to meet her over at the electronics’ store. So, what are you up to at the mall, C.C.? I thought you had all your shopping already done.”

The brunette grinned. “Well, you know I’m always in the market for a good looking guy.” She turned back to the mirror, primping her hair. “I did have my eye on this Adonis of a guy until Mother Nature tapped me on the shoulder and I had to come in here.” She shrugged, “Guess I’ll just have to start looking all over again.”

“C.C., it’s a week before Christmas. Don’t you think that most of the guys shopping now already have a girlfriend to buy for?”

The young woman stopped to think for a moment then slowly nodded her head. “Yeah…” the frown came to her mouth.

“Maybe you need to look somewhere else.”

Suddenly the smile came to C.C.’s face. “I got it.”

“Got what, roommie?”

“Where to look.” C.C. hurriedly threw her comb back into her purse and started for the door.

“Hey, aren’t you going to wait for your sister to come back and say hello to her?” Sam called after the fleeing woman.

Pausing at the door for only a second or two, C.C. answered her back. “If she wants to see me, have her come looking over by the chenille robes and slippers.”

“C.C., why there?” Sam was puzzled at the location.

“Because that’s were all the single guys will be getting gifts for their mothers.” The woman winked as a broad smile crossed her face.

Sam laughed as she heard C.C. humming a reasonable facsimile but slightly off key ‘I’ll be home for Christmas’ as the door to the restroom closed behind the brunette.

Seeing the tall form of her lover at the X-box display, Sam made her way down the long row of televisions that were on display. She walked down the length of the aisle until the logo of MTV caught her eye and she turned to look at the set, getting a glimpse of Peter Butler with his hand up and walking away from the camera. Sam stopped to watch as the familiar figure turned around to face viewers.

“No comment, I told you. I’m not buying into this game.” Peter turned around and entered the doors of Brownstone Records and out of the camera’s view.

“There you have it, the very unofficial words of fellow band mate, Peter Butler.”

Sam shook her head in disbelief, and then continued over the six or seven more feet to stand next to Brooke. She reached out and tugged on the woman’s arm. When she had her lover’s attention, Sam motioned over to the television set with its tiny little insert in the upper corner replaying Peter’s clip of film as the reporter jabbered on. “I wonder what they have to report on us now?”

Brooke watched as Peter proudly walked away, then turned to Sam and smiled. “You’ve gotta love that guy.”

“Yeah, you do.” Sam’s eye caught the screen filled with images of Loran as they settled in on one particular frontal view shot of the blonde streaked woman. The next thing that she saw was the side by side comparison of the drummer with the corporate image used on Brownstone’s informational material of its executive officer, Brooke L. Gordon.

“We at MTV wonder if the controversial drummer could be one and the same with the CEO of Brownstone Records. Here are photographs of both women. We’ll let you be the judge.”

“What’s the matter, Darlin’?”

Sam shot a glance at her lover then motioned back to the TV. “You know, you two don’t even look anything alike. I don’t know what I ever saw in Loran.”

“What?” Brooke turned to view the images still on the screen. “Oh shit!” She nervously looked around them to see if anyone was making the connection.

The blonde sensed Brooke’s uneasiness. “Hey, nobody’s gonna recognize you. Loran is brassy and bold, while you…” Sam smiled, wrinkling her nose at the thought of what she was about to say. “You’re just a big ol’ Teddy bear.”

“Sam…” Brooke rolled her eyes and whined.

“I know, you’d rather be a pillow for me to cuddle into, right?” Mirth filled green eyes looked up into blue.

“Right,” the tall woman nodded.

“Forget about it, Brooke. You’re two totally different people and everyone that knows you is aware of it.”

“You think so? You really believe I’m nothing like Loran?”

“Believe it. In fact, I’d stake my life on it and I think I know you better than most do.” Sam gave her lover a wink.

“I know you do…” Brooke could feel the blush starting to creep up her neck. “I just wonder sometimes though… I mean… Loran wouldn’t have been Loran without the real me.”

“No, Loran wouldn’t have been Loran without the press releases. You,” she tapped Brooke in the chest. “You are the music. Loran was just the selling vehicle.”

Brooke thought back to earlier in the day and her altercation with the bathroom door. “Well, we already know where she got her temper.”

“Everyone has a temper, even me,” Sam winked, “…and we don’t want to wake that beast unless we have to.”

The mood suddenly felt lighter as Brooke began to laugh. “Okay, Darlin, if you say so.” Brooke turned away from the TV as she slipped an X-box under her arm and pointed the way to the cashier. “So, who’s left on our list? My arms are still tired from that last load I took to the truck.”

“Hmm… did we get anything for Julie yet?”

“No,” Brooke shook her head. “I wanted to wait on you. I thought that maybe we could look for that one together.” Brooke took her place in line waiting to make her purchase. “Whatcha think?”

Sam shrugged, “Sounds good to me.” The blonde started to look around, then finally turned to her companion and asked very nonchalantly, “So, where do they keep the fresh frozen embryos here?”

“What?” A confused look was painted on Brooke’s face. “Fresh frozen embryos? Honey, have you been watching ‘Junior’ again?”

“Nothing,” Sam grabbed onto Brooke’s arm. “I’m joking… just joking, Brooke.”

The tall woman pulled back on Sam’s arm and arched an eyebrow. “Are you sure?” There was a hint of a hope in the woman’s blue eyes as she waited for her answer.

Sam took on an almost pixie like appearance as she wrinkled up her nose and smiled sweetly. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

The tall woman took on an almost childlike appearance as she sat on the living room floor with boxes and gift wrapping paper strewn all about her. Wrinkling up the last remnant of a roll of decorative paper, she threw the makeshift ball for Mario to chase.

“There you go, fella.” She watched the dog scamper after it before accepting the wrapped package from Sam.

“Brooke, are you sure the tree is going to be big enough for all these presents to fit under it?” Sam let go of the package. ” Here, you had better tag David’s present before you go to the next one.”

The woman smiled realizing that this would be her very first time at sharing her Christmas traditions with someone close and it made her feel warm, bringing a smile to her face. “I guess we’ll find out when you help me pick it.” She picked up the pen and took a tag from the pile. “Okay, Law.” She looked up from placing the tag on the gift to see the puzzled look on Sam’s face. “I never call him David.”

“Why do you call him that… Law?”

“Well, his name is David Lawrence,” she started to explain.

“So, shouldn’t it be Larry if not David?”

“Sam…” Brooke teased, “What does Randi do for a living?” Her smile broadened as she waited for Sam to get it.

Sam’s brows furrowed as she thought, trying to make the connection. “She’s an assistant D.A.” She watched Brooke’s eyes twinkle and knew that she’d gotten it right. “Oh, I get it… law. Now that’s funny.”

“Her and Brian’s whole life revolved around the law when she found out that she was pregnant with him. I used to tease her about having to make a choice, be a mommy or be a lawyer.” Brooke remembered her sister’s world at that time. “If we tag it Law, the kid will know who it’s from.”

“You sisters do have a wild sense of humor.” Sam chose another package and started wrapping it.

“Well, we know Randi does.” Brooke chuckled. “Not sure about Terri yet.”

“So, tell me, what are they going to call your kid, huh?” Sam looked over to Brooke. “Sticks? Bam-bam? No, I got it,” she paused for a dramatic moment, then announced, “Thumper.”

“My kid? Don’t you mean our kid?” Brooke teased the blonde with a little seductive wink, watching Sam start to blush.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Sam looked back to the package she was wrapping, the blush already edging up her face.

“Oh, I love it when you blush. Keep it up and Chastity will be born red from all of your blushing.”

Sam could feel the heat of the blush starting all over again. “Hey, stop it,” she chastised the woman, then grew very quiet. “Brooke, did you ever think about something and know that it was waiting to happen to you? Like there was nothing else that your life was meant for?” Brooke shrugged so Sam continued. “You know, something that could really turn your life around from the path that you were on?” Sam looked over to see blue eyes gazing at her.

“I… uh… don’t know. I never really thought about it. I guess I’ve sort of always felt kind of empty, like there was something missing.” Brooke looked down at the floor feeling shy. “That is…until now.”

“Missing?” Sam reached over and placed her hand on Brooke’s arm. “What could be missing from your life? You have a wonderful family… a nice house…”

“You.” Blue eyes stared directly at Sam.

“Oh…” the blonde became silent for a moment. “I wasn’t thinking of… well, me.”

“I do have a wonderful family, Sam, but there are some things that your blood family just can’t give you.” She leaned over and placed a kiss on Sam’s cheek. “You… you are my family, Sam.”

“What do I give you, Brooke?”

The dark-haired woman took in a deep breath, then started. “You make me feel complete. That void is gone now that you’re here. You let me love you and then bless me with your love in return. I can’t stand being away from you because when I am, that empty spot comes back every time you’re not here. The only thing that fills it up, is knowing that you’re coming back. I knew something was missing from my life but didn’t know what until I met you.”

“I’m really glad that I can do that for you. Fill up that void.”

“Before you, I never wanted to be with anybody. It didn’t matter. Now, I don’t want to be without you.”

“And you won’t be if I can help it.” Sam kissed Brooke on her forehead then went back to her wrapping. Only a few minutes had gone by before her thoughts got the better of her.

“Brooke, why was C.C. so worried about you when we had that fight? Was it because of that void?”

“What?” Brooke looked over to Sam. “What do you mean?”

“Maybe I’m just over reacting here, but C.C. really wanted to get back here to check on you. She said something about…” Sam bit at her lip, then continued. “Oh, I don’t remember exactly now, but I do know that she was very concerned about your welfare.”

“Because of the argument you and I had?” Brooke took the wrapped package from Sam’s hands and started to label it. “I don’t know, she never said anything to me.”

“Did something happen in the past to make her think you might harm yourself?” Sam watched the expression on her lover’s face become sullen.


Sam stopped what she was doing and moved closer to Brooke. “Honey, are you alright?” She gently rubbed the taller woman’s back as if to ease the pain she saw written in her face. Sam barely heard the next word as it came out in a hushed whisper.


“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Uh… No, not really. I mean… I will but…” Brooke stole a glance at Sam’s face, seeing it full of concern. “I’m just not sure you want to hear it.”

“If it concerns you, I do. I want to know everything about you. Nothing that you tell me would make me feel any differently about you.” Sam paused effectively before adding, “Not now, not ever.”

“Even if I told you that C.C. did have reason to be concerned?”

The younger woman nodded as she took Brooke’s hands in her own. “I love you, Brooke, and I am concerned, too.” Sam’s eyes conveyed her love, letting the older woman feel the support that was being sent her way.

Brooke looked down to her hands, then sat back against the couch. “It was after I left the band and came home. James and Peter were my best friends. We grew up together…”

“I’m listening,” Sam settled in next to Brooke and gave the woman’s hand in her own a little squeeze.

“After what happened with James, I just couldn’t stand it anymore, especially when Peter sided with him.” Brooke raised her gaze to see the intent look on Sam’s face. “I had lost both of my best friends,” she paused, “my music…” she left out a sigh, “…my dignity.”

“Oh, Hon,” Sam gave her hand a little squeeze.

“James betrayed me. I trusted him more than anyone.” Brooke shook her head and looked away from Sam. “God, was I ever wrong.”

Sam’s voice was quiet and soothing, “We all make mistakes, Brooke. We just have to learn to live with them.”

“Well, I couldn’t live with his,” Brooke’s voice grew very quiet, “or at least didn’t think that I could.” The older woman stared off like she was in some kind of trance as the events of that time came back to her. “He drugged me, Sam. He spiked my drink.”

Green eyes narrowed, searching Brooke’s face. “What?”

“I woke up on the bus, naked,” she paused to swallow trying to keep the bile from coming into her mouth as the scene unfolded in her brain. “He was taking off his clothes when I woke up.”

“And nobody stopped him?” Sam’s voice became indignant.

“Nobody else was there but the driver and well, he was driving. James had me in the lounge in the back. Peter had some chick in his bunk. So, he never…uhm, you know was paying any attention to what was going on.” Blue eyes stole a glance in Sam’s direction then quickly came away as she continued on with her story. “We got into it, James and I. We fought, well, wrestled mostly but I did get in some blows. I punched him, kicked him… any way, we both ended up on the floor. Peter walked in after hearing all the commotion and well, you can guess how it looked to him. He sided with James.”

“HE WHAT?” Sam’s voice grew louder.

“Peter was never sober then and I guess he thought that…” Brooke shrugged. “Lets just say that James is a mastermind when it comes to brainwashing.”

The blonde jumped up and started pacing back and forth, “I can’t believe…”

“Sam?” Brooke timed Sam’s pass by her and reached out grabbing her hand and held on to it. “Baby, calm down.”

“And Peter bought his bullshit?” Sam looked at Brooke with a skeptical eye.

“Not for long.”

“Why? What happened?” Sam knelt down on the floor facing Brooke.

“He sobered up one day and realized that I wasn’t there.”

Sam sat down on the floor letting out a loud sigh. “Humph! Seems a little too late to me.”

“Baby, I told you Peter wasn’t the same as he is now. Please don’t get angry at him.” Brooke watched Sam’s face, seeing the perturbed look, she continued. “Anyway, I came home from the tour.”

“God, Brooke, just let anyone try to hurt you now. They’ll have to look out for me because I’m not going to let that happen.”

“I know baby, I know.” Brooke looked over to Sam. “There’s more Sam. C.C. did have reason to be concerned.”

Green eyes shot a glance off to the side, “And I bet I’m not going to like it, am I?”

“Uh…no.” Brooke’s face took on a very serious look as she pressed on with her story. “I came home and for a few weeks, picked up on their drinking habit. I guess I was depressed. I didn’t want to see anyone, talk to anyone.” Brooke sighed, “I just wanted to drink myself into oblivion.”

“No,” Sam bit her lip thinking of how much pain the woman had to have been going through.

“I had gone with C.C. over to see Randi. She had just had surgery on her shoulder.” Brooke’s voice became monotone as she stated the rest of the story. “I was drunk. I went to the bathroom and found her prescription.”

“Please tell me that C.C. drove,” concerned eyes searched Brooke’s face.

“Yes, she did. I might’ve wanted everything to end for me but not her. She was just a kid.”

“Why doesn’t that make me feel any better?” Sam swallowed hard. “Go on.”

“Because I had a raging headache, I took half the bottle of Randi’s prescription to get rid of it. I refilled my beer about a half an hour later, dropped the beer bottle, then went to pick up the broken pieces and overdid it a bit with the glass.”

Brooke looked over to see horror-filled eyes and got up from her seat on the floor. Running her hands through her long hair, she walked over to the fireplace and gazed into the flames, wishing that it could consume her memories, forever erasing them from her mind. Slowly she put her hand on the mantel to steady her, then closed her eyes. “I OD’d, Sam.” She paused for only a second when the words sounded in her ears. “I woke up four days later in a hospital, sober for the first time in weeks.”

“But you didn’t mean to. You just…”

Brooke turned to face the young woman. “I don’t know Sam. Right now, I couldn’t tell you exactly what I was thinking at the time.”

Sam got up, crossing the room to where Brooke stood. She looked into haunted blue eyes and studied them. She was moved by the remorse and didn’t pause in the least to wipe away the stray tear that rolled off long dark lashes, onto the taller woman’s cheek.

“Did I mean to OD? No. I had a headache and I wanted it gone. Did I cut myself with the glass on purpose? Obviously, I did when you consider the scar.” She looked down to her left wrist and grimaced as Sam took her hand and looked at the faded scar. “Do I remember it? No.”

“I never…” She saw the scar and traced it lightly with a finger. Sam looked up into Brooke’s face with such an outpouring of love that it caught the older woman off guard and she had to look away.

“It’s faded. C.C. took very good care of them afterwards.” Brooke smiled, “After she punched me in the face, that is.”

“I’m going to have to thank C.C. for that. I’m glad she knocked some sense into you.”

“Sam, I don’t remember any of it. None of it.” Brooke shook her head, letting her eyes close in pain.

Small arms wrapped around Brooke’s body as Sam pulled her closer. “Maybe it’s for the best. It was a time that you needed people and all you were met with was disappointment.”

“Maybe…” the voice trailed of thoughtfully. There was a moment of silence before Brooke could get the courage to ask the only question that kept running through her mind. “Do you still love me?”

The blonde could feel the tear as it started to roll down her cheek. “Love you…” Sam nodded as she stared into Brooke’s face, “…always.”

“Even now…after you know what happened?” Blue eyes began to search for any hint of hesitation in Sam’s loving gaze.

“I think I love you even more knowing what happened. Knowing that you trust me enough to tell me of a not so good time in your life.”

“Trust you? More than anything, with all that I am and all that I have.”

“I know, I see it in your eyes every time you look at me.”

“What else do you see?” Brooke asked a little amazed at how accepting Sam was.

The young woman smiled as she pulled back to gaze at Brooke. “I see…” Sam giggled. “I see one hell of a lover with a heart as big as the ocean. I see one lovely lady that takes my breath away with each moment that I’m in her presence. I see…” the blonde became a little shy when she thought of how she entered into the picture. “I see my world becoming complete.”

“Yeah? What would complete it?” Brooke’s gaze was filled with love as her heart melted with Sam’s words. “Tell me, what would make your life complete, Sam?”

The young woman smiled. “I’m sure you’ll figure that one out for yourself. Come on, let’s go to bed.” Sam motioned with her head toward the stairs.

“But we have more presents to wrap…”

“There’s a time and a place for everything, and right now,” Sam smiled, “…is not the time for wrapping.” The blonde winked, then turned taking Brooke’s hand in hers as she headed for the stairs, letting her fingers slide through the larger hand.

Stopping at the doorway to the hall, Sam turned around and gave the woman her must dazzling smile as her sultry voice tugged at Brooke’s ears. “Oh, Brooke, I’ve got a present for you. Do you think you can unwrap it?” Sam looked down to the front of her shirt and started to play with the buttons, letting the innocent smile tease at her lips.

Brooke could feel her heart racing as she slowly smiled, then followed the woman eagerly.

The events of the last week long forgotten from her mind, Sam sat at the small desk, waiting for her professor to come in. She played nervously with her pen as she tapped out a rhythm on her stack of books. Hearing the door creak open, Sam looked up to see Janet Humphreys come whisking into the room with a briefcase in one hand and her glasses sitting on top of her head.

“Alright guys and gals, you can come see me individually for your intern assignments for next semester. These assignments are final and can not be altered.” She looked over to one particularly inattentive student and cleared her throat. “Do you hear me, Mister Komikowski? No swapping internships and that’s final.” She watched as he raised his head and nodded. “Okay, now remember, if you get fired, you fail. Now, who wants to go first?” Janet looked around the classroom for a volunteer.

Sam looked up to the heavens as if in prayer. God let me pass and better yet, let it be local. Let it be…

“Well, since no one wants to start…” She eyed the room from corner to corner, “Ms. Moleson…”

SHIT! I’m not done praying. Sam’s eyes opened wide as she looked up to the front of the room. “Yes?”

“You can be the first. My office,” Janet held up two fingers and wiggled them. “…in two minutes.” The professor headed for the door, then stopped at the desk. “Class, the rest of you figure out the order you’d like to go in, once Ms. Moleson returns to leave, I expect the next one in my office immediately.” Janet gathered her things and headed for her office.

“Why me, Lord,” Sam muttered as she slowly got up and shuffled toward the door to Janet’s office. She knocked once then took a deep breath and opened the door.

“Come in Ms. Moleson and have a seat.” Janet pointed to the chair opposite her.

“Thank you.” Sam sat down, trying not to fidget in the long moment of silence that ensued.

“Okay,” Prof. Humphreys placed her hands clasped together on her desk and peered over at the student. “Let’s get right down to it, shall we?”

The blonde swallowed hard with a very audible “Gulp.” Something tells me I’m not going to like this.

“First off, for your PR assignment, do you have reliable transportation to travel to and from work?”

Shit, it’s out of town. I knew it. Sam felt her heart sink. “I can arrange for some if I need it.” You knew it was too good to last forever. Siberia, here I come.

“Good, because the company you will be interning for is about an hour south of here in Virginia Beach.”

The young woman was paying very little attention to what the professor was saying. Sam had only been able to pick up a word here or there. “South of here?” Sam was beginning to become more alert.

“Yes, Ms. Moleson, Virginia Beach is south… well, southeast of here, really.” She offered the packet of information to her student.

Great, that’s all I need, winter at the beach. Sam took the packet, flipped it around and automatically recognized the logo for Brownstone on the corner.

“The company you will be working for is…”

“Brownstone Records,” Sam said, a smile tugging at her lips. “I think I’ve heard of them somewhere.”

“I’m sure you have,” Janet winked at her student. “It’s owned and operated by Brooke Gordon. She wants someone that she can trust who seems to have a liking for music that matches her own.”

“Ah, Ms. Humphreys, don’t worry about transportation. I think I know someone in the area that I might be able to stay with.” Sam’s mind raced with thoughts of giving Brooke her wish of living together.

The professor looked over to Sam. “Are there any questions about your assignment?”

“The assignment? No… no Ma’am. No questions.” Green eyes widened as she shook her head in reply. “Don’t worry Professor, I won’t let you down. I think this is one assignment that I can put my whole heart into.”

“I know you will.” Janet turned over a leaf in her notebook. “Oh, and I will require a progress report from Ms. Gordon every three weeks.” The instructor took off her glasses and placed them on the desk as she thought. “Sam…”

“Yes, Professor?” The young woman sat on the edge of her seat.

“Brooke and I have been friends for a long time and I want it to be known from the start. In no way whatsoever am I showing any favoritism towards you. I ran these internship applications through a computer this year just to keep from being partial. I wanted to match up companies to the best candidate as I could.” Janet took in a deep breath, then sat back into her chair. “Just do me a favor…”

“What’s that, Ms. Humphreys?”

“Just try to keep your relationship out of the classroom and away from the other students. You won’t be interacting with them on a regular basis like you’re used to. I just don’t want it getting back to the Dean that you have a relationship with your boss.” Janet looked away, then settled back on the edge of her seat with her hands on the desk. “Now, Brooke has no idea where you have been placed and she damn sure does not know that I’m having this conversation with you. If she did, she’d probably shoot me.”

Sam nodded, “I understand. It will be all business from 9 to 5.”

“I trust Brooke and know that she won’t show any favoritism on your reports as well. As I said before, just try and keep it discreet while on campus.” Janet smirked, “As for C.C., there’s nothing discreet about her.”

“I’m sorry to disagree with you on that one, Professor. If it’s in Brooke’s best interest, C.C. can be very discreet. I’ve learned that.” Sam looked down to the envelope in her hands. “We won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t.” Janet nodded as she smiled, “Have a wonderful holiday, Ms. Moleson.” She looked down to her book.

“I will now. Thanks, Professor.” The young woman got up and crossed the small office to the door. Reaching for the knob, Sam stopped and turned back toward the woman at the desk, as a subdued smile came to her face. “Merry Christmas to you too, Ms. Humphreys.”
