Nick Eastwood
Virgin lessons


Shari Stevens was totally absorbed in the movie when she felt her boyfriend's hand creeping up her leg.

"Mike, you stop that!" she hissed.

"Aw, can't I just touch you, Shari?" the young man sighed.

"Ssshhh!" Shari replied. "Don't talk during the movie!"

Mike took his hand off her leg and gave another loud sigh. Shari didn't feel a bit sorry for him. Some of their friends at school said Mike was pussy-whipped, but in Shari's opinion it was his own damned fault.

She'd told him right at the beginning, when they first started dating, that she was saving her virginity for marriage.

Mike knew the score, but he kept trying to get to her. The other kids teased him about that. It must have seemed pretty funny to them. Petite brunette Shari couldn't have fought off a big blond hunk like Mike, yet he never got to first base with her.

Well, let them laugh. Shari had her principles, and she meant to stick to them. She turned her attention back to the movie. It wasn't long before Mike started leaning against her, rubbing legs and shoulders. Shari seethed with annoyance.

"Mike," she whispered, "you're gonna have to stop that, or I'm walking out!"

He moved away. Shari snuck a glance at him and wondered, not for the first time, if she was crazy. He was such a cute guy, and he had a fantastic body. Mike was captain of the football team, and there were plenty of girls who'd have done anything to go out with him.

No, she decided, she wasn't nuts. Mike just wasn't the guy she wanted to give her cherry to. She ignored him for the rest of the movie. If he wasn't happy with the situation, he could always find another girlfriend.

"Want something to eat?" Mike asked as they left the theater.

"Sure," Shari said, "that'd be great."

They went for hamburgers, and then it was time for Mike to drive Shari home. After a few blocks, however, she realized that he wasn't heading for her house. The next thing she knew, they were out of town, heading for the lake, a very popular parking spot for the teenage crowd.

"Mike," she said, "what are you doing?"

"It's early yet," he said. "I'd like to sit and talk with you for awhile."

Shari didn't see any harm in that, but she was pretty sure he had more on his mind than talking. In the four months they'd been dating, Mike had tried every trick in the book to get into her pants. Well, let him try again. The results wouldn't be any different.

There were already plenty of cars parked around the lake, and it took Mike awhile to find a secluded place. Shari knew what all those other kids were doing. Her girlfriends always told her about their dates. She couldn't help feeling a little envious.

Her friends were kissing, petting, even fucking. They weren't holding back like she was. Sometimes Shari found it hard to be so different, but she was determined that when she fucked for the first time, it would be with the perfect guy. And Mike wasn't it.

Just as she'd feared, he made a grab for her the moment he parked the car. Shari turned her head, and he planted a big hot kiss on her ear. Here we go again, she thought wearily.

"Mike," she sighed, "you know I'm not gonna make out with you, so why don't we just quit seeing each other? I know you can find a girl who'll do whatever you want."

"But I want you, Shari!" he groaned. "Please, can't we just kiss a little? That wouldn't hurt anything."

Shari thought it over. It was almost June, graduation time, and then she was going off to college. She and Mike would never see each other again. Maybe it was time to reward him a little for his patience. She really did like him, and a few kisses wouldn't violate her beliefs.

"Okay," she said, "but I'm not going any farther than that."

"Terrific!" Mike said hoarsely.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the mouth. He'd given her a few quick pecks before, and had gotten his face slapped for it, but this was their first real kiss. Shari couldn't help feeling curious. Would she like it?

She soon found out that she did. She liked it a lot. Mike's mouth was hot against hers, and she liked pressing against his hard male body. Then he started doing something really exciting. He darted his tongue stiffly against her lips.

In spite of her stern principles, Shari was a perfectly normal girl, and she couldn't help responding. Her lips opened automatically, and Mike slid his tongue into her mouth. He probed around, and she felt her virgin pussy getting hot and wet.

Mike was breathing very hard, and pretty soon Shari was, too. She was really surprised at her reaction. She'd thought she had perfect control of herself, but it was fading fast as Mike gave her that long steamy tongue-kiss.

Her pussy was swelling. It felt hot as fire.

Thick molten cream was leaking from her virgin cunt and soaking her panties. This had never happened to her with Mike before. Suddenly she wondered if she'd made a mistake in agreeing to kiss him.

She wrenched her face away from his and said breathlessly, "Mike, that's enough!"

"Oh, no, it isn't!" he groaned.

He kissed her again, and this time his big hot mouth seemed to fill her mouth. She found it both scary and exciting. If this was love-making, she could hardly wait to try more of it. But not with Mike. As much as she liked him, he wasn't the man of her dreams.

Still, she was curious, so she let him go on kissing her. She'd never had a real kiss before. She'd dated a few guys before Mike, but they were all nerds, good students but too bashful to come on to her. She never even held hands before she started dating Mike.

Mike, she knew, was no virgin. He'd been around. She was enjoying his experience now, because he was a really exciting kisser. Too bad he didn't let it go at that. But now his big hot hand closed over her tits, squeezing and molding the small high-riding tit-globes through her t-shirt.

"Mike, no!" Shari gasped.

"I'm just feeling," Mike panted. "That can't hurt anything."

Shari wondered about that. She was getting more turned on by the second. She wondered how long she could control herself. She found that she really loved having her tits squeezed.

Her tits were swelling in Mike's molding hands, and her small nipples went stiff with desire, poking into his palms. He must have noticed, because he gave a horny shudder and breathed harder than ever. Things were getting out of hand.

"Mike, that's enough!" Shari cried.

"Aw, come on, baby," he said. "After graduation we won't see each other again. Give me something, at least. You keep saying you don't wanta go all the way, and I respect that. But this isn't fucking.

It's just playing around."

He might be right. As long as they didn't go all the way, what harm would be done? Besides, Shari was very curious. She really wanted to know what love-making was like-up to a point. She decided to let him go a little farther.

"Well, all right," she said, "but you have to stop when I tell you to."

"Sure, sure," Mike panted.

He pushed her t-shirt up, exposing her lacy little bra. He reached around her and unhooked the bra without fumbling. He'd been around, all right. As he pushed up her bra, exposing her naked tits, Shari reddened.

Then she shivered and gasped as his hot hands closed over her sensitive naked tits. He started squeezing the silky globes, and that felt really nice. Shari slumped back against the seat and panted. Her tits felt like they were on fire, and they were throbbing hard as Mike massaged them.

"You like that?" he asked hoarsely. "Yes," Shari admitted, "but we're not going any farther. I mean it."

"Oh, right, sure," he said.

Now Shari was creaming through her jeans. She hadn't realized that sex would be so hard to resist. She'd always assumed that the only guy she'd want to fuck would be the man she wanted to marry, but it wasn't happening that way.

She struggled to control herself, but it wasn't easy. That hot sticky cream kept leaking from her virgin twat and soaking her panties and jeans. She found herself rubbing her thighs together, trying to ease the hot ache between her legs.

For the first time she understood the word horny. She was horny, all right. She wanted Mike to go on touching her forever. Then she happened to glance down at his fly, and there was a huge hard lump there.

"Mike," she gasped, "what's that?"

"What's what?" he said.

"This thing," Shari said, quickly and gingerly touching the enormous swelling in his pants.

Mike began to chuckle.

"That's my cock, silly," he said. "I've got a hard-on."

Shari blushed hotly. She knew enough about sex to understand what he was saying. He was so horny for her, his cock had gotten stiff. That meant he wanted to fuck her. She panicked, pushing against his chest.

"That's enough, Mike," she said frantically. "Take me home right now."

Mike was grinning broadly. Did he realize that he was finally getting to her?

"Hey," he said, "don't you wanta look at it?"

Shari almost moaned. Her curiosity was intense. She'd never seen a cock before, and she really was dying to know what it looked like.

How had Mike guessed?

"I–I just wanta look," she said. "That's all I'm gonna do, just look."

"Sure," he said, "no problem."

He unzipped his jeans and tugged them down a little. He wasn't wearing shorts. His stiff young cock snapped free, standing straight up. Shari's eyes got huge as she studied it. She hadn't dreamed that cocks were so big.

"Gosh, it's huge!" she exclaimed.

"You think so?" Mike said proudly. "Go ahead and touch it if you want."

Her curiosity burned again. She didn't see any harm in just touching his prick, and she really wanted to. She reached out carefully and ran her fingertips up and down the thick hard column of meat. It was hot and throbbing, exciting to touch.

"Don't be scared," Mike groaned. "It won't bite."

He took her hand and wrapped her fingers around his smooth hard dick. He moved her little fist up and down the rigid column of flesh, then let go. Shari continued on her own, pumping his cock. Mike sank back and sighed happily.

"That feels great," he said. "Don't stop."

"I'm not gonna fuck you, Mike," she reminded him nervously.

"Fine," he said, starting to pant, "this'll do the job."

Shari didn't know what he was talking about, but she went on pumping his cock because she liked doing it. It sure made Mike excited. He got all red in the face and was breathing harshly. His cock throbbed and bucked in her fist.

"Do it faster now!" he panted. "Yeah, that's great!"

Shari didn't see any harm in it. Besides, it was time she did something nice for Mike. He'd been pretty patient with her all these months. She pumped his cock faster and faster, and his handsome face twisted into a lusty grimace.

"Jesus, yes!" he groaned. "Just a little more! Keep doing it fast, don't stop!"

It seemed pretty important to him, so Shari did it, zipping her hot little fist up and down his wildly throbbing boner. Mike closed his eyes and bared his teeth in a lusty snarl. He started shivering and groaning. Then all of a sudden his cock seemed to explode.

"Unnnngggghhhh, shit-awwwwwww!" he yelled.

Shari was so surprised, she dropped his cock. It shot thick wads of cream all over the roof of the car. Then Mike sank back with a happy groan and caught his breath.

"Thanks a lot, baby," he sighed. "That was great. "

"What'd I do?" Shari asked.

Mike laughed. "You got me off. Made me come. Want me to get you off?"

She scooted away from him.

"Oh, no, Mike!" she snarled. "I'm not fucking you!"

"I know," he said, "but I can get you off another way. You'll still be a virgin."

Shari was really curious. She'd heard that an orgasm was the greatest thing in the world, and she was dying to have one. Timidly she nodded at Mike to go ahead.

He unzipped her jeans, and she stiffened. If he tried anything, she was going to be out of that car like a shot. He slid his hand down inside her panties and found the moist little nub of her clit. He started rubbing it, and it felt great.

"Ooooooh! Ooooooh!" Shari squealed.

She couldn't help it. Mike was rubbing her clit faster and faster, and it felt fantastically good. She was creaming all over his hand, unable to stop the thick hot gushing. Pleasure ripped through her virgin pussy.

"Like it?" Mike asked.

"Shit, yes!" Shari moaned.

She closed her eyes and gave herself up to the incredible pleasure. It was the best thing she'd ever felt in her young life. She still wasn't going to fuck Mike. She'd fight to the death to prevent that. But she didn't see any harm in what he was doing-and she couldn't bear to make him stop.

"Unnnnhhhh, God! Ooooooh!" she wailed.

Mike grasped her throbbing joy button between his thumb and forefinger and started kneading it fast and firmly. Shari almost flew off the seat. She hadn't thought it could feel any better, but it did. She bared her teeth in a snarl of pleasure.

"Unnnnhhhh, shit! Ohhhhhh!" she sobbed.

The pleasure kept building till she thought she couldn't stand it a second longer. Then all of a sudden her petite body was wracked by delicious spasms. It was the most intense sensation she'd ever known. It took her a moment to realize that she was having her very first orgasm.

"Unnnnhhhh, ohhhhh! God! Whaahhhhh!" she screamed.

The wonderful convulsions went on and on. Shari lost track of time. She couldn't believe how great it felt to come. But at last she lumped back against the seat and opened her eyes. Mike was looking at her and grinning.

"See, sex isn't so terrible after all, is it?" he asked.

"No," Shari said softly, "it isn't. But that's enough for tonight, Mike. I really want to go home."

"Well, at least I finally got to first base," he laughed as he started up the car. "Maybe I'll do even better next time."

"Don't count on it," Shari said primly. But she sounded a lot more confident than she felt.
