Chapter 14 To Be Away From You

“…It beats me up to be away from you… And it beats me up how much I love you… “

The golden haired woman sat staring out the classroom window. Arriving early for her next class, Sam had more than enough time to daydream about the tall, dark-haired drummer that pounded out the beat of her life. The young woman soon found herself immersed into the new rhythm that her life was moving toward. God, Brooke, Sam sighed. If it weren’t for your work and my classes right now, I’d be in your embrace. The young woman’s thoughts turned to more intimate details of her lover, but they quickly went by the way with the rather loud entrance of another student.

“Oh, sorry.” The nerdish-looking young man sat down, his books sliding out of his arms and onto the floor with a thud. “Sorry,” he cringed and held a nervous finger up to his lips as he mocked a “Shhhh” from his mouth.

Sam watched as he first arranged his books underneath his seat, then turned his attention to the computer screen in front of him. Deftly his fingers flicked a button here and there and then danced over the keyboard, bringing the high tech equipment to life. “Hmm…” the blonde mused out loud. Now that gives me an idea. If I can’t be with her…who’s to stop me from communicating with her? Sam looked around at the sparsely occupied classroom. Well, at least until the Prof comes in. The woman giggled to herself and quickly brought her own computer terminal in front of her to life. Within seconds, she was in the college’s Internet site and sending out an instant message to the woman she loved.

Sam Moleson: Hey, Hon…I miss you.

She waited patiently, hoping that Brooke would be in her office and not in some meeting, away from her terminal. Okay, I’ll give her a few minutes to answer me back and then…but before she could finish her thought, Brooke’s response chimed back.

Brooke Loran: Miss you too, Darlin’

The noise startled Sam and she quickly adjusted the sound on her terminal to almost non-existent, then she read the message.

Brooke Loran: It’s a good thing that I love you. bg

Now, reading that brought a smile to Sam’s face as she thought she could almost hear the words being whispered into her ear. The woman shivered as a tingling sensation ran down her spine. She paused only long enough to regain control of her fingers, then answered.

Sam Moleson: Best thing of all. I love you too. ;)

Brooke Loran: g I love it when you say that.

Sam Moleson: I know. I figured you would. It makes me feel the same way when you say it to me.

Brooke Loran: Really?

The blonde’s eyes grew wide after reading that and she wondered how such an accomplished woman could be so unsure as to how she was affecting another person.

Sam Moleson: ? Why wouldn’t it?

Brooke Loran: Just asking…g I Love You, Sam.

Sam Moleson: Well, rest assured, I love you, Brooke. And ah…thanks, for making me feel so good, Hon.

Brooke Loran: Why wouldn’t I? You’re everything to me. You should know that by now.

Sam Moleson: Oh, I do. Believe me, I do. I just never thought that it would have happened this way or this soon…to me at least.

Brooke Loran: Happen what way, Darlin’ ?

Sam Moleson: Why, falling in love with my new roomie’s sister and having my dreams come true, silly.

Brooke Loran: Believe me, I never thought I’d ever fall in love with my sister’s roommate. C.C. tried a couple of years ago to set me up with someone. The girl was PSYCHO!

Sam Moleson: And I’m not? (Wiggling eyebrows and looking crazed.)

Brooke Loran: Not at all. g You know, Sam, I hate computers. bg Can’t you get out of class early? I’ll leave the office to come get you. You know it is Friday afternoon. bg

Sam Moleson: Thanks, for the vote of confidence. I guess I’ll have to work on that crazed look more often. Miss me…do you?

Brooke Loran: Like crazy! You’re Prof isn’t bitching about you being on the computer?

Sam Moleson: Nope, class didn’t start yet…and ah…Brooke. What time could you pick me up? If you were to leave now?

Brooke Loran: If I were to leave now? 45 minutes.

Sam Moleson: Hmm…Well, make it an hour and I’ll skip out of my last class. That is, if you promise me a good work out this weekend. It is my gym class, you know. LOL

Brooke Loran: Work out? (Heheheh) I think I could arrange something. bg

Sam Moleson: I thought so. See you at the dorm, you task master.

Brooke Loran: g See you in an hour. Love you!

Sam Moleson: I love you too…and Brooke…get here in one piece. I want all of you, tonight.

Brooke Loran: Just tonight?

Sam Moleson: Well that is the start of the next ten thousand years, isn’t it?

Brooke Loran: Yes, it is. See you soon, Sweetheart.

Sam Moleson: I’m counting on it.

The blonde’s mind froze with the sound of a briefcase being put down not too softly on the big metal desk in the front of the room. Green eyes glanced up from the computer screen to see the rather wrinkled face of her instructor as he ruffled through a pile of papers that he pulled out of his case. Sam knew that her respite from the everyday world was over, at least for the next hour, and quickly signed off before the lecture started.

Sam Moleson: Oops, Prof is here, I gotta go. Love you. Bye.

Brooke Loran: Love you.

The young woman disengaged her instant mailbox from the screen and waved a little mental good-bye to her lover. See you soon, Love. Sam touched the monitor lovingly, and then turned her attention to the class on ‘Computers in Everyday Business’.

Dashing out of the class as soon as the time was up, Sam made her way across campus and back to her dorm. When she was just a few short feet away from the building, her cell phone chirped out its happy beep. Immediately the blonde looked around the parking lot as she grabbed her phone, opening it quickly, and speaking into it. “Can’t even wait to get here, can you Brooke?” Sam teased as she turned and looked for the 300 and its tall, dark-haired driver.

“Sam?” The puzzled voice asked.

“Oh…ah…Auntie?” Sam’s golden brow furrowed at the voice that she knew definitely wasn’t Brooke’s.

“Yes, Sam. How are you Sweetheart?” The older woman’s voice had a lilt about it.

“Okay, why?” Sam laughed, recognizing her Aunt Sandy’s voice for sure. “You checking up on me now that I’m finally twenty-one?”

“No, Samantha, I’m not checking on you, Sweetie,” Sandy assured her niece. “I hadn’t heard from you in a few days and I just wondered how you were doing. Your cousin is absolutely useless in providing information right now.”

Sam kept a smile in check as she entered the building. “I didn’t mean it that way, Aunt Sandy. I just didn’t expect to hear from you right now. How is Crystal?”

“She’s out with that young man she met at your friend’s house.”

“Peter?” Sam asked, knowing that it was unlikely to be anybody else. “I thought that they’d like each other.”

“Yes,” Sandy was rather cheerful. “He seems like a nice, young man. He even made a special effort to make sure that I knew he was a friend of your Brooke’s.”

Her Aunt’s words caught Sam off guard. My Brooke’s. The young woman smiled as she stopped dead in her tracks and just stood there. “Ah…” she fought to contain her joy. “He is, and a very nice person, too. At least from what I’ve seen and what Brooke has told me.”

“Well, I’m glad. So, how are you and your friend doing?” Aunt Sandy acted like it was an everyday question that she was asking Sam.

“Funny you should ask. I…ah…I thought it was her on the line when you called. She’s picking me up for the weekend any minute now.” Sam felt the blush start to crawl up her neck as she talked.

“Oh, really? I was hoping that you could come and stay here tomorrow night.” Sandy sounded disappointed. “I have a surprise for you…for your birthday.”

“What kind of surprise, Aunt Sandy?” Sam’s voice sounded eager as she gripped the phone tightly to her, moving forward into the common room of the dorm. “You didn’t do something foolish for my birthday, did you? No weekend retreats to the spa or ski trips,” she teased her aunt.

“Pshaw…No,” Sandy laughed. “But it’s a wonderful surprise. Shall I tell you now?” She teased. “That way you’ll know why you’ll be missing your friend.”

“Now, what would make me miss my friend?” Sam thought for a moment, then verbalized it. “There’s only one thing that I can think of that would do that.”

“Samantha,” her aunt sing-songed out, “I talked your mother into letting your sister spend the night tomorrow, if I agree to drive her back on Sunday.”

“What?” Sam spun around and leaned against the nearest thing she could find to keep from falling. “Sarah’s going to be out of their protection?”

“Yes, Dear. She’ll be here in the morning. Crystal offered to drive out and pick you up.”

“They don’t know that I’m going to see her, do they?” Sam’s tone was somber.

“No! Sam, they don’t. They know you don’t have a car and that your dorm is two hours away.” Sandy paused for a moment, then continued. “Please don’t be upset with me, Samantha. I wanted to do something nice for you in honor of your birthday, since I missed your little party the other night.”

Sam’s heart ached for the closeness that she and her sister used to have. They had been more than just sisters. They had been best friends. The decision was hard, but she knew that the chance might never happen again, for a long time. “I was going to be at Brooke’s this weekend, Aunt Sandy. I’m sure that Brooke will understand. She’s close with her youngest sister. When will Crystal pick me up?”

“You could always bring Brooke with you. I’d love to meet her sometime.”

The urge to do just that started to take hold in Sam’s mind, then she thought about meeting her sister for the first time in four years. Fearing what Sarah’s reaction might be, Sam answered, “No, I’m not sure that would be the best time to spring Brooke on Sarah. I’d rather get a feel for what she’s thinking, first.”

Saddened by the reality of the matter, but delighted that her plan would be put into action, Sandy smiled. “Crystal said that she’d pick you up in the morning, right after her shift is done.”

The young blonde quickly reviewed her schedule for the weekend’s activities. “Oh, damn!”

“What’s wrong, Samantha?”

“I’m invited to dinner Sunday night at the Gordon’s. Can Crystal get me back for that?”

Searching her memory for a reason why not, Sandy finally answered, “I don’t think it would be a problem…”

“I’ll tell Brooke.” Sam had made her mind up. “Just have Crystal give me a call on my cell phone when she leaves work. That’ll give me enough time to get ready.”

“Okay, Dear,” Sandy smiled, “You have fun and I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye.”

“Thanks, Aunt Sandy. You’re the best.” Sam smiled as she thought of how supportive her aunt had been for her. “I love you. Bye.” Ending the call, she put the phone back into her pocket as she pushed off the piece of furniture that she had leaned against. Her aunt and cousin now seemed more like her family than her real ones were, always looking out for her in anyway that they could.

Sam made it as far as the elevator where she pushed the button and waited for the car to come for her. Now, how am I going to tell Brooke that I’m not going to be with her on Saturday and part of Sunday? I guess I’ll just have to think of something. God, I hope she understands. Sam patiently looked up at the displayed number locating the position of the car. “Well, at least I know that’s not her getting off on my floor.”

Done with her last class, C.C. had finally made it back to the dorm room, shut the door making sure to lock it, and then flopped down on her bed. “Sleep, I need just an hour of sleep,” she mumbled as she reached for the stray stuffed animal on her bed and curled up with it.

The sound of knocking came from the door, soft at first, then louder with each rapping routine. C.C. turned over to look at the time with one eyelid half-open. It wasn’t even ten minutes since she’d laid down and already she was being disturbed. “Okay…” she mumbled, thinking that it might be her roommate without her key, then the pounding got even louder. “Okay…alright.” C.C.’s voice was a little more forceful as she climbed off her bed and started toward the door. “Damn it Brooke,” the young woman unlocked the door and pulled it open. “I don’t know why we just don’t give you a k-ke…” C.C.’s eyes took in the view of her sister standing there, poised to knock again. “Ah…Hey, Randi.”

“Hey, baby Sis.” Randi studied C.C.’s face, seeing that she was shocked at her appearance. “Thought I’d finally stop in and see your new digs.” Randi craned her neck to see in the small opening of the door.

“Come on in. I hope you didn’t expect much.” The brunette pushed the door open for her sister to inspect the room. C.C. watched as her sister’s eyes started at one side of the room and then moved to the other, stopping short at the wall above Sam’s bed with the photo of Loran prominently displayed on it.

“So…” Randi slowly pulled her eyes off the almost life-size face of her sister. “Which one of these bunks is yours, C.C.?”

“Why?” The brunette looked cautiously at her sister. “You going to put itching powder in my sheets or something?” She watched Randi turn and give her the same look as her mother always did when she wanted to be taken seriously.

“And, why would I do that?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” C.C. looked innocent at first then became more serious as she looked her sister straight in the eye. “Maybe because you did it when I was younger…maybe?”

Randi cocked her head to one side as she shooed the younger woman away from the door so that she could enter the room. “You forget that I’m a mother too. I just like to watch out for people now.” The older woman walked in, turned around looking at both beds, then up to her sister. “Make sure you don’t disgrace the family by not making your bed.”

“How would that disgrace the family?” C.C.’s coy smile graced her face. “Speaking of disgrace, how is Brian anyway?”

Randi cleared her throat. “He’s good, actually. That’s part of the reason I stopped by. I’m meeting him for supper tonight and thought you might like to watch the kids for us.”

“Ah…you got a break in that case, huh?”

“Break?” Randi’s face went from deadly serious to one of elated. “Hell, I got them locked away tight.”

“Cool! That’s great, Randi.” C.C. was proud of her oldest sibling and it showed as she gave her a big hug. “Yeah, I’ll watch the kids. We’ll do videos or something. You lucked out, Sis. My Prof is out of town so I don’t have my class this evening.”

“Great, then we all come out winners. So, C.C. you never said,” Randi retracted from the hug. “Which one is your bunk?”

C.C. took the step toward her bunk, scooped up the stuffed animal that she’d been hugging and sat down on the bed. “This one. Why?”

“No reason, I just didn’t want to mess up anything of Sam’s.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. She doesn’t have much and I’m sure she won’t mind you being here.”

“God, you’re living Spartan-like in this tiny room. I bet you can almost hear each other think in your dreams.” Randi motioned for her sister to move down and she sat on the bed next to C.C.

C.C. smiled at the thought, “Pretty much.”

“Hear any good ones lately?” Randi leaned into C.C.’s shoulder and bumped it with her own.

“Good ones?” The young woman looked perplexed.

The lawyer rolled her eyes, “Forget it, C.C. It’s over your head.”

“Oh…dreams?” The light bulb finally came on for the brunette.

Randi smiled, wiggling her eyebrows. “Got any?”

“Mine…or Sam’s?” C.C. looked off to the side of her sister without turning toward her and grinned.

The older woman picked up a pillow from the bed and tossed it at her sister. “I know all about yours, you smart shit. How about Sam’s?”

“Why…” the younger woman looked strangely at her sister, “…you doing research on what young unattached women dream about these days?” She paused for a second, then C.C. looked off and started mumbling, “Well, if you must know…it was something about a kangaroo and a parrot eating tapioca pudding.”

The lawyer’s eyes roamed to the other side of the room as she tried to analyze what C.C. was saying. Her gaze stopped at the face of her sister, Brooke. “What the hell is that about?”

“What…” the brunette’s eyes followed the direction her sister was looking, “the photograph?” C.C. shrugged. “Sam’s an Anti-Zero fan, her and her cousin, Crystal, both. No biggie.”

“No,” she smacked C.C. on the leg, “the goddamn animals and the pudding?”

“Ouch!” The young woman rubbed her leg. “I don’t know. She mumbled something in her sleep about that.”

“Anti-Zero! That’s why Brooke did that for Sam’s birthday.” Randi’s eyes lit up as if she’d just found the missing piece of evidence in a complicated case.

“Yeah, no biggie.” C.C. leaned back on her bed. “She…ah…I asked her if she could have anything for her birthday, what would she want. She never got to see A-Z play so…” the woman shrugged, “Then I mentioned it to Brooke.”

Letting one eye squint shut, Randi looked at C.C. “Is she into anything else…drugs or anything?”

“Who, Sam?” C.C.’s voice cracked with surprise. “Nope, the girl won’t even take an aspirin tablet.”

Seeing the look of suspicion in her younger sibling’s eyes, Randi backed off. “Sorry, I’ve been a prosecutor too long. My mind just thinks like that all the time now.”

“Anything else you’d like to know?” C.C. teased her sister.

“Sam seeing anybody? Does she have any other friends?” Randi fired the questions like she was interrogating a witness on the stand.

“I…uh…” C.C. felt like she was just accused of murder. “I think she’s seeing someone.” The brunette sat up on the bed, more defiant then ever. “And yes, she has friends…me.”

“I just wondered. I mean…the family has kind of adopted her.” Randi looked at her sister. “Don’t give me that look.”

“What look?” C.C. rolled her eyes and stared back at her sister. “I just don’t understand what’s up with the interrogation. Sam’s a good kid.” The sound of the door flying open and quick footsteps drew the brunette’s attention as she watched Sam enter the room. Shocked, C.C. tried not to show it. “Hey, Roomie!”

Sam’s head turned to see the women on C.C.’s bed. “Oh, hi C.C., Randi. Sorry if I’m interrupting. I just need to freshen up and I’m on my way right back out again.”

“No problem, Sam. You’re not interrupting a thing,” Randi watched the woman.

“I’m leaving early tonight, C.C.” Sam grabbed a clean T-shirt and dashed into the bathroom.

“Okay, no problem.” C.C. yelled out as Sam reached for the doorknob. “My class was cancelled tonight, so I’m going over to watch Randi’s kids.”

Randi waited until the bathroom door closed then looked at C.C. “Is she always like that?”

“Like what?” C.C. looked wide-eyed and innocent.

“Ah…in and out like that.” The lawyer raised a skeptical eyebrow.

“Nah,” C.C. shook her head. “She just tells me so I won’t worry. She is my roommate, you know.”

Just then the bathroom door opened and Sam emerged from it, headed toward her bed and the overnight bag sitting next to it. “Hey, C.C. I’ll try to make it back for Sunday’s dinner. Don’t go missing me,” Sam threw a smile in the brunette’s direction. “If anything comes up, I’ve got my cell phone with me.”

“Okay, no problem.”

Sam picked up her bag and turned toward the door when the knocking started. After a quick exchange of glances between the blonde and her roommate, Sam stepped toward the door and reached out, yanking it open.

There, for all to see was the undeniable essence of yet another Gordon sibling, Brooke.

“Hey,” the dark-haired woman threw open her arms as she stepped into the doorway, only to be met by a small overnight bag being shoved into her chest. The confusion was written on Brooke’s face as she wrapped her hands around the bag and uttered a single word. “Sam?”

The small blonde shot a quick glance at Brooke then she hastily turned toward C.C. and Randi. “Isn’t it great that Brooke is giving me a ride to my Aunt’s house? I’m so glad that you mentioned that to her on the phone last night, C.C.” Sam looked directly at the oldest Gordon sibling, “Randi, sorry I can’t talk to you longer.”

“No problem,” C.C. spoke, nearly dumbfounded by the quick thinking of her roommate. “Don’t mention it, just as long as you can survive her driving.”

The blonde smiled, “It’s not that bad, is it?”

C.C. chuckled, relieved that she’d not have to keep up the charade much longer, “Oh girl, worse. Why do you think Randi here is her attorney?”

Finally realizing what was going on, Brooke took her hard as nails approach to life and glared right at her youngest sister. “Yeah, right. Bite me, C.C. This is your friend I’m driving. I could have easily told you to do it yourself.”

“Yeah, but you’d feel like shit if my truck broke down on that drive, wouldn’t you?” C.C. batted her eyes at her sister in the doorway, “Besides, the 300 gets better gas mileage.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Brooke finally looked over to her older sister. “What’s up, Randi?”

Intent on watching, Randi’s spell was now broken. “Ah…nothing. Why, do I need an engraved invitation to stop to see C.C. or is the open door policy just for you?”

Brooke looked at Randi, wandering where the animosity was coming from. “No, it’s not just for me. Can’t I be nice and greet my older sister without getting my head bitten off?”

“Sorry, I just got done with a long, hard case. I guess I’m still in that courtroom mode.”

“I’m sorry your case was a pain, but I had nothing to do with it.” Brooke took another step into the room where she was stopped by Sam’s hand on her arm.

“Brooke, we really should be leaving if you want to get me there in time for you to get to your meeting.” Green eyes shifted from Brooke to Randi then back to Brooke again.

Randi held her hands up in the air feigning innocence. “Hey, forget it, Brooke. Sorry.”

The dark-haired woman eyed her sister, “Yeah, forgotten.” She walked over and hugged C.C. “See ya later, Kiddo.” Turning her gaze to her older sister, Brooke spoke quietly, “Bye, Randi. See you on Sunday at Mom and Dad’s.”

The lawyer looked down at the floor like a pouting child hungry for a show of affection. “You wouldn’t have a hug for a grouchy older sister, would you?”

Stopping abruptly on her way back to the door, Brooke turned to face Randi. She watched as her sister stood up to the nearly six foot two height and walked over, giving Randi a hug. “Sure I do.” Brooke wrapped her arms around her sister, then whispered, “As long as the grouch realizes that the next time she bites my head off for no reason, she’ll end up on the floor.”

“Duly noted, Sis.” Randi returned the hug. “I got that loud and clear.”

“See you at Sunday dinner.” Brooke released the embrace and winked at her sister as she stepped back. Turning to address Sam after clearing her throat, she said, “You ready?”

“Ready and waiting. Come on, let’s go.” Sam headed out the door and stood waiting in the hall for Brooke to follow her.

“Hey, Brooke…” Randi called out after her sister.

“Yeah?” Brooke turned and stared back into the room from the hall.

“Remember to use my pager tonight if you need to be bailed out for speeding…or anything.” Randi let a smile cross her face. “Be careful, will you?”

Brooke nodded as she turned to watch Sam walk ahead of her down the hallway, and then turned back to face her sisters. “Mmm…I will.”

Seeing her older sister in C.C.’s room had definitely spooked Brooke. Randi never came around much, now that she had her own family to run roughshod over, unless there was something that she felt concerned her. Something that she wanted to know more about. Brooke thought about it more and more, making the ride toward her home a very silent one.

Sam watched the woman out of the corner of her eye as she maneuvered the car into the parking lot of the grocery store. “So, why are we stopping here, Brooke?”

“I…ah…I need to pick up some things.”

“Oh, I thought maybe you just remembered that you didn’t kiss me yet,” Sam teased.

Brooke blushed as she lowered her eyes. “Sorry, Darlin’.” She looked up into green eyes and leaned in, stealing a quick kiss. “Now what kind of statement is that?”

“Hmm…I don’t know.” Sam studied her friend’s face. “What’s on your mind, Hon?”

The older woman tried to hide her thoughts the best that she could. “I was just thinking about later.” Brooke let a smile break across her face. “I need to stop and buy some food,” she looked down at her feet as she turned off the ignition. “I thought I’d make you dinner.”

“You’re cooking for me? Wow, must be serious, huh?” Pleased at Brooke’s thoughtfulness, Sam put her hand on the driver’s thigh, rubbing it lightly. “Well, what do you say we do it together? You know, make a date out of it and have some fun in the process.”

Blue eyes twinkled with delight. “Okay, sounds like a plan.” Brooke held out her arms for a hug, “Oh, I’m very serious.” The woman wiggled her eyebrows and waited.

Sam leaned in until she was only a hair away from the inviting lips. “So am I,” she whispered then committed to the kiss.

“Mmm…I’ll give you all night to stop that,” Brooke grinned as she slowly parted from the sweet taste of Sam’s lips. “And the next ten thousand years to repeat it every moment.”

“Hmm…” Sam savored the flavor of her lover’s kiss, “And I’ll take it, too.” The blonde reached for her door handle and started to open the passenger door. “Come on, let’s get this date on the move.” Green eyes sparkled with mischief as she shot a glance back to the driver, then got out and headed for the store.

Stunned, Brooke quickly got out of the car and followed the blonde, grabbing a cart as she made her way into the store. Moving at a rather speedy pace, the tall woman soon caught up to Sam, sliding in next to her with a leisurely comment. “So, what do you feel like for dinner, Sweetheart?” Brooke looked down at the smaller woman beside her and winked.

The young woman couldn’t help but laugh at how cool Brooke was acting. “Right about now, I feel like chopped liver in anticipation of later.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Let’s keep it simple so we have more time together…” Brooke turned from looking at the shelves, her head snapping back to look at Sam. “What did you say? Chopped liver…why do you feel like that?

Sam looked around, knowing that the blushing was imminent, she tugged at Brooke’s sleeve, then whispered in her ear, “Honestly, I feel all kind of gooey inside thinking about what you do to me, how you make me feel when we’re together.

The woman stood up straight as she smiled, then reached across Sam to grab something off the shelf. Brooke leaned in to look at the display more closely, and watching the twinkle of delight in Sam’s eyes. “Fair is fair. You make me feel the same way. Honestly, Sam.”

A smile came to the young woman’s face. “Yes?”

Brooke waited until the lone shopper with the rickety-wheeled cart passed them by before continuing. “I hate Monday mornings. I hate being away from you for those five days.” She put the package of food that she was holding into the cart then looked back up to Sam. “If I tell you something, promise not to laugh?” She watched as the blonde nodded. “I missed you so bad yesterday that I was looking for apartments near the campus.” Not wanting to see how foolish she was thought of, Brooke let her focus sink to the grocery’s tiled floor, finding her boots very interesting as she waited to hear from Sam.

It took the blonde a moment to gather her wits about her and to let her mouth come back to its normal position after nearly hitting the floor from shock at Brooke’s statement. “You’d move out of that beautiful house to live in an apartment…but why?”

The older woman’s grip tightened on the handle of the cart. “I know, you think it’s stupid but…” Brooke lifted her gaze, letting it fall on Sam’s face, “I hate being that far away from you.”

Sam looked into Brooke’s face with nothing but love in her eyes. “It’s not going to be forever. I’m done in May.” Her small hand came to rest on top of the large hand holding onto the cart. “Brooke, I’m not sure that would be a good thing right now. I’d never be able to study anything but you.”

“I know,” Brooke sighed, letting her gaze drift back to the floor. “I’m just acting like a spoiled child.”

“No, actually…” Sam bumped into the tall woman with her shoulder, “I thought it was pretty sweet…impractical, but sweet.”

“Impractical?” Brooke looked into Sam’s eyes, then confessed, “I need you as much as I need the air I breathe and…” the woman paused seeing the stares she was getting from a few of the other shoppers. “I’d better shut up now.”

They started moving down the aisle, pushing the cart in front of them when Sam thoughtfully added, “Yeah, for you to want to give up your home for me, I promise to think about living closer to you after this term.” She wrapped her arm around Brooke’s. “Okay?”

The dark-haired woman stopped before making the turn down the next aisle. “How close?”

The blonde giggled, “How close do you want me?”

“Honestly?” Blue eyes twinkled at the thought and Brooke smiled mischievously. “Close enough so I don’t have to call you in the morning.”

“What, you want to just nudge me instead?” Sam tugged at Brooke’s hip pocket on her jeans. “Sorry, Hon. There’s just not enough room in there for my clothes.”

“Yep!” Brooke grinned from ear to ear. “That’s it.”

“You do have a one track mind, don’t you, Brooke Gordon?”

“Yeah, and you’re that track.”

Shaking her head, Sam tried to salvage the shopping trip. “Well, let’s get back on track here in the grocery store and see what happens when we get home, huh?”

The tall woman let go with a dazzling smile at her lover’s use of the word. “Home?”

“Ah…Sorry. I just think of your place as home. Guess I shouldn’t take that for granted.” Sam bit at her lower lip, nervously.

Releasing the cart, Brooke placed both her hands on Sam’s shoulders and quickly corrected her. “No, Sam, it is home when you’re there…for the both of us.” The older woman watched as the expression changed on the blonde’s face. “I love the fact that you think of it as your home.”

Sam cleared her throat, loving the look on Brooke’s face. The young woman quickly looked around. “Well, let’s get home then.” She studied the few items in the cart and then looked up to Brooke. “So, what’s on the menu for tonight, Chef Gordon?

Blue eyes grew bigger, and then a dazzling smile overtook Brooke’s face.

With the last of the dishes from dinner safely tucked away in the dishwasher, Brooke came into the living room, and dropped down onto the couch, next to Sam. “I’m stuffed,” she announced as her extremities took up as much room as they could on the furniture.

“That was a great meal, Brooke.” Sam leaned back into the corner of the couch and viewed the woman next to her. “I never had a private chef cook for me like that before.” The blonde moved closer to the outstretched arms and was soon gathered in by them.

“I’ll cook for you whenever you’d like.” Brooke smiled as she pulled Sam closer to her. “I’d bring you breakfast in bed every morning, if you want it,” the deep voice purred.

“Anytime?” Sam asked warily. “Hmm…you better be careful there. I can have some wild cravings,” the young woman patted Brooke’s chest. “Especially in the middle of the night,” Sam smiled coyly as she waited for Brooke to get her thought.

Leaning over, Brooke nuzzled Sam’s neck and whispered, “I can handle it.” The tall woman placed feather light kisses down the blonde’s shoulder then she looked up into waiting green eyes. “Wild cravings in the middle of the night? Nothing like pickles and ice cream, right?” Brooke watched with teasing delight for a moment, then went back to giving Sam’s neck all of her attention. “I didn’t think I was that talented.” She chuckled, then kissed the delicate ear that her mouth was next to.

“No,” the blonde’s eyes grew bigger with each nuzzle and kiss. “At least not yet,” she laughed.

“Yet?” Brooke’s head popped up, “You mean…I’m gonna learn how to spit?”

Sam laughed at her lover’s eagerness to please her, if that was what she wanted. “I’m sure that if you’d put your mind to it,” the blonde winked at Brooke, “You’d find a way.”

Brooke laughed softly against Sam’s neck, the warmth of her breath sending chills down the young woman’s spine. “For you, Sam, anything.”

“Mmm…” Sam closed her eyes, then turned her face away from Brooke to expose more of her neck to the woman. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“Afraid…but why?”

“We just seem too good to be true. I don’t ever want this bubble to burst, Brooke.” Sam’s small hand cradled Brooke’s cheek.

Turning first to kiss the hand that was so close to her mouth, Brooke looked at the woman beside her. “Baby, don’t think like that. I think we’ve both gone through enough to deserve to be with each other.”

“Sorry,” the blonde shrugged. “I’m just not used to being this happy.”

“So, you are happy?” Brooke nuzzled into Sam’s neck, right below her ear. “What would make you ecstatic?” She whispered.

Sam smiled as she pushed Brooke away using her head. “Hmm…ecstatic, huh?”

Nodding, Brooke reiterated, “Yep, ecstatic.” Blue eyes watched as Sam pondered the question.

“Being with my sister again,” Sam shrugged, “That is, if she hasn’t been turned against me yet.” She bit at her lip, “I guess I’ll know that answer tomorrow, when I see her.”

Surprised by the answer that Sam had given her, Brooke thought for a moment then asked softly, “Sister? You get to see her tomorrow?”

“Oh shit. I forgot to tell you.” Sam sat up, turning toward Brooke, as turbulent green eyes searched the face of her lover for forgiveness. “Crystal is going to pick me up to see Sarah at Aunt Sandy’s tomorrow.” Sam bit back on her lower lip, “I’m sorry, Brooke. I know you were counting on me being here all weekend.”

Even though the older woman was disappointed, she couldn’t let it show. “Oh, that’s okay, Sweetheart, I understand.” Brooke put a finger under Sam’s chin and raised it slightly. “I think it’s great that you’ll get to see her.”

“My aunt called me on my cell phone right before I got to the room,” Sam rambled on.


Sam sighed, then took in a deep breath as she looked up to Brooke. “Yeah?”

“You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I think it’s wonderful.” Brooke’s mouth turned into a smile as she chuckled. “I wondered where that bit came from when I got to the dorm, though.”

Brooke’s laughter was contagious, bringing a smile to Sam’s face. “Nice cover with Randi being there, huh?”

“Yeah, great cover.” Brooke thought for a moment about the feeling she had received from her older sister. “I don’t know, she still had a thorn in her ass though.”

“Only you would notice that, Miss Reach-out-and-touch-someone.” Sam bumped her with her shoulder, then reached out and gave her a one-armed hug. “You’d better be glad that I shoved that bag at you or we’d both be sitting there under cross examination by your sister the Assistant D.A.”

“Objection!” Brooke sprang forward as she raised her hand. “We’d be running.”

“Hmm…another family trait, huh?” Sam laughed at the woman’s antics then turned very serious, as she looked Brooke in the eye. “Really, Hon, I need a little more time without everyone knowing. Okay?”

“Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was there.” Brooke pleaded her case. “She was the last person I expected to see sitting there with C.C.” The older woman suddenly got very quiet. “I’m too touchy, aren’t I?”

“Hmm…” Sam made a face as she fought her inner feelings concerning Brooke. “A little…maybe, in public.” The blonde tilted her head to study the woman from a different angle. “Damn it, Brooke. But I love it though.”

“I’m sorry.” Brooke lowered her eyes to the floor.

“Hey, no need to be sorry.” Sam wiggled her eyebrows playfully, “I think it’s kind of cute. So unlike Loran that I just love it.”

“What…touchy or cute?” The dark-haired woman’s face reflected how serious she was.

The blonde burst out laughing. “Both.” She leaned over and kissed the older woman on her nose.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t help myself when I’m around you. I’ll try to be more careful from now on.”

“Well, don’t be too careful. I kind of like it when you find it hard to stay away from me.” Sam smiled at the woman, “So what’s on the agenda for the rest of tonight, as if I don’t already know?”

“Whatever you’d like. I told you…for you, anything.”

“What do you say we have a story-telling contest? You tell me yours and I’ll tell you my story.” Sam giggled, wiggling her eyebrows. “Only, Brooke…I think the best atmosphere for that is in the bedroom. You know…bedtime stories.”

Brooke started getting up from the couch, pulling Sam along with her. “Well, ah…Once upon a time, there was a record company executive, a beautiful student, and a bottle of Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup…”

Green eyes twinkled with delight. “Oh, I like that one.” Sam laughed as she tugged at Brooke’s hand and followed after her. “Come on, my bard, lead me to that bed.”

The sound of the horn honking got Sam’s attention. She shook her slightly wet blonde hair into place as she came down from the second floor. Making her way down the short hallway and through the living room, she could see Brooke standing by the door, looking out one of the small side windows.

“Is she here, Brooke?” Sam asked as she finished buttoning her top.

“Yeah,” the woman by the door nodded unenthusiastically when she thought her lover wasn’t looking.

Sam came up behind the pouting woman, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Hey, look at me.” She waited until the dark head of hair revealed a somber looking face. “It’s only for a day. I’ll be back for dinner on Sunday.” Green eyes looked poignantly into Brooke’s eyes. “I promise.”

“I know.” The pouting woman was having a hard time hiding her feelings as she mustered a weak smile. “Have fun and tell Crystal I said hi.” She looked into Sam’s eyes, knowing that it was hard for both of them right now.

“I was here on Tuesday night this week,” Sam held the eye contact as her own golden brows edged higher knowing what they had shared that night. “Remember?”

Brooke smiled with that memory, “Yeah…” she drew the word out as if it would make the memory last longer.

“You know if it was for any other reason, I’d never go, don’t you?”

“I do, Baby.” Brooke took in a deep breath, then tried putting a more enthusiastic smile on her face. “Hey, have a great time with your sister. I’ll be here waiting for you.” The taller woman pulled Sam closer to her, giving her a hug. “I am happy for you, Sam.”

“Thanks,” the blonde let her fingers absent-mindedly play with Brooke’s shirt, “I’m counting on that. You know, I’m not sure how Sarah’s going to react to me having someone like you in my life, otherwise…” Sam paused for a moment, “I’d take you with me. I love you, Brooke.”

“I know. I think it’s best that you feel her out before just springing me on her.” The tall woman leaned in and nuzzled Sam’s ear. “I love you, Sam.” Brooke closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of her lover when the sound of a horn honking broke the trance she was slipping into. “Now, kiss me goodbye and go see your sister.”

Sam looked up and smiled as their eyes met, speaking more than words could say. The two lovers slowly melted into a passionate kiss, only to come away breathless, but still hungry. “God, I never thought I’d love someone this much.” Sam rested her head on Brooke’s shoulder. “I’m glad that it’s you.”

“Not half as glad as I am that it’s me.” The older woman grinned proudly. “God, I love you.”

“I bet.” Sam reached up and kissed her lover once more, softer and with a more loving touch this time. “I’ll miss you.” The smaller woman started to move away, pulling herself together. “See you at dinner tomorrow, Hon. Love you.”

“Love you too, Baby. Have fun with Sarah.” Brooke kept her arm around Sam’s shoulder.

“I will.” Sam moved out from under Brooke’s arm, toward the door and opened it, then turned back to give a little wave. “Crystal’s waiting. You going to walk me out?”

White teeth flashed into a smile. “Yeah.” Brooke grabbed Sam’s bag off the floor by the door and followed the woman out and down the few steps to the car waiting in the driveway.

Approaching the car, Sam could see her cousin sitting behind the wheel, still in her uniform from work. The blonde waved as she greeted the tired looking woman, “Hi, Crys.”

“Hey, Sam.” The driver threw her hand out the open window of her car door and waved wildly. “Let’s get a move on or you’re going to have to drive. I’ve been up all night.” Crystal then acknowledged Brooke with a nod, “Hey, Brooke.”

“Hi, Crystal,” the tall woman answered. Brooke opened the passenger door, then placed Sam’s bag in the back seat, then moved away from the opening but still kept her hand on the door.

Sam sidled up next to Brooke, nudging her with her hip. “I’m not that much better, Crystal.” She turned to look at Brooke, “Thanks, Brooke.”

The tall woman leaned in to Sam’s ear and whispered, “You’re welcome.” Brooke cleared her throat, staving off the blush that she could feel rising to her cheeks. “Have fun with your sister. Call me tomorrow when you’re on your way home.”

“I will.” Sam reached up, placing a kiss on Brooke’s cheek. “Love you,” she tightened her grip on the woman’s waist, “and thanks for understanding.”

“Always. I love you.” Brooke smiled down at the woman as she felt the arm slid from around her body and Sam got into the passenger seat of the car.

Looking up as she reached for the door to pull it closed, Sam watched as Brooke stepped away from it. “I’m counting on it.” She winked as the door came closed, then turned to her cousin. “Okay Crystal, let’s get out of here.”

Brooke took several steps back, then caught on to Mario who had just come running up from the backyard. “Come here, boy.” She patted the dog then together they stood there watching with sad eyes. Brooke waved as the car started down the driveway, like some five-year-old child watching her older siblings going off to school for the first time.

When she’d finally lost sight of the car, Brooke got down on her knees and nuzzled into Mario’s thick fur. “Well, boy, what are we going to do without her around?” She whispered into the animal’s ear.

Mario instinctively turned to his mistress, licking her face, which brought a smile to the woman. “Yeah, I know…” Brooke stood up and stretched her long frame. “Grow up ya big baby…” she sighed, “…it’s only a day.”

Crystal pulled the car out of the driveway; making the few quick turns onto the highway. Even though her mind was on driving, she couldn’t help but notice that her usually bubbly cousin was quietly staring out the window. Then Sam sat there with her eyes closed. “You alright, Sam?”

“Huh?” The question startled her. “Me?” Sam paused for a moment then admitted, “Not really.” The blonde played with her fingers tentatively for a few seconds then started talking. “Crystal, I just left her not a minute or two ago and I’m missing her already. What’s wrong with me?”

“I don’t think anything is wrong. You love her. It’s as simple as that.” The driver glanced over at the blonde. “You going to be able to make it until tomorrow at dinner?”

Sam tried to reason it out in her head. What’s one day, right? I’m away from her for five days every week. It wasn’t working. “Crystal, I’ve got it bad for her.” The blonde bit back on her lip. Maybe if I try not to think about her. Sam turned to look at the driver. “So, tell me Crystal, how do you like Peter?”

Crystal’s eyes grew wide as she thought about the question. “How do I like Peter? You’re kidding, right?”

“No, you silly, I’m not kidding. I heard that you and he had a date yesterday.”

“To say that I absolutely adore him is an understatement. He’s so much more than I ever dreamed. He’s sweet. He’s called me everyday.”

Sam laughed, “I knew that years ago when you first had a crush on him. Brooke’s the same way for me.”


“Yeah,” Sam grew quiet then confided in her cousin. “I think she’s got it bad, too. Last night she told me she was considering moving into an apartment just to be closer to the campus and me.”

“What?” Crystal nearly slammed on the brakes as her head snapped toward Sam.

“That’s what she said.”

“Oh my God! That is so sweet.”

“The woman is crazy to want to leave that house and I told her that.”

“Obviously, she is crazy… about you.” Crystal peeked over to see Sam smile and decided to drop a little news of her own. “Peter is thinking about moving here to the area. He said that he’s been considering it for a while.”

“Oh, that’s great. You’ll get to see more of him then,” Sam nudged her cousin’s shoulder with her hand, “…or have you already?” The blonde waited until her cousin looked in her direction before winking.

“No, Ms. Mindinthegutter, we haven’t.” Crystal’s voice was adamant. “But you on the other hand, obviously can’t say the same thing, now can you?” Thinking of how it sounded, Crystal made sure her thought was understood. “About Brooke, that is, not Peter.”

“Ah…Sam rolled her eyes. “No, I can’t.” She smiled as she thought about last night and the lovemaking they had shared. “Ah…I was just teasing you, Crystal.” Sam looked out the side window then muttered under her breath, “Give it time. I bet it happens.”

Crystal smirked, “You always said that you were saving yourself for Loran.” She shook her head and smiled at her cousin. “She’s really not like that either, is she? I mean, they made her out to be a uhm…” she looked for a more delicate word to use. “Well, honestly…a slut.”

“Well, Loran didn’t get me, Brooke did.” Sam blushed. “She’s actually a very sweet and loving person. Not at all the womanizer that they made her out to be. Gosh, Crys…” Sam’s face took on a dreamy appearance as she thought about what she was about to say. “When I’m in her arms, lying in bed, I’m the only woman she’s been with. Can you believe that? She was a virgin just like me.”

“What?” Crystal turned a skeptical look toward her passenger. “No way!”

“I’m not fibbing here. We were both very up front and honest with each other.”

“OHMYGOD!” The driver smacked the steering wheel with her hand. “I hate to say it but are you sure that she…well, you know.”

“Trust me,” Sam reassured her. “Looking into her eyes is like looking right into her soul. I’d know if she were lying.”

“I think that’s great Sam.” Crystal hesitated then asked, “So, how long did you know they were the same person…Loran and your Brooke?”

“Not very long at all.” Sam smiled. “It was about two weeks after I found out that we really got…together,” she said trying to hide the blush creeping up her neck at the thought of their first time making love. “And no, it wasn’t because I knew who she was,” Sam quickly added.

“I wasn’t going to ask you that.” Crystal looked over at her cousin. “You know, Mom wouldn’t have cared if you brought Brooke with you today. She’s been dying to meet her anyway.”

“I know that she is. Hey, enough about Brooke, huh? I’m missing her worse now.” Sam smiled pensively then continued, “I just wasn’t sure about Sarah being there. How she would take it. What if my mom or dad would stop by and see us both there?”

“I don’t know, Sam. Your Dad’s kind of upset about the whole thing. I heard him tell mom that Aunt Maggie is overacting.” Crystal stole a look at Sam, “Which, of course, she is.”

“Throwing me out of the house is not a simple…” Sam issued the quotation marks with her two hands, “and I quote ‘I’m a little upset with you.’ Now, is it?”

“True…” the driver admitted. “But you know she won’t listen to your Dad. He calls Mom every week to make sure that you’re doing okay.”

Sam couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “You mean he actually is checking up on me?”

“Every week,” Crystal nodded in affirmation of the fact.

“Yeah, well, my Mom’s afraid that Sarah will be influenced by me. That’s why I can’t…” Sam stopped, not wanting to cry.

“Oh, please, that’s the biggest crock I’ve ever heard.” Crystal reached out and put her hand on Sam’s arm for comfort.

“Well, you know it and I know it. Tell my Mother that,” Sam sighed.

“Hey, you know that Mom and I don’t feel that way.”

Sam nodded, “Yeah, I do.” She sat there quiet for a moment as she stared out the window. “So…when’s Sarah arriving at your house?”

“She should be there by the time we make it home.”

Thinking about seeing her sister after four long years of exile, Sam’s face sparkled. “Then step on it, Girl. I want to see my lil’ sister.”

Crystal eagerly complied, letting her foot weigh a little more heavily on the gas.

Busying herself with everything she could think of, Brooke hoped that the hours without Sam would pass quickly. After taking Mario for a long walk along the sandy shoreline of her community, the woman had emptied the dishwasher, looked at yesterday evening’s paper and finally made the bed that she and Sam had shared the night before.

Looking over at the clock, Brooke almost died when she realized that only two hours had passed by. Her hand slipped down to the cell phone on her belt, but she decided against calling the sorely missed woman. Hearing her voice would only make her want to be with the blonde more. “Damn it,” Brooke cursed as she turned to leave the bedroom wanting to distance herself from the craving she was having. “Come on, Mario. Let’s find something for us to…”

The sound of the phone ringing on her hip startled her thoughts. She quickly grabbed it, then hesitantly spoke into the receiver, “Uh…Hello?”

“Hey, Sis,” C.C.’s cheerful voice came through the phone. “Sorry we couldn’t make all the arrangements yesterday when you came by the dorm. So what time do you want me to meet you at Mom’s for dinner? You know, so no one knows that Sam’s with you.”

“Oh…ah…I don’t know. Did Mom say what time?” Brooke’s mind obviously wasn’t on what she was saying.

“Hey, are you alright? You sound a little down.” The brunette was becoming concerned. “Come on, tell C.C. all about it. Did you two have another fight?”

“Ah…No. Not at all.” Brooke let out a long sigh. “I’m just um…a little down. Crystal came to pick her up about two hours ago. Sam’s staying at her aunt’s tonight. Her sister is going to be there overnight, too.”

“You mean that wasn’t just a cover story for Randi?”

“Nope. Hey, I’m excited for her, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that…” Brooke sighed, “My God, C.C., I miss her terribly. I swear it feels like my heart is ripped right out of my chest every Monday when I take her back to the dorm.”

“Jeez, Brooke. You sound like a lovesick puppy dog. I never thought that I’d say this to you, but Sis…Cupid sure did hit you dead center in the heart with that arrow.”

“Yeah, he did,” she admitted. “Hell, the last time I was over your way, I picked up apartment guides and started to look for something close to the campus.”

“So, what are you going to do about it?”

“What am I gonna do? What should I do?” Brooke shook her head, hearing Sam’s voice in her mind, imploring her to wait until she was finished with school.

“For you…or for the two of you?” C.C. asked, unable to decide whose need was greater between the two. “If you ask me, number one on that hit parade list this week would be to come out of that damn closet again and let everyone know that you love her.”

“She’s not ready for that. She said that she wants to spend more time with me, just the two of us, before everyone knows.”

“And why not? Is there something that she’s not sure of with you?”

“I mean, her cousin knows, and her aunt does, too. Obviously Peter and James know. You know,” Brooke smiled at that fact since it was C.C. that got them together. “And believe it or not, Mom guessed it, too.”

“Could Sam be…” C.C. started then stopped abruptly, “No.”

“Could she be what, C.C.?” Brooke asked, emphasizing her concern.

“Ah… not sure about the rest of our family. I mean, how they would accept her… or ah… you two as a couple?”

It was something that Brooke had never thought of. “I think…” she mumbled, “maybe she’s worried about Randi, Terri and Dad.” There was silence for a moment then Brooke’s voice boomed over the airwaves, “Hey, you never did tell me what you thought of us being together.” Even though her younger sister couldn’t see it, one eyebrow rose on her forehead.

“Me?” C.C. giggled, “Oh, I ah… think it’s kind of cute, you two lovesick kids.”


“I knew it from the start. Why just the way you looked at her when I brought her home for dinner…”

“What do you mean… the way I looked at her?” Brooke took offense.

The younger sibling laughed openly, “Makes me kind of happy that I got the two of you togeth…”

“I KNEW IT!” Brooke turned around, then slammed her hand on the wall she was standing near.

“Knew what? What did I say?” C.C. asked nervously.

“When you called my office that day after you moved into the dorm. You were talking about Sam, weren’t you? She’s the one you wanted me to meet.”

“Can I help it that I’m always looking out for you? God, Brooke, just say thank you and let it drop.” C.C. smirked, proud of herself, “I was right this time. You and she are great together. I’ve never seen you happier.”

Brooke sighed and spoke in a subdued tone, “I’ve never been happier.” The woman nodded to herself as she smiled. “I guess you are right, aren’t you?”

“Well, thanks,” C.C. accepted the compliment. “Besides, if I was wrong, you could have just blamed it on all those times you banged me on my head when I was growing up.”

“Thank you,” Brooke said sincerely.

“I knew you’d come around and see it my way.” C.C. answered back cockily. “So speaking of your lady love and my Roomie… when do I meet you two for dinner tomorrow?”

“Hmm…Not sure. She told me she’d call when she was on her way.”

“Great. What am I supposed to do… hang out on the next block from Mom’s house and wait?” C.C. put her hand on her hip. “You know, I’ve got a life of my own.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone, then slowly Brooke spoke. “Well…You could come stay over here tonight and keep your big sister company?”

“You’re that lonely, huh?”

“You have no idea, C.C.” Brooke cast her eyes to the heavens. “God, when she’s not here I…” the woman sighed, then confessed, “I don’t’ want to eat. I have trouble sleeping. I can’t stand it. I just miss her,” Brooke’s voice trailed off.


Brooke swallowed hard, then answered, “Yeah?”

“You’ve got it bad…real bad and I know just the thing to make it better.”

“What’s that?” Brooke asked cautiously.

“You springing for pizza and renting my favorite movies. How’s that sound?”

The older sibling laughed, shaking her head. “You’re on, C.C. Come on over as soon as you can. I’ll be ready for you.”

“Okay, Brooke. See you later this afternoon. Bye.”

“Bye,” the woman returned, then ended the call, placing her phone back on her belt. Bringing her hand around, she looked down at her watch. “Okay, that killed another ten minutes. Now what do I do until C.C. gets here?” Brooke looked down at the dog that was standing next to her, his face turned up toward her and both of them sighed.

The car came to a stop as Crystal turned off the engine. “Hey, looks like someone’s here to see you.” The driver pointed to the teen running down the sidewalk toward the car.

Sam looked up to see her sister. “God, Sarah.” The blonde threw open the door to the car and got out. “I missed you.” She greeted her sister with a warm hug as the longhaired girl embraced her.

“I missed you too,” the teen murmured, then vied for a better view of the backseat.

“Hey,” Sam held her sister out at arm’s length and looked at her. “What are you so interested in?” Following the direction of her sister’s eyes, Sam looked behind her to see her cousin get out of the car, then turned back to Sarah. “You can’t be that interested in Crystal.”

“What, you ain’t got a honey stashed back in there?” Sarah eagerly teased her.

Startled, Sam could hardly get the words out, “What…what are you looking for?”

The young girl smiled brightly. “Come on, Sam. You’re twenty-one now. You’ve got to have someone. I thought I might get a sneak peak at them,” Sarah blushed from embarrassment. “Oh, ah…Happy belated birthday, Sis.”

“Sarah, I think it’s time we had a little talk.” Sam looked around to see her Aunt Sandy coming off the porch of her house. “But I think that it can wait until…” the shorthaired blonde wrapped her arm around her sister’s shoulders and ushered her toward the advancing woman. “…later tonight when we’re getting ready to sleep. We’ll have a little talk just like we used to…like old times.”

“Great!” Sarah beamed.

“You miss those chats, don’t you? I know that I do.”

“Yeah,” the young girl bobbed her head up and down, “I do.”

Sam smiled. She felt like she’d never been away from Sarah for a single day let alone several years. “Come on, let’s see what our Aunt has lined up for us to do today. You know, you’re my birthday surprise from her and just about the best one that I’ve gotten.” The young woman’s thoughts turned to her birthday and the surprise she’d received from Brooke. That was great, too, but I know you’d understand, Brooke. You love your family just as much as I do mine.

Sarah looked up to her sister, “For real?”

“Yep,” Sam nodded. “Nothing will keep us apart. We’re sisters forever.” Sam hugged her sister again but the youngster was eager to get their time together started.

Coming off of the embrace, Sarah tugged at her sister’s arm, pulling her toward her aunt that was waiting for them at the foot of the steps. “Great. Come on, Sis, Aunt Sandy baked you a cake.”

“Hmm…How’d she know that I have a liking for dessert?” Sam mused aloud.

“Oh, please, you’ve always had quite the sweet tooth,” Sarah called back to her.

The young woman’s steps slowed as she conjured up thoughts of strawberries and chocolate and then a tall, dark-haired woman came to her mind.

Sarah looked back at her sister. “Sam, whatja thinkin’?”

“Ah…nothing,” Sam blushed, “I’ll tell you later. Let’s get some of that cake now. What do you say?” Sam winked at her sister.

Brooke watched as C.C. rolled up the last piece of the large pizza and slowly but meticulously finished it off, down to the last little bit of crust in her hand. When all of the crust was gone from sight, the brunette chewed a few seconds longer then swallowed, washing it down with the last bit of beer in her can. Coming up with a satisfied smile on her face, C.C. opened her mouth to talk but released a loud burp instead. The younger sibling looked over to her sister. “Got any more, Brooke?” C.C. held the empty can upside down and shook it over her open mouth.

Amazed at how uncouth her sister could be at times, Brooke shook her head at the sight, then answered the question. “Yeah, in the fridge downstairs.”

C.C. leaned back against the front of the sofa. “You’re gonna make me walk for it, aren’t you?”

“Oh, hell,” Brooke got up from her chair, making sure to step over the reclining form of her sister on her way through the room to the hall. “Stay put, I’ll go.”

A few minutes after Brooke disappeared into the hallway, she reappeared, carrying an entire case of beer with her. “Okay, here you go.” She tossed one of the cans to her sister from the doorway then deposited the rest in the kitchen, bringing one back for herself.

C.C. studied her sister as she crossed the room while opening the can, then drinking from it before sitting back down in her chair. The brunette took another drink from her own can before talking. “You’d walk all that way for me, but you won’t go the few feet to let Sam know what she means to you,” C.C. smirked, then shook her head.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Deep furrows creased Brooke’s forehead as she tried to figure out what exactly C.C. was talking about.

“You want her to be with you but what are you doing about it, huh?” C.C. stared at the top of her beer can for a moment, then leveled her gaze directly at her sister. “Do you love her, Brooke?” Before the last word was out, the brunette snapped a hand up into the air to halt any response from the woman, “No, don’t even answer that one. It’s a given, just by looking at your face.”

“What am I supposed to do? Tell me, Oh Greatwiseass.”

C.C. smiled first, then began to laugh. “I knew this day would come. Brooke asking me for advice.” The younger sibling taunted.

“Chase…” Brooke said in a deep even-toned voice, trying not to show her growing anger.

“Ye-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ssssss?” C.C.’s smug smile grew across her face.

Brooke sat up in her chair. “What do you think I should do? What’s your opinion?” The woman sighed.

Brown eyes dazzled at the attention her older sister was giving her. She readjusted her sitting position and calmly said, “Fight for her. Do whatever you have to, to keep her next to you.” The young woman smiled looking at the shocked face of her sister. “You know, you’re a pretty nice person when she’s around. I’d hate to lose that for months…or even longer.”

“C.C., I couldn’t argue about her going to see her sister. I think it’s great that she gets to see her.” Brooke watched the expression on her sister’s face change to one of total confusion, then it dawned on the older woman what was being referred to. “Oh, you mean the internship assignment next semester.”

“Yeah.” C.C. folded her arms across her chest and looked at Brooke. “If you’re like this for one day, what’s it going to be like when she’s gone for months at a time?”

The thought of being without Sam in her life made Brooke sick to her stomach, causing her face to pale. “Oh, God.”

“Did you ever think that that might be why she doesn’t want to let everyone know about you two? I think she’s afraid to lose you during that time away.”

The color now was drained from Brooke’s face and her hands were clenching her stomach as if she were in great pain. “Uhm…C.C., I think I’m gonna be sick.”

“Yeah, sis.” The brunette now was scraping the last of the cheese off the cardboard carton, then shoved the box towards Brooke. “Here, take this and don’t aim in my direction.”

Instead of reaching for the box, Brooke pointed toward her cell phone that she’d taken off and laid on the coffee table when they first settled into watching movies. “Can you hand me the phone? There’s a call that I need to make.”

Sam settled into the double bed that she was sharing with her sister, trying to get comfortable. First she laid one way, then after a few seconds, turned onto her back letting her mind orient itself to not having Brooke with her. She rolled over to face her sister and saw the curious eyes of a young girl watching her.

“Yeah, Sarah?” Sam poked at the pillow a few times, wishing it was Brooke that she was resting her head on instead of the unyielding mattress.

“What were you going to talk to me about earlier? You said that you’d tell me tonight and well…it is tonight.” Sarah rested her head on her arm. “So, spill it.”

The blonde cleared her throat as she leaned up on one elbow and her free hand started to draw lazy circles on the sheet. “Ah…I was going to tell you about someone I met at college this year.”

Sarah’s eyes glistened, as her interest had been peaked. “Yeah? A good looking someone?” She leaned forward, waiting for her sister to continue.

“I have this really great roommate and she kind of introduced me to her family,” Sam smiled shyly. “Well, they’re all pretty good looking if you ask me, but there’s one in particular that is…ah…kind of special to me.”

“Oh, details…I want details.”

“Sarah, do you know why Mom…” Sam decided to choose her words differently. “Ah…Do you know why I moved out of the house?”

The young girl looked away from her sister, “Because you like girls, right?”

“Well, that’s part of it,” Sam knew that her Mother had tried poisoning her sister’s mind against her. “I moved out because…” she sighed. “Well, let’s just say that Mom wanted you to be your own person.”

“Huh?” A puzzled look came to Sarah’s face.

Sam reached out and put a stray lock of hair behind the girl’s ear. “It doesn’t matter who we love or where we find love. It’s if you know when that love comes.” The blonde shook her head in disgust. “I’m not saying this right, I can tell.” Her eyes looked away from her sister. “God, maybe Mom was right.”

“What do you mean?” Sarah reached out and touched her sister’s hand. “Sam, I don’t care if you like other girls. That doesn’t make you who you are. You’re my sister.”

“You are a fount of knowledge, aren’t you?” Green eyes looked into her sister’s face and Sam couldn’t help but smile at the love she saw there. “I found someone that I love very much and yes, it just so happens to be a girl…er…woman. An intelligent, beautiful woman that’s haunted my dreams for years.”

“Great!” Sarah beamed with joy for her sister, then remembered the only crush that her sister ever had. “Whoa. You’re not gonna tell me it’s that chick from Anti-Zero, are you?”

“Would it make you uncomfortable if I told you that it was Loran?”

“Uncomfortable, no. Believable…no way,” Sarah shook her head at the thought.

“Well, it’s not actually Loran, but someone that is ten times better and her name is Brooke.” Sam bit at her lip slightly then continued, “You see, Sarah, Brooke Loran was an advertising dream. The ultimate bad girl they used to sell more records, but that wasn’t who she really was.” She looked up into questioning eyes. “Now, my…friend Brooke Gordon just so happens to be that same drummer for Anti-Zero and she’s nothing like that. Nothing at all.” Sam patted her sister’s hand. “Maybe one day, I can let you meet her.”

Sarah looked at Sam. “So, she’s like your girlfriend? I mean, do you guys like..uhm…kiss and stuff?”

“Yeah, you could say that,” Sam shrugged her shoulders and then smiled at what she was thinking about saying. “I love her Sarah. It’s plain and simple.” She watched for the girl’s reaction. “Does that upset you?”

“No, not really.” Sarah watched her sister breathe a sigh of relief, then the girl came right out with what was on her mind. “Do you sleep in the same bed, too?”

Sam stopped in mid breath and looked wide-eyed at her sister. “Ah…why do you ask?”

“Just wondered,” Sarah shrugged. “Is it the same as any other couple? I just want to understand, that’s all.” The young girl looked up at her sister. “Are you two like a married couple or something?”

“Sarah,” Sam inhaled deeply, then ventured into her explanation. “You know that being intimate with another person is reserved for someone that you really want to be with the rest of your life…for ten thousand years,” she blushed thinking about her choice of words. “Ah…you see, ‘Like’ and ‘Married’ are two different things. You know that same sex marriages aren’t legally recognized.”

“Yeah, but I think that’s stupid.”

“Well, so do I, especially if you know that you’ve found the other half of your soul. You know, marriage is more than just a piece of paper. It’s what each of the people in love have in their hearts that bind them together.”

“And that’s what you and your girlfriend have?”

“I’m pretty sure it is. I know it’s that way on my part.” Sam looked off dreamily and the words just flowed out of her mouth, “When you fall in love, the whole world pales to the color that the thought of your loved one can bring to your mind.”

“That’s cool, Sam. I’m happy for you.” Sarah reached over, giving her sister a hug. “So…” the girl moved back to her side of the double bed. “Aren’t you gonna call her and tell her goodnight?”

Sam looked hopeful, “You wouldn’t mind if I did, would you?”

“Not at all. You want me to leave the room?” Sarah offered, raising the covers, ready to climb out.

“No, Squirt,” Sam pulled her sister back into the bed. “You don’t have to leave. What I’d say to her, I’d say in front of anyone.” Sam turned to the nightstand on her side of the bed and picked up her cell phone. Opening it, she immediately hit the speed dial, summoning her lover’s phone.


The blonde stared down at her phone, checking the number on the display, making sure that it was Brooke’s cell that she called. “C.C., what are you doing with Brooke’s cell?”

“Sammi,” the sloshed sound of a drunken woman rambled on. “Oh, we’re just having a few beers, eating pizza, having a few beers, watching movies, having a few beers, talking about you, having a few beers…”

“And what are you saying about me, in between the beers?”

“Hey,” C.C. coughed trying to be more serious. “What have you done to my sister, young lady?”

“Huh?” Sam was surprised by the question.

“She actually whines now…”

“She purrs, too.” The words came out before Sam could censor them and she laughed it off.

“Oh God! T-M-I!” C.C. got really close to the phone and whispered, turning her back toward Brooke, “Can she roll her tongue?” Then just as quickly, the brunette added, “Between you and me, I think she likes you.”

“You think, huh?” Sam teased right back, knowing that C.C. wouldn’t remember a thing come morning.

“Yeppers,” she nodded. “I believe she does…” C.C.’s voice took on a startled surprise when the phone was ripped out of her hand, “Hey!”

“Give me that.” Brooke brought the phone to her ear, “Hello, Baby.”

“Hi, Hon, what are you up to?” A relaxed smile filled Sam’s face as a warmth spread over her body.

“God, I miss you. Are you having fun with your sister?”

“Miss you too. We were just talking about you when she suggested I call you to say goodnight.”

“I think I like her.”

Sam looked over to her sister. “Well, if it’s any consolation, she likes you too.” She laughed as she ruffled Sarah’s hair. “But not as much as me. I love you, Brooke.”

The dark-haired woman sighed, “I miss you so much. I love you more than anything.”

“God, that was good to hear. I can’t wait to see you at dinner, tomorrow.”

“I love you, Sam,” Brooke whispered. “But dinner is way too far away.”

“I know but just remember this…I love you and hold you deep within my heart.” Sam blushed as she watched her sister make faces at her. “Now that should help you make it through the night. Besides,” Sam winked at her sister. “Sarah and I are having a marathon girl talk session about you. I really don’t think you’d like to be here for that, would you?”

“I’d love to be around you for anything. Even if you are talking about me.”

“Hon, that’s for us to know and you to wonder about. Besides, a girl has to share a few things about her lover…” Sam realized what she’d just said and stopped, looking over at Sarah. “Oh hell,” the blonde shrugged seeing the knowing smile on her sister’s face, then changed the subject. “I believe that Crystal is dropping me off around five at your mother’s house.”

“Great, I’ll meet you there.” Brooke lowered her voice, then cautioned the woman on the other end. “You’d better be careful tomorrow or I’ll drag you away the moment I see you and kiss you senseless.”

“You better believe it. I’ll be the blonde one looking for you and thinking that exact same thing, but I just won’t be kissing you,” Sam teased her lover.

“Darlin’, you are in so much trouble when I get you all to myself, tomorrow.”

“Good, I’m counting on it. G’Night, Brooke. I love you.” Sam blew a kiss in the direction of the receiver.

“I love you Sweetheart, forever.”

“God, I love hearing that from you more and more,” Sam sighed. “Bye.”

Brooke hesitated, then ended her side of the call, “Good night Baby, sweet dreams.”

Sarah watched as Sam laid there, holding the phone and staring off into space.

“Sam, are you alright?” Brooke asked.

The woman smiled and began blushing at being caught daydreaming about her lover. “Yeah…I just realized what sweet dreams were all about.”

“Huh?” Brooke was confused.

“Bye, Brooke. I’ll show you tomorrow night.”

“Love you,” Brooke whispered, then ended the call.

The teenager wasn’t sure of what to think, seeing the serene look on her sister’s face. Finally, unable to contain herself, she spoke up. “Well…while you’re just lying there, tell me.” Sarah sat crossed legged on the bed, leaning in to listen. “Come on Sis, I’m ready for that marathon session now.”

Sam smiled, “Sis, you wouldn’t believe that she’s Loran in a million years.”

The Gordon family dinner had already started, shy one daughter and her roommate. When they heard the front door of the house opening and the loud stomping of feet coming from the hall, Mable glanced over to see Brooke’s eyes finally lift from staring down at her plate and saw the look of anticipation written all over her face.

“Well, finally we’re all together. C.C.,” Mable called out. “We’ve already started dinner without you. What took you so long?”

Thirty seconds later, C.C. entered the dining room, taking a deep breath as she did so. “Hey, Mom.” She waved, letting her gaze move down a chair to where Brooke sat. There, her sister was trying hard to see around the entering woman. “Hey, Brooke.” C.C. subtly shook her head and watched as her sister’s shoulders slumped slightly as she let her attention go to her plate of picked-at food. Trying to cover up, C.C. immediately flashed a dazzling smile and turned to the rest of the table as she made her way to her seat. “Dad, Randi, and Terri. I hope you saved some food for me.” C.C. pulled her chair out next to Brooke’s and sat down. “Hey Mom, got any more of those rolls?” The brunette eyed the one her sister held uneaten in her hand.

Mable motioned to the basket with a few rolls left in it. “Please pass you’re sister some food, girls.” She turned to C.C. and asked, “Did you have trouble, Dear? Is that why you’re so late?”

C.C. took the passed basket of rolls from Terri. “Thanks, Ter.” She put one on her plate, then sat the basket down, accepting the next serving container from Randi. “I had some… ah… connection problems… with the car. Thanks, Randi.” She nodded in her sister’s direction who was seated next to her mother, opposite Brooke. Turning to Brooke, C.C. nudged her sulking sister in the arm. “So Brooke…you going to eat that food or donate it to a time capsule?”

Brooke wasn’t paying too much attention to the activity going on around her. After hearing her name, she simply shrugged and continued to push her food from one side of her plate to another, taking small bits from time to time.

Terri watched as Brooke just sat quietly in her own world. Offering another dish to C.C., she held onto it when the youngest sibling tried to take it, getting C.C.’s attention. Motioning with her head toward Brooke, Terri asked, “What’s up with her?”

C.C. glanced to her right, then back again to Terri, “Ah…she’s just got a lot on her mind with work. She was telling me that last night.” C.C. gently kicked at Brooke under the table.

“A lot on her mind… looks like they’ve declared music to be dead by the expression on her face.” Terry hid her concern.

“Huh?” Brooke slowly looked across the table. “Did you say something?”

“Yeah, but you don’t seem to be listening. You missing something, or what?” Terri’s critical eye of a physician started to examine her sister’s behavior.

“Yeah, her hearing aid,” C.C. blurted out. Then turned to Brooke and spoke up for her to hear. “Time to get new batteries, huh?”

Brooke turned a cold gaze at C.C., and then stuck her tongue out, pulling it back in quickly to speak. “No, I’m just uhm… tired.” She offered to the rest of the table, “I got a lot of stuff on my mind.”

“Seriously, Brooke,” Terri leveled a gaze at her sister. “If there’s something we can help you with… I mean, I’m no musician but…”

“No, that’s okay Terri, I’ll be fine. I signed a new band so there’s just a lot of bullshit stuff to take care of.”

“You sure?” Terri’s face took on a concerned look. “You look like you’re coming down with a bug or something.”

C.C. brought the napkin up to her lips and mumbled, “Love bug.”

Mable’s eyes darted to her youngest child. “C.C. I wish you’d stop that mumbling. Now would you mind repeating that so we all can hear what you’re saying.”

Coughing, C.C. cleared her throat. “Yes, Mom. I…” Brown eyes glanced over to Brooke almost apologetically, “I…just said…”

“Hey, I’m fine…really,” Brooke looked over at her sister, taking her off the hook. “Besides Terri, I don’t really feel like letting you stick a thermometer up my butt anyway.”

“Well, think of how I’d feel having to do it,” The woman laughed. “I may be behind you in age but that’s where it stops.”

“What…just because you’d have to see my butt? It’s not like you’ve never seen it before.” Brooke looked off to the corner of the room, remembering Sam’s hands on her backside and the fire that it ignited inside her.

“Yeah?” Randi asked sarcastically. “Well, I keep trying to forget that, too.” She studied her sister for a moment, then continued, “So, Brooke…we know that we’ve all seen your butt a time or two…” Randi looked devilishly evil as she counted off the five family members seated at the table. “How many more can we add to that growing list?”

Brooke looked up at Randi, “I’m sorry, what was that?”

“I’m sorry, but this talk of Brooke’s butt is not my idea of food for thought. Hey, Mom, I hope we’re not having brownies for dessert, are we?” C.C. asked.

“Dessert…” Brooke mumbled conjuring the image of her favorite blonde to mind as she picked up her glass, bringing it to her mouth to drink.

“Well,” the matriarch looked a little surprised. “Actually I made a Strawberry Pie just for Sam. She kind of hinted at having a craving for it when I told her about the dinner.”

The sound of muffled coughing could be heard and Mable looked to her right. “Brooke are you all right?”

“Ah…” Brooke wiped her mouth, “I’m fine Mom. It just went down the wrong way.”

“If you want Mom,” C.C. offered, “I could take some of that dessert back to the dorm for her.”

Blue eyes flashed in C.C.’s direction to see the young woman digging her way through her plate of food. Then Brooke looked to her mother.

“By the way, Brooke, you really outdid yourself bringing A-Z to life again.”

“Yeah, but just for that one night,” Brooke stated.

Randi brought her coffee cup to her lips, “That was…impressive, Brooke. I hope it was appreciated.” She took a sip and watched her musician sister.

“Hey, I thought it was great to hear those old songs again,” Terri spoke up. “And the new ones, too. They were really something Brooke.”

“Thanks,” Brooke addressed Terri first. “I’m glad that you liked them.” She turned to look directly at Randi. “And yes, Randi. Sam was ecstatic over it.”

C.C. could feel the tension in the air and spoke up. “Ah…yeah, really something Brooke. I’m glad that I could give you the idea. Ah…she enjoyed it so much that you wore her out. I didn’t even hear her snoring that night at the dorm.” The brunette smiled, pleased that she had come up with a story to help her favorite sister out of a jam.

“I must commend you Brooke,” Randi said slightly changing the subject. “You seem to always be ready with the most appropriate toasts lately. What inspired you for that one?”

Brooke just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. You know those twenty-first birthday toasts… I just make them up as I go along.”

“Don’t be so modest, Sis. You put a lot of thought into that one.” C.C. realized that she wasn’t thinking when she heard the words coming out and slapped a hand over her mouth to keep from saying any more. She watched, as Brooke’s eyes grew large with each second that they held her attention.

Amused and intrigued by the scene that she was witnessing, Randi started her lazy cross-examination. “So, if you’re so busy at work, how’d you find all that time to plan the party for Sam?”

Caught off guard, Brooke stuttered, “I…uhm…I didn’t. C.C. and Mom helped.” She finally regained some composure, then leaned forward, looking her older sister right in the eye. “Randi, you should know…that’s what secretaries are for.” Brooke let a leering smile grace her lips, thinking of how her sister used her staff.

“Hey, I’m the one who kept it a secret. Don’t I get some of the credit?” C.C. interjected.

“You? Keep a secret? That will be the day,” Terri laughed at C.C.

Brooke looked out of the corner of her eye at the brunette in question and they both grinned, knowing that keeping secrets were fast becoming C.C.’s forte. Nudging her baby sister with her shoulder, Brooke started off slowly, “Yeah…C.C. really deserves the credit for keeping her mouth shut.”

Terri just shook her head, “I don’t know…stranger things have happened.”

Sitting up with her arms crossed and leaning on the table, Randi challenged the young woman. “I bet you couldn’t tell me one thing that you kept a secret about that I didn’t already know.”

The young woman knew that she could win the bet easily but refused to compromise her roommate or her sister. Thinking hard, C.C. finally came up with something that couldn’t harm anyone. “I never told you that I kissed Tommy Montgomery in the fifth grade.” C.C. nodded, proud of the choice she’d made.

“No, but you told us when you did kiss him in the fourth grade.” Randi tilted her head and flicked her wrist, shooing off the concept. “Doesn’t count, C.C.”

“Yeah, doesn’t count,” Terri chimed in. “It’s got to be something new. Something for the first time.”

While all eyes looked directly at C.C., the young woman’s eyes darted to Brooke, catching the subtle look in her blue eyes as she mouthed, “Not Sam,” as discreetly as she could.

C.C. started to sweat. She knew she could easily win but wanted to be loyal to both Brooke and Sam. “Okay…I…I knew when Brooke…”

Brooke’s deep voice overrode her sister’s words. “I can tell you a secret that C.C. never told.” Brooke looked around the table, hoping that they would bite. “She knows the exact number of women that I’ve slept with.” Blue eyes glanced quickly to C.C., then back again to her other sisters.

“C.C., you impress me.” Randi sat back in her chair. “I didn’t know that you could count that high.” She leveled a glare at Brooke. “What is that now, Loran…are we into the millions or the trillions now?” Randi smirked, “We all know what that big, bad girl did on the road with the groupies.”

Brooke politely put her napkin down on the table, then slowly looked up to Randi. “No, actually, you know what the publicists say that Loran did. I never slept with any of those women.

“Well, not in detail, thank the gods.” Randi rolled her eyes.

“It was nothing more than a gimmick to sell more albums and it worked. I never slept with them or had any torrid affairs.” Brooke pushed back from the table. “I never had any type of relations with any of those groupies. In fact, you can count my sexual partners on one hand.

Mable watched her verbal daughter as she defended her sex life.

“And that would be who’s hand…” Randi looked over to Terri and the idea was born. “A circus freak?” The two siblings joined forces and put all four of their hands together as one, with the fingers splayed out and wiggling like some kind of sea creature.

Brooke leaned forward forcefully. “Just because I was hot does not mean that I got more ass than a toilet seat.”

“Now, that is an interesting concept.” Terri took her hands from the out of the air and smiled.

“So, that still means you didn’t get around, huh?” Randi wasn’t letting up one bit.

“Not at all.” Brooke stated for the record, then crossed her arms in front of her chest, “Never.”

C.C. smiled, thankful that the pressure was off of her and finished the last bit on her plate.

“So…girls?” Mable looked around the table, trying to gain some control over the dinner. “Are we done with this discussion?” The matriarch looked at each one individually, leaving Randi for last, narrowing her eyes at the eldest of the lot when she started to open her mouth. “I thought so. Henry,” she looked up to her husband. “It seems like the right time to bring out that dessert and perhaps some more coffee.”

Henry rose from his seat and as he passed his wife, leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. “It’s a shame Sam’s not here for this. I know she would’ve liked it.” He looked over to the unused place setting that was sitting there, waiting for the blonde. “I guess I’ll gather these up now.”

At the mention of Sam’s name, Brooke zoned out, letting her lower lip take on its pouting nature.

Noticing the glumness overtaking her sister, C.C. thought it best to try to bring her out of it. “So, Brooke…have you heard from that favorite client of yours?” She watched as Brooke looked over to her, questions written all over her face. “You know, the one that demands most of your free time,” she hinted at, kicking the woman’s foot under the table.

“Uhm…No, actually I haven’t. It’s kind of unusual.”

“What Dear, someone giving you concern?” Mable became interested in the topic.

“Just the client that I told you about at C.C.’s birthday party, Mom.” Blue eyes looked over into her mother’s.

“Oh…That one…Well, they did seem to be quite into your company.” Mable patted her daughter’s hand. “I’m sure things will work out and you’ll hear from them soon enough.

“Anyone that we would know?” Randi looked at her mother and Brooke.

“Come on, give us some inside scoop.” Terri demanded. “It will make me look good to the kids I treat to be in the know about a new artist.”

“I-T-K…huh?” Brooke laughed at her sister.

“Just tell me it’s not some Rapper that I’ll be asked to prosecute down the road.”

“No Randi, it’s not a Rapper. No one famous at all…”

“Not yet at least.” The lawyer sighed.

“Nope, not yet.” Brooke glanced down at the cell phone on her belt.

“Here you go, ladies.” Henry’s masculine voice beamed as he walked over to his youngest daughter. “And I do mean that…” he looked at C.C. and winked. “Now that you’re over twenty-one. Coffee, just as you like it.” He poured a round at everyone’s place and then headed back toward the kitchen returning with pie and setting it down between his wife and Brooke.

“Hmm…” Mable nodded appreciatively. “Now I wonder…” she eyed the pie as she picked up the serving utensils. “How does one dig into that kind of dessert without getting that whipped cream all over the place.”

Brooke let her attention focus on her cup of coffee as she took a mouthful of it.

Mable cut into the dessert and offered the first piece to her daughter. “How about you Brooke, care for some virgin pie?”

“Bet you’ve had that before…” Randi mumbled out without realizing it.

The musician snorted, coffee filling her mouth and nose, causing her to choke when she heard Randi’s sly comment. “I’m…cough…gonna…cough…get some water.” Brooke’s face was turning red. “Excuse me.” She got up from the table and left the room.

“Of course she has…I mean,” Terri shrugged, “when you had all those women, there ain’t much else to work with labeled virgin.”

“Come on, you two,” C.C. was defending her sister. “Cut her some slack. How would you like it if we were scrutinizing your sex life at every dinner?”

“That shouldn’t bother Terri. She works too much to get any,” Randi smirked.

“Yeah?” Terri turned toward her older sister. “Well, it’s all in the timing. Speaking of which…I heard that you and Brian…”

“GIRLS!” Henry raised his voice just as Brooke walked back into the room with a glass of water.

“Hey, I’ve provided the grandchildren for Mom and Dad. There ain’t nothing wrong with my timing,” Randi declared, resting her hands on her hips.

Mable cast a wary eye at the daughters to her right. “Yes, and for that we are very thankful.” She turned to look at Brooke on her left. “Now, come on sit down and dig into some of that dessert.” She watched her silent child nod at the offer.

“I was commenting on the time it takes for some people to have sex…not the reproductive aspect.” Randi made her mind known.

“Boy, I’m glad that I’m not married. All they worry about is kids.” Brooke motioned to her sisters across the table while looking at C.C.

“I’m on your side Brooke.” C.C. thought for a moment then added, “Well, not really but you know what I meant.”

“I do.” She nodded to C.C. “Yeah, that’s the one thing I’ll never have to worry about.”

“Never say never, Brooke.” Terri chuckled. “Lots of lesbian couples have kids.”

“That is if you can narrow it down to one partner.” Randi laughed out loud. “You know, Brooke…I never thought about this before. Since you can’t be married as a lesbian couple, you could actually keep a whole harem of women at your disposal and not be considered to be committing bigamy.”

“Now why would she want to do that when she’s found…” C.C. stopped and looked at Brooke. “Found that…ah…I forgot what I was going to say.” The brunette shrugged then went back to eating her pie.

Brooke shook her head and began to rub her temples. “Can you just cut the wise cracks, Randi? I really don’t care if you think I’ve slept with one or one thousand women. I know the truth and I would appreciate it if you would keep your little cracks to yourself. It’s just not funny anymore.”

“Hmph…” Randi studied her sister. “Okay for now…”

“No, for good. Please?” Brooke watched as Randi just smiled in her direction.

The sound of her cell phone ringing got her attention and she hastily grabbed it from her belt. Flipping it open, she brought it to her ear. “Hey.”

“Hey, Brooke. Sorry I’m not there.” Sam’s voice broke the air. “I missed dinner, huh?”

The dark-haired sister got up from the table. “Excuse me,” She offered and walked out of the room waiting until she was far enough away so as not to be heard. “Hi Baby. God, I am missing you so much. Don’t worry, Mom is sending you dessert.” Brooke turned suddenly serious. “Is everything alright? I’ve been worried about you, Sweetheart.”

Sam sighed. “I can live without dessert, but not without you. I miss you. Can you come and get me?”

“I miss you, too. Why yeah, I can. What’s wrong?”

“I got stuck at Aunt Sandy’s. Crystal got called into work and my aunt didn’t get home yet. She got held over for another part of a shift.” Sam cleared her throat. “I kept hoping that Aunt Sandy would get home sooner. I know how much those dinners mean to your family, I didn’t want to disrupt it. I knew you’d just leave to come for me.”

“I’d be more than happy to come get you.” Brooke paused, “No matter when you would have called.”

“I know, thanks.” Sam’s voice was barely more than a whisper. “Brooke would it be okay if you came into the house. I want you to meet my aunt if she’s home when you get here.”

“Of course, Darlin’. Why wouldn’t it?”

“No reason I guess. I just thought that it was time I introduced you to my family. I want them to know the person that I’ve fallen in love with.”

“I can’t wait to get there then. I love you, Sam.”

Sam giggled. “Be careful, I’ve got plans for that body of yours but only if its in one piece. See you soon. I love you.”

“Love you, too.” Brooke whispered. “Bye.”

“I know…I know, Hon. Bye.”

Renewed by hearing Sam’s voice, Brooke disconnected the call and walked back into the dining room, stopping at her mother’s chair. “Sorry, Mom.” She leaned in to kiss her cheek. “But…uh…I need to go.”

“So was that…” Mable looked into her smiling daughter’s face and knew the answer before she asked. “That client, huh?”

“Yeah.” Brooke nodded. “You know the one.” She walked down to her father’s place and offered him a quick one-armed hug and a kiss on his cheek.

“Must be some pretty important client to call you on a Sunday night,” her father teased, then returned her kiss. “You be careful driving, Brooke.”

“I will, Dad. Like my life depends on it.” Brooke winked at C.C., then tapped her on the shoulder as she passed by. “See you, Randi, Terri.” She addressed her sisters and then leaned down to kiss her mother again. “Bye, Mom and thanks for everything.”

Randi watched as Brooke left the room, then turned to look pointedly at the rest of the family. Seeing no reaction from any of them, she smirked and shook her head, muttering under her breath, “I can’t believe you all bought that story.”

The 300 raced through the Virginia countryside as it made its way to where Sam was. Brooke had to keep reminding herself to breathe as she drove, wanting nothing more than to be holding her lover in her arms. When she finally pulled into the parking space outside of Crystal’s house, she felt like her heart was in her chest and making its way up her throat, the closer she got to where Sam actually was. Opening the door and getting out, Brooke looked to the window of the house and saw the golden tousles of hair with two green eyes looking back out at her. Practically running, Brooke found herself being met at the door by the warmth of her lover. “Hi!” Brooke smiled down at the endearing woman, trying to keep from wrapping her arms around the woman and kissing her silly.

“Hey,” Sam smiled up at six feet of restraint as she held out her hand to Brooke, blushing when the woman took it into her own and kissed it gently before allowing herself to be led inside. Sam could feel the nervous trembles of her lover’s hand as she brought the woman further into the house. “It will be fine. Trust me,” Sam whispered. She looked back to see Brooke nod.

“I do,” Brooke whispered back.

They entered the living room that was off the hallway in the modest home to see a small, gray haired woman in a nurse’s uniform sitting on the couch.

“Aunt Sandy,” Sam pulled Brooke closer to her. “This is the young woman that I was telling you about.” Sam presented her friend. “This is my lover, Brooke Gordon.”

Surprised by the choice of terms, Brooke swallowed hard, then nodded toward the seated woman respectfully. “Hello, Ma’am.”

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Brooke. I’ve heard so many nice things about you.” Sandy smiled as she looked from one young woman to the other.

“Likewise. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Why, thank you.” Sandy turned to Sam, “And so polite, too.”

Sam smiled, pleased that Brooke was making such a nice impression on her Aunt. She squeezed Brooke’s hand in her own. “She’s always polite, Aunt Sandy.”

The older woman watched as a blush made its way up Brooke’s neck. “Well, I hope you haven’t spoiled your Sunday. I’m sorry about working so late, Sam.”

“No, Ma’am,” Brooke spoke up. “As a matter of fact, this is the best part of the entire day.” She looked to Sam and winked, squeezing her hand.

“Maybe next time I can give you more notice about Sarah. I know that you love your sister. I’ll do anything to help you see her.”

“Well, let’s hope there is a next time. Thanks for everything, Aunt Sandy.” Sam let go of Brooke’s hand and went to hug her relative. “Ah…we’d better get going. It’s a long drive back home.” She kissed her aunt and then walked back toward Brooke.

“Home,” the tall woman muttered under her breath.

“Yeah, home.” Sam patted her lover’s shoulder. “Let me get my bag and I’m all set, Brooke.” The blonde headed toward the stairs.

“Okay, I’ll be right here,” Brooke spoke softly, smiling as she watched her leave the room, then turned to smile at the older woman on the couch.

“Thanks for coming for her. I just got in about ten minutes ago.”

“It’s no problem at all.” Brooke looked down sheepishly admitting, “I started to get a little worried when I hadn’t heard from her.

“She told me that you’d say that.” Sandy smiled liking the woman even more. “Sam’s a pretty perceptive girl. Being in love and all.” The older woman watched as Brooke tinged with red about her face and neck. “Sam’s done nothing but talk about you since she came in the door. Don’t worry,” Sandy winked, “that’s a good sign. You two seem to be quite smitten with each other.”

“I think about her all the time…” Brooke spoke softly as she admitted. “I uh…I love her very much.” Her hand slipped into her jacket pocket and she fingered the small rounded top box, then let her hand inconspicuously slide out again.

“I’m glad that Sam’s found someone nice, and understanding, like you. You should have seen how excited she was to see her sister. I never thought I’d

see those two whispering their secrets back and forth again…” Sandy thought for a moment. “I offered to drive her when I got home but I think she’d rather be in your company than mine.”

Brooke grinned, feeling the heat of a blush coming on. “Well, I…”

“I was once young myself. You don’t have to blush,” she cautioned Brooke.

“You’d be surprised how much your niece can make me blush,” Brooke confided.

“I’m sure she can.” Sandy leaned toward Brooke and spoke softly. “I think she gets that from my side of the family. I did that to my husband all the time. Sandy chuckled at the memory. “Even after we were done courting.” The woman watched Brooke’s eyes grow wider then remarked, “You’d be surprised at what we Moleson women can do.” She smiled coyly and winked.

“Moleson women can do what, Aunt Sandy?” Sam entered the room, with her bag in her hand looking first at the woman on the couch then at her tall lover.

Brooke tugged on her ear, then tilted her head a bit before replying, “Making me blush.” She looked at Sam and offered her hand.

Sam shrugged. “That’s easy. I just love you to death.”

Brooke took Sam’s hand and pulled her close. “Hope not. I plan on being alive for the next ten thousand years or so.”

“Gee, that’s funny…me, too. Think maybe we could hang out together?”

“Absolutely, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Oh…you two are in love. I see all the signs of a long, happy relationship here.” Sandy looked at the two standing arm in arm now. “Well, I think you two young lovebirds better be off now before it gets too late. Maybe we could get together and visit with you soon. That is if you can find some time for your dear old aunt.”

Sam looked up to Brooke. “I’m sure that could be arranged.”

“Maybe…” Brooke teased then winked. “Of course, it can.”

“Don’t you just love her, Aunt Sandy?” Sam looked from one woman in her life to the other.

Brooke pulled Sam’s hand to her lips and kissed it, looking into her eyes. “As long as you do, I’m happy.”

Aunt Sandy watched as the two young women stared into each other’s eyes. After a few minutes of being forgotten about, she coughed loudly.

“Uhmmm…Sorry, Ma’am,” Brooke apologized first.

“Sorry, Aunt Sandy,” Sam shrugged. “I just get all caught up when I look into her eyes.”

“Well, just promise me you won’t do that while you’re driving home, will you do that for your old Auntie?” She got up to walk them to the door.

Both Sam and Brooke chuckled at the old auntie mention. “Of course not. We’ll even give you a call when we get back if you’d like. I promise, Aunt Sandy.”

Sam hugged her aunt. “Thanks for the birthday gift. I loved being with Sarah.” The blonde kissed her aunt’s cheek. “You’re the best.”

Sandy looked at Brooke. “Well, I’m sure I’m not the best but I know what you mean.” She looked at the red streaking up the tall woman’s face and smiled.

“It was very nice meeting you. Thanks for the wonderful gift that you gave Sam. It means a lot to me to see her that happy.”

“Yep, definitely a Moleson trait.” Sam winked at her aunt. “Thanks again.”

“Be careful you two. It was so nice to finally meet you, Brooke. It was a real treat to put another image in context with Sam other than that Loran one.” She turned to her niece, “You’re right, Sam…this one is much better to look at.”

“Believe me, I’m the first one to crush the Loran image.” Brooke assured her.

Sam tightened the hold on her lover’s waist. “I told you so. Bye and tell Crystal thanks for her part in the weekend too.”

“I will, Sam.” Sandy ushered them to the door and stood there waving as they walked to the car, sending soft-spoken, “Good-byes,” in their direction.

After they pulled out of the parking space, Sam studied her lover as she waited until they came to a traffic light and stopped.

“You know something Brooke?”

The driver looked over at Sam and smiled, “What Baby?”

“Now, I feel like I’m home. Being with you is like me being home. Remind me to thank you for the ride when we get home.” Sam winked, then motioned to the green light. “You can go now, Brooke. The light changed.”

Brooke went through the light and pulled into an empty parking lot, where she set the gear selector in park, then turned and looked at Sam.

“Did we forget something?”

“Yeah…” Brooke grinned then leaned over and kissed Sam.

“MMMMMmmm…Now how did I forget that?” She watched as Brooke grinned and kissed her again. This time, she wrapped her arms around Brooke’s neck and pulled her in for more as the kiss deepened. Sam could feel her body responding and slowly came up from the kiss somewhat dazed.

“Now we can go.” Brooke settled back into the driver’s seat, taking the gear stick out of park. She glanced over to see Sam sinking back into her seat, with her eyes closed, a huge grin plastered on her face and a single word on her lips, “Home.” The word was said softly so as not to break the spell.
