Shari dressed very carefully the next morning, choosing the tightest jeans and t-shirt she had. The day seemed to drag on forever, but finally the last bell rang and she was left alone in the classroom with Mr. Stone.

He'd been acting funny the whole hour. He wouldn't look at her, and every time he passed her chair, he blushed hard. Now Shari was positive that he was having naughty thoughts about her. That should make her work easier.

As the other kids left the room, Mr. Stone rushed to sit behind his desk. He finally looked at Shari, and he turned redder than ever. The poor guy was really nervous. Smiling calmly, Shari approached his desk.

"I really appreciate this, Mr. Stone," she said. "It's nice of you to give me private lessons."

He smiled weakly and said, "Really, Shari, I don't see the point in this. You're a good student. I can't see that you're having any problems with math."

"Oh, I'm having problems," Shari assured him. "I'd like to talk to you about them."

"Okay," he sighed, "sit there."

He pointed to the chair in front of his desk. He wanted the desk between them, but who was he afraid of-Shari or himself? Shari knew her plan wasn't going to work if she couldn't touch him, so she ignored his directions.

"I'd better sit next to you, Mr. Stone," she said. "We can work better that way."

She dragged the chair around behind the desk and sat down beside him, so close that she could feel the heat of his body. He was really nervous now, blushing and avoiding her eyes. Shari felt very excited at being so close to him.

"Uh, let's get on with it, then," he said, opening their textbook.

"Which lesson is giving you trouble?"

"It's not in the book, Mr. Stone," Shari said.

She closed the book and managed to touch his hand when she did it.

She scooted even closer to him, till their thighs touched. His mouth dropped open, and he gawked at her. Shari looked him right in the eye as she went on talking.

"I'm not having a problem with math," she said. "I'm having a problem with you. I'm crazy about you, Mr. Stone. I can't think about anything else. I thought maybe you could help me out."

She'd never seen a human being blush so hard. Stone tried to say something, but he only made a croaking noise. Shari slid her hand on top of his, and he gave a shiver and a low moan.

"You're such a sexy guy, Mr. Stone," Shari went on. "You'd be a real hunk without those glasses. "

With her free hand she removed his wire-rim glasses and set them on the desk. He really did look great now. She couldn't resist leaning forward and kissing him. She planted her mouth hotly on his and wriggled her tongue between his lips.

"Mmmmmmmm!" she moaned.

Stone shivered hard, and he seemed to be in shock. Shari sank her hot little tongue fully into his mouth and probed around. She started creaming, and her pussy grew hot and wet and swollen. Her handsome teacher made her feel so wild and horny.

After a minute or so of deep steamy tonguekissing, Stone collected his wits and gently pushed Shari back. He was still blushing hard, but his eyes had a strange glazed look to them, just like when he jacked off the night before.

"Shari," he said hoarsely, "I'm very flattered that you like me, but I think you'd better leave. We could both get into big trouble like this."

"Not if nobody catches us," Shari grinned.

She kissed him again, plunging her tongue into his mouth, and he groaned deeply. She leaned against him, and her lust-stiffened nipples poked his chest. He must have felt them, because he groaned even louder.

Then he pushed her away again.

"Shari, you don't understand," he said. "I could lose my job for making out with a student. You could get expelled. Your chances for college would be ruined."

Shari got up, strode to the door, and locked it.

"There," she said, "now nobody can surprise us. Let's have some fun!"

She pulled off her t-shirt. She unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor. Stone's eyes got huge as he stared at her luscious apple-size tits and stiff pink nipples. Shari stood there and let him get an eyeful.

She'd never been bashful about her body. She knew she had a terrific figure, and she loved turning on Mr. Stone. Slowly she approached him again, her firm breasts wobbling slightly. He couldn't take his eyes off them.

Shari slipped into her chair, grabbed his hands, and placed them on her hot satiny tits. He shuddered and gave a low groan. She squeezed his hands around her tits a couple of times, then let go, hoping he'd take the hint.

"Play with my tits, Mr. Stone," she said breathlessly. "I just love that. It really turns me on!"

He acted like he was hypnotized. He began molding her soft sensitive tits, and Shari gurgled with delight. She was finally breaking him down. Her stiff nipples throbbed against his palms, letting him know how excited she was.

"Mmmmm, yes, that feels so exciting!" she gurgled.

"Shari, this is wrong!" he croaked. "I shouldn't be doing this! It's crazy!"

As inexperienced as she was, Shari was starting to understand that Mr. Stone was saying one thing and wanting another. So she didn't reply to his warning. She leaned forward, forcing her hot throbbing tits harder against his hands.

"You don't have a girlfriend, do you, Mr. Stone?" she asked.

"No," he said, blushing again, "I've never had a steady girl. Women don't come on to me. I guess I'm too much of a klutz or something."

"I'm coming on to you," Shari reminded him. "I don't think you're a klutz. I think you're a very attractive guy."

He gave a big sigh and said, "Well, that's nice, but I wish you were ten years older. You're just a child."

Shari glared at him. "I am not!" she snapped. "And I can prove it! Just feel this!"

She quickly unzipped her jeans, grabbed one of his hands, and pushed it down inside her panties. She slid his hand onto the wet swollen flesh of her pussy. He could feel how hot and creamy and engorged her gash was.

"Feel that, Mr. Stone," she said. "Children don't get hot like that. Women do. I'm hot for you, Mr. Stone, and I bet you're hot for me, too."

He pulled his hand out of her pants, blushing hard. "Shari, you'd better leave right away," he said. "This is getting out of hand."

"Yeah," she grinned, "that's the whole idea. Come on, admit it-you're hot for me."

He just blushed harder. But Shari knew a way to prove her point. She glanced down at his fly and, sure enough, there was a big hard bulge there. Her shy teacher had a hard-on for her. She grinned in triumph.

"Ha, just as I thought!" she cried. "Your cock's hard! You want me, all right!"

"Oh, Christ!" he groaned.

Shari grabbed for the zipper of his pants. She got it open and pulled his pants down to his knees. The crotch of his jockey shorts was bulging obscenely. She grasped his shorts and pulled them down, too, and-his massive boner snapped free.

"Oh, wow," she breathed, "it's gorgeous! It's huge!"

Mr. Stone was into one of his super blushes, and he couldn't say a word. He just made hoarse croaking noises as the excited girl reached out and wrapped her fingers around his dick. Shari was glad Mike had shown her how to jack him off. Now she could do the same thing for Mr. Stone.

"You're gonna love this," she promised.

Firming her grip on his meat, she began pumping it. She couldn't take her eyes off it. His cock was bigger than Mike's, full grown, and it looked as thick as her wrist. It was a good eight inches long, and it was rock-hard and throbbing.

"Mmmmm, this is fun!" she gurgled.

Stone slumped in his chair, panting. His cock throbbed harder in her pumping fingers, and then thick globs of cream began to ooze from his piss hole. They formed a river and ran down to wet Shari's fingers. She rubbed the hot sticky cream into his cock.

Finally he found his voice again.

"Shari, I'm telling you for the last time, get out of here!" he rasped. "I'm not interested in making it with students!"

"Oh, bull," she laughed. "You've got a hardon for me, teacher. You're interested, all right."

"I'm only human," he groaned. "But I know right from wrong, and I'm telling you, young lady-"

Shari was getting tired of his silly puritanical attitude and his dumb lectures. She decided to shut him up. She started pumping his dick very fast. He gasped and groaned, and he seemed to forget what he'd been saying. Her trick had worked.

"Now, you just relax and let me make you feel good, honey," she purred. "The door's locked, and nobody's gonna know what we're doing."

She pumped his cock faster and faster, and he slumped back and groaned. That thick river of cream kept flowing from his piss hole and soaking her fingers. His cock bucked lustily in her fist. Shari was sure she had him where she wanted him.

She glanced up and saw that his handsome face was twisted into a lusty grimace. His eyes rolled crazily, then closed tight. Mike had done the same thing just before he shot his load. Shari shivered with excitement as she thought of jacking off her teacher.

"Unnnnhhhh, God!" Stone gasped.

His prick was throbbing violently in her fist. Then he seemed to lose control of himself totally. He started jerking his prick between her cream-drenched fingers. His cock swelled up bigger and bigger.

"Awwwwwwww, damn-you gotta stop!" he groaned.

"No way, honey," Shari leered.

She just pumped harder, and a second. later he groaned and stiffened. She felt his cock give a powerful hot surge, and then he was moving again, fucking her fist like crazy. She saw the first huge wad of cream shoot from his piss hole.

"Unnnngggghhhh, Jesus-aaaagggghhhh!" he roared.

Hot jizz was shooting into the air. Shari pumped his cock as fast as she could, watching in hot arousal as she jacked him off. She was so proud that she'd made her teacher come. Now maybe he'd realize that she was a woman, not a little kid. But as he came down from his climax, he looked at her and blushed furiously.

"My God," he groaned, "I don't know what got into me. I was crazy to let you do that. You'd better leave right now, Shari, and we'll just pretend this didn't happen."

Shari jumped to her feet, glaring at him.

"No way, teacher," she snapped. "I didn't stay after class just to jack you off. I wanta get off, too. I'm not leaving till you do something for me."

She meant it. Her pussy was so hot and horny, it ached. She had to come or go crazy with frustration. She stood there, hands on hips, glaring at her red-faced teacher. Stone stared at her, then gave a big sigh.

"All right," he said, "but you have to promise never to tell anybody that we did this." "I promise," Shari said, dropping her jeans. She kicked the jeans away and wriggled out of her little bikini panties. Stone stared at her tiny cute bush. Lust flamed in his eyes, but of course he wasn't about to admit he was turned on. That was something Shari would have to work on, getting him to admit his real feelings. But not now, not today. All she wanted now was to get off. As Stone pulled her into his lap, she went willingly. She was sitting on his cock, and that made her even more insanely aroused. He reached around her and found the moist throbbing nub of her clit. He slid his index finger onto the sensitive bud and began rubbing it.

"Oooooo, shit, yeah!" Shari squealed.

"Shari, don't swear!" Stone lectured.

She couldn't help giggling. It was a pretty funny time for him to correct her language. But she soon stopped giggling and started panting and moaning. Mr. Stone knew just how to rub her clit, giving her a steady hot buzz of pleasure.

"Wow, honey, where'd you learn to do this?" she gurgled.

"Well, I have had a few women," he said primly.

It must have been more than a few, Shari thought. The guy really knew how to get her off. He pistoned his finger stiffly over her clit, and she creamed furiously and helplessly, soaking his whole hand. Hot pleasure built in her pussy till she was shaking with it.

"Unnnnhhhh, yeah, that's great, honey!" she moaned. "Please keep doing it, don't stop!"

He rubbed her clit faster, harder, and she leaned back against him and closed her eyes. She didn't care about anything just then except coming. She felt like she'd go crazy if she didn't get off. Molten cream gushed from her virgin pussy and soaked her inner thighs.

"Unnnnhhhh, yeah, I'm almost there!" she moaned.

But just as she was on the verge of coming, Stone changed his technique. His finger slid away from her clit and searched lower, till he found the tiny virgin opening of her cunt. He started sliding his finger into her hot and creamy pussy hole.

"Ooooooh, shit! Ooooooh!" Shari squealed.

This time he didn't scold her for swearing. His loud hard breathing told her how excited he was as he eased his stiff finger deep into her steaming pussy. She loved that hard presence in her cunt. She wondered if fucking was anything like this.

"Oh, yeah, I love that!" she moaned.

But Mr. Stone gave a shocked gasp. "Shari!" he exclaimed. "You're a virgin! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Never mind that," she moaned, "just get me off! Please, please, Mr.

Stone, I just have to come!"

He hesitated a second, then started pumping his stiff finger up and down in her fiery hot little cunt. Shari closed her eyes tight and enjoyed this brand-new pleasure. She adored having her horny little cunt reamed. She felt herself flying towards orgasm.

"Unnnnhhhh, yesssss!" she hissed. "I'm gonna come! Don't stop!"

He didn't stop. He pistoned his forger faster and faster in her sizzling pussy hole, and again the hot pleasure built till she couldn't contain it. She felt a massive explosion in the depths of her twat, and then she was howling in ecstasy as a violent orgasm ripped through her body.

"Unnnnhhhh, yessss, you did it to meeeee!" she wailed. "I'm coming, whaaahhhhhhh!"

She felt herself soaking Stone's deeply buried finger with blast after blast of molten come cream. The delicious climax went on for almost a minute. But the moment she finished coming, Stone slid her off his lap and stood up, pulling up his pants.

"All right, young lady," he said sternly, "you got what you wanted, but it isn't going to happen again. And if you tell anybody what we did, I'll deny it. Now get dressed and get your ass out of here."

"Yes, teacher," Shari purred. "Thanks for the private lesson."
