Marta and Arturo approached the aquarium from the rear. “Remember, Arturo. No guns. She's seen you, so we let Tinnerino and Doyle get her, and they'll hand her over.”

“What if people see them take her? How can they hand her to us after that?”

“They'll do what they're told to do.”

“We don't know for sure that she saw me,” he said sourly.

“You don't know that she didn't. So we aren't taking any chances. There are a lot of people around. We can't afford to do anything stupid. Remember that we have to get the tape.”

“And the negatives.”

“And those too. If we can.”

“Maybe the two cops will get the negatives and the tape and try to keep them. Bennett would pay a lot more for them than he'll pay if they just hand her over to us. I don't trust them.”

“If they try something like that, we'll handle them. We'll have to anyway, eventually. But we should plan everything so we get them all before they know what we're doing.”

“That's cool. But when I take them out, I want them to know I'm doing them.”
