Concord, North Carolina

When the phone rang, Rush Massey was sitting in the porch swing listening to the latest Harry Potter novel on CD over a portable entertainment center roughly the size of a breadbox that sat on a Stickley side table.

Nemo, who had been sound asleep on the tile floor beneath the swing, barked in alarm.

“Like I couldn't hear the dang phone, Nemo.” He stood and went inside with the dog close behind him. The call wouldn't go on to the answering service until the sixth ring because Sean hated to have to run to answer it. At that moment she was across town grocery shopping. Rush would have let it ring but for the chance it might be his father calling with news about Faith Ann. More likely it was Sean with a question about something he might not eat. She was still getting accustomed to his tastes, so if he didn't accompany her to the store she often called for his food-related advice. He turned into the home office and, putting the book down, lifted the receiver.

“Massey residence,” he announced. “How may I direct your call?”

He was stunned to hear the sobs and Faith Ann's fractured voice. “I… I… I. Rush. It's me, Faith Ann. Please… I need help.”

“Faith Ann. We've been worried sick about you! Where are you?”

“Rush, Mama's dead. I saw him… So is… Aunt Millie and Uncle Hank.”

She cried loudly, and his heart went out to her. “I know, but Hank's not. He's just unconscious-he's not dead. He's at the hospital where they have real good emergency doctors. Daddy went there when they shot him in the leg.”

“He's not… dead? Are you sure? I saw him. I thought sure.. But… Rush, I saw them run over them.”

“He's not good yet, but he's alive.”

“Who ran over them?”

“I'm not sure. Have you seen my daddy yet?”


“Well, he's looking high and low for you.”


“In New Orleans.”

“Where in New Orleans?”

“Sean knows the hotel name. She'll be back in a few minutes.”

“Can you ask her and call me back?”

“I can call her on her cell phone. What's your number?”

As fast as she told him, he had it committed to memory.

“Faith Ann, Daddy said you didn't ever call the police. Why didn't you tell them about your mother?”

“One of them did it.” She was crying again. “They're trying to kill me too.”

“No, Faith Ann. My daddy won't let them. You know him.”

“Will you call me right back?”

“Sure. But I'll call Daddy and tell him where you are. Where are you exactly?”

“I'm at the aquarium.”

“Where is that?”

“Right by the Mississippi River.”

“I'll tell him. You just sit tight and wait. Okay?”


“Why did the police kill your mother?”

“Because of Horace Pond.”

“Just wait there, Faith Ann.”

“Okay, I will.”

“It's going to be okay, Faith Ann.”

“Thanks, Rush.”

“Good-bye, Faith Ann.”

“Good-bye, Rush.”

“And, Faith Ann?”


“We love you.”

“I love you too.”

Rush took a deep breath, pressed down the button, and dialed his father's cell number. There was no answer, just his voice mail. “Dang it.”

Rush tried again, same result.

He dialed Sean, and she picked up.
